

I want you all to think about the third word that was ever said about you, or if you were delivering, about the person you were delivering. 我希望大家回想一些: 別人形容你那句話的第三個詞彙 因為他經歷了青春期成長 或如果你正在接生一個嬰兒 你會如何形容這個孩子?
And you can all mouth it if you want or say it out loud. 請你把答案默念或者大聲說出來
It was, the first two were, "It's a ..." 最開頭兩個字是:Ta是...
Well, it shows you that 好吧,我這話使你知道
I also deal with issues where there's not certainty of whether it's a girl or a boy, so the mixed answer was very appropriate . 我也處理有關到底是 男孩或女孩的問題 所以我剛剛那樣的措辭十分得體
issues:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;(issue的第三人称单数和复数) certainty:n.必然;确实;确实的事情; appropriate:adj.适当的;恰当的;v.占用,拨出;
Of course, now the answer often comes not at birth but at the ultrasound , unless the prospective parents choose to be surprised like we all were. 當然,現在這問題的答案 通常是在照射超音波時而非出生時揭曉 除非未來的父母們像我們以前那樣 把驚喜留到孩子出生那天才知道孩子的性別。
ultrasound:n.超声;超音波; prospective:adj.未来的;预期的;n.预期;展望;
But I want you to think about what it is that leads to that statement on the third word, because the third word is a description of your sex, and by that I mean, made by a description of your genitals . 但我希望你們想一想 是什麼決定了 那第三個詞彙 因為它 描述你的性別 我的意思是 它的判斷來自於你的生殖器
statement:n.声明;陈述,叙述;报表,清单; description:n.说明;形容;描写(文字);类型; genitals:n.生殖器;外阴部;
Now, as a pediatric endocrinologist , 現在,身為一個小兒科內分泌學家
pediatric:adj.小儿科的; endocrinologist:n.内分泌学家;
I used to be very, very involved , and still somewhat am,in cases in which there are mismatches in the externals or between the externals and the internals , and we literally have to figure out what is the description of your sex. 我曾經非常熱衷於研究 (現在也算是) 關於種種通過生殖器的判斷會不會出錯 外觀上 或內外之間的性別不符合 而我們實際上必須設法釐清 什麼才能客觀描述你的性別
involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词) somewhat:n.几分;某物;adv.有点;多少;几分;稍微; mismatches:n.不匹配(mismatch的复数);v.使配合不当(mismatch的第三人称单数形式); externals:n.外控者;外表(external的复数形式); internals:n.内部构件; literally:adv.按字面:字面上:确实地:
But there is nothing that is definable at the time of birth that would define you, and when I talk about definition , 在出生那刻 我們實在難以定義你的性別。 而當我談及定義
definable:adj.可下定义的;可确定的;可限定的; define:v.定义;使明确;规定; definition:n.定义;清晰度;(尤指词典里的词或短语的)释义;解释;
I'm talking about your sexual orientation . 我是在說你的性別取向
sexual:adj.性的;性别的;有性的; orientation:n.方向;定向;适应;情况介绍;向东方;
We don't say, "It's a gay boy." 我們不說:他是個男同志男孩
'"A lesbian girl." 她是個女同志女孩
Those situations don't really define themselves more until the second decade of life. 這些情況還要等到 他們10幾歲之後才會出現。
Nor do they define your gender , which, as different from your anatomic sex, describes your self-concept. 性取向也不能定義你的性別 而這性別並不等同於解剖學上的 而是關乎你的自我意識
gender:n.性别; anatomic:adj.组织的;解剖学上的;结构上的; describes:v.描述;形容;把…称为;画出…图形;(describe的第三人称单数)
Do you see yourself as a male or female or somewhere in the spectrum in between? 你認為自己 是男性或女性 或者在這之間徘徊
female:adj.女性的;雌性的;柔弱的,柔和的;n.女人;[动]雌性动物; spectrum:n.光谱;频谱;范围;余象;
