

Most people don't know that when I went to high school in this country, 多数人都不知道,当我在这个国家上高中的时候,
I applied for university at a time when I was convinced 在申请大学时我坚信
applied:adj.应用的;实用的;v.应用;使用;申请,请求;(apply的过去分词和过去式) convinced:adj.坚信; v.使确信; (convince的过去分词和过去式)
I was going to be an artist and be a sculptor . 我会成为一名艺术家, 一名雕刻家
And I came from a very privileged background. I was very lucky. 我非常幸运地诞生于一殷实之家。
privileged:adj.有特权的; v.给予特权; (privilege的过去式和过去分词)
My family was wealthy, and my father believed in one thing, and that was to give us all as much education as we wanted. 我的父亲坚信一点, 就是让尽量我们想得到的教育,
And I announced I wanted to be a sculptor in Paris. 这时我告诉他我想到巴黎去做一名雕刻家。
And he was a clever man. He sort of said, "Well, that's OK, but you've done very well in your math SATs." 我父亲非常聪明,他当时大概是这么说得, 嗯,那是个不错的选择。但是你的SAT数学成绩不错啊。
In fact, I'd got an 800, and he thought I did very well -- and I did too -- in the arts. 事实上,我得了满分。他还认为我在艺术方面做得非常好,我也是这么认为的。
This was my passion . 那是我的激情所在。
And he said "If you go to MIT," to which I had been given early admission , "I will pay for every year you're at MIT, in graduate or undergraduate -- as much as you want -- 接下来我父亲说,“如果你去MIT,”当时我已经获得了MIT的提前录取, “我会为你在MIT的每一年支付学费, 不管是研究生还是本科,只要你想读
admission:n.入场费;进入权;招供;门票费; undergraduate:n.本科生;
I will pay for an equal number of years for you to live in Paris." 我会为你打算在巴黎生活的同样多的年份付钱。”
And I thought that was the best deal in town, so I accepted it immediately. 我想,那大概是我能得到的最好待遇,所以我立即接受了。
And I decided that if I was good in art, and I was good in mathematics , 接下来,既然我在艺术和数学方面都取得了不错的成绩,
I'd study architecture , which was the blending of the two. 那么我应该学建筑,因为它同时兼具两者。
architecture:n.建筑学;建筑风格;建筑式样;架构; blending:v.使混合;掺和;混合;融合;(使)调和,协调(blend的现在分词)
I went and told my headmaster that at prep school. 我去把这个决定告诉了预科学校的校长。
And I said to him what I was doing, that I was going to go study architecture because it was art and mathematics put together . 我告诉了他我在做什么,以及接下来我要学习建筑, 因为它是艺术和数学的结合。
put together:..放在一起;组合;装配;
He said to me something that just went completely over my head. 校长对我说了一些我完全不能理解的东西,
He said, "You know, I like grey suits, and I like pin-striped suits, but I don't like grey pin-striped suits." 他说:“我喜欢灰色的西装,我也喜欢条纹西装, 但是我不喜欢灰色的条纹西装。”
And I thought, "What a turkey this guy is," and I went off to MIT. 我想:“这真是一个不中用的家伙。”然后我去了MIT。
I studied architecture, then did a second degree in architecture, and then actually quickly realized that it wasn't architecture. 我读了建筑学的学位,接下来又读了一个建筑学的学位, 然后很快地认识到,建筑学并非我之所好。
That really, the mixing of art and science was computers. 事实上,计算机才是我之所好,
And that that really was the place to bring both, and enjoyed a career doing that. 才是艺术与科学两者兼具,并且可作为一个职业来从事的领域。
And probably, if I were to fill out Jim Citrin's scale , 也许,如果让我填写吉姆西特林的测试,
I'd put 100 percent on the side of the equation where you spend time making it possible for others to be creative . 我会在衡量你花多少时间 来帮助别人更具创造性的等式一边写上100%。
on the side of:拥护…;站在…一边;赞助; equation:n.方程式,等式;相等;[化学]反应式; creative:adj.创造性的;
And after doing this for a long time, and sort of the Media Lab passing the baton on, 在做了很长一段时间之后,尤其在媒体实验室顺利交接以后,
Media:n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉; baton:n.(乐队)指挥棒;(接力赛的)接力棒;
I thought, "Well, maybe it's time for me to do a project, something that would be important, but also something that would take advantage of all of these privileges that one had." 我想,现在大概是我去做一个项目的时候了, 去做一些重要,但同时 能够充分利用我拥有的所有资源的事情。
take advantage of:利用; privileges:n.[计]特权(privilege的复数); v.给与…特权(privilege的第三人称单数形式);
