

(Video) Nicholas Negroponte: Can we switch to the video disc, which is in play mode? 而未来的电视 播放模式是什么?
I'm really interested in how you put people and computers together. 我对于你如何把人和和电脑放在一起非常感兴趣。
We will be using the TV screens or their equivalents for electronic books of the future. 来当做未来的书籍。
equivalents:n.[化学]当量(equivalent的复数);同等设备;等同物; electronic:adj.电子的;电子器件的;电子设备的;
(Music, crosstalk) (音乐,电信频道之间的串话干扰)
Very interested in touch-sensitive displays , high-tech , high-touch, not having to pick up your fingers to use them. 对于触摸屏幕, 高科技,高触感,不需要拿起手指就可以操纵它们。
touch-sensitive:adj.相当敏感的;快速反应的; displays:v.陈列; n.陈列; high-tech:adj.高科技的,高技术的;仿真技术的;n.高科技;
There is another way where computers touch people: wearing, physically wearing. 有另外一种方式电脑和人可以相互接触 穿戴高科技的物品。
Suddenly on September 11th, the world got bigger. 突然,在 9 月 11 日。 世界变大了。
NN: Thank you. (Applause) 谢谢。(掌声)
Thank you. 谢谢
When I was asked to do this, 当我被请来做这个的时候。
I was also asked to look at all 14 TED Talks that I had given, chronologically . 我还被要求观看 14 个 TED 演讲 这些演讲 都是按时间顺序的。
The first one was actually two hours. 第一个有两小时。
The second one was an hour, and then they became half hours, and all I noticed was my bald spot getting bigger. 第二个有两小时, 接着变成了半个小时, 我还注意到了我的秃顶越来越严重了。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Imagine seeing your life, 30 years of it, go by, and it was, to say the least, for me, quite a shocking experience. 想象你看到你30年的是如何经过的, 至少对于我来说 是非常震惊的一次经历。
So what I'm going to do in my time is try and share with you what happened during the 30 years, and then also make a prediction , and then tell you a little bit about what I'm doing next. 在这次的演讲中呢 我将与你们分享 这三十年发生了什么, 并且对未来做一个预知, 还告诉你们 我将要做的一些事情。
And I put on a slide where TED 1 happened in my life. 我把我第一次 TED 演讲发生的时间, 标注在了 PPT 里。
And it's rather important because I had done 15 years of research before it, so I had a backlog , so it was easy. 这是非常重要的 因为在那次演讲之前我做了 15 年的调查, 我有自己的知识储备,所以并不难。
It's not that I was Fidel Castro and I could talk for two hours, or Bucky Fuller. 不是因为我是菲德尔·卡斯特罗,或是 富勒巴基 可以说上两个小时。
I had 15 years of stuff , and the Media Lab was about to start. 是因为我有 15 年的经验积累, 并且媒体实验室在那时也即将开始。
stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本: Media:n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉; was about to:眼看就要;即将;正要;行将;
So that was easy. 这才是简单的原因。
But there are a couple of things about that period and about what happened that are really quite important. 但是在那个时期, 发生的事情。 这些发生的事 是非常重要的。
One is that it was a period when computers weren't yet for people. 其中一个就是 那是一个当电脑 还没有普及的时代。
And the other thing that sort of happened during that time is that we were considered sissy computer scientists. 还有一件在那个时期左右 发生的事情是 我们被认作为毫无价值的电脑科学家。
We weren't considered the real thing. 我们不被关注。
So what I'm going to show you is, in retrospect , a lot more interesting and a lot more accepted than it was at the time. 所以我要向你们展示的是 一个更加有趣 更加被接受的东西。
So I'm going to characterize the years and I'm even going to go back to some very early work of mine, and this was the kind of stuff I was doing in the '60s: very direct manipulation , very influenced as I studied architecture by the architect Moshe Safdie, and you can see that we even built robotic things that could build habitat-like structures . 我将要要描述的 我那时的一些 工作成果, 这就是一些我在 60 年代研究的技术: 直接控制电脑, 在我学习摩西·萨夫迪的建筑学时 那是非常有影响力的, 你还可以看到我们甚至建造 可以建造栖息环境类似结构的机器类东西。