That sometimes shows up in the first decade of life, but it can be very confusing for parents because it is quite normative for children to act in a cross-gender play and way, and that in fact there are studies that show that even 80 percent of children who act in that fashion will not persist in wanting to be the opposite gender at the time when puberty begins. 性別混淆有時發生在 孩子10歲以前 卻會讓父母十分困惑 因為一般而言 孩童表現出跨性別的舉止或遊戲方式是很正常的 且事實上有許多研究顯示 只有八成的兒童 在那樣的行為模式下 於青春期來臨時 不會想再扮演 其另外一種性別的角色
confusing:adj.令人困惑; v.使糊涂; (confuse的现在分词) normative:adj.规范的,标准的; persist in:坚持;固执于; puberty:n.青春期;开花期;
But at the time that puberty begins, that means between about age 10 to 12 in girls, 12 to 14 in boys, with breast budding or two to three times increase in the gonads in the case of genetic males, by that particular point, the child who says they are in the absolute wrong body is almost certain to be transgender 青春期開始時 約當於女孩在10到12歲間 男孩在12到14歲間 胸部開始發育 而在生理男性方面: 性腺會成長兩到三倍 在那特定時間點 聲稱自己處在錯誤身體裡的那些孩子 幾乎可以確定將會是跨性別的
budding:adj.开始发展的;崭露头角的;n.发芽;v.发芽;(bud的现在分词) gonads:n.[解剖]生殖腺;内性器(gonad的复数); genetic:adj.基因的;遗传学的; transgender:n.跨性别;跨性别者;
and is extremely unlikely to change those feelings, no matter how anybody tries reparative therapy or any other noxious things. 且改變這樣想法的可能性極小 無論任何人對他做修復療法 或其他任何有害的事
extremely:adv.非常,极其;极端地; unlikely:adj.不大可能发生的;非心目中的;非想象的;难以相信的; reparative:adj.修缮的;赔偿的;弥补的; therapy:n.治疗,疗法; noxious:adj.有害的;有毒的;败坏道德的;讨厌的;
Now this is relatively rare, so I had relatively little personal experience with this, and my experience was more typical only because I had an adolescent practice. 現在這種情況相對罕見 所以我個人經驗也相對較少 而我的經歷較典型 因為我接觸的是青少年治療
relatively:adv.相当程度上;相当地;相对地; personal:adj.个人的;身体的;亲自的;n.人事消息栏;人称代名词; typical:adj.典型的;特有的;象征性的; adolescent:adj.青春期的;未成熟的;n.青少年;
And I saw someone age 24, went through Harvard , genetically female, went through Harvard with three male roommates who knew the whole story, a registrar who always listed his name on course lists as a male name, and came to me after graduating saying, "Help me. 我曾見過一個24歲的人 就讀哈佛,基因上是女性 與三位知道它故事的男性室友 度過哈佛時光 總在註冊時 在選課單上填寫男性姓名 並在畢業後尋求我的協助
Harvard:n.哈佛大学;哈佛大学学生; genetically:adv.从遗传学角度;从基因方面; registrar:n.登记员;注册主任;专科住院医师;
I know you know a lot of endocrinology ." 他說:幫我。我知道你是內分泌專家
And indeed I've treated a lot of people who were born without gonads. 事實上我也的確治癒了很多 出生時缺乏性腺的人
This wasn't rocket science . 這不是什麼難如登天的科學
rocket science:复杂的事;航天器学;
But I made a deal with him: 但我跟他做了個約定:
I'll treat you if you teach me. 如果你教導我,我就治療你
And so he did. 他照辦了
And what an education I got from taking care of all the members of his support group . 而我從照顧 他的支持小組所有成員中 真的學到了很多
support group:n.互助小组;
And then I got really confused , because I thought it was relatively easy at that age to just give people the hormones of the gender in which they were affirming , but then my patient married, and he married a woman who had been born as a male, had married as a male, had two children, then went through a transition into female, and now this delightful female was attached to my male patient, in fact got legally married because they showed up as a man and a woman, and who knew? 我當時十分困惑 因我當時認為在那種年紀 只要為他們施打想成為的性別的賀爾蒙 但接下來我的病患結婚了 他與一個女人結合 而她出生時是生理男性 曾以男性的身分結婚,育有兩個孩子 之後才轉為女性 現在這快樂做自己的女性 與我的男性病患結合了 實際上是合法結婚了 因為他們看起來是一男一女,誰又看得出來呢?