And in the case of the Media Lab, knowing a lot of people. 就媒体实验室来说,这些资源就是可以认识很多人。
Knowing people who were either executives or wealthy, and also not having, in my own case, a career to worry about anymore. 认识一些高官和富人, 并且,就我自己的例子来说,我不再需要担心自己的事业。
My career, I mean, I'd done my career. 我的事业,我是说,我的事业已很成功。
Didn't have to worry about earning money. 我不再需要为挣钱汲汲度日;
Didn't have to worry about what people thought about me. 不再需要担心其他人是怎么看我的。
And I said, "Boy, let's really do something that takes advantage of all these features," 然后我对自己说:“让我们来做一些能充分利用这些优势的事情吧。”
and thought that if we could address education by leveraging the children, and bringing to the world the access of the computers, that that was really the thing we should do. 我想:“如果我们可以借助儿童的力量来解决教育问题, 并且让整个世界都可有使用电脑的机会, 那么这真的是件应行之事。”
Never shown this picture before, and probably going to be sued for it. 我还没有把这个照片给人看过,也许还会因为这个被告上法庭。
It's taken at three o'clock in the morning without the permission of the company. 这是在未经公司允许的情况下于凌晨三点拍摄的。
It's about two weeks old. There they are, folks. 这大概是两周之前。朋友们,这就是那些电脑。
(Applause) (鼓掌)
If you look at the picture, you'll see they're stacked up. 从照片上你可以看到,他们已经被堆积了起来。
stacked:adj.放有大量…的; v.(使)放成整齐的一叠(或一摞、一堆); (stack的过去分词和过去式)
Those are conveyor belts that go around. 那些是在运转的传送带。
conveyor:n.输送机,[机]传送机;传送带;运送者,传播者; belts:n.皮带(belt的复数);带子;v.用皮带等围绕;用带扎牢(belt的三单形式);
This is one of the conveyor belts with the thing going by, but then you'll see the ones up above. 这是其中的一条, 然后你会看到在上面的那些电脑。
What happens is they burn into flash memory the software, and then test them for a few hours. 他们正在做的是把软件刻录到闪存中, 然后花几个小时的时间去测试。
flash memory:n.闪速存储器;
But you've got to have the thing moving on the assembly line because it's constant. 但同时在装配线上必须有东西在运转,因为它是恒定的。
assembly line:na.装配线;
So they go around in this loop , which is why you see them up there. 他们按照这个循环来运转,所以你会看到他们在这里。
So this was great for us because it was a real turning point . But it goes back. 这对我们来说很重要,因为这是一个真正的转折点。但这一切都要追溯到以前。
turning point:转折点;
This picture was taken in 1982, just before the IBM PC was even announced. 这张照片是在1982年,就在IBM PC发布之前拍摄的。
Seymour Papert and I were bringing computers to schools and developing nations at a time when it was way ahead of itself. 西蒙·派珀特和我在当时将电脑带到了学校和发展中国家, 这是一种超前的行为。
But one thing we learned was that these kids can absolutely jump into it just the same way as our kids do here. 但是我们学到的一点是那些孩子绝对可以很轻松地使用它们, 就如同我们这里的孩子一样。
And when people tell me, "Who's going to teach the teachers to teach the kids?" 当有人问我:“谁来教这些老师以来教这些孩子们呢?”
I say to myself, "What planet do you come from?" 我对自己说:“你是哪星球来的?”
Okay, there's not a person in this room -- I don't care how techie you are -- there's not a person in this room that doesn't give their laptop or cell phone to a kid to help them debug it. OK? 好吧,在这个房间里不会有哪个人,不管你有多么的精通技术, 所有人都会乐意把笔记本电脑或者手机交给孩子 让他们来帮忙解决问题,对吧?
techie:n.高科技专家;热衷电子学的电子迷;技师; laptop:n.便携式电脑;笔记本电脑; debug:vt.调试;除错,改正有毛病部分;[军]除去窃听器;
We all need help, even those of us who are very seasoned. 我们都需要帮助,即便是我们个中老手。
This picture of Seymour -- 25 years ago. Seymour made a very simple observation in 1968, and then basically presented it in 1970 -- 这是西蒙25年前的照片。西蒙作了一个很简单的 观察,那是在1968年,然后他在1970年的时候,
observation:n.观察;观测;监视;(尤指据所见、所闻、所读而作的)评论; basically:adv.主要地,基本上;
April 11th to be precise -- called "Teaching Children Thinking." 确切点说是1970年4月11日把它展现给了大家,称之为“教孩子们思考”。
What he observed was that kids who write computer programs understand things differently, and when they debug the programs, they come the closest to learning about learning. 他观察到的是会写电脑程序的孩子们 理解问题的方式是与众不同,并且在他们修正程序中的错误时, 他们能学到的东西是最多的.