characterize:v.描述;是…的特征;以…为典型;使…具有特点(或最引人注目的特征); manipulation:n.操作;管理措施;处理;操纵证券市场;变换; influenced:v.影响;对…起作用;支配;左右;(influence的过去分词和过去式) architecture:n.建筑学;建筑风格;建筑式样;架构; robotic:adj.机器人的,像机器人的;自动的;n.机器人学; structures:n.结构; v.建造(structure的第三人称单数形式);
And this for me was not yet the Media Lab, but was the beginning of what I'll call sensory computing , and I pick fingers partly because everybody thought it was ridiculous . 但这对于我来说 还不算是媒体实验室, 但这是我将要称作为 感官计算的雏形, 我选择手指 部分原因是因为所有人都认为这是荒唐的。
sensory:adj.感觉的;知觉的;传递感觉的; computing:n.计算;计算机技术;信息处理技术;v.计算;求出;(compute的现在分词) ridiculous:adj.可笑的;荒谬的;
Papers were published about how stupid it was to use fingers. 关于使用手指控制是多么愚蠢的 论文被发表。
Three reasons: One was they were low-resolution . 有三个原因:第一个是因为低分辨率。
The other is your hand would occlude what you wanted to see, and the third, which was the winner, was that your fingers would get the screen dirty, and hence , fingers would never be a device that you'd use. 其次是手指会挡住 你想要看的, 第三个,也是这三个之中最重要的, 你的手指会弄脏屏幕, 因此手指 将永不会是你要使用的设备。
occlude:vt.使闭塞;封闭;挡住;vi.咬合; hence:adv.因此;今后; device:n.装置;策略;图案;
And this was a device we built in the '70s, which has never even been picked up. 这是一个我们在 70 年代建造的设备, 但从未再继续被继续建造。
It's not just touch sensitive, it's pressure sensitive. 这不是触摸感应, 而是压敏感应。
(Video) Voice: Put a yellow circle there. (视频)声音:在哪里放一个黄色的圈。
NN: Later work, and again this was before TED 1 — 尼古拉斯 内格罗蓬特:这是之后的研究,但仍然在 TED 1 之前
(Video) Voice: Move that west of the diamond. 尼古拉斯 内格罗蓬特:把那移到菱形西边。
Create a large green circle there. 在那里画一个大的绿色圆圈。
Man: Aw, shit. 男人:哦,该死。
NN: — was to sort of do interface concurrently , so when you talked and you pointed and you had, if you will, multiple channels. 尼古拉斯 内格罗蓬特:这就像多界面的同时操控, 当你说的同时你指向某一点 这也就是 多通道感应。
interface:n.接口;人机界面;连接电路;v.连接; concurrently:adv.兼;同时发生地; multiple:adj.数量多的;多种多样的;n.倍数;
Entebbe happened. 恩德培发生过一企事件。
1976, Air France was hijacked , taken to Entebbe, and the Israelis not only did an extraordinary rescue , they did it partly because they had practiced on a physical model of the airport , because they had built the airport , so they built a model in the desert, and when they arrived at Entebbe, they knew where to go because they had actually been there. 在 1974 年,法国航空被劫机, 被带到恩德培, 以色列人不仅进行了一次完美的救援, 因为他们 在实际模型上排练过, 因为他们造了这个机场, 在沙漠里建造了一个模型 当他们到达恩德培时, 他们知道该往哪里走,因为他们在模型里演练过。
hijacked:劫持;强行控制; Israelis:以色列人,以色列国民(Israeli的名词复数); extraordinary:adj.非凡的;特别的;离奇的;临时的;特派的; rescue:n.救援;抢救;营救;获救;v.抢救;营救;援救; physical:adj.[物]物理的;身体的;物质的;符合自然法则的;n.体格检查; airport:n.机场;航空港;
The U.S. government asked some of us, '76, if we could replicate that computationally , and of course somebody like myself says yes. 在 76 年美国政府问我们中的一些人 我们是否可以以电脑的方式复制出那个东西, 像我这样的人肯定是说了可以。
replicate:vt.复制; vi.重复; adj.复制的; n.复制品; computationally:adv.computational(adj.计算的;计算机的)的变形;
Immediately, you get a contract , 立刻你便得到一份合同,
Department of Defense, and we built this truck and this rig . 防御部门, 我们之后便造了这个卡车和其配备。
rig:n.钻机; v.装配;
We did sort of a simulation , because you had video discs, and again, this is '76. 我们大概的做了模拟测试, 因为你有视频碟片, 而且这仍然还是 76 年的事。
And then many years later, you get this truck, and so you have Google Maps. 在过了些年, 就有了这个货车, 和谷歌地图。
Still people thought, no, that was not serious computer science , and it was a man named Jerry Wiesner, who happened to be the president of MIT, who did think it was computer science. 但仍有人们想 那不算是严谨的电脑科学, 但是恰好 MIT 的校长 杰里·威斯纳 相信这是电脑科学。