confused:adj.困惑的; v.使糊涂; (confuse的过去分词和过去式) hormones:n.[生理]激素;荷尔蒙;性激素;荷尔蒙制剂(hormone的复数); affirming:v.肯定属实;申明;断言(affirm的现在分词) patient:adj.有耐心的,能容忍的;n.病人;患者; transition:n.过渡;转变;变革;变迁;v.经历转变过程;过渡; delightful:adj.可爱的,可喜的;令人愉快的; attached:adj.依恋;v.重视;把…固定;(attach的过去分词和过去式)
Right? (Laughter) 你說是吧?(笑聲)
And while I was confused about, does this make so-and-so gay? 當我正感到困惑: 這種情況該說是男同性戀呢?
Does this make so-and-so straight? 還是正常呢?
I was getting sexual orientation confused with gender identity . 我正是把性傾向 跟性別自我認可搞混了
And my patient said to me, "Look, look, look. 我的病患跟我說: 嘿,聽我說,聽我說。
If you just think of the following, you'll get it right: 你只要照我說的去想,就會搞懂了。
Sexual orientation is who you go to bed with; gender identity is who you go to bed as." 性傾向代表你要同床的對象 性別自我認同就是你赴床上時的身分
And I subsequently learned from the many adults -- 而我接著從許多成年人身上學到--
I took care of about 200 adults — 我曾照顧了約200個成年人--
I learned from them that if I didn't look, peek as to who their partner was in the waiting room , 我學到了 如果我不看或偷瞄 他們在等待室裡的伴侶的話
peek:v.窥视;偷看;探出;n.偷看,窥视;看一眼; waiting room:na.候车室;
I would never be able to guess better than chance whether they were gay, straight, bi, or asexual in their affirmed gender. 我永遠也沒法猜到-- 單純用機率都比我準-- 他們會是男同、直、女同 或是無性者
asexual:adj.[生物]无性的;无性生殖的; affirmed:n.收到来电;vt.肯定(affirm的过去式);vi.断言(affirm的过去式);
In other words, one thing has absolutely nothing to do with the other. 換句話說 許多事情之間 是沒有絕對的關聯的
And the data show it. 而資料也如此顯示
Now, as I took care of the 200 adults, 現在,當我照顧這200個成年人
I found it extremely painful . 我發現這極度令人傷痛
These people were -- many of them had to give up so much of their lives. 這些人們 大多必須放棄自己的人生
Sometimes their parents would reject them, siblings , their own children, and then their divorcing spouse would forbid them from seeing their children. 他們有時會被父母給否定 被手足、自己的子女拒絕 與他們離婚的配偶 也會禁止他們與孩子見面
reject:v.排斥;拒收;拒绝接受;不予考虑;n.废品;次品;不合格者;被剔除者; siblings:n.兄;弟;姐;妹;(sibling的复数) spouse:n.配偶;vt.和…结婚; forbid:v.禁止;不准;不允许;(正式)严禁;
It was so awful, but why did they do it at 40 and 50? 結果如此悲慘 他們為何要在四、五十歲時這麼做?
Because they felt they had to affirm themselves before they would kill themselves. 因為他們覺得有必要在自殺之前 確認自己的性別
And indeed, the rate of suicide among untreated transgendered people is among the highest in the world. 而的確, 未受治療的跨性別者的自殺率 在世上是數一數二的高
suicide:n.自杀;自杀行为;自杀者;adj.自杀的;v.自杀;vi.自杀; untreated:adj.未经处理的;未经治疗的; transgendered:adj.变换性别的;
So what to do? 所以該怎麼辦?
