

This is very strange for me, because I*m not used to doing this: 这对于我来说怪怪的,因为我不习惯做这样的演讲
I usually stand on the other side of the light, and now I'm feeling the pressure I put other people into. And it's hard ... 通常我都是站在镁光灯的另一边 现在我感觉到我曾经带给其他人的压力了,这可不太好受
on the other side:另一面;在另一边;
The previous speaker has, I think, really painted a very good background as to the impulse behind my work and what drives me, and my sense of loss, and trying to find the answer to the big questions. 我认为前一位演讲人已经 描绘出一副很棒的背景图— 这幅背景图是关于我工作背后的动力,我的动力,我对失去的感触 以及努力寻找那些较难的问题的答案
previous:adj.以前的;早先的;过早的;adv.在先;在…以前; impulse:n.冲动;[电子]脉冲;刺激;神经冲动;推动力;v.推动;
But this, for me, I mean, coming here to do this, feels like -- there*s this sculptor that I like very much, Giacometti, who after many years of living in France -- and learning, you know, studying and working -- he returned home and he was asked, what did you produce? 但这个对我来说,我指的是我来这里做演讲,感觉就像是 ——有一个我很喜欢的雕塑家,贾克梅蒂 在法国居住、学习几年以后 他回国了,人们问他,你创作了什么?
What have you done with so many years of being away? 你离开这么多年,取得了什么成就?
And he sort of, he showed a handful of figurines . 他就拿出几个雕像给他们看
And obviously they were, "Is this what you spent years doing? 显然他人并不满意:“你花了几年的时间就做了这个?”
And we expected huge masterpieces !" 我们期待的是看到‘巨作’,你懂吗”
But what struck me is the understanding that in those little pieces was the culmination of a man*s life, search, thought, everything -- just in a reduced, small version. 但是让我感触良深的是,明白到那几件小物品 是一个人一生的探索、思想以及一切 只不过是浓缩了的一个小版本而已
In a way, I feel like that. 在某种程度上,我感觉到
I feel like I*m coming home to talk about what I*ve been away doing for 20 years. 我觉得我要回家谈谈 我在外20多年到底做了什么
And I will start with a brief taster of what I*ve been about: a handful of films -- nothing much, two feature films and a handful of short films. 我会以我某个作品的片段作为开头 我的作品包括数部电影 两部剧情片和一些短片
So, we*ll go with the first piece. 我们先看看第一个片段
(Video) Woman: "I destroy lives," mum said. 视频:我毁了生活,妈妈说
I love her, you know. 我爱她,你知道的
She*s not even my real mum. 她甚至都不是我的亲生妈妈
My real mum and dad dumped me and fucked off back to Nigeria. 我的亲生父母抛弃了我, 然后就滚回尼日利亚了
dumped:v.丢弃,扔掉;丢下;抛弃;倾销,抛售;(dump的过去分词和过去式) fucked:v.与…性交;(表示气愤)他妈的;(fuck的过去分词和过去式)
The devil is in me, Court. 恶魔在我身上,法院
Court: Sleep. 睡吧
Woman: Have you ever been? 你去过吗
Court: Where? 哪里?
Woman: Nigeria. 尼日利亚
Court: Never. 从未去过
My mum wanted to, couldn*t afford it. 我妈妈想去 但是付不起路费
Woman: Wish I could. 希望我能去
I have this feeling I*d be happy there. 我预感到我在那里会很快乐的
Why does everyone get rid of me? 为什么人人都想离开我?
Court: I don't want to get rid of you. 我不想离开你
Woman: You don't need me. 你不需要我
You*re just too blind to see it now. 只不过你现在意识不到而已
Boy: What do you do all day? 你今天都做了什么啊?
Marcus: Read. 阅读
Boy: Don't you get bored ? 你不闷吗?
And how come you ain't got a job anyway? 为什么你连份工作都找不到?
Marcus: I am retired. 我退休了
Boy: So? 那又怎样?