computer science:n.计算机科学;
And one of the keys for anybody who wants to start something in life: 一个人想在 生活中做出点成就的关键
Make sure your president is part of it. 是确保你的校长支持你。
So when I was doing the Media Lab, it was like having a gorilla in the front seat. 当我开始媒体实验室的时候, 感觉就像坐在前排的大猩猩。
If you were stopped for speeding and the officer looked in the window and saw who was in the passenger seat , then, "Oh, continue on, sir." 如果我们因为超速被拦截 交警向车窗内看 看到了座位里坐的是谁的时候, 他会说:“哦,请您继续开吧。”
passenger seat:n.(汽车驾驶员旁边的)乘客座位;副驾驶座;
And so we were able, and this is a cute, actually, device, parenthetically . 因此我们就可以这样去做, 这也确实是一个非常可爱的设备。
This was a lenticular photograph of Jerry Wiesner where the only thing that changed in the photograph were the lips. 这是杰里威斯纳的透镜照片 照片里唯一能够变化的是 是他的嘴唇。
So when you oscillated that little piece of lenticular sheet with his photograph, it would be in lip sync with zero bandwidth . 当你振荡那小小的 一片透镜时, 进行同步
oscillated:vt.使振荡;使振动;使动摇;vi.振荡;摆动;犹豫; sheet:n.薄板;床单;纸张;报纸;v.覆盖;展开;给…铺床单;铺开;adj.片状的; sync:n.同步,同时;vi.同时发生;vt.使同步; bandwidth:n.[电子][物]带宽;[通信]频带宽度;
It was a zero-bandwidth teleconferencing system at the time. 这是当时零带宽 的一个远程会议系统。
So this was the Media Lab's — this is what we said we'd do, that the world of computers, publishing, and so on would come together. 这是我们的媒体实验室, 这也是我们说的所要做的, 电脑,出版等不同的领域 将会融合到一起。
Again, not generally accepted, but very much part of TED in the early days . 虽然再一次没有被广泛接受, 但是早期TED大会的一个重要部分。
generally:adv.通常;普遍地,一般地; early days:初期;为时尚早;前期;
And this is really where we were headed. 这也是我们那时真正迈进的。
And that created the Media Lab. 也就是创建媒体实验室的初衷。
One of the things about age is that I can tell you with great confidence , 关于年代 我可以自信的告诉你
I've been to the future. 我去过未来。
I've been there, actually, many times. 实际上我去过那里很多次。
And the reason I say that is, how many times in my life have I said, "Oh, in 10 years, this will happen," 我这样说的原因是 我在一生中说过太多 “哦,在 10 年内,这个会成为现实的,”
and then 10 years comes. 十年过去后。
And then you say, "Oh, in five years, this will happen." 然后你说:“哦,在 5 年内这会成为现实的。”
And then five years comes. 五年又过去了。
So I say this a little bit with having felt that I'd been there a number of times, and one of the things that is most quoted that I've ever said is that computing is not about computers, and that didn't quite get enough traction , and then it started to. 我这样说是因为我稍稍感到 我已经去过那里几次了, 我所说的 最频繁被人们所引用的是 电脑计算不仅仅是关于电脑, 但那时没有引起人们的太多注意, 但之后便开始了。
quoted:v.引用;引述;举例说明;开价;(quote的过去分词和过去式) traction:n.牵引;[机][车辆]牵引力;
It started to because people caught on that the medium wasn't the message. 它的开始是因为人们认识到 媒体不是信息。
And the reason I show this car in actually a rather ugly slide is just again to tell you the kind of story that characterized a little bit of my life. 我向你展示这辆车 在这不美观的图片中 是为了再次告诉你 能够描述我生活的一个故事。
ugly:adj.丑陋的;邪恶的;令人厌恶的; characterized:adj.以…为特点的;
This is a student of mine who had done a Ph.D. called " Backseat Driver ." 这是我的一个学生 他完成了一个叫做“后座驾驶者”的博士任务。
Backseat Driver:指手划脚的人;
It was in the early days of GPS, the car knew where it was, and it would give audio instructions to the driver, when to turn right, when to turn left and so on. 那时是GPS初生的时代, 车子知道其位置, 他回向驾驶者提出指令 什么时候右转,或什么时候左转,等等。
Turns out, there are a lot of things in those instructions that back in that period were pretty challenging, like what does it mean, take the next right? 在那时 很多那些指令 否是非常具有挑战性的, 比如:之后右转是代表什么意思?
