

I'd like to begin this song I wrote about ceaseless yearning and never-ending want with a poem of popular Petrarchan paradoxes by Sir Thomas Wyatt the Elder: "I find no peace, and all my war is done; 我接下来想唱一首我自己写的歌 关于不停的渴望向前而且永不停止的需要 依托于一段流行的彼得拉克体十四行诗 由老托马斯?怀亚特先生所创作。 “我找不到和平,而我所有的战争已结束;
ceaseless:adj.不断的;不停的; yearning:n.向往;渴望;adj.思慕的;渴望的;v.渴望;渴求;(yearn的现在分词) never-ending:adj.不停的;无限的; paradoxes:n.[数]悖论(paradox的复数);
I fear and hope, I burn and freeze like ice; 我恐惧而又期待,我炙热的燃烧而又像冰一样冻结。
I fly above the wind, and yet I cannot arise; 我乘风飞翔, 但又无法上升。
And nought I have, and all the world I seize upon." 我一无所有 似乎有抓住了整个世界。
nought:n.[数]零;没有; seize:v.抓住;夺取;理解;逮捕;
? I want what I can't have, need what I can't want ? 我想拥有我无法拥有的,需要那些我不能奢望的
? Have what I don't have, what I want ? 拥有我没有的,我想要的
? What I can't have, need what I can't want ? 我不能拥有的,需要我不能奢望的。
? Have what I don't have, what I want ? 拥有我没有的,我想要的。
? What I can't have, need what I can't want ? 我不能拥有的,需要我不能奢望的。
? Have what I don't have, what I want ? 拥有我没有的,我想要的。
? What I can't have, need what I can't want ? 我不能拥有的,需要我不能奢望的。
? Have what I don't have, what I want ? 拥有我没有的,我想要的。
? What I can't have, need what I can't want ? 我不能拥有的,需要我不能奢望的。
? Have but I don't have ? 拥有似乎又不曾拥有
? It feels like all l got is loss on a bad back ? 我觉得好像我所拥有的一切已经遗失在不好的背面。
? Gone with the last train, honey don't you fret ? 乘上最后的列车,亲爱的,你不苦恼吗?
? Every cloud has a silver lining ? 每一朵云彩都有银色的边线
Every cloud has a silver lining:守得云开见月明;再黑暗的地方也有一线光明;乌云背后有阳光;
? Just a little rain, just a little rain, just a little rain ? 只是一点小雨,一点小雨,一点小雨。
? I want what I can't have, need what I can't want ? 我想拥有我无法拥有的,需要那些我不能奢望的
? Have what I don't have, what I want ? 拥有我没有的,我想要的
? What I can't have, need what I can't want ? 我不能拥有的,需要我不能奢望的。
? Have but I don't have ? 拥有似乎又不曾拥有
? My mind won't stop, and my heart says go ? 我的大脑不停地转动着,而且我的心说去吧
? Nobody knows how to hold me ? 没人知道如何抓住我
? My mind won't stop, and my heart says -- ? 我的大脑不停的转动着,而我的心说--
? Good things come to those who wait ? 好事会来到那些等待的人面前
? And I can't stand in ... ? 而我无法站立
? I can't stand in line forever ? 我无法永远站在线内
stand in line:站队;
? Stand the cold air ? 忍受冷风。
? Gladhanded ? 高兴的握手
? Sick and tired of the "Later, maybe" ? 恼火和厌恶:”一会儿,也许“
Sick and tired:筋疲力尽的,完全厌烦的;
? Take it, fake it, take it, take-it-or-leave-it life ? 抓住他,伪装他,抓住他,抓住他或离开他, 生活。
fake:n.假货;骗子;假动作;v.捏造;假装…的样子;adj.伪造的; take-it-or-leave-it:adj.无商谈余地的;无选择余地的;二者择一的;
? And I gotta just tame it ? 我就是要告诉你
? I gotta just name it ? 我要给他取名字
just name it:举不胜举、不胜枚举;
? I gotta just seize, so please, oh please, oh please, oh please ? 我就是看看,所以请,噢 请,噢 请,噢 请
? Oh please me right, 'cause ? 噢 快让我高兴, ”因为
? My mind won't stop ? 我的大脑将不会停止,
? And my heart says go ? 我的心说去吧
? Nobody knows how to hold me ? 没有人知道如何抓住我
? My mind won't stop -- and my heart says go-ooooo ... ? 我的达到不停的转动,而我的心说去 去去去去--
? Good things must be here -- yes, right here ? 好事一定会来到--是的,就是这里。
? Here, right here, right here ? 这里,就是这里,就是这里。
? I won't live this life forever ? 我不会永远这样活下去。
? One time round is all the offer is ? 一次循环就是给予的全部。
? Sick and tired of the "Later, maybe" ? 恼火和厌恶:”一会儿,也许“
? Take it, fake it, make it, leave it life ? 抓住他,伪装他,抓住他,抓住他或离开他, 生活。
? And I gotta just name it, I gotta just claim it ? 我要给他取名字,我就是要主张他
? I gotta just seize ? 我要抓住
? Oh please, oh please, oh please me right ? 噢 请,噢请,噢 让我高兴吧
? I want what I can't have, need what I can't want ? 我想拥有我无法拥有的,需要那些我不能奢望的
? Have what I don't have, what I want ? 拥有我没有的,我想要的
? What I can't have, need what I can't want ? 我不能拥有的,需要我不能奢望的。
? Have but I don't have -- you know that ? 拥有似乎又不曾拥有--你是知道的
? My mind won't stop, and my heart says go ? 我的大脑不停地转动着,而且我的心说去吧
? Nobody knows how to hold me, no ? 没有人知道如何抓住我
? My mind won't stop, and my heart says go ? 我的大脑不停地转动着,而且我的心说去吧
? 'Cause I want what I can't have, need what I can't want ? “因为我想拥有我无法拥有的,需要那些我不能奢望的
? Have but I -- have what I want ? 拥有但是我--有我想要的
? What I can't have, need what I can't want ? 我不能拥有的,需要我不能奢望的。
? What I can't have, need what I can't want ? 我不能拥有的,需要我不能奢望的。
? Have but I don't have, what I want ? 拥有似乎又不曾拥有,我想要的
? What I can't have, need what I can't want ? 我不能拥有的,需要我不能奢望的。
? Have what I don't have, what I want ? 拥有我没有的,我想要的
? What I can't have, need what I can't want ? 我不能拥有的,需要我不能奢望的。
? Have but I don't have, what I want ? 拥有似乎又不曾拥有,我想要的
? What I can't have, need what I can't want ? 我不能拥有的,需要我不能奢望的。
? Have but I don't have what I want ? 拥有似乎又不曾拥有,我想要的
(Applause) 掌声