I was intrigued in going to a conference in Holland , where they are experts in this, and saw the most remarkable thing. 我曾被一個研討會給吸引去 在荷蘭,那兒有許多專家 並見識了許多令人印象深刻的事
intrigued:adj.感兴趣的; v.密谋; (intrigue的过去式和过去分词) conference:n.会议;研讨会;商讨会;体育协会(或联合会) Holland:n.荷兰; remarkable:adj.卓越的;非凡的;值得注意的;
They were treating young adolescents after giving them the most intense psychometric testing of gender, and they were treating them by blocking the puberty that they didn't want. 他們治療的是年輕的青少年 先給予最密集的心理測試 以鑑定性別 再用阻擋他們不想要的青春期 來治療他們
treating:v.以…态度对待;把…看作;处理;讨论;(treat的现在分词) adolescents:n.[人类]青少年(adolescent复数); intense:adj.强烈的;紧张的;非常的;热情的; psychometric:adj.心理测量的;
Because basically , kids look about the same, each sex, until they go through puberty, at which point, if you feel you're in the wrong sex, you feel like Pinocchio becoming a donkey . 因為基本上,無論哪個性別 孩子們在經歷青少年時期之前看起來都一樣 在青少年時期若認為自己性別錯了 感覺就像自己是一個正變成驢子的皮諾丘
basically:adv.主要地,基本上; Pinocchio:n.童话中的主角; donkey:n.毛驴;傻瓜;[动]驴;(非正式)笨蛋;
The fantasy that you had that your body will change to be who you want it to be with puberty actually is nullified by the puberty you get. 認為自己身體會隨著青春期而改變 成為自己想要的樣子的幻想 實際上正是被自己所成為的青少年給毀滅
fantasy:n.幻想; adj.虚幻的; v.空想; nullified:取消的;无效的;
And they fall apart . 而他們也因此崩潰了
fall apart:崩溃;土崩瓦解;破碎;
So that's why putting the puberty on hold— 所以這就是為什麼要先保留這些青少年--
Why on hold? You can't just give them the opposite hormones that young. 為什麼是保留? 因為你不能在他們這麼年輕的時候 就給他們相反性別的賀爾蒙
They'll end up stunted in growth, and you think you can have a meaningful conversation about the fertility effects of such treatment with a 10-year-old girl, a 12-year-old boy? 因為那會使他們發育不良 而你覺得你和一個十歲女孩或十二歲男孩 在這種療程會造成的生殖能力影響上 能有什麼有意義的對話嗎
stunted:adj.发育不良的; v.阻碍…发展(stunt的过去式及过去分词形式); meaningful:adj.严肃的;重要的;重大的;意味深长的; fertility:n.多产;肥沃;[农经]生产力;丰饶; treatment:n.治疗;疗法;对待;处理;讨论;
So this buys time in the diagnostic process for four or five years so that they can work it out, they can have more and more testing, they can live without feeling their bodies are running away from them. 這種情況下 能夠爭取四到五年的診斷時間 所以那些青少年可以有機會克服 可以做更多檢測 可以好好活著,而不會感到自己的身體 正離自己而去
diagnostic:adj.诊断的;特征的;n.诊断法;诊断结论; process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的;
And then, in a program they call 12-16-18, around age 12 is when they give the blocking hormones, and then at age 16 with retesting , they requalify . 而接著,在一個叫做12-16-18的計畫中 十二歲左右給予阻擋青春期的賀爾蒙 在十六歲時再度測試時 他們必須能夠符合
retesting:n.重新检验;重新试验;v.再试验;再检查(retest的ing形式); requalify:重新定位转型;
Now remember, the blocking hormones are reversible , but when you give the hormones of the opposite sex, you now start spouting breasts and facial hair and voice, depending on what you're using, and those effects are permanent or require surgery to remove or electrolysis , and you can never really affect the voice. 現在注意,那些賀爾蒙是可逆的 但只要給予相反性別的賀爾蒙 他們就能開始長出胸部和臉毛 而聲音決定於你要使用什麼 且那些效應是永久的 或需要手術去移除 或電離法 且你其實沒法真的改變聲音