Well, if you're coming up on a street, the next right's probably the one after, and there are lots of issues , and the student did a wonderful thesis , and the MIT patent office said "Don't patent it. 如果你来到一个街口, 下一个右转也许指的是再下一个右边, 这是有非常多问题的, 这个学生做了一个非常好的课题, 然而 MIT 的专利处说:“不要申请这项专利。
issues:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;(issue的第三人称单数和复数) thesis:n.论文;论点; patent:vt.授予专利; adj.专利的; n.专利权;
It'll never be accepted. 他永远不会通过。
The liabilities are too large. 因为设计责任会很大。
There will be insurance issues. 会有保险问题。
Don't patent it." 不要申请专利。“
So we didn't, but it shows you how people, again, at times, don't really look at what's happening. 我们便没有申请, 这再一次展示了人们 看不清眼前正在发生的事。
Some work, and I'll just go through these very quickly, a lot of sensory stuff. 有不少事可以说,我在这里快速的过一下, 有很多比较敏感的话题。
You might recognize a young Yo-Yo Ma and tracking his body for playing the cello or the hypercello. 你可能认出年轻的马友友(大提琴演奏家) 并跟踪他身体 演奏提琴的动作。
recognize:v.认识;认出;辨别出;承认;意识到; Yo-Yo:悠悠球(圆形玩具,抖动细绳时能上下移动) tracking:n.追踪,跟踪;v.跟踪;(track的现在分词) cello:n.大提琴;
These fellows literally walked around like that at the time. 那些人在那时候像是这样走路的。
It's now a little bit more discreet and more commonplace . 现在便变得有些 松散和正常了。
discreet:adj.谨慎的;小心的; commonplace:n.老生常谈;司空见惯的事;普通的东西;adj.平凡的;陈腐的;
And then there are at least three heroes 现在我想想你们介绍
I want to quickly mention. 三位英雄。
Marvin Minsky, who taught me a lot about common sense , and I will talk briefly about Muriel Cooper, who was very important to Ricky Wurman and to TED, and in fact, when she got onstage , she said, the first thing she said was, "I introduced Ricky to Nicky." 马文·明斯基,他教了我很多 关于常识的知识, 我再来简单介绍一下穆里尔·库珀, 她对瑞奇·吴曼和 TED 都很重要 而且事实上当她上舞台时 她说的第一句话是 ”我向尼基介绍瑞奇。“
common sense:adj.常识的;有生活经验得来的; briefly:adv.简要地;简短地;暂时地; onstage:adj.台上的;台上演出的;adv.上台;上场;
And nobody calls me Nicky and nobody calls Richard Ricky, so nobody knew who she was talking about. 从未有人叫过我尼基, 也没有人把理查德叫做瑞奇, 所以人们都不知道她在说什么。
And then, of course, Seymour Papert, who is the person who said, "You can't think about thinking unless you think about thinking about something." 然后,西摩·帕尔特 那个说过 “你不能去思考什么是思考, 除非你想去思考某个事情。“的人。
And that's actually — you can unpack that later. 事实上待会你就明白什么意思了。
It's a pretty profound statement . 这是一个相当深奥的说法。
profound:adj.深厚的;意义深远的;渊博的; statement:n.声明;陈述,叙述;报表,清单;
I'm showing some slides that were from TED 2, a little silly as slides, perhaps. 我正在展示的是一些 看起来也许有些傻。
Then I felt television really was about displays. 那时我真的感觉电视就是关于屏幕。
Again, now we're past TED 1, but just around the time of TED 2, and what I'd like to mention here is, even though you could imagine intelligence in the device, 现在是在 TED 1 之后, 在 TED 2 发生前后, 我想要提到的是, 即使你可以想象 设备里的智能,
I look today at some of the work being done about the Internet of Things, and I think it's kind of tragically pathetic , because what has happened is people take the oven panel and put it on your cell phone, or the door key onto your cell phone, just taking it and bringing it to you, and in fact that's actually what you don't want. 现在我看看 互联网上的东西, 我觉得真的是非常悲剧, 因为正在发生的是 人们将烤箱面板放到了手机上, 或是将要是放到了手机上, 直接把它带给你, 但事实上那不是你们想要的。