That was very important, and in some sense we've lost that. 这一点非常重要,而某种程度上来说我们失去了这一点。
Kids don't program enough and boy, if there's anything I hope this brings back, it's programming to kids. 孩子们接触到的编程是远不够的, 如果有什么是这个项目可以带来的,我希望是带给孩子们编程的可能。
It's really important. Using applications is OK, but programming is absolutely fundamental . 这真的非常重要。使用应用程序很重要, 但编程绝对是基础。
fundamental:n.基础; adj.十分重大的;
This is being launched with three languages in it: Squeak , Logo , and a third, that I've never even seen before. 我们已经启动了三种语言的应用:Squeak语言、Logo语言以及 第三种 — 一种我都不知道的语言。
launched:v.发射;发起;开展;开始;(launch的过去式和过去分词) Squeak:n.尖叫声;短促而尖厉的叫声;v.吱吱叫;短促而尖厉地叫;尖声说话;侥幸成功; Logo:n.标志;
The point being, this is going to be very, very intensive on the programming side. 这里我想说明的是,编程将会得到额外的重视。
This photograph is very important because it's much later. 这张照片非常重要,因为这是更晚的时候拍的。
This is in the early 2000s. My son, Dimitri -- who's here, many of you know Dimitri -- went to Cambodia , set up this school that we had built, just as the school connected it to the Internet. 这是在2000年初的时候,我儿子,迪米特里,他今天也在这里, 你们中的很多人都认识他。他去了柬埔寨,去开设 一家学校,就在那个学校刚刚接入互联网的时候。
And these kids had their laptops . But it was really what spirited this, plus the influence of Joe and others, we started One Laptop Per Child. 这些孩子拿到了他们的笔记本电脑。正是在这些事情 以及乔和其他人的影响和鼓励下,我们启动了每个孩子一台笔记本电脑的项目。
laptops:n.便携式电脑;笔记本电脑;(laptop的复数) influence:n.影响;势力;感化;有影响的人或事;v.影响;改变;
These are the same village in Cambodia, just a couple of months ago. 这是在柬埔寨的同一个村子,就在几个月之前。
These kids are real pros . There were just 7,000 machines out there being tested by kids. Being a nonprofit is absolutely fundamental. 这些孩子真的是很专业。那里只有7000台电脑 供孩子们使用。作为一个非营利组织存在绝对是非常重要的。
pros:n.从事某职业的人;职业运动员;老手;(pro的复数) nonprofit:adj.非赢利的;不以赢利为目的的;
Everybody advised me not to be a nonprofit. but they were all wrong. 每个人都劝我不要成立一个非营利的组织,但他们都错了。
advised:adj.考虑过的; v.劝告; (advise的过去分词和过去式)
And the reason being a nonprofit is important is actually twofold . 作为非营利组织,它的重要性是有两个原因。
There are many reasons, but the two that merit the little bit of time is: one, the clarity of purpose is there. The moral purpose is clear. 原因有很多,但这两个值得我们花时间去讲述。 第一,这么做的目的很清晰。道德上的目的很清晰。
merit:n.价值;优点;功绩;美德;v.值得;应得; clarity:n.清楚,明晰;透明; moral:n.寓意;品行;教益;adj.道德的;道义上的;道德上的;品行端正的;
I can see any head of state , any executive I want, at any time because 我可以在任何时候会见任何国家的首脑,任何高官,因为
head of state:n.国家元首;
I'm not selling laptops. OK? I have no shareholders . 我不是在卖笔记本,对吧?对我来说,股东是不存在的。
Whether we sell, it doesn't make any difference whatsoever -- the clarity of purpose is absolutely critical . And the second is very counterintuitive -- you can get the best people in the world. 毫无疑问,我们是不是在卖电脑都不会有什么影响的, 这个清晰的目的非常重要。第二个原因听起来非常不直观, 你能找到这个世界上最棒的人为你工作。
whatsoever:pron.无论什么; critical:adj.鉴定的;[核]临界的;批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的;决定性的;评论的; counterintuitive:adj.违反直觉的;
If you look at our professional services, including search firms, including communications, including legal services, including banking, they're all pro bono . And it's not to save money. 比如说我们的职业服务团队,包括搜索、 联络、法律、银行等部门, 他们都是免费服务的专业人士。但这不是为了省钱。
professional:adj.专业的;职业的;职业性的;n.专业人员;职业运动员; legal:adj.法律的;合法的;法定的; pro bono:adj.无偿服务的;公益性的;
We've got money in the bank. It's because you get the best people. 我们不缺钱。这是因为你能找到这个世界上最棒的人。
You get the people who are doing it because they believe in the mission and they're the best people. 你能找到那些因为信仰我们的使命而去做这件事情的人, 他们真的是最棒的.