reversible:adj.可逆的;可撤消的;可反转的;n.双面布料; spouting:n.喷射; v.喷射; facial:adj.面部的,表面的;脸的,面部用的;n.美容,美颜;脸部按摩; permanent:adj.永久的,永恒的;n.烫发; electrolysis:n.[化学]电解,[化学]电解作用;以电针除痣;
So this is serious, and this is 15-, 16-year-old stuff . 所以這很嚴肅,而且這跟著你有15、16年久了
And then at 18, they're eligible for surgery, and while there's no good surgery for females to males genitally, the male-to-female surgery has fooled gynecologists . 接著到18歲,他們能夠接受手術了 雖然女轉男的生殖器改變手術無法盡善盡美 男轉女的手術卻能騙過婦產科醫師
eligible for:合格;够资格; gynecologists:n.妇科医生;
That's how good it can be. 你看看它有多完善
So I looked at how the patients were doing, and I looked at patients who just looked like everybody else, except they were pubertally delayed. 所以我觀察病患的改善情況 也觀察病患順利融入人群,與別人並無二致 除了他們青春期有被延遲之外
But once they gave them the hormones consistent with the gender they affirm, they look beautiful. 一旦給了與他們所認同的性別 相符合的賀爾蒙 他們會變得美麗
They look normal. They had normal heights. 看起來正常,有著正常的身高
You would never be able to pick them out in a crowd. 你永遠無法在人群中 挑出他們來
So at that point, I decided I'm going to do this. 在那時刻,我決定自己也要往這方面去做
This is really where the pediatric endocrine realm comes in, because in fact, if you're going to deal with it in kids age 10-12, 10-14, that's pediatric endocrinology. 這就是我踏入 小兒科內分泌領域的時候 因為事實上 假如你要治療10-12或10-14歲的孩子 那就該是小兒科內分泌學啦
endocrine:n.内分泌;激素;内分泌物;adj.内分泌的;激素的; realm:n.领域,范围;王国;
So I brought some kids in, and this now became the standard of care, and Children's Hospital was behind it. 所以我引入了一些孩子 而這現在成了照護的標準 有兒童醫院在後面支援
By my showing them the kids before and after, people who never got treated and people who wished to be treated, and pictures of the Dutch , they came to me and said, "You've got to do something for these kids." 展示了這些孩子的前後樣貌後 從未受治療的人們 想接受治療的人們 以及荷蘭人 都來找我並說: 你必須為這些孩子做點事
Dutch:adj.荷兰的; n.荷兰人; v.费用平摊地;
Well, where were these kids before? 那麼,之前這些孩子們在哪?
They were out there suffering, is where they were. 他們在那兒承受痛苦
So we started a program in 2007. 所以我們在2007年開始了一個計劃
It became the first program of its kind -- but it's really of the Dutch kind -- in North America . 它成為這類型中的第一個計劃-- 但它其實是之前說的荷蘭方法-- 不過是在北美洲實行
North America:n.北美洲;
And since then, we have 160 patients. 自那時起,我們有了160個病患
Did they come from Afghanistan ? No. 他們來自阿富汗嗎?不。
They came, 75 percent of them came from within 150 miles of Boston . 他們其中有百分之七十五 來自距波士頓150哩以內的地方
And some came from England. 而有些人來自英格蘭
Jackie had been abused in the Midlands , in England. 傑琪曾在英格蘭的米德蘭茲被虐
abused:v.滥用(以致危害健康); (abuse的过去分词和过去式) Midlands:中部地区;
She's 12 years old there, she was living as a girl but she was being beaten up. 那時她十二歲 以女孩的身分過活 但一直受到毒打
It was a horror show. 那情形慘不忍睹
They had to homeschool her. 他們得讓她在家自學
And the reason the British were coming was because they would not treat anybody with anything under age 16, which means they were consigning them to an adult body, no matter what happened, even if they tested them well. 這些英國人會來求助的原因是 在英國任何未滿16歲的人 都不能接受治療 等同於無論多可怕的事會發生 他們都會被交付一個成年的身軀 就算已經做過良好的檢驗了