tragically:adv.悲剧地;悲惨地; pathetic:adj.可怜的,悲哀的;感伤的;乏味的; oven:n.炉,灶;烤炉,烤箱; panel:n.镶板;仪表盘;钣金;(衣服上的)镶条;v.镶板(用木或玻璃板等镶嵌或装饰);
You want to put a chicken in the oven, and the oven says, "Aha, it's a chicken," 当你想把一只鸡放在烤箱里时, 烤箱说:”啊哈,这是只鸡。“
and it cooks the chicken. 然后便开始烹饪。
'"Oh, it's cooking the chicken for Nicholas, and he likes it this way and that way." ”哦,他在为尼古拉斯烧鸡, 他喜欢这样那样的烹调方式。“
So the intelligence, instead of being in the device, we have started today to move it back onto the cell phone or closer to the user, not a particularly enlightened view of the Internet of Things. 这样一来我们现在开始将智能, 并非实体的存在物 移回到手机上 和使用者更近, 但这并不是一个互联网内 非有启发性的东西。
particularly:adv.特别地,独特地;详细地,具体地;明确地,细致地; enlightened:adj.开明的; v.启发; (enlighten的过去分词和过去式)
Television, again, television what I said today, that was back in 1990, and the television of tomorrow would look something like that. 电视,我今天所说的电视 那是在1990年的时候, 而未来的电视 可能会像是这样。
Again, people, but they laughed cynically , they didn't laugh with much appreciation . 然而那时人们讽刺的笑了 不带任何的欣赏。
cynically:adv.爱嘲笑地;冷笑地; appreciation:n.升值;欣赏;感谢;增值;
Telecommunications in the 1990s, 在 20 世纪 90 年代,
George Gilder decided that he would call this diagram the Negroponte switch. 乔治 吉尔德决定叫这个示意图为 内格罗蓬特开关。
I'm probably much less famous than George, so when he called it the Negroponte switch, it stuck, but the idea of things that came in the ground would go in the air and stuff in the air would go into the ground has played itself out. 也许我远没有乔治有名, 所以当他把这个叫做内格罗蓬特开关时,就没有什么变动了, 但是这东西的主意 在地上和空中 漂浮不定 已经将自己展示出来了。
That is the original slide from that year, and it has worked in lockstep obedience . 这是当年的原始PPT, 而且一直都因循守旧地运行着。
original:n.原件;原作;原物;原型;adj.原始的;最初的;独创的;新颖的; lockstep:n.因循守旧;密集连锁的步伐;步伐一致; obedience:n.顺从;服从;遵守;
We started Wired magazine. 我们发行了《千奇百怪》杂志。
Some people, I remember we shared the reception desk periodically , and some parent called up irate that his son had given up Sports Illustrated to subscribe for Wired, and he said, "Are you some porno magazine or something?" 有些和我曾一起 在招待会上定期坐一桌的人 和一些家长风怒的表达他的儿子 已经不再订阅体育画报 而改定了《千奇百怪》。 他还说:“你们这是色情书刊还是什么鬼玩意?“
periodically:adv.定期地;周期性地;偶尔;间歇; irate:adj.生气的;发怒的; Illustrated:v.加插图于;给(书等)做图表;说明,解释;(illustrate的过去分词和过去式) subscribe:vi.订阅;捐款;认购;赞成;签署;vt.签署;赞成;捐助; porno:n.色情(书刊,电影等,等于pornography);adj.色情的(等于pornographic);
and couldn't understand why his son would be interested in Wired, at any rate . 非常不理解为什么 他的儿子会对《千奇百怪》感兴趣。
at any rate:无论如何,至少;
I will go through this a little quicker. 我会快一些的把这事描述一下。
This is my favorite, 1995, back page of Newsweek magazine. 这是我最喜欢的,在 1995 年, 新闻周刊杂志的背面。
Okay. Read it. (Laughter) 好的。读一下它。(笑声)
["Nicholas Negroponte, director of the MIT Media Lab, predicts that we'll soon buy books and newspapers straight over the Internet. Uh, sure." —Clifford Stoll, Newsweek, 1995] MIT 媒体实验室的领导人尼古拉斯 内格罗蓬特预测:“人们很快就会在互联网上购买书籍和报纸了。好啊,可以啊 (胆子不小,你尽敢这样说)。”
You must admit that gives you, at least it gives me pleasure when somebody says how dead wrong you are. 你必须得承认这给了你, 当别人说你比错误一的时候 至少这给了我快感。