We couldn't afford to hire a CFO. We put out a job description for a CFO at zero salary, and we had a queue of people. 我们负担不起聘请一个首席财务官的开支。我们发布了一个关于首席财务官的职务说明,零薪水, 然而我们收到了很多人的申请。
afford:v.给予,提供;买得起; job description:n.工作职责说明;岗位责任说明; queue:n.行列;(存储的数据)队列;v.(人、车等)排队等候;(使)排队;列队等待;
It allows you to team up with people. The UN's not going to be our partner if we're profit-making . So announcing this with Kofi Annan was very important, and the UN allowed us 你将有机会参与到一个团队里面去工作。联合国大概不会 成为我们的合作者,如果我们是盈利组织的话。所以,和科菲安南一起来宣布这件事 是非常重要,并且联合国允许我们
team up with:与…合作,与…协作; profit-making:adj.营利的;有利可图的;n.营利;赚钱;
to basically reach all the countries. And this was the machine we were showing before I met Yves Behar. 把这个项目普及到所有的国家。这台机器是 在我遇到维斯·贝哈之前所展示的。
And while this machine in some sense is silly, in retrospect , it actually served a very important purpose. 虽然从某些角度来说这台机器有点可笑, 但回顾起来,它实际上有一个非常重要的用途。
That pencil-yellow crank was remembered by everybody. 那个黄色曲柄给所有人都留下了深刻印象。
Everybody remembered the pencil-yellow crank. It's different. 每个人都记住了那个黄色曲柄。它很不一样,
It was getting its power in a different way. It's kind of childlike . 它通过一种不同寻常的方式来发电。那有点孩子气。
Even though this wasn't the direction we went because the crank -- it really is stupid to have it on board, by the way . 虽然这不是我们的最终做法,因为这个曲柄, 顺便提一句, 把它装在笔记本电脑上真的很傻。
by the way:顺便说一下;
In spite of what some people in the press don't get it, didn't understand it, we didn't take it off because we didn't want to do -- having it on the laptop itself is really not what you want. 虽然有些媒体人搞不明白,不理解, 我们没有因为不想就没把它拿掉, 你真的不想在笔记本上加那么个东西。
In spite of:尽管;不管,不顾;
You want it a separate thing, like the AC adaptor . 你希望它是一个单独存在的东西,比如说电源适配器。
I didn't bring one with me, but they really work much better off-board . 我今天没有把它带在身边,把他们拿掉真的会效果更好。
And then I could tell you lots about the laptop, but I'll tell you just four things. 接下来我可以告诉你关于这个笔记本电脑的很多信息,我会告诉你们四个方面:
Just keep in mind -- because there's other people, including Bill Gates, who said, "Gee, you've got a real computer." 记住一点:因为有些人,包括比尔盖茨, 说过:“哇,这是一台真正的电脑。”
keep in mind:记住;
That computer is unlike anything you've had, and does things -- there are four of them -- that you don't come close to. And it's very important to be low-power, and I hope that's picked up more by the industry. 这台电脑不像你所拥有过的所有东西,而且以你没有接触过的方式工作, 这共有四个方面。 首先耗电量低是很重要, 我也希望工业界能更多地采用这一点。
That the reason that you want to be below two watts is that's roughly what you can generate with your upper body. 你想让它的用电量在两瓦特以下的原因是, 这大概是你自己身体所能产生的电量。
watts:n.瓦特(功率单位); roughly:adv.粗糙地;概略地; generate:v.产生;引起; upper:adj.上面的;内陆的;n.靴面;兴奋剂;
Dual-mode display -- that sunlight display's fantastic . 双模式显示,在日光下显示真的很棒。
display:n.显示;炫耀;vt.显示;表现;陈列;vi.[动]作炫耀行为;adj.展览的;陈列用的; sunlight:n.日光; fantastic:奇异的,空想的
We were using it at lunch today in the sunlight, and the more sunlight the better. 今天午餐的时候我们在日光下使用它,而且日光越足效果越好。
And that was really critical. The mesh network, it'll become commonplace . 这点真的很重要。多通网网络会变得更加普及。
mesh:n.网格;网状物;陷阱;困境;圈套;v.(使)吻合,相配,匹配,适合; commonplace:n.老生常谈;司空见惯的事;普通的东西;adj.平凡的;陈腐的;
And of course, " rugged " goes without saying. 当然,结实就不用说了。