under age:未成年;未到法定年龄; consigning:vt.交付;托运;寄存;把…委托给; no matter what:不管什么…;
Jackie, on top of it, was, by virtue of skeletal markings , destined to be six feet five. 在這情況下 傑琪雖在骨骼測量中 被預測能長到約195公分
by virtue of:由于,凭借; skeletal:adj.骨骼的,像骨骼的;骸骨的;骨瘦如柴的; markings:n.标记;记分;成交价格记录(marking的复数); destined:adj.注定的;命定的;去往…的;v.注定;(destine的过去式和过去分词)
And yet, she had just begun a male puberty. 但她才剛開始進入 男性的青春期
Well, I did something a little bit innovative , because I do know hormones, and that estrogen is much more potent in closing epiphyses , the growth plates, and stopping growth, than testosterone is. 我做了件有點創新的事 因為我的確了解賀爾蒙 知道雌激素在關閉骨端生長板 是很有能力的 比睪固酮更能停止成長發育
innovative:adj.革新的,创新的; estrogen:n.雌性激素; potent:adj.有效的;强有力的,有权势的;有说服力的; epiphyses:骨骺;骺; testosterone:n.[生化]睾酮,睾丸素(男性荷尔蒙的一种);
So we blocked her testosterone with a blocking hormone, but we added estrogen, not at 16, but at 13. 所以我們使用了賀爾蒙 去阻斷她的睪固酮 並在13而非16歲時為她施打雌激素
And so here she is at 16, on the left. 左邊這個就是她16歲時的樣子
And on her 16th birthday, she went to Thailand , where they would do a genital plastic surgery . 在她16歲生日,她去了泰國 去做生殖器整形手術
Thailand:n.泰国(东南亚国家名); plastic surgery:n.整形外科;
They will do it at 18 now. 現在他們是在18歲時做
And she ended up 5'11" 結果她只長了約180公分
but more than that, she has normal breast size, because by blocking testosterone, every one of our patients has normal breast size if they get to us at the appropriate age, not too late. 更棒的是,她擁有正常的胸部大小 因為藉由阻斷睪固酮 我們的每個病患 都能有正常胸部大小 只要他們及早在適當年齡來找我們
And on the far right, there she is. 而在最右邊,也是她
She went public, semifinalist in the Miss England competition . 她公開參加英國小姐選美 進入準決賽
semifinalist:n.成功晋级半决赛的选手;半决赛选手; competition:n.竞争;比赛,竞赛;
The judges debated as to, can they do this? 評審們互相辯論,他們該怎麼做
And one of them quipped, I'm told, "But she has more natural self than half the other contestants ." 據我所知,其中有一人諷刺道: 但她比起其他參賽者的一半 擁有更多的自然的自我
(Laughter) (笑聲)
And some of them have been rearranged a little bit, but it's all her DNA. 雖然其中有些部分被重新排列更動 但畢竟全是她的DNA啊
And she's become a remarkable spokeswoman . 接著她成為一個令人印象深刻的發言人
And she was offered contracts as a model, at which point she teased me, where she said, "You know, I might have had a better chance as a model if you'd made me six feet one." 並得到模特兒的合約 當時她開玩笑說: 你知道的,要是你當時讓我長到185, 現在我就有更好的條件可以當模特兒
contracts:n.[经]合同; v.使收缩; teased:v.取笑;戏弄;寻开心;招惹;挑逗;(tease的过去分词和过去式)
Go figure. (Laughter) 天知道(笑聲)
So this picture, I think, says it all. 所以這張照片,我想,解釋了一切
It really says it all. 真的解釋了一切
These are Nicole and brother Jonas, identical twin boys, and proven to be identical, in which Nicole had affirmed herself as a girl as early as age three. 他們是尼蔻和她兄弟,瓊納斯 同卵雙生男孩 經過證實的 但尼蔻早在三歲時 就確定自己是女的
identical twin:n.单卵性双胞胎之一(性别相同,外貌相似);
At age seven, they changed her name, and came to me at the very beginnings of a male puberty. 七歲時,他們改了她的名 並在剛進入青春期時 來找我求診