Marcus: So I've done my bit for Queen and country, now I work for myself. 我已经尽到了对女王、对国家的职责,现在我要为自己而活
Boy: No, now you sit around like a bum all day. 不,现在你就跟个流浪汉似的呆坐一整天
sit around:无所事事; bum:n.屁股; vt.乞讨; adj.劣质的;
Marcus: Because I do what I like? 我就喜欢这样
Boy: Look man, reading don't feed no one. 兄弟啊,阅读喂不饱你的
And it particularly don't feed your spliff habit. 也不会给你带来大麻卷烟
particularly:adv.特别地,独特地;详细地,具体地;明确地,细致地; spliff:n.大麻烟卷;
Marcus: It feeds my mind and my soul. 阅读喂饱了我的思想和灵魂
Boy: Arguing with you is a waste of time, Marcus. 马库斯,跟你争执纯粹是浪费我的时间
Marcus: You*re a rapper , am I right? 你是说唱歌手?我说的对吗?
Boy: Yeah.
Marcus: A modern day poet. 现代诗人
Boy: Yeah, you could say that. 嗯,这样说也行
Marcus: So what do you talk about? 那你说的内容是什么?
Boy: What's that supposed to mean? 那是什么意思?
Marcus: Simple. What do you rap about? 很简单。你说唱的内容是什么?
Boy: Reality, man. 现实啊,兄弟
Marcus: Whose reality? 谁的现实
Boy: My fuckin' reality. 我的破烂现实
Marcus: Tell me about your reality. 跟我说说你的现实
Boy: Racism , oppression , people like me not getting a break in life. 种族歧视,消沉压抑,像我这样的人被生活压的喘不过气
Racism:n.种族主义,种族歧视;人种偏见; oppression:n.压抑;镇压;压迫手段;沉闷;苦恼;
Marcus: So what solutions do you offer? I mean, the job of a poet is not just -- 那你有什么好办法?我是说,把作诗当成工作不只只...
Boy: Man, fight the power! Simple: blow the motherfuckers out of the sky. 兄弟,和权贵作斗争吧。很简单。把那些混账东西统统赶走
Marcus: With an AK-47? 用AK-47(武器)吗?
Boy: Man, if I had one, too fuckin' right. 如果我有的话,你就他妈的说对了,我一定会用的
Marcus: And how many soldiers have you recruited to fight this war with you? 你招来了多少兵来和你并肩作战呢?
Boy: Oh, Marcus, you know what I mean. 马库斯,你知道我的意思的
Marcus: When a man resorts to profanities , it*s a sure sign of his inability to express himself. 当人满口粗言烂语的时候 就表示他没有能力清楚的表达自己
resorts:n.度假村;度假胜地(resort复数);v.诉诸(resort的第三人称单数); profanities:n.亵渎;不敬的言语; inability:n.无能力;无才能; express:v.表达; adj.特快的; n.特快列车; v.使用快速服务;
Boy: See man, you*re just taking the piss out of me now. 你看你,现在都把我惹毛了
Marcus: The Panthers . 美洲黑豹队
Boy: Panthers? 美洲黑豹队?
Ass kickin' guys who were fed up with all that white supremacist , powers-that-be bullshit , and just went in there and kicked everybody's arse . 那些操蛋的人,满脑子白人至上、权贵至上 横冲直撞,无人不恨
fed up with:受够了;极厌恶;对…厌倦; supremacist:n.至上主义者;adj.至上主义者的; bullshit:v.胡说,哄骗;n.胡说; arse:n.屁股;笨蛋;饭桶;vi.闲混;
Fuckin* wicked , man. I saw the movie. Bad! What? 简直就是变态。我看过电影,太糟糕了!干嘛啊?
Director 1: I saw his last film. 我看了他最后的那部电影
Woman 1: Yes.
Director 2: Can you not shut up? 你能不能闭上嘴啊?
Now, you talk straight to me, what*s wrong with my films? 现在,你直接跟我说吧,我的电影怎么了?
Let*s go. 来啊
W1: They suck . 糟透了
Woman 2: They suck? What about yours? 糟透了?那你的呢?
What, what, what, what about, what? 什么,什么,干嘛啊?
What do you think about your movie? 你觉得你的电影怎么样?
D1: My movies, they are OK, fine. 我的电影,他们还好,还不错
They are better than making documentaries no one ever sees. 他们比那些没人愿意看的纪录片好多了
What the fuck are you talking about? 你说什么鬼?
Did you ever move your fuckin' ass from Hollywood to go and film something real? 你他妈有没有离开过好莱坞 去拍点真实的内容?