'"Being Digital " came out. “数字化”推出了。
For me, it gave me an opportunity to be more in the trade press and get this out to the public, and it also allowed us to build the new Media Lab, which if you haven't been to, visit, because it's a beautiful piece of architecture aside from being a wonderful place to work. 对于我来说,这给了我机会 在印刷行业发展 并将这带入社会, 同事还让我们建造了新的媒体实验室, 如果你还没去过,你可以去参观一下, 因为它除了是一个工作的好地方 还是一个非常美丽的建筑物。
So these are the things we were saying in those TEDs. 这些便是我们在之前的 TED 所讨论的。
[Today, multimedia is a desktop or living room experience, because the apparatus is so clunky . This will change dramatically with small, bright, thin, high-resolution displays. — 1995] 【今天,多媒体是一个在桌面和起居室中的体验,因为那些设备非常粗笨。将来会被更加小而智能的而取代。】
multimedia:n.多媒体;adj.多媒体的; desktop:n.桌面;桌面(显示使用程序图标的计算机屏幕); living room:n.客厅;起居室; apparatus:n.装置,设备;仪器;器官; clunky:adj.沉重的;影响不好的; dramatically:adv.戏剧地;引人注目地;adv.显著地,剧烈地; high-resolution:n.高分辨率;
We came to them. 我来到它们那里。
I looked forward to it every year. 我每年都看看它。
It was the party that Ricky Wurman never had in the sense that he invited many of his old friends, including myself. 那是对瑞奇 沃尔曼一个从意义上来说 从未有过的聚会 而他在聚会中邀请了很多他的老朋友,还包括我。
And then something for me changed pretty profoundly . 之后我 发生了一个潜在的改变。
I became more involved with computers and learning and influenced by Seymour, but particularly looking at learning as something that is best approximated by computer programming. 我和电脑的接触和学习更多了 也被西摩深刻的影响, 但是主要专注于 以电脑编程的方式 去学习。
involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词) approximated:adj.接近的;估计的;v.接近;约等于(approximate的过去式和过去分词);
When you write a computer program, you've got to not just list things out and sort of take an algorithm and translate it into a set of instructions, but when there's a bug, and all programs have bugs , you've got to de-bug it. 当你编程时, 你不能只将东西列出来 大概的去用一种算法 或是仅仅将其翻译成一套教程, 但是当程序有漏洞时(所有的程序都有漏洞), 你得去消除漏洞。
translate:v.翻译;被翻译;被译成;(使)转变; bugs:n.缺陷;虫子;窃听器;(bug的复数)v.窃听;使烦恼;(bug的第三人称单数)
You've got to go in, change it, and then re-execute, and you iterate , and that iteration is really a very, very good approximation of learning. 你得进入程序中,改编, 并重新执行, 然后你进行迭代 而且那个迭代的过程 是一个非常好的类似学习。
iterate:vt.迭代;重复;反复说;重做; iteration:n.[数]迭代;反复;重复; approximation:n.[数]近似法;接近;[数]近似值;
So that led to my own work with Seymour in places like Cambodia and the starting of One Laptop per Child. 那也让我在像是柬埔寨的地方 开始我与西摩的工作 并启动了一个孩子一台笔记本电脑的项目。
Cambodia:n.柬埔寨(位于亚洲); Laptop:n.便携式电脑;笔记本电脑;
Enough TED Talks on One Laptop per Child, so I'll go through it very fast, but it did give us the chance to do something at a relatively large scale in the area of learning, development and computing. 关于此项目的 TED 演讲有足够多, 我就快速地过一下, 但是我们确实获得了 在一个较大的范围上 为学习,发展和电脑计算做些贡献的机会。
relatively:adv.相当程度上;相当地;相对地; scale:n.规模;比例;鳞;刻度;天平;数值范围;v.衡量;攀登;剥落;生水垢;
Very few people know that One Laptop per Child was a $1 billion project, and it was, at least over the seven years I ran it, but even more important, the World Bank contributed zero, USAID zero. 很少有人知道一个孩子一台笔记本电脑 是一个价值 10 亿美元的项目, 至少有七年我都置身于该项目, 但更重要的是, 世界银行和 USAID 都作出零贡献。
