

Nicole Paris: TEDYouth, make some noise! Nicole Paris: TED青年,让气氛热烈些!
TEDYouth, make some -- TED青年,更热烈些 --
(Beatboxing ends)
Are you ready? 你们准备好了吗?
(Cheers and applause) (欢呼与鼓掌)
Are you ready? 准备好了吗?
Ed Cage: Yeah, yeah, yeah! Ed Cage: 耶,准备好了
(Laughter) (笑声)
EC: Y'all like that? Let me show you how we used to do it -- EC:喜欢吗?给你们看我们以前怎样表演的--
NP: Get it pops, go ahead. NP:好,爸爸,来吧
EC: ... when I was growing up in the '90s. 埃德·凯奇:在90年代 我小的时候
(Beatboxing ends)
(Laughter) (笑声)
NP: Pops, pops, pops, pops, pops, pops, hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up! NP:爸爸爸爸 等等
Oh my God. 天啊。
OK, he's trying to battle me. 好吧,他想跟我比试比试
Hold on, right now, hold on. 等等,现在停一下
Do you remember when you used to beatbox me to sleep? 还记得你以前给我唱beatbox哄我入睡吗?
EC: Yeah, yeah, I remember. EC:是啊,记得。
That's when she was a little baby. 那时她还是小孩子。
We would do something like this. 我们会这样做。
NP: I remember that. NP:我记得那个。
NP: All right, pops, pops, pops, chill out, chill out. NP:好啦,爸爸,冷静。
chill:n.寒冷; adj.寒冷的; v.冷冻,冷藏;
Hold up, hold up, hold up. 等一等!等一等,等一等!
EC: Y'all remember the video. EC:我记得这段影片。
This is like a little payback or something for 50 million people calling me the loser. 这像是报复或是什么的 5千万人叫我失败者
NP: Hold up, hold up. NP:等等,等等。
But a lot of people out there don't really know what beatboxing is, where it started from. 但是很多人并不知道说唱是什么, 起源是什么。
EC: Right, right. EC:是的,是的。
NP: Where it came from. NP:从哪里来的。
So why don't you give them a little history -- just a tickle -- a bit of history of where it comes from. 不如你来给他们介绍一下 -- 一点关于历史起源的。
EC: Beatbox started here in New York. EC:说唱起源于纽约。
(Cheers) (欢呼)
That's right, that's right. New York, New York! 对,就是纽约!
Everybody like, "Yeah!" 大家一起:“耶!”
Well, we from St. Louis. 但是,我们从圣路易斯来。
(Laughter) (笑声)
NP: Now you can put y'all hands down . NP:现在你们可以把手放下了。
hands down:adj.无疑的;唾手可得的;
(Laughter) (笑声)
EC: But beatbox started here in New York. EC:但是说唱起源于纽约。
What you would have is that, when we would go to parties, you would have the DJ and you would have the rapper . 当我们去派对的时候, 会有DJ和说唱歌手。
But because I don't have electricity coming out of me, we had to emulate what the beats was doing. 但是因为我并不能插电, 我们需要模仿电音的效果。
electricity:n.电力;电流;强烈的紧张情绪; emulate:vt.仿真;模仿;尽力赶上;同…竞争;n.仿真;仿效;
So when you would see the beatboxer, you would see us over to the side. 当你看到口技表演的说唱歌手, 你会看到我们在这边。
Then you would see a rapper, and when the rapper began to rap, we would do a simple beat, because back then the beats were simple -- 随后你会看到说唱歌手,当说唱歌手开始的时候, 我们就会打节奏, 因为那时的节奏很简单--
or -- 或是 --
Those were simple beats. 那些只是简单的节奏。
But now, you got folks that want to do all type of stuff with their beats now, and they want to humiliate their father, which is not right when you want to humiliate the person 但现在 大家什么节奏都想尝试 他们想要羞辱之前的他们的父辈 想要羞辱照顾你,帮你付学费的人
stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本: humiliate:v.羞辱;使丧失尊严;
that take care of you, pay all your tuition , (Nicole laughs) 这样是不对的(尼克笑声)
especially when you have 50 million people that just go around and call you "the loser." 特别是当有5千万人 在你周围 叫你“失败者”。
Well, I'm taking that to heart. 好吧,我认真了。
But now we do something different in our house, so we have these jam sessions , and our jam sessions consist of us jamming in church. 但是现在 我们有所改变了, 我们有即兴演奏了, 我们在教堂即兴说唱。
You know, in church, we'll look at each other like, 你知道,在教堂,我们互相看着对方,
(Laughter) (笑声)
and we'll text the beat to each other. 我们会互相说唱起来。
Or we'll be in the kitchen cooking, road trips, airports . 或者做饭的时候, 路上,机场。
NP: Standing right there in the corner, "Aw, Dad -- listen to that." NP:站在角落里,“啊,老爸--听这个”
Naw, I'm kidding. But you know what? 不,我是开玩笑的。但你知道吗?
We're talking all about this jam session and everything. 我们一直都在说即兴说唱之类的。
jam session:n.即兴演奏会;
EC: Yeah. EC:对啊。
NP: Why don't we give them a little peek , just a tiny bit of our jam session? NP:给他们真实的来一段即兴怎么样?
NP: Y'all want to hear some jam session? EC: Y'all ready for a jam session? NP:你们想要听我们即兴表演吗?EC:你们准备好了吗?
(Cheers) (鼓声)
NP: Sorry? I can't hear you. NP:再大声一点,好不好?
(Cheers) (欢呼)
Yeah! Kick it, pops! 耶!爸爸,开始吧!
(Applause) (鼓掌)
(Beatboxing ends)
(Applause) (鼓掌)
NP: I'm getting ready to go! NP:我准备好了哦!
EC: Y'all ready? Everybody stand up! Come on, everybody stand up! EC:你们呢?请你们站起来!来,来,大家都站起来吧!
Get on up! Come on, stretch ! 来吧,来吧!站起来,可以吗?
(Beatboxing ends)
NP: That's it. NP:结束了。
(Cheers and applause) (欢呼与鼓掌)
Thank you! Make some noise! 谢谢!再让气氛热烈一些!
EG: Thank you, everybody! EG:感谢,谢谢大家。
NP: Make some noise! Make some noise! NP:热烈一些!再热烈一些!
Thank you! 谢谢!