You make people fuckin' sleep. 你让观众昏昏欲睡
Dream about bullshit. 满脑子狗屁
(Applause) (掌声)
Newton Aduaka: Thank you. The first clip , really, is totally trying to capture what cinema is for me, and where I'm coming from in terms of cinema. 牛顿: 谢谢你们。我的第一个片段 是真正想抓住电影于我而言的意义 置身电影世界,我从何而来?
Newton:n.牛顿(英国科学家);牛顿(力的单位); clip:v.剪辑;修剪;削减;固定;n.夹;夹子;速度;钳; capture:v.俘虏;捕获;攻占;夺得;刻画,描述;n.(被)捕获;(被)俘获
The first piece was, really, there's a young woman talking about Nigeria, that she has a feeling she'll be happy there. 第一个片段讲的是一个年轻妇女谈论尼日利亚 她觉得在那里她会很快乐
These are the sentiments of someone that's been away from home. 这是远离家乡的人的情感
And that was something that I went through, you know, and I'm still going through. 是我体验过、并且还在体验着的情感
I've not been home for quite a while, for about five years now. 我离家有好一段日子了,已经有5年左右的时间了
I've been away 20 years in total. 我在外的日子加起来有20年了
And so it*s really -- it's really how suddenly, you know, this was made in 1997, which is the time of Abacha -- the military dictatorship , the worst part of Nigerian history, this post-colonial history. 所以真的 这部电影拍摄于1997年 这是阿巴查统治期间 尼日利亚历史上最糟糕的日子,后殖民地时期
military:adj.军事的;军人的;适于战争的;n.军队;军人; dictatorship:n.专政;独裁权;独裁者职位;
So, for this girl to have these dreams is simply how we preserve a sense of what home is. 对于这个女孩,拥有这样的梦想 就是我们对家园的渴望
How -- and it's sort of, perhaps romantic , but I think beautiful, because you just need something to hold on to , especially in a society where you feel alienated . 有点浪漫吧,可是我觉得很美丽 因为你只是需要一个寄托 特别是在社会里,人们有疏离感
romantic:adj.浪漫的;爱情的;n.浪漫的人;耽于幻想的人; hold on to:坚持;紧握;克制; especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分; alienated:adj.疏远的;被疏远的;v.使疏离(alienate的过去式);
Which takes us to the next piece, where the young man talks about lack of opportunity: living as a black person in Europe, the glass ceiling that we all know about, that we all talk about, and his reality. 这把我们带到下一个片段,有个年轻人 说到在欧洲生活的黑人缺少机遇 透明的玻璃天花板,我们都知道,都在谈论 他身上的真实经历
glass ceiling:n.无形顶障(虽无明文规定却实际存在的对妇女等在职务升迁上的无形限制);
Again, this was my -- this was me talking about -- this was, again, the time of multiculturalism in the United Kingdom , and there was this buzzword -- and it was trying to say, what exactly does this multiculturalism mean in the real lives of people? 再一次,这是我在谈论 英国的多元文化的时候 我想说的是这个术语 多元文化对于人们的真实生活来说,有什么意义
multiculturalism:n.多元文化论; United Kingdom:n.英国; buzzword:n.流行词;
And what would a child -- what does a child like Jamie -- the young boy -- think, 一个小孩子 像杰米这样的小孩子有着怎样的想法
I mean, with all this anger that's built up inside of him? 我是说,他的内心积累的愤怒
What happens with that? 会导致什么后果?