Now you can imagine looking at Jonas at only 14 that male puberty is early in this family, because he looks more like a 16-year-old, but it makes the point all the more why you have to be conscious of where the patient is. 現在你們看著14歲的瓊納斯 可以想像在他家族裡 青春期很早開始 因為他看起來比較像16歲了 但這只是再次強調了 為什麼你應該更加留意 病人的年齡狀況
all the more:更加;越发; conscious of:意识到;
Nicole has done pubertal blockade in here, and Jonas is just going -- biologic control. 尼蔻當時就做了中斷青春期的措施 而瓊納斯只有做生理控制
blockade:vt.封锁;n.阻塞; biologic:adj.生物的;生物学的;
This is what Nicole would look like if we weren't doing what we were doing. 假如我們不做任何事 他是尼蔻會變成的樣子
He's got a prominent Adam's apple. 他有一個明顯的喉結
He's got angular bones to the face, a mustache, and you can see there's a height difference because he's gone through a growth spurt that she won't get. 臉骨有稜有角,有鬍鬚 且你也看得出有身高差距 因為他經歷了青春期成長 而她沒有
angular:adj.[生物]有角的;生硬的,笨拙的;瘦削的; spurt:v.冲刺;喷出;迸发;n.冲刺;喷射;
Now Nicole is on estrogen. 現在尼蔻正使用雌激素
She has a bit of a form to her. 很有成效
This family went to the White House last spring because of their work in overturning an anti-discrimination , there was a bill that would block the right of transgender people in Maine to use public bathrooms, and it looked like the bill was going to pass, and that would have been a problem, 這個家族去年春天去了白宮 因為他們的成就 也就是翻轉了歧視 在緬因州曾有一個法條 禁止跨性別的人 使用公廁 這法條一度很有機會通過 將造成一大麻煩
White House:n.白宫(美国总统官邸,位于首都华盛顿); overturning:adj.颠覆性的;v.使翻转;颠覆(overturn的ing形式);倒转; anti-discrimination:反歧视; Maine:n.缅因州(美国州名);
but Nicole went personally to every legislator in Maine and said, "I can do this. 但尼蔻個人拜訪了緬因州每個議員 並說: 我能做到。
personally:adv.个人;亲自;本人;就本人而言; legislator:n.立法者;
If they see me, they'll understand why I'm no threat in the lady's room, but I can be threatened in the men's room." 如果他們看到了我 他們就會了解為什麼我在女廁不會構成任何威脅 而會在男廁受到威脅。
And then they finally got it. 而他們最終真的懂了
So where do we go from here? 所以我們究竟能到達怎樣的目標呢?
Well, we still have a ways to go in terms of anti-discrimination. 我敢說在反歧視方面 還有一段很長的路要走
There are only 17 states that have an anti-discrimination law against discrimination in housing, employment , public accommodation , only 17 states, and five of them are in New England. 只有17個州 擁有反歧視法律 避免在居住、 工作、公共場所可能出現的各種歧視 只有17州,其中五個在新英格蘭
employment:n.使用;职业;雇用; accommodation:n.住处;办公处;住宿;调解;
We need less expensive drugs. 我們還需要不那麼昂貴的藥
They cost a fortune . 藥物是一筆很大的花費
And we need to get this condition out of the DSM. 且我們需要把這情況 帶出《精神疾病診斷與統計手冊》
It is as much a psychiatric disease as being gay and lesbian, and that went out the window in 1973, and the whole world changed. 這是精神疾病 不單單是男同志或女同志的問題 它在1973年就走了樣 使得全世界都改變
psychiatric:adj.精神病学的;精神病治疗的; disease:n.病,[医]疾病;弊病;vt.传染;使…有病;
And this isn't going to break anybody's budget . 而這不會超出任何人的預算
This is not that common. 因為這問題沒有那麼普遍
But the risks of not doing anything for them not only puts all of them at risk of losing their lives to suicide, but it also says something about whether we are a truly inclusive society. 但不為他們做任何事的風險 不只是讓他們 處於自殺的危險中 也是考驗著我們這社會 究竟是不是真正有包容性
Thank you. 謝謝
(Applause) (掌聲)