

It's amazing, when you meet a head of state and you say, "What is your most precious natural resource ?" -- they will not say children at first. 当你向一位国家元首问问题的时候是很奇妙的, “你们国家最珍贵的资源是什么?” 他们不会第一时间回答是儿童。
head of state:n.国家元首; precious:adj.宝贵的;珍贵的;矫揉造作的; resource:n.资源;资料;才智;财力;v.向…提供资金(或设备);
And then when you say children, they will pretty quickly agree with you. 但是当你说是儿童时, 他们几乎会立刻认同你的说法。
(Video): We're traveling today with the Minister of Defense of Colombia, head of the army and the head of the police, and we're dropping off 650 laptops today to children who have no television, no telephone and have been in a community cut off from the rest of the world for the past 40 years. (录像):今天,我们将和哥伦比亚的 国防部长一起出游, 他是军队和警力部门的负责人, 而且今天,我们将会向儿童们 发放500部手提电脑, 他们生活在一个没有电视, 也没有电话的, 并且与世隔绝的环境里 生活了长达40年。
Minister:n.部长;大臣;牧师;vi.执行牧师职务;辅助或伺候某人; laptops:n.便携式电脑;笔记本电脑;(laptop的复数) community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体;
The importance of delivering laptops to this region is connecting kids who have otherwise been unconnected because of the FARC, the guerrillas that started off 40 years ago as a political movement and then became a drug movement. 将手提电脑发放到这个区域的重要性是在于 那些因哥伦比亚武装革命力量而被隔离的儿童们 联系起来, 40年前开始的游击队 已从一场政治运动堕落为一场毒品运动。
region:n.地区;范围;部位; unconnected:adj.不连接的;无关联的; guerrillas:n.游击队(guerrilla的复数);游击队员;游击战;
There are one billion children in the world, and 50 percent of them don't have electricity at home or at school. 现时世界上有十亿儿童, 他们中的一半都没有电力资源 无论是在学校还是在家。
And in some countries -- let me pick Afghanistan -- 75 percent of the little girls don't go to school. 并且在某些国家——如阿富汗—— 75%的小女孩都不会去上学。
And I don't mean that they drop out of school in the third or fourth grade -- they don't go. 我所指的不是她们被学校退学 而是在她们三、四年级的时候——她们根本没去上学。
So in the three years since I talked at TED and showed a prototype , it's gone from an idea to a real laptop. 所以这三年来自从我在TED里演讲 并展示一件产品, 它从一个想法转变成 一台真正的手提电脑。
We have half a million laptops today in the hands of children. 现在,我们已将五十万台手提电脑 发放到(世界各地的)儿童手上。
in the hands of:由…掌握;在…掌握中;
We have about a quarter of a million in transit to those and other children, and then there are another quarter of a million more that are being ordered at this moment. 我们还拥有二十五万台手提电脑 正准备运送到儿童的手上, 以及二十五万台手提电脑 正被订购。
So, in rough numbers, there are a million laptops. 那么,大概算来,这里共有一百万台手提电脑。
That's smaller than I predicted -- 这比我预测的要少——
I predicted three to 10 million -- but is still a very large number. 我的预计是三百万到一千万之间—— 不过这仍是一个很巨大的数字。
In Columbia, we have about 3,000 laptops. 在哥伦比亚,我们大概已发放了三千台手提电脑。
It's the Minister of Defense with whom we're working, not the Minister of Education, because it is seen as a strategic defense issue in the sense of liberating these zones that had been completely closed off, 而且和我们合作的是国防部, 而不是教育部,因为这项计划被看做是 一个战略防御问题 为了解放这些 完全被隔离的区域,
strategic:adj.战略上的,战略的; issue:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;发行; liberating:v.解放;使自由;使摆脱约束(或限制);(liberate的现在分词)
in which the people who had been causing, if you will, 40 years' worth of bombings and kidnappings and assassinations , lived. 而这些人在长达 轰炸,绑架,以及刺杀中 存活下来了。
bombings:n.[军]轰炸,[军]投弹;v.轰击;引爆炸弹(bomb的ing形式); kidnappings:n.绑架;诱拐;v.绑架(kidnap的ing形式);诱拐; assassinations:n.暗杀;刺杀,行刺;(assassination的复数)
And suddenly, the kids have connected laptops. 然后突然地, 这群儿童被手提电脑联系起来。
They've leapfrogged . 他们已超越了上一代。
The change is absolutely monumental , because it's not just opening it up, but it's opening it up to the rest of the world. 这种变化是绝对具有纪念意义的, 因为这不仅仅是将这个地区开放, 而是将整个地区与世界联系起来了。
absolutely:adv.绝对地;完全地; monumental:adj.不朽的;纪念碑的;非常的;
So yes, they're building roads, yes, they're putting in telephone, yes, there will be television. 因此,他们将会进行交通建设,他们将会有电话, 而且他们还会拥有电视。
But the kids six to 12 years old are surfing the Internet in Spanish and in local languages, so the children grow up with access to information, with a window into the rest of the world. 但是这群6到12岁的孩子 却在用西班牙语和当地语言上网, 所以这群孩子是被 资讯伴随着长大, 并且他们打开了一扇通向世界的门窗。
Before, they were closed off. 在此之前,他们是被封闭的。
Interestingly enough, in other countries, it will be the Minister of Finance who sees it as an engine of economic growth. 而有趣的是,在一些其他的国家, 这项行动会被财政部长看做是 财富增长的动力。
Interestingly:adv.有趣地; Finance:n.财政,财政学;金融;v.负担经费,供给…经费; economic:adj.经济的,经济上的;经济学的;
And that engine is going to see the results in 20 years. 而这股动力将会在二十年后才会看到结果。
It's not going to happen, you know, in one year, but it's an important, deeply economic and cultural change that happens through children. 正如你所知,这不会在一年内发生, 但这将是一件具有重大经济意义和 文化意义的改变, 一件通过儿童发生的变化。
31 countries in total are involved , and in the case of Uruguay, half the children already have them, and by the middle of 2009, every single child in Uruguay will have a laptop -- a little green laptop. 现在已有31个国家参与这项计划, 就乌拉圭而言, 已有一半的儿童拥有手提电脑, 并且在2009年的中旬时, 乌拉圭的每位儿童都将会拥有手提电脑—— 一台小巧碧绿的手提电脑。
involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词)
Now what are some of the results? 现在已得到的一些结果是什么?