And the reason I think design matters isn't because I wanted to go to art school. 我觉得设计很重要并不是因为我之前想上艺术学校。
And by the way, when I graduated from MIT, 顺便说一句,我从MIT毕业的时候,
I thought the worst and silliest thing to do would be to go to Paris for six years. 我认为想去巴黎待六年大概是这个世界上最蠢的事情。
So I didn't do that. But design matters for a number of reasons. 所以我没有去。但是设计本身很重要,这体现在很多方面。
The most important being that it is the best way to make an inexpensive product. 最重要的一点是,那是制作便宜产品的最好方式。
Most people make inexpensive products by taking cheap design, cheap labor, cheap components , and making a cheap laptop. 大多数人生产便宜产品的方式是使用便宜的设计、 便宜的劳动力、便宜的部件,从而生产便宜的笔记本电脑。
And in English the word "cheap" has a double meaning, which is really appropriate . 在英语里面 cheap 这个词 有两重意思,用在这里再恰当不过了。
Because it's cheap, in the pejorative sense, as well as inexpensive. 因为他们低贱,这里是贬义,以及便宜。
pejorative:adj.轻蔑的;[临床]恶化的,变坏的;n.轻蔑语; as well as:也;和…一样;不但…而且;
But if you take a different approach , and you think of very large-scale integration , very advanced materials, very advanced manufacturing , so you're pouring chemicals in one end, iPods are spewing out the other, and really cool design, that's what we wanted to do. 但是如果你用另外一种方式去做,用一种高度集成的方式、 使用非常先进的材料、先进的制作工艺, 那么你输入的是化学原料,得到的是像iPod一样的产品, 非常酷的设计,这才是我们想要做的。
approach:n.方法;路径;v.接近;建议;着手处理; large-scale:adj.大规模的,大范围的;大比例尺的; integration:n.集成;综合; advanced:adj.先进的; v.前进; (advance的过去式和过去分词形式) manufacturing:n.制造业;工业;v.制造;生产(manufacture的现在分词); pouring:v.倾倒;倾泻;连续流出;倒出;喷发;(pour的现在分词) chemicals:n.化学制品;化学品;(chemical的复数) spewing:v.(使)喷出,涌出;呕吐(spew的现在分词)
And I can race through these and save a lot of time because 我可以很快地讲完这些从而节省一些时间,因为
Yves and I obviously didn't compare notes. 很明显维斯和我都没有对照各自的笔记。
These are his slides, and so I don't have to talk about them. 这些是他的幻灯片,所以我不需要在这里讲述他们。
But it was really, to us, very important as a strategy . 但对我们来说,这真的是一个很重要的策略。
It wasn't just to kind of make it cute, because somebody -- you know, good design is very important. 这并不是简单地把它做得很可爱,因为对某些人来说, 好的设计是非常重要的。
Yves showed one of the power-generating devices . 维斯演示了其中的一种发电设备。
The mesh network, the reason I -- and I won't go into it in great detail -- but when we deliver laptops to kids in the remotest and poorest parts of the world, they're connected. There's not just laptops. 多通网网路,在这里我不详述。 但是当我们把笔记本电脑送到世界上最偏远最贫困地区的孩子们手里时, 他们是互联的。那并不只是笔记本电脑而已。
remotest:adj.偏远的; (remote的最高级)
And so we have to drop in satellite dishes. We put in generators . 所以我们要在那里设置卫星天线。我们要设置发电装置。
It's a lot of stuff that goes behind these. These can talk to each other. 而且在这些背后还有很多很多的东西。他们可以互相跟对方通信。
If you're in a desert, they can talk to each other about two kilometers apart. 如果在一个沙漠里,他们可以在两公里之外互相通信。
If you're in the jungle it's about 500 meters. So if a kid bicycles home, or walks a few miles, they're going to be off the grid , so to speak . 如果你在丛林地带,这个距离大概是500米。就比方说,如果一个孩子骑车回家, 或者走远了几英里,那么他们将脱离这个网络。
jungle:n.密林;尔虞我诈的环境;危险地带; grid:n.网格;格子,栅格;输电网; so to speak:可以说;打个譬喻说;
They're not going to be near another laptop, so you have to nail these on to a tree, and sort of, get it. 他们不会总是在另外一个笔记本旁边, 所以你必须把设备钉在树上,然后,某种程度上来说,建立这个网络。