What, of course, happens with that is violence , which we see when we talk about the ghettos and we talk about, you know, South Central L.A. and this kind of stuff , and which eventually , when channeled , becomes, you know, evolves and manifests itself as riots -- 当然,后果就是暴力,这是 我们谈及犹太人得到的结论 我们谈及中南地区,洛杉矶等等 最终裂痕出现 不断发展,以暴动的方式表现出来
violence:n.暴力;侵犯;激烈;歪曲; ghettos:n.犹太社区(ghetto复数); stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本: eventually:adv.最后,终于; channeled:adj.有沟的;槽形的;v.引导;在…上开渠;输送;(channel的过去分词) evolves:v.进化,进展(evolve的第三人称单数形式); manifests:vt.证明,表明; vi.显示,出现; n.载货单,货单; adj.显然的,明显的; riots:n.暴动(riot的复数);v.骚乱(riot的第三人称单数形式);闹事;
like the one in France two years ago, where I live, which shocked everybody, because everyone thought, "Oh well, 就像二年前,我在法国居住的时候发生的暴乱 震惊了所有人,因为大家都以为
France is a liberal society." 法国是个自由的社会
liberal:adj.宽宏大度的; n.理解且尊重他人意见的人;
But I lived in England for 18 years. 可我在英格兰住了18年
I've lived in France for about four, and I feel actually thrown back 20 years, living in France. 在法国住了4年,我感到 在法国住的时候,好像时光倒退了20年
And then, the third piece. The third piece for me is the question: 再看看第三个片段。第三个片段,于我而言,是这个问题:
What is cinema to you? What do you do with cinema? 电影对你意味着什么?你想通过电影表达什么?
There's a young director, Hollywood director, with his friends -- fellow filmmakers -- talking about what cinema means. 有个年轻的导演,好莱坞的导演,和他的朋友们一起 一群电影人一起讨论电影的意义
I suppose that will take me to my last piece -- what cinema means for me. 我想这就是我做这个作品的出发点 电影于我而言的意义
My life started as a -- I started life in 1966, a few months before the Biafran, which lasted for three years and it was three years of war. 我出生的时候,我出生于1966年 那是历时三年之久的比亚法拉战争战争的前几个月 接着就是三年的战乱
So that whole thing, that whole childhood echoes and takes me into the next piece. 我的所有记忆 所有儿童时代的回忆让我拍下了接下来这个片段
childhood:n.童年;幼年;孩童时期 echoes:n.回声; v.发出回声;
(Video) Voice: Onicha, off to school with your brother. 视频录像:欧尼卡,和弟弟一起去学校
Onicha: Yes, mama. 是的,妈妈
Commander : Soldiers, you are going to fight a battle, so you must get ready and willing to die. 战士们,你们即将走上战场 你们必须做好准备,甘愿牺牲
You must get -- ? 你们必须
Child Soldiers: Ready and willing to die. 做好准备,甘愿牺牲
C: Success, the change is only coming through the barrel of the gun. 成功,变革唯有通过枪杆子才能实现
CS: The barrel of the gun! 通过枪杆子
C: This is the gun. 这就是枪
CS: This is the gun. 这就是枪
C: This is an AK-47 rifle . This is your life. 就是一支 AK47自动步枪。这就是你的生活
This is your life. This is ... this is ... this is your life. 这就是你的生活。这就是,这就是,这就是你的生活
Ezra: They give us the special drugs. We call it bubbles . 他们让我们吃一种特制的药物。我们称之为气泡
bubbles:n.泡; v.起泡; (bubble的第三人称单数和复数)
Amphetamines . 安非他命
Soldiers: Rain come, sun come, soldier man dey go. 雨落,日出,战士出生入死
I say rain come, sun come, soldier man dey go. 雨落,日出,战士出生入死
We went from one village to another -- three villages. 我们从一个村庄来到另一个村庄,总共三个村庄
I don*t remember how we got there. 我记不得我们是怎么去到那里的
Witness : We walked and walked for two days. 我们走了两天
We didn't eat. 什么都没吃
There was no food, just little rice. 没有食物,只有一点点稻米
Without food -- I was sick. 没有食物,我病了
The injection made us not to have mind. 我们接受注射之后神志不清
God will forgive us. 上帝会原谅我们的
He knows we did not know. We did not know! 他知道我们并不知情。我们并不知情!
Committee Chairman: Do you remember January 6th, 1999? 你还记得1999年1月6日吗?
Ezra: I don*t remember. 我不记得了
Various Voices: You will die! You will die! (Screaming) 你会死的!你会死的!
Onicha: Ezra! (Ezra: Onicha! Onicha!) 欧尼卡:伊斯梅尔!(伊斯梅尔:欧尼卡!欧尼卡!)
Various Voices: ? We don't need no more trouble ? ?我们不要更多的麻烦?
? No more trouble ? ?不要更多的麻烦?
They killed my mother. 他们杀死了我的母亲
The Mende sons of bastards . 曼德斯那畜生
(Shouting) (喊叫声)
Who is she? 她是谁?
