

I’d like to dedicate this next song to Carmelo, who was put to sleep a couple of days ago because he got too old. 我想把下面一首歌献给卡梅洛, 几天前他们让它安乐死了,因为它太老了。
But apparently he was a very nice dog and he always let the cat sleep in the dog bed. 但它却是只非常好的狗 它总是把它的床让给那只猫。
? (Dog panting noise) Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh. ? ?(狗的喘息声) 哈,哈,哈,哈,哈,哈,哈,哈。?
? I'm just a'walking my dog, singing my song, strolling along. ? ?我正带着我的狗,唱着我的歌,散着步?
? Yeah, it's just me and my dog catching some sun, we can't go wrong. ? ?是啊,我和我的狗沐浴着阳光,一切如此美好。?
? My life was lonely and blue ? ?我的生命寂寞而忧伤。?
? Yeah, I was sad as a sailor, ? ?是呵,我很难过,就像个孤单的水手?
? I was an angry 'un too. ? ?我也很生气?
? Then there was you -- appeared when I was entangled with youth and fear ? ?然后你,在我陷入青春和恐惧时出现?
? and nerves jingle jangled , vermouth and beer were getting me mangled up. ? ?我的神经感到叮铃刺痛,苦艾酒和啤酒让我更加难受纠结?
nerves:n.神经;神经紧张;勇气;v.鼓足勇气;振作精神;(nerve的第三人称单数和复数) jingle:n.叮当声; v.(使)叮当作响; jangled:n.争吵,吵嚷;刺耳声;vt.使发出刺耳声;使争论;vi.刺耳响;争论,吵架; vermouth:n.苦艾酒;味美斯酒; mangled:v.压碎;撕烂;严重损坏;糟蹋;(mangle的过去分词和过去式)
? But then I looked in your eyes ? ?当我凝视着你的双眸?
? and I was no more a failure. ? ?感觉自己不再一无是处?
? You looked so wacky and wise. ? ?你看上去古怪机灵?
? And I said, " Lord , I'm happy, 'cause I'm just a'walking my dog, ? ?我感叹,“天阿,我太高兴了!因为我带着着狗狗散步,?
? catching some sun, we can't go wrong." ? ?沐浴着阳光,一切如此美好。”?
? Yeah, it's just me and my dog, singing our song, strolling along. ? ?是啊,我和我的狗,唱着我们的歌,漫着步。?
? 'Cause I don't care about your hating and your doubt, ? ?因为我不在乎你的埋怨与怀疑,?
? and I don't care what the politicians spout . ? ?也不在乎政治家们的胡言乱语。?
politicians:n.政治家;(蔑)政客;(美)政治贩;(politician的复数) spout:n.喷口; vt.喷出; vi.喷出;
? If you need a companion , why, just go out to the pound ? ?如果你想找个伴,为何不去狗狗收容所?
? and find yourself a hound and make that doggie proud, ? ?给自己找个小狗,让那狗狗得意一番?
hound:n.猎犬;猎狗;v.追踪;追逐;纠缠; doggie:小狗,狗
? 'cause that's what it's all about. ? ?因为这就是这样的简单。?
? (Dog panting noise) Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh. ? ?(狗的喘息声) 哈,哈,哈,哈,哈,哈,哈,哈。?
? My life was tragic and sad, ? ?我的生命悲惨而哀伤,?
? I was the archetypal loser, ? ?我是个典型的失败者?
? I was a pageant gone bad, ? ?像个搞砸了的演出,?
? and then there was you, on time, and wagging your tail ? ?然后你,及时出现,摇摇你的尾巴?
? in the cutest mime that you was in jail . ? ?在笼子里可爱地表演着杂耍。?
mime:n.哑剧;小丑;滑稽戏;v.摸拟表演; jail:n.监狱;监牢;拘留所;v.监禁;下狱;
? I said,"Woof, be mine!" and you gave a wail and then ? ?我说“汪汪,跟我来!”你呜咽了一声,然后?
? I was no longer alone. ? ?往后的日子我不再孤单?
? And I was no more a boozer . ? ?我不再嗜酒成性?
? We'll make the happiest home. ? ?我们要成为最幸福的家庭。?
? And I said, "Lord, I'm happy, 'cause I’m just a'walking my dog, ? ?我说,主啊,我好幸福!因为我带着我的狗狗散步,?
? singing my song, strolling along." ? ??我正带着我的狗,唱着我的歌,散着步。”?
? Yeah, it's just me and my dog, catching some sun, we can't go wrong, ? ?是啊,我和我的狗狗,沐浴着阳光,一切如此美好?
? 'cause I don't care about your hating and your doubt, ? ?因为我不在乎你的埋怨与怀疑,?
? and I don’t care what the politicians spout. ? ?也不在乎政治家们的胡言乱语。?
? If you need a companion, why, just go out to the pound ? ?如果你想找个伴,为何不去狗狗收容所?
? and find yourself a hound and make that doggie proud, ? ?给自己找个小狗,让那狗狗得意一番,?
? 'cause that's what it's all about, ? ?因为这就是这样的简单,?
? that's what it's all about, ? ?就是这样简单,?
? that's what it's all abou-WOW-WOW-WOW ? ?就是这样的简单,(狗的喘息声) 哈,哈,哈,哈。?
? that's what it's all about. ? ?就是这样的简单。?
? (Dog panting noise) Heh, heh, heh, heh. ? ?(狗的喘息声) 哈,哈,哈,哈。?
Good dog! ?乖狗儿!?
Thank you. 谢谢大家