World Bank:n.世界银行(向处于困境需要资助的成员国贷款的国际机构); contributed:v.捐献,捐赠(尤指款或物); (contribute的过去式和过去分词)
It was mostly the countries using their own treasuries , which is very interesting, at least to me it was very interesting in terms of what I plan to do next. 大多数都是国家使用自己国库资金 这是非常有趣的, 至少对我未来要做的事 来说非常有趣。
So these are the various places it happened. 这些是那些发生了这些事的地方。
I then tried an experiment, and the experiment happened in Ethiopia . 我接着尝试了一个实验, 试验地点在埃塞俄比亚。
And here's the experiment. 这里边是这个实验。
The experiment is, can learning happen where there are no schools. 实验是这样的, 没有学校的地方人们可以学习么。
And we dropped off tablets with no instructions and let the children figure it out. 我们便发放平板电脑 但不给出使用说明 让孩子们自己搞明白怎么用。
And in a short period of time, they not only turned them on and were using 50 apps per child within five days, they were singing "ABC" songs within two weeks, but they hacked Android within six months. 在很短的一段时间内, 他们不仅知道如何开机,而且 5 五天内 每个孩子至少 使用了 50 个应用程, 在两周内他们便学会了唱 ”ABC“, 但是他们花了 6 个月破解了安卓系统。
hacked:v.砍;劈;猛踢;非法侵入(hack的过去分词和过去式) Android:n.机器人;安卓操作系统;
And so that seemed sufficiently interesting. 这些事足够有趣。
This is perhaps the best picture I have. 这也许是我手头上最好的照片。
The kid on your right has sort of nominated himself as teacher. 你们右手的孩子 把他自己任命为了老师。
Look at the kid on the left, and so on. 看左手边的孩子,等等。
There are no adults involved in this at all. 没有任何成年人的参与。
So I said, well can we do this at a larger scale? 我问:“我们可以 大规模地进行这个实验么?”
And what is it that's missing? 但又缺少了什么呢?
The kids are giving a press conference at this point, and sort of writing in the dirt . 孩子们这个时候正在开发布会了, 貌似在土中鞋子。
press conference:记者招待会,新闻发布会; dirt:n.污垢;尘土;下流话;
And the answer is, what is missing? 答案是:缺少了什么?
And I'm going to skip over my prediction, actually, because I'm running out of time, and here's the question, is what's going to happen? 我要跳过我的预测, 因为我时间不够了, 问题是:未来会发生什么呢?
I think the challenge is to connect the last billion people, and connecting the last billion is very different than connecting the next billion, and the reason it's different is that the next billion are sort of low-hanging fruit, but the last billion are rural . 我认为未来的挑战是 区连接剩下的 10 亿人, 将剩下 10 亿连接起来 和连接下 10 亿个是不一样的, 原因是不同的 下个 10 亿 像是触手可及的水果, 但是那剩下的 10 亿则是在乡村。
different than:不同于; rural:adj.农村的,乡下的;田园的,有乡村风味的;
Being rural and being poor are very different. 乡村和平穷 是非常不同的。
Poverty tends to be created by our society, and the people in that community are not poor in the same way at all. 平穷是由社会所创造出的, 但是同样的方式下 那个社区里的人们是一点都不穷的。
Poverty:n.贫困;困难;缺少;低劣; community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体;
They may be primitive , but the way to approach it and to connect them, the history of One Laptop per Child, and the experiment in Ethiopia, lead me to believe that we can in fact do this in a very short period of time. 他们也许很原始, 但是靠近和连接它们的方式 一个孩子一台笔记本电脑的项目的历史, 以及在埃塞俄比亚的实验, 让我相信 我们可以在很短的时间内实现。
primitive:adj.原始的,远古的;简单的,粗糙的;n.原始人; approach:n.方法;路径;v.接近;建议;着手处理;