You don't call Verizon or Sprint . You build your own network. 我们没法叫Verizon或者Sprint来安装这些。我们必须组建自己的网络。
And that's very important, the user interface . 并且用户界面也很重要。
We are launching with 18 keyboards. English is by far the minority . 我们在启动这个项目时设计了18种键盘。到目前为止只有少数是英语键盘。
launching:n.发射;开办;起飞;v.开始从事,发起,发动;(launch的现在分词) minority:n.少数民族;少数派;未成年;adj.少数的;属于少数派的;
Latin is relatively rare, too. You just look at some of the languages. 拉丁语的也很少见。看看这些语言,
Latin:adj.拉丁语的;用拉丁语写成的;n.拉丁语; relatively:adv.相当程度上;相当地;相对地;
I'm willing to suspect some of you hadn't even heard of them before. 我很乐意去怀疑各位之前可能根本没有见过其中的一些语言。
Is there anybody in the room, one person, unless you work with OLPC, is there anybody in the room that can tell me what language the keyboard is that's on the screen? There's only one hand -- so you get it. 有没有人,哪怕只有一个,除非你是为OLPC工作的, 在座的有没有人可以告诉我 屏幕上这个键盘是什么语言的?我看到只有一只手举起来,所以你就清楚了情况是怎么样的。
Yes, you're right. He's right. It's Amharic, 对,你说的对,他说的对。是阿姆哈拉语,
It's Ethiopian . In Ethiopia there's never been a keyboard. 是埃塞俄比亚的语言。埃塞俄比亚从来没有过键盘。
There is no keyboard standard because there's no market. 那里没有键盘标准,因为那里没有市场。
And this is the big difference. 这是很大的不同点。
Again, when you're a nonprofit, you look at children as a mission, not as a market. 再一次地,当你是非盈利组织时,你把孩子们看成是一个使命,而不是一个市场。
So we went to Ethiopia, and we helped them make a keyboard. 所以我们去了埃塞俄比亚,帮助他们设计了一个键盘。
And this will become the standard Ethiopian keyboard. 这将成为标准埃塞俄比亚语键盘。
So what I want to end with is sort of what we're doing to roll it out. 最后我想说的是,我们现在在笔记本投放上的进度。
And we changed strategy completely. I decided at the beginning -- it was a pretty good thing to decide in the beginning, it's not what we're doing now -- is to go to six countries. 我们从根本上改变了我们的策略。开始的时候我决定, 在当时看来是一件很美好的东西, 但是不是我们现在正在做的,我们将把他们先投放到六个国家。
at the beginning:首先;从一开始;起初;从头开始;
Big countries, one of them's not so big, but it's rich. 大国,其中的一个不是很大,但很富裕。
Here's the six. We went to the six, and in each case the head of state said he would do it, he'd do a million. 这是那六个国家。我们去了这六个国家, 每一个国家的政府首脑都说,他愿意这么做,他愿意投放一百万台。
In the case of Gaddafi, he'd do 1.2 million, and that they would launch it. 以卡扎菲为例,他愿意采购120万台,并且他们会启动它。
We thought, this is exactly the right strategy, get it out, and then the little countries could sort of piggyback on these big countries. 我们想,这正是我们应该执行的正确的策略,把他们投放出去, 然后小国家可以某种程度上参照这些大国家。
piggyback:adj.背着的; v.在背肩上; n.肩扛; vt.背负式装运;
And so I went to each of those countries at least six times, met with the head of state probably two or three times. 所以我去了这些国家, 每一个都至少六次,大概与国家元首会见了两到三次。
In each case, got the ministers , went through a lot of the stuff. 在每一个国家我都会见了政府官员们,向他们讲述很多相关的东西。
ministers:n.部长,大臣; v.辅助; (minister的第三人称单数和复数)
This was a period in my life where I was traveling 330 days per year. 那一段时期我一年大概有330天都是在旅行。
Not something you'd envy or want to do. 这并不是一样你会嫉妒或者想要去做的事情。
In the case of Libya , it was a lot of fun meeting Gaddafi in his tent. 比如说在利比亚,在卡扎菲的帐篷中会见他很有趣。
The camel smells were unbelievable . 但骆驼的味道简直难以置信。
And it was 45 degrees centigrade . I mean, this was not what you'd call a cool experience. And former countries -- 并且当时那里是摄氏45度。我是说,这并不是 一段你会称之为有趣的经历。之前的国家,