Me. 是我
Why you giving these to me? 为什么你要给我这些?
So you can stop staring at me. 那你就不会再盯着我看了
My story is a little bit complicated . 我的故事有点复杂
I*m interested. 我想听听
Mariam is pregnant . 玛丽安怀孕了
You know what you are? A crocodile. 你知道自己是什么吗?鳄鱼
Big mouth. Short legs. 大嘴 短腿
In front of Rufus you are Ezra the coward . 在卢夫斯面前,你就伊斯梅尔,一个懦夫
He*s not taking care of his troops. 他没有好好指挥他的军队
Troop, pay your last honor. Salute . 军队,最后一次致敬。敬礼
Open your eyes, Ezra. 睁大你的眼睛,伊斯梅尔
A blind man can see that the diamonds end up in his pocket. 瞎子都看得到,钻石都装到他的口袋里了
? We don't need no more trouble ? ?我们不要更多的麻烦?
Get that idiot out! 把那白痴赶出去!
I take you are preparing a major attack? 我想你要发动突击了?
This must be the mine. 我要拿下这里
Your girl is here. 你女友来了
Well done , well done. 做得好,做得好
Well done:好样的,干得好;
That is what you are here for, no? 这就是你来这里的原因,不是吗?
You are planning to go back to fight are you? 你打算回去打仗,对吗?
? We don't need no more trouble ? ?我们不要更多的麻烦?
? No more trouble ? ?不要更多的麻烦?
? We don't need no more trouble ? ?我们不要更多的麻烦?
? No more trouble. ? ?不要更多的麻烦?
Wake up! Everybody wake up. Road block! 醒醒吧,大家都醒醒。此路不通!
? We don't need no more ... ? ?我们不要更多的...?
Committee Chairman: We hope that, with your help and the help of others, that this commission will go a long way towards understanding the causes of the rebel war. 我们希望,在你和他人的帮助下,此委员会 能够在一番努力之后,了解叛乱的源头
commission:n.委员会;佣金;犯;委任;委任状;vt.委任;使服役;委托制作; rebel:n.反政府的人;叛乱者;造反者;反抗权威者;v.造反;反抗;背叛;adj.造反的;
More than that, begin a healing process and finally to -- as an act of closure to a terrible period in this country*s history. 更甚于此,开始整治,最终得以 结束这个国家历史上混乱不堪的时期
healing:n.康复; adj.痊愈中的; v.(使)康复,复原; (heal的现在分词) finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; closure:n.关闭;终止,结束;v.使结束;使终止;;
The beginning of hope. 希望的开始
Mr. Ezra Gelehun, please stand. 伊斯梅尔.格勒亨先生,请起立
State your name and age for the commission. 告诉委员会你的姓名和年龄
Ezra: My name is Ezra Gelehun. 我的名字是伊斯梅尔.格勒亨
I am 15 or 16. I don*t remember. 我15岁还是16岁,我已经记不得了
Ask my sister, she is the witch , she knows everything. 我的妹妹,她是个巫女,她无所不知
(Sister: 16.) 16岁
CC: Mr. Gelehun, I*d like to remind you you*re not on trial here for any crimes you committed . 格勒亨先生,我想提醒你,你现在并不是 因为你犯下的罪行而受审
remind:v.提醒;使想起; committed:adj.坚信的; v.做出错事; (commit的过去分词和过去式)
E: We were fighting for our freedom. 我们为我们的自由而战
If killing in a war is a crime, then you have to charge every soldier in the world. 如果战争中的杀戮是罪行 那你就得起诉世界上的所有战士
War is a crime, yes, but I did not start it. 战争是罪行,是的,但我从未发起战争
You too are a retired General, not so? 你也是一个退役的将军,对吗?
CC: Yes, correct. 对,没错
E: So you too must stand trial then. 那你也必须受审
Our government was corrupt . 我们的政府腐败不堪
Lack of education was their way to control power. 剥夺教育是他们掌控权利的方式
If I may ask, do you pay for school in your country? 我想请问,你在你的国家需要付钱接受教育吗?