And so my plan, and unfortunately I haven't been able to get my partners at this point to let me announce them, but is to do this with a stationary satellite. 所以我的计划 很不幸,此时此刻我不能 找我的伙伴 去让我在这里介绍他们, 但是将用一个同步卫星实现这件事。
unfortunately:adv.不幸地; stationary:adj.固定的;静止的;定居的;常备军的;n.不动的人;驻军;
There are many reasons that stationary satellites aren't the best things, but there are a lot of reasons why they are, and for two billion dollars, you can connect a lot more than 100 million people, but the reason I picked two, and I will leave this as my last slide, is two billion dollars is what we were spending in Afghanistan every week. 这是有很多原因的, 同步卫星不是最佳的选择, 但是有很多原因可以解释它们为什么最优, 而且 20 亿美元 我们可以连接远超过 1 亿人, 第二个理由 我把它留到最后再说, 20 亿美元 是我们在阿富汗 每周耗费的 金额。
So surely if we can connect 所以如果我们可以
Africa and the last billion people for numbers like that, we should be doing it. 用那样的开销 将非洲和那剩下的 10 亿人连接起来 我们应该已经在做这件事情了。
Thank you very much. 非常好感谢。
(Applause) (掌声)
Chris Anderson: Stay up there. Stay up there. 克里斯·安德森:先别走,等一会。
NN: You're going to give me extra time ? 尼葛洛庞帝:你要给我读一点时间么?
extra time:n.[体]加时(赛);延长(赛);
CA: No. That was wickedly clever, wickedly clever. 克里斯·安德森:那真是说的太好了,太好了。
You gamed it beautifully. 你的挑战的非常漂亮。
Nicholas, what is your prediction? 尼葛洛庞帝,你对未来的预测是什么?
(Laughter) (笑声)
NN: Thank you for asking. 尼葛洛庞帝:谢谢你问我。
I'll tell you what my prediction is, and my prediction, and this is a prediction, because it'll be 30 years. I won't be here. 我马上告诉你我的预测是什么, 这是我的预测 因为这是未来 30 年的预测,那时我不会在这里了。
But one of the things about learning how to read, we have been doing a lot of consuming of information going through our eyes, and so that may be a very inefficient channel. 但是有一点关于学习如何阅读 我们一直都在用双眼 大量社区信息, 而且那是个非常低效的方法。
consuming:adj.消费的;强烈的;v.消耗(consume的ing形式); inefficient:adj.无效率的,效率低的;无能的;
So my prediction is that we are going to ingest information 所以我的预测是我们将会摄取信息。
You're going to swallow a pill and know English. 你们会吃下一个药丸便知道如何说英语。
swallow:v.吞下;咽下;吞没;相信;n.吞;咽;燕;一次吞咽的量; pill:n.[医]药丸;药品;
You're going to swallow a pill and know Shakespeare . 你将会吃下一个药丸便通晓莎士比亚。
And the way to do it is through the bloodstream . 而实现它的方法是用过血流。
So once it's in your bloodstream, it basically goes through it and gets into the brain, and when it knows that it's in the brain in the different pieces, it deposits it in the right places. 一旦它进入到你的血液中, 它基本上就会到达大脑, 当它知道他到达了大脑 在不同的地方, 它便在正确的地方注入。
basically:adv.主要地,基本上; deposits:n.[金融]存款; v.[地质]沉积(deposit的单三形式);
So it's ingesting . 所以这是摄取。
CA: Have you been hanging out with Ray Kurzweil by any chance? 克里斯·安德森:你有和雷库兹威尔聊过么?
NN: No, but I've been hanging around with Ed Boyden and hanging around with one of the speakers who is here, Hugh Herr, and there are a number of people. 尼葛洛庞帝:没有,但是我经常和埃德宝鼎聊天 还有这里的一位演讲者之一 休·赫尔, 有很多人。
This isn't quite as far-fetched , so 30 years from now. 对于未来的 30 年, 这不是很牵强。
CA: We will check it out. 克里斯·安德森:我们会亲眼鉴识的。
We're going to be back and we're going to play this clip 30 years from now, and then all eat the red pill. 我们将会倒退,30 年后再放出这个视频 你们所有都吃着红色药丸。
Well thank you for that. 好的谢谢你的好意。
Nicholas Negroponte. 尼葛洛庞帝
NN: Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)