I say former, because none of them really came through this summer. 这里我说之前是因为他们没能在这个夏天做到。
There was a big difference between getting a head of state to have a photo opportunity , make a press release , so we went to smaller ones. Uruguay, bless their hearts. 我们所做的事情和有机会跟国家元首 一起拍照,一起召开一个新闻发布会有很大不同, 然后我们去了小国家。乌拉圭,上帝保佑他们。
photo opportunity:n.(名人)拍照的时机;(名人)接受拍照的时间; press release:n.(向媒体发布的)新闻稿;
Small country, not so rich. President said he'd do it, and guess what? 这是一个小国家,并不富有。总统说他愿意做这件事情,你猜接下来发生了什么?
He did do it. The tender had nothing in it that related to us, nothing specific about sunlight-readable mesh-network, low-power, but just a vanilla laptop proposal . 他真的做了。投标过程没有任何一点跟我们有关的东西, 没有任何具体的关于日光下可读、多通网网络、低电压的描述, 而只是一个香草颜色的笔记本电脑提案。
tender:v.投标;提供;提出;n.投标;(蒸汽机车的)煤水车;adj.和善的;温柔的;亲切的; specific:adj.特殊的,特定的;明确的;详细的;[药]具有特效的;n.特性;细节;特效药; proposal:n.提议,建议;求婚;
And guess what? We won it hands down . 接下来又发生了什么呢?我们拿到了这个投标。
hands down:adj.无疑的;唾手可得的;
When it was announced that they were going to do every child in Uruguay, the first 100,000, boom , went to OLPC. 当他们宣布要为乌拉圭的每一个孩子配备一台笔记本时, 砰,OLPC拿到了第一个十万台电脑的订单。
The next day -- the next day, not even 24 hours had passed -- in Peru, the president of Peru said, "We'll do 250." And boom, a little domino effect . 第二天,就在第二天,甚至都没有过24小时,在秘鲁, 秘鲁总统说,我们要25万台。然后一个小的多米诺效应出现了。
domino effect:n.多米诺(骨牌)效应;连锁反应;
The president of Rwanda stepped in and said he would do it. 接下来卢旺达总统说他也要做这件事情。
The president of Ethiopia said he would do it. 再接下来是埃塞俄比亚总统。
And boom, boom, boom. The president of Mongolia. 然后砰砰砰。蒙古总统。
And so what happens is, these things start to happen with these countries. 接下来发生的是,这些国家真正地开始实施这个项目。
Still not enough. 但这还远不够。
Add up all those countries, it didn't quite get to thing, so we said, "Let's start a program in the United States." So end of August, early September, we decide to do this. We announced it near the middle, end -- just when the Clinton initiative was taking place. 算上所有这些国家还是远远不够。所以我们决定, 在美国启动一个项目。所以在八月底九月初, 我们决定开始这么做。我们在年中接近年底的时候宣布了这个计划, 就在克林顿基金会刚刚成立的时候。
United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式) initiative:n.倡议;主动性;积极性;主动权;adj.起始的;
We thought that was a good time to announce it. 我们想那是一个宣布这项计划的合适的时机。
Launched it on the 12th of November. 我们在11月12号启动了这个项目。
W said it would be just for a short period until the 26th. We've extended it until the 31st. 当时我们说这将是一个短期的计划,到26号为止。我们把它延长到了12月31号。
And the "Give One, Get One" program is really important because it got a lot of people absolutely interested. 这个买二捐一的计划很重要。 因为它吸引了更多对这个项目有兴趣的人们、
The first day it was just wild. And then we said, "Well, let's get people to give many. Not just one, and get one, but maybe give 100, give 1,000." And that's where you come in. 项目启动的第一天非常振奋人心。然后接下来我们决定, 让人们可以捐献更多吧。不只是买二捐一, 而是可以捐100台、1000台。然后你们来到了这里。
And that's where I think it's very important. I don't want you all to go out and buy 400 dollars worth of laptops. Okay? Do it, but that's not going to help. Okay? 这是为什么我认为它很重要。我并不是想要你们出去 花400美元买笔记本电脑,好吧?去买,但是那并不能提供什么帮助,对吧?
