

When you grow up in a developing country like India, as I did, you instantly learn to get more value from limited resources and find creative ways to reuse what you already have. 要是你跟我一样在发展中国家长大,譬如印度, 很快你就学会从有限资源中获取更多价值, 学会发掘新意,重复利用已有资源。
limited:adj.有限的; n.高级快车; v.限制; (limit的过去分词和过去式) resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数); creative:adj.创造性的;
Take Mansukh Prajapati, a potter in India. 曼苏克?帕佳帕提是一位印度陶匠。
He has created a fridge made entirely of clay that consumes no electricity . 他发明了一种冰箱,仅用粘土制成, 无需使用电力。
clay:n.黏土;陶土; consumes:v.消耗,耗费;吃;喝;饮;使充满(强烈的感情);(consume的第三人称单数) electricity:n.电力;电流;强烈的紧张情绪;
He can keep fruits and vegetables fresh for many days. 新鲜蔬果可以储存许多天。
That's a cool invention, literally . 这可是酷毙了的发明。
In Africa, if you run out of your cell phone battery , don't panic . 要是你身处非洲,手机没电,不用惊慌。
run out of:用完; battery:n.[电]电池,蓄电池;n.[法]殴打;n.[军]炮台,炮位; panic:adj.恐慌的;n.惊恐;恐慌;惶恐不安;v.惊慌失措;
You will find some resourceful entrepreneurs who can recharge your cell phone using bicycles. 你会碰见一些法宝多多的企業家。 他们可以用单车来幫你的手机充电。
resourceful:adj.资源丰富的;足智多谋的;机智的; entrepreneurs:n.企业家;(entrepreneur的复数) recharge:v.给(电池)充电;恢复体力;休整;n.再袭击;再装火药;
And since we are in South America , let's go to Lima in Peru, a region with high humidity that receives only one inch of rainfall each year. 既然我们现在身处南美, 我们就看看秘鲁的首都利马。 该地区湿度高, 但每年降雨量只有一英寸(约25.4毫米)。
South America:n.南美洲; Lima:n.利马(秘鲁首都); region:n.地区;范围;部位; humidity:n.[气象]湿度;湿气; rainfall:n.降雨;降雨量;
An engineering college in Lima designed a giant advertising billboard that absorbs air humidity and converts it into purified water , generating over 90 liters of water every day. 利马一所工学院设计了一座大型露天广告牌, 能够吸收湿气中的水分,转化成纯净水。 每天可以生产超过 90 公升水。
engineering:n.工程;工程学;v.密谋策划;设计制造;改变…的基因;(engineer的现在分词) giant:n.巨人;伟人;巨兽;adj.巨大的;特大的 advertising:n.做广告;广告业;广告活动;v.做广告;(advertise的现在分词) billboard:n.(大幅)广告牌;v.宣传; absorbs:v.吸收;吸引…的注意(absorb的第三人称单数形式); converts:vt.使转变; vi.转变,变换; n.皈依者; purified water:纯净水; generating:v.产生;引起;(generate的现在分词) liters:n.(计量)公升(容量单位)(liter的复数)
The Peruvians are amazing. 秘鲁人很厉害。
They can literally create water out of thin air . 他们可以「无中生有」,从空气中变出水。
out of thin air:无中生有地;凭空捏造;
For the past seven years, 过去七年里,
I have met and studied hundreds of entrepreneurs in India, China, Africa and South America, and they keep amazing me. 我遇见过、研究过数以百计的企業家, 遍布印度、中国、非洲、南美洲,他们让我惊叹不已。
Many of them did not go to school. 他们当中许多都没上过学校。
They don't invent stuff in big RD labs . 他们的发明不是在大型研发中心里诞生的。
stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本: labs:n.实验室;实验大楼;(lab的复数)
The street is the lab. 大街大巷,就是他们的实验室。
Why do they do that? 为什么他们要这样?