Some of the results that go across every single country include teachers saying they have never loved teaching so much, and reading comprehension measured by third parties -- not by us -- skyrockets . 其中的一些结果 是在每个国家都能观测到的 包括老师都说 他们从来没有如此热爱教学, 以及热爱阅读 这些都是由第三方统计的结果——不是我们——明显飙升。
measured:adj.缓慢谨慎的; v.测量; (measure的过去分词和过去式) skyrockets:n.流星烟火;冲天火箭;vi.飞涨,突然高升;vt.使…猛然上涨;
Probably the most important thing we see is children teaching parents. 然而我们所见的最重要的事是 儿童在教导他们的父母。
They own the laptops. They take them home. 他们有笔记电脑。他们将它们带回家。
And so when I met with three children from the schools, who had traveled all day to come to Bogota , one of the three children brought her mother. 所以当我和三位在当地学校上学的孩子见面时, 这个地方离波哥大有一天的路程, 其中一位孩子带来他的母亲。
And the reason she brought her mother is that this six-year-old child had been teaching her mother how to read and write. 而她带她母亲来的原因是 她这位六岁大的儿童 正在教她妈妈 如何读写。
Her mother had not gone to primary school . 她妈妈从没有上过小学。
primary school:小学;
And this is such an inversion , and such a wonderful example of children being the agents of change. 这是一个怎样的倒置, 并且也是一个奇妙的例子 体现了孩子是如何作为变化的推动者。
inversion:n.倒置;反向;倒转; agents:n.代理人,经纪人;原动力;(agent的复数)
So now, in closing, people say, now why laptops? 因此现在,作为结尾,人们问道, 为什么用手提电脑?
Laptops are a luxury; it's like giving them iPods. No. 手提电脑是奢侈品;就譬如给予他们iPod。不。
The reason you want laptops is that the word is education, not laptop. 你们想要给予手提电脑的原因是 教育,而不是手提电脑本身。
This is an education project, not a laptop project. 这是教育项目,而不是手提电脑项目。
They need to learn learning. And then, just think -- they can have, let's say, 100 books. 他们需要学会学习。然后,就想象一下—— 他们可以拥有,譬如说,一百本书。
In a village, you have 100 laptops, each with a different set of 100 books, and so that village suddenly has 10,000 books. 在一个村庄里,有一百台手提电脑, 而且每台电脑里都有不同套的一百本书, 那么这个村庄的将会瞬间拥有一万本书。
You and I didn't have 10,000 books when we went to primary school. 你和我在小学的时候都没有一万本书。
Sometimes school is under a tree, or in many cases, the teacher has only a fifth-grade education, so you need a collaborative model of learning, not just building more schools and training more teachers, which you have to do anyway. 有时学校就在一棵树底下, 并且很多老师都只有小学五年级的受教育水平, 因此你需要创建一个互相学习的合作模型, 而不仅仅是建立更多所学校以及培训更多的教师, 但这也是你无论如何都要做的。
So we're once again doing "Give One, Get One." 我们再次发起了“送一台,买一台”运动。
Last year, we ran a "Give One, Get One" program, and it generated over 100,000 laptops that we were then able to give free. 去年,我们发起的“送一台,买一台”运动, 并且创造了十万台手提电脑 使我们可以将之免费发放出去。
And by being a zero-dollar laptop, we can go to countries that can't afford it at all. 并且作为一台零美元的手提电脑, 我们可以将之送到一些完全无法负担的国家去。
And that's what we did. We went to Haiti , we went to Rwanda, Afghanistan, 这就是我们所做的。我们去了海地, 去了卢旺达,以及阿富汗,
Ethiopia , Mongolia. 还有埃塞俄比亚和蒙古。
Places that are not markets, seeding it with the principles of saturation , connectivity , low ages, et cetera . 一些没有市场的地方, 用着饱和,连接性, 低龄化等原则来看待。
seeding:n.播种;晶种;v.播种(seed的ing形式); principles:n.原则;主义;本质;政策;(principle的复数) saturation:n.饱和;色饱和度;浸透;磁化饱和; connectivity:n.[数]连通性; et cetera:na.以及其他;
And then we can actually roll out large numbers. 而我们可以用之产生一些巨大的数字。
So think of it this way: think of it as inoculating children against ignorance . 因此让我们这样来想: 就好像为愚昧无知 接种疫苗一样。
inoculating:[医]接种;灌输(inoculate的现在分词); ignorance:n.无知,愚昧;不知,不懂;
And think of the laptop as a vaccine . 将手提电脑看作一种疫苗。
You don't vaccinate a few children. 你不是为一小部分个体接种疫苗。
You vaccinate all the children in an area. 而是为整个群体接种疫苗。