If everybody in this room goes out tonight and orders one of these things for 400 dollars, whatever it is, 300 people in the room doing it, yeah, great. 如果在座的每个人今晚都去买上400块钱的东西, 不管是什么,假如在座有300个人去做这件事情,那么,这是一件多么伟大的事情。
I want you do something else. 但我想让你们做一些其他的事情。
And it's not to go out and buy 100 or 1,000, though, 我不是要让你们去买100或者1000台电脑,
I invite you to do that, and 10,000 would be even better. 虽然我欢迎你们这样做,而且买一万台的话更好。
Tell people about it! It's got to become viral , OK? 我希望你们可以告诉更多的人这件事情。它应该被广泛地传播开来,对吧?
Use your mailing lists. People in this room have extraordinary mailing lists. 利用你的邮件列表。在座的各位都有不同寻常的邮件列表。
Get your friends to give one, get one. 让你的朋友也来买二捐一。
And if each one of you sends it to three or 400 people, that would be fantastic. 如果你们每个人都把它发送给三百或者四百个人,那将是一件非常美妙的事情。
I won't dwell on the pricing at all. 如果是我,我不会花太多的篇幅在价格上。
Just to say that when you do the "Give One, Get One," 如果在你传播买二捐一时只提到价格,
a lot of press is a bit about, "They didn't make it, it's 188 dollars, it's not 100." 很多媒体都会说:“他们没做到所承诺的,这个电脑卖188美元,而不是100美元。”
It will be 100 in two years. It will go below 100. 两年后它会是100美元。它将会降低至100美元以下。
We've pledged not to add features, but to bring that price down. 我们保证过不会添加新的功能,而是会把价格降低。
But it was the countries that wanted it to go up, and we let them push it up for all sorts of reasons. So what you can do -- 但是是那些国家想让价格高一些, 所以我们就让他们把价格提高,因为各种各样的原因。所以,你可以做的,
I've just said it. Don't just "Give One, Get One." 就像我说的。不要只是买二捐一。
I just want to end with one last one. This one is not even 24-hours old, or maybe it's 24 hours. 我想以一个最新的消息来结束我的演讲。这件事情 发生在不到24小时前,或者大概就是在24小时前。
The first kids got their laptops. They got them by ship, and I'm talking now about 7,000, 8,000 at a time went out this week. 第一批孩子拿到了他们的笔记本电脑。是用船运到的, 然后我们这周大概有七千到八千台运送出去。
They went to Uruguay, Peru, Mexico. 这些电脑被送到了乌拉圭、秘鲁、墨西哥。
And it's been slow coming, and we're only making about 5,000 a week, but we hope, we hope, sometime in next year, maybe by the middle of the year, to hit a million a month. Now put that number, and a million isn't so much. It's not a big number. 进程有些慢,我们每周只能生产五千台, 我们希望,明年的某个时候, 大概明年年中, 可以达到每个月生产一百万台。提到这个数字, 一百万并不算多。这不是一个很大的数目。
We're selling a billion cell phones worldwide this year. 全世界每年有10亿台手机售出.
But a million a month in laptop-land is a big number. 但在笔记本的世界里,每个月一百万台的确是一个很大的数字。
And the world production today, everybody combined making laptops, is 5 million a month. So I'm standing here telling you that sometime next year, we're going to make 20 percent of the world production. 现在全世界的生产量,算上生产笔记本的所有企业, 大概是每月五百万台。所以我在这里想告诉你们的是,明年的某个时候, 我们将会占据这个世界上笔记本电脑生产量的20%。
And if we do that, there are going to be a lot of lucky kids out there. 如果我们能够做到,世界上将会有更多幸运的孩子。
And we hope if you have EG two years from now, or whenever you have it again, 所以我们希望,如果两年后你们还会举行EG, 或者其他的任何时候,
I won't have bad breath , and I will be invited back, and will have, hopefully by then, maybe 100 million out there to children. 我不会让人感到厌烦,我会被邀请回来, 并且希望到时候已经有了一亿台笔记本给孩子们。
bad breath:n.口臭;难闻的呼气;
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (鼓掌)