Because they don't have the kind of basic resources we take for granted , like capital and energy, and basic services like healthcare and education are also scarce in those regions . 因为我们理所当然拥有的基本资源,他们没有。 譬如资本、能源, 还有医疗保险和教育之类的基本资源, 在那些地区少之又少。
take for granted:认为…理所当然; healthcare:n.医疗保健;健康护理,健康服务;卫生保健; scarce:adv.勉强;刚;几乎不;简直不;adj.缺乏的;不足的;稀少的; regions:n.地区;地域;行政区;左近;(region的复数)
When external resources are scarce, you have to go within yourself to tap the most abundant resource, human ingenuity , and use that ingenuity to find clever ways to solve problems with limited resources. 既然外在的资源遥不可及,你就必须靠自己, 利用最丰富的资源——人类智慧, 去寻找聪明的办法,运用有限资源去解决问题。
external:n.外部;外观;形式;外部情况;adj.外部的;外面的;外界的;外来的; abundant:adj.丰富的;充裕的;盛产; ingenuity:n.心灵手巧,独创性;精巧;精巧的装置;
In India, we call it Jugaad. 在印度,我们称之为「组加」(Jugaad)
Jugaad is a Hindi word that means an improvised fix, a clever solution born in adversity . 「组加」在印度语中意为 在毫无准备的情况下解决问题,在逆境中应运而生的智慧方案。
Hindi:n.北印度语;adj.北印度的; improvised:v.即兴表演;临时做;即兴创作;(improvise的过去分词和过去式) solution:n.解决方案;溶液;溶解;解答; adversity:n.逆境;不幸;灾难;灾祸;
Jugaad solutions are not sophisticated or perfect, but they create more value at lower cost. 组加方案不复杂、也不是完美无缺, 但是可以用更低的成本,创造更多的价值。
For me, the entrepreneurs who will create Jugaad solutions are like alchemists . 在我看来,创造组加方案的企業家 就像炼金术师一样神奇。
They can magically transform adversity into opportunity, and turn something of less value into something of high value. 他们可以将逆境神奇地转化为机遇, 将原来低价值的事物变成高价值。
magically:adv.用魔法地;如魔法般地; transform:v.使改变;使改观;使转换;n.[数]变换式;[化]反式;
In other words, they mastered the art of doing more with less, which is the essence of frugal innovation . 他们以更少价值创造更多价值,「组加」游刃有余, 这就是节俭发明的精髓。
essence:n.本质;实质;精髓;香精; frugal:adj.节俭的;朴素的;花钱少的; innovation:n.创新,革新;新方法;
Frugal innovation is the ability to create more economic and social value using fewer resources. 节俭发明,指能够用更少的资源 创造更经济优惠的社会价值。
Frugal innovation is not about making do; it's about making things better. 节俭发明的目的,不是凑合着使用资源,而是让世界变得更美好。
Now I want to show you how, across emerging markets, entrepreneurs and companies are adopting frugal innovation on a larger scale to cost-effectively deliver healthcare and energy to billions of people who may have little income but very high aspirations . 现在我想向各位展示,在新兴市场上, 企業家和公司是如何大量使用节俭发明 向数以十亿计的低收入高志向人群 提供高性价比的医疗保险和能量。
emerging:adj.新兴的;v.出现,浮现,露出;暴露;(emerge的现在分词) adopting:v.收养;领养;采用;表决采纳;(adopt的现在分词) scale:n.规模;比例;鳞;刻度;天平;数值范围;v.衡量;攀登;剥落;生水垢; aspirations:n.愿望;
Let's first go to China, where the country's largest I.T. service provider , Neusoft, has developed a telemedicine solution to help doctors in cities remotely treat old and poor patients in Chinese villages. 我们首先看看中国。 中国最大的资讯科技服务供应商东软集团 研发了一套远程医疗方案 幫助城市中的医生远程治疗 山村里年老贫穷的病人。
service provider:n.服务供应商(尤指互联网服务供应商); telemedicine:n.(通过遥测,电视,电话等方式求诊的)远距离医学; remotely:adv.遥远地;偏僻地;(程度)极微地,极轻地; treat:v.治疗;处理;招待;款待;n.款待;乐事;乐趣; patients:n.接受治疗者,病人;(patient的复数)
This solution is based on simple-to-use medical devices that less qualified health workers like nurses can use in rural clinics . 这套方案主要使用容易操作的医疗设备, 农村诊所的护士等普通医疗人员也能使用。
devices:n.[机][计]设备;[机]装置;[电子]器件(device的复数); qualified:adj.有资格的; v.合格; (qualify的过去分词和过去式) rural:adj.农村的,乡下的;田园的,有乡村风味的; clinics:n.诊所(clinic的复数形式);
China desperately needs these frugal medical solutions because by 2050 it will be home to over half a billion senior citizens . 中国亟需这样的节俭医疗方案, 因为到了 2050 年,老年人口会达过五亿。
desperately:adv.拼命地;绝望地;不顾一切地;极度地; senior citizens:老人(尤指退休者);
