

Now, that's a roar , Boog . 這樣才算 吼 博格
roar:吼叫,咆哮 Boog:n.布格(动画人物名);
Now get in. We're gonna be late. 快上車 我們要遲到了
No denying . The girl's got growl . But can she get down like this? 別反駁 女孩就是會吼 可她能像我這么彎嗎
denying:v.否认;否定;拒绝承认;拒绝给予;(deny的现在分词) growl:vi.咆哮着说;vt.咆哮;(雷电,炮等)轰鸣;n.咆哮声;吠声;不平;
Can you get down like this? Bring it here. Bring it. 你能像我這樣 彎到這里 再彎
Then bring it right back, huh? Look at that. Look at that. 最后再回來 嗯 看好咯 看好咯
Here it comes. 我們到了
Hey, Gordy. 你好 高迪
Morning, Beth. 早上好 貝絲
Welcome to Timberline's Wilderness Extravaganza . 歡迎來到林邊小鎮的狂野劇場
Wilderness:n.荒野;(草木丛生的)荒地;荒芜的地方;杂草丛生处; Extravaganza:n.狂妄的言行;内容狂妄的作品;铺张华丽的表演;
I'm Ranger Beth. 我是護林員貝絲
Please, put your hands together for Boog. 請大家一起鼓掌歡迎博格
Behold , the mighty grizzly . 注意了 神奇灰熊
Behold:v.看;注视;把...视为;int.瞧;看呀; mighty:adj.强而有力的;巨大的;非凡的;adv.非常;很;极其; grizzly:adj.灰色的;n.灰熊;
You can say I'm in love You could say I'm insane 你會說我戀愛了 或者說我瘋了
But no one understands me Like my darling Lorraine 可就是再沒人比我親愛的 洛林更了解我
Looks like you're going from one grill to another. 看來你是從一個烤架上了另一個啦
We rocked that house, didn't we, Boog? 全場都轟動了 博格 你說是不是
They were eating out of our hands. 他們好像握在我們的手掌里了
Well, my hands, your paws . 嗯 是我的手和你的熊掌
paws:n.(动物的)爪; v.(不断地)挠,抓; (paw的第三人称单数和复数)
Eating out of your paw. 在你的熊掌之下
That's good. That's going in the show. 那樣不賴 下次就那么演
Shaw . That guy really chaps my khakis . 肖 那個家伙可真讓我惡心
Shaw:n.林薮;杂木林; chaps:n.皮套裤(指皮护腿套裤); khakis:n.卡其裤;卡其服装;卡其黄;(khaki的复数)
You wait here, Boog. 在這等我 博格
Cuff him, Gordy. -Oh, the Girl Scouts are here. 銬住他 高迪 -哦 女童子軍來啦
He's at it again. 他又干了
Shaw, hunting season doesn't start for three days. 肖 還有三天才允許打獵
What are you doing with that buck on your hood? 你卡車蓋上的那頭鹿是怎么回事
What? It ain't my fault. He ran right in front of my truck. 什么 那不是我的錯啊是它自己沖到我車前面的
Where, on the interstate ? 在哪 在州際公路上
Sort of. 算是吧
Where is that girl? 那女孩去哪了
That's nasty . 真夠嗆的
What? What the...? What's going on? Where am I? 什么 干什么 發生什么事了 我在哪里
I saw a bright light and... I saw two bright lights and... 我看到一道白光然后就 我看到兩道白光然后就
Am I dead? -Not yet. 我死了嗎 -還沒有
But seeing how that is Shaw's truck... 不過在肖的車上就說不準了
What's a Shaw? -Only the nastiest hunter in town. 肖是什么 -就是這鎮上最討人厭的獵人
A hunter? Did he get you too? 獵人 你也是他抓的
You don't see me tied up, do you, baby? 你沒有看到我也被綁著 有嗎 小朋友
This is my ride. -Your ride? 這是我的坐騎 -你的坐騎
Yeah, this is my town, okay? 哈 這里是我的地盤 知道嗎
These are my people. This is where I reside . 這些都是我認識的人 我住在這里
Nobody's hunting this bear. 沒有人會去抓我這只熊的
Really? Well, then untie me. Please? 真的 那好 快點松開我 拜托了
Look, no one's looking. 你看 現在又沒人在看著
Ain't gonna be able to do it. -What am I gonna do? 恕難從命 -那我怎么辦
I don't wanna be mounted on a wall. 我不要被釘在墻上做裝飾品
mounted:adj.骑马的; v.准备; (mount的过去分词和过去式)
Calm down. Ain't gonna happen. -It's not? 冷靜點 不會的 -不會的
Not with that rack . -I don't have a problem with... 角那樣是不會的 -我的角可沒問題
rack:n.架子; v.使痛苦不堪;
My... It's... 我的 它
I'm a unihorn. Don't look at me. Don't look at me. 我成了獨角 別看我 別看我
I'm hideous . I'm a monster . 我破相了 我是個怪物
hideous:adj.可怕的;丑恶的; monster:n.怪物;恶魔;庞然大物;adj.巨大的;
Tree-hugger. -Knuckle dragger . 環境保護狂 -野蠻人
Veggieburger. 素食狂
All right, all right. That's enough, you two. 好了 好了 夠了 你們倆
Listen, Girl Scout , they're dumb animals. 聽著 女童子軍 它們就是些蠢動物
Girl Scout:n.女童子军; dumb:adj.哑的,无说话能力的;不说话的,无声音的;