CC: No, we don*t. 不,我们不需要
E: You are richer than us. 你们比我们富有
But we pay for school. 可我们却要为教育付钱
Your country talks about democracy , but you support corrupt governments like my own. 你们的国度满口民主 但你们却支持腐败的政府,比如说,我们的政府
Why? Because you want our diamond. 为什么?因为你们想要我们的钻石
Ask if anyone in this room have ever seen real diamond before? 你随便问问这里的任何一人,他见过真的钻石吗?
No. 没有
CC: Mr. Gelehun, I'd like to remind you, you're not on trial here today. 格勒亨先生,我想提醒你,你今天在此并不是受审
You are not on trial. 你并不是在受审
E: Then let me go. 那就放我走
CC: I can't do that, son. 我不能这么做,孩子
E: So you are a liar . 那你就是撒谎
(Applause) (掌声)
NA: Thank you. Just very quickly to say that my point really here, is that while we*re making all these huge advancements , what we're doing, which for me, you know, I think we should -- 牛顿:谢谢。让我快速的谈谈我的重点 是当我们取得飞黄腾达的成就之际 我们的所作所为,对于我来说,我认为我们应该
Africa should move forward, but we should remember, so we do not go back here again. 非洲应该向前发展,可我们应该记住 我们便不会重蹈覆辙
Thank you. 谢谢
Emeka Okafor: Thank you, Newton. 埃梅卡.奥卡福:谢谢你,牛顿
(Applause) (掌声)
One of the themes that comes through very strongly in the piece we just watched is this sense of the psychological trauma of the young that have to play this role of being child soldiers. 一个感情强烈的主题 是我们在片断中看到的,年轻一代受到的心理创伤 他们是孩子,是童军
psychological:adj.心理的;心理学的;精神上的; trauma:n.[外科]创伤(由心理创伤造成精神上的异常);外伤;
And considering where you are coming from, and when we consider the extent to which it*s not taken as seriously as it should be, what would you have to say about that? 想想你来自何方 当我们意识到他们受的伤害并未得到应有的重视之际 你有什么想说的吗?
NA: In the process of my research, I actually spent a bit of time in Sierra Leone researching this. 牛顿:在我调查的过程之中,实际上 我花了一些时间在塞拉利昂研究这个
In the process of:在…的过程中; Sierra:n.(尤指西班牙和美洲的)锯齿状山脉; Leone:n.利昂(塞拉利昂货币单位);
And I remember I met a lot of child soldiers -- ex-combatants, as they like to be called. 我记得我遇到了很多童军 曾经的战士,他们喜欢这样的称呼
I met psychosocial workers who worked with them. 我遇到帮助他们的心理医生
I met psychiatrists who spent time with them, aid workers, NGOs, the whole lot. 我遇到花时间在他们身上的心理咨询师 援助人员,非政府组织,很多人
But I remember on the flight back on my last trip, 但是我记得在最后一趟回程上
I remember breaking down in tears and thinking to myself, if any kid in the West, in the western world, went through a day of what any of those kids have gone through, they will be in therapy for the rest of their natural lives. 我记得自己崩溃痛哭,不停的思考 如果这些孩子们,如果在西方国家的任何一个孩子 有过非洲孩子都经历过的、仅仅一天的生活体验 他们的余生都离不开治疗了
So for me, the thought that we have all these children -- it*s a generation, we have a whole generation of children -- who have been put through so much psychological trauma or damage, and Africa has to live with that. 所以于我而言,对于所有孩子们的思索 这是一代人,我们有整整一代孩童 被迫遭受如此严重的心理创伤 非洲不得不独自承受
put through:v.接通;完成;使穿过;使从事,使经受;
But I*m just saying to factor that in, factor that in with all this great advancement, all this pronouncement of great achievement. 我希望能够念及他们 当我们取得各式伟大的成就之时,请念及他们 当我们宣布我们取得伟大的成就的时候
factor:n.因素;要素;[物]因数;代理人;v.做代理商;v.把…作为因素计入; pronouncement:n.声明;宣告;公告;判决;
That*s really my thinking. 这就是我的真实想法
EO: Well, we thank you again for coming to the TED stage. 埃梅卡.奥卡福:我们再次感谢你来到了TED的舞台上
That was a very moving piece. 这是一个感人至深的分享
NA: Thank you. 牛顿:谢谢你
EO: Thank you. 埃梅卡.奥卡福:谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)