Now let's go to Kenya, a country where half the population uses M-Pesa, a mobile payment solution. 现在我们来看看肯亚, 该国一半人都在用一种叫 M-Pesa 的手机付款方式。
mobile:n.手机;汽车;移动电话;adj.活跃的;可动的; payment:n.付款;支付;收款;款项;报答;
This is a great solution for the African continent because 80 percent of Africans don't have a bank account , but what is exciting is that M-Pesa is now becoming the source of other disruptive business models in sectors like energy. 在非洲大陆,这是相当了不起, 因为 80% 的非洲人都没有银行帐户, 令人振奋的是,目前在能源等领域中 M-Pesa 已成为其他顛覆性经营模式的资源。
continent:n.大陆,洲,陆地;adj.自制的,克制的; bank account:n.银行账户; disruptive:adj.破坏的;分裂性的;制造混乱的; sectors:n.部门; v.把…划成扇形;
Take M-KOPA, the home solar solution that comes literally in a box that has a solar rooftop panel , three LED lights, a solar radio, and a cell phone charger . 举例来说,M-KOPA 是一盒太阳能家庭设备, 其中包括太阳能面板、三盏 LED 灯、 太阳能接收器、手机充电器。
rooftop:n.屋顶;adj.屋顶上的; panel:n.镶板;仪表盘;钣金;(衣服上的)镶条;v.镶板(用木或玻璃板等镶嵌或装饰); charger:n.充电器;军马;袭击者;委托者;控诉者;
The whole kit , though, costs 200 dollars, which is too expensive for most Kenyans, and this is where mobile telephony can make the solution more affordable . 整套设备大约是 200 美元,对于肯亚大众来说太贵了。 而手机却可以让大家都买得起这套设备。
kit:v.装备;n.成套工具;配套元件;成套设备;全套衣服及装备; telephony:n.电话(学);电话制造; affordable:adj.负担得起的;
Today, you can buy this kit by making an initial deposit of just 35 dollars, and then pay off the rest by making a daily micro-payment of 45 cents using your mobile phone . 今天,只要首付 35 美金,就可以购买这套设备, 剩下的可以通过手机,每天分期支付 45 美分。
initial:adj.最初的; n.(名字的)首字母; v.用姓名的首字母作标记(或签名)于; deposit:n.订金; v.放下; mobile phone:移动电话
Once you've made 365 micro-payments , the system is unlocked, and you own the product and you start receiving clean, free electricity. 第 365 次付款完成之后,系统就会解锁, 你就拥有这个产品,开始享受免费的环保电能。
This is an amazing solution for Kenya, where 70 percent of people live off the grid . 在肯亚,这套方案相当出众, 因为 70% 的人日常生活在没有电能的条件下。
This shows that with frugal innovation what matters is that you take what is most abundant, mobile connectivity , to deal with what is scarce, which is energy. 这也证明了,凭藉节俭发明, 你可以利用最丰富的资源,譬如手机网路, 去解决短缺问题,譬如能源。
With frugal innovation, the global South is actually catching up and in some cases even leap-frogging the North. 凭藉节俭发明,南部地区在真正地接近、 甚至超越北部地区的发展。
global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; leap-frogging:n.跳增;跳蛙式;跳跃式前进;
Instead of building expensive hospitals, China is using telemedicine to cost-effectively treat millions of patients, and Africa, instead of building banks and electricity grids , is going straight to mobile payments and distributed clean energy. 在中国,远程医疗取代了昂价的医院工程, 为数以百万计的病人提供符合成本效益的治疗, 在非洲,不是去建新的银行和电网, 而是直接用手机支付和分散式的干净能源。
grids:n.[数]网格(grid的复数形式);栅格; distributed:adj.分布的;分散的;v.分发;分配;使分布(distribute的过去分词和过去式)
Frugal innovation is diametrically opposed to the way we innovate in the North. 节俭发明,与我们北部地区的发明方式截然不同。
diametrically:adv.完全地;作为直径地;直接地;正好相反地; opposed:adj.强烈反对; v.反对(计划、政策等); (oppose的过去分词和过去式) innovate:vi.创新;改革;革新;vt.改变;创立;创始;引人;
I live in Silicon Valley , where we keep chasing the next big technology thing. 我住在硅谷, 那里的人一直追求了不起的新技术。
Silicon Valley:n.硅谷(美国加利福尼亚州一处计算机和电子公司聚集地,有时用以指任何计算机公司聚集地); technology:n.技术;工艺;术语;
Think of the iPhone 5, 6, then 7, 8. 想想 iPhone 5、6、7、8。
Companies in the West spend billions of dollars investing in RD, and use tons of natural resources to create ever more complex products, to differentiate their brands from competition , and they charge customers more money for new features. 西方企業投资数以十亿计美元在研发上, 利用数以吨计的自然资源来创造更加复杂的产品, 就是为了让自己的品牌在竞争中突围而出, 然后借着这些新功能向顾客收取更多费用。
