

My name is Olafur Eliasson. 我叫奥拉富尔·埃里亚森 (Olafur Eliasson)。
I'm an artist. 我是一位艺术家,
I work with natural phenomena , the weather, climate, environment and our future, one could say. 我研究自然现象, 天气、气候、环境, 还有,可以说,我们的未来。
(Soft sound) (轻音乐)
I was very inspired by youth movements, how young people actually have organized themselves in order to be heard. 青年运动给了我很大的启发, 年轻人为了让自己的声音被听到 到底是怎样团结起来的。
For some time now, 我已经和年轻人们
I have in fact collaborated with young people -- they are the artists as well, in this case -- to make a project "Earth Speakr," 合作了一段时间 。 他们也是艺术家。[00:36]
phenomena:n.现象(phenomenon的复数); inspired:adj.受到启发的; v.鼓舞; (inspire的过去分词和过去式) organized:adj.有组织的; v.组织; (organize的过去分词和过去式) collaborated:v.合作;协作;通敌;勾结敌人;(collaborate的过去分词和过去式)
where we, the grown-ups , can listen to them. 在那里大人可以倾听他们。
So join me in listening to them talking about the environment, and about the climate, about the future, and see what they have to say. 所以与我一起听他们讲述, 关于环境、气候、未来, 让我们看看他们怎么说。
Girl 1: With "Earth Speakr," I can share my voice to anything I see. 女孩:有了 Earth Speakr, 我可以把我的声音分享给
It's a platform for us to speak up and for the world to hear us. 这是一个让我们发表意见的平台,
I could put a face on anything around me and say my message. 我可以给我周围的任何东西挂上表情,
Hey, excuse me, I can see you. “嘿,打扰了,我可以看到你。”
(Recorded voice) Hey, excuse me. I can see you. (录音)“嘿,打扰了,我可以看到你。”
Kids can be the experts. 孩子们可以成为专家,[01:18]
platform:n.平台; v.把…放在台上[放在高处;
When we come together, we can find the answers. 当我们在一起时,我们可以找到答案。
All you have to do is listen. 您所要做的就是来倾听。
Boy 1: Fight for our future. 男孩:“为我们的未来而战。”
(Italian) Help me to live 1,000 years more. (意大利语)“帮我再活 1000 年!”
(German) I am hungry! (德语)“我好饿啊!”
Boy 2: It's our future, and it's getting hotter. 男孩:“这是我们的未来, 它越来越热了。”
(Recorded voice) It's our future, and it's getting hotter. [程序语音] “这是我们的未来, 它越来越热了。”
If I see a message I like, I can share it with my friends and family. 如果看到我喜欢的消息,
Girl 2: It's so cool because we can share our voices, we can hear others, and that's how we know that we're not alone in this fight. 这真的很酷, 因为我们可以分享自己的声音, 我们也可以听到别人的声音。 这就是我们为何知道 在这场战斗中我们并不孤单。
And if enough of us make messages, then the grown-ups will have to listen to us. 如果我们有足够的人发信息, 那么大人们将不得不听取我们的话。
Then we can really make a change in the world. 然后,我们才能真正改变世界。
(Polish) I was so dry before I got watered! (波兰语)“再不浇水我快干透了!”
(Portuguese) Hello! My message would be that all houses should have solar panels ! (葡萄牙语)“你好!我希望 所有房子都能装上太阳能板!”
(French) Hey, I am Willy from the Earth! (法语)“嘿,我是来自地球的威利!”
Girl 3: Imagine every place being as green as me. 女孩:想象每个地方都像我一样绿,
This can be your future. 这可能是你的未来。
OE: See? 奥:看吧, 他们的想象力真是鼓舞人心,[02:22]
panels:n.面板(panel的复数); v.嵌镶(panel的第三人称单数形式);
Their imagination is just so inspiring , I think, and gives me hope also, frankly speaking. 坦白地说,这也给了我希望。
So in "Earth Speakr," only kids can speak, and the grown-ups are listening, right? 因此,在我们的 Earth Speakr 中, 只有孩子可以说话, 大人们在听,对不对?
Of course, I still have an ask for you, as a grown-up, go and make a Speakr message with a kid and send it out into the world. 但是我当然仍然要你—— 作为一个成年人, 去和一个孩子互动, 并传递到世界的各地。
imagination:n.想象;想象力;创造力;想象的事物; inspiring:adj.鼓舞人心的;灌输的;v.鼓舞;激发;使感悟;(inspire的现在分词)
Make sure that the kid feels "Wow! Somebody's listening to me." 确保孩子感觉到,
Because if we do that, 因为如果我们这样做,
I think the future might be shaping in the right direction. 我认为未来可能 会朝着正确的方向发展。
Thank you. 谢谢。