investing:v.投资;投入(时间、精力等);(invest的现在分词) complex:adj.复杂的;合成的;n.复合体;综合设施; differentiate:vi.区分,区别;vt.区分,区别; brands:n.品牌;烙印(brand的复数);v.加商标于;铭刻于(brand的第三人称单数); competition:n.竞争;比赛,竞赛;
So the conventional business model in the West is more for more. 因此,西方传统商業模式是以更多价值换取更多价值。
But sadly, this more for more model is running out of gas, for three reasons: 但不幸的是这种模式要走到尽头了。原因有三:
First, a big portion of customers in the West because of the diminishing purchasing power , can no longer afford these expensive products. 第一,西方的大量顾客 由于消费力日渐减弱 不再买得起这些高价产品。
portion:n.部分;(食物的)一份;分担的责任;v.把…分成若干份(或部分); diminishing:v.减少; adj.逐渐缩小的; purchasing power:n.(人民的)购买力;(货币的)购买力;
Second, we are running out of natural water and oil. 第二,自然水资源和石油资源在不断耗尽。
In California, where I live, water scarcity is becoming a big problem. 我居住在加州,那里的水资源缺乏问题越来越严重。
And third, most importantly, because of the growing income disparity between the rich and the middle class in the West, there is a big disconnect between existing products and services and basic needs of customers. 第三,也是最重要的, 西方富人和中产阶级之间的收入 差距越来越大, 已有的产品服务与顾客的基本需要 越来越不相关。
disparity:n.不同;不一致;不等; middle class:adj.中产阶级的;中层社会的; disconnect:vt.拆开,使分离;vi.断开;
Do you know that today, there are over 70 million Americans today who are underbanked, because existing banking services are not designed to address their basic needs. 在座是否知道, 目前有逾七千万美国人没有得到足够的金融服务, 因为已有的银行服务 不是为了满足他们的基本需求而设计的。
The prolonged economic crisis in the West is making people think that they are about to lose the high standard of living and face deprivation . 西方的经济危机挥之不去,让大众以为 他们就要失去高生活标准, 即将面临贫困问题。
prolonged:adj.长期的;持久的;v.延长(prolong的过去分词和过去式); crisis:n.危机;危险期;决定性时刻;adj.危机的;用于处理危机的; are about to:眼看就要;即将;正要;行将; standard of living:n.生活水平; deprivation:n.剥夺;损失;免职;匮乏;贫困;
I believe that the only way we can sustain growth and prosperity in the West is if we learn to do more with less. 我认为,西方持续发展和繁榮的唯一出路是 我们要学会用更少价值创造更多价值。
sustain:v.支持;支撑;遭受;证实; prosperity:n.繁荣,成功;
The good news is, that's starting to happen. 好消息是,这已经开始发生。
Several Western companies are now adopting frugal innovation to create affordable products for Western consumers . 数家西方企業正在通过节俭发明, 为西方消费者创造经济实惠的产品。
Let me give you two examples. 我为大家举两个例子。
When I first saw this building, 首次看到这座建筑,
I told myself it's some kind of postmodern house. 我以为这是一座后现代房子。
Actually, it's a small manufacturing plant set up by Grameen Danone, a joint venture between Grameen Bank of Muhammad Yunus and the food multinational Danone to make high-quality yogurt in Bangladesh. 但实际上这是丹璐·格莱珉设计的一座小型生产房, 是穆罕默德·尤努斯的格莱珉银行 以及丹璐跨国食品公司的合资企業, 目的是在孟加拉制作高质优格。
manufacturing:n.制造业;工业;v.制造;生产(manufacture的现在分词); joint venture:合资企业; multinational:adj.跨国公司的;多国的;n.跨国公司; high-quality:adj.高质量的;
This factory is 10 percent the size of existing Danone factories and cost much less to build. 该厂房只有丹璐其他厂房的十分之一大, 工程花费小。
I guess you can call it a low-fat factory. 我想大家可以称之为「低脂」厂房。
Now this factory, unlike Western factories that are highly automated , relies a lot on manual processes in order to generate jobs for local communities . 西方厂房高度自动化,但目前该厂房 为了给当地社区带来就業,主要依赖手工制作。
highly:adv.高度地;非常;非常赞许地; automated:adj.自动化的;v.(使)自动化;(automate的过去式和过去分词) relies:信任; manual:n.说明书;指南;使用手册;adj.用手的;手工的;体力的;手动的; processes:n.过程; v.处理(process的第三人称单数形式); generate:v.产生;引起; communities:n.社区;社会;团体;共有(community的复数)
Danone was so inspired by this model that combines economic efficiency and social sustainability , they are planning to roll it out in other parts of the world as well. 丹璐对这种模式相当有信心, 因为该模式结合经济效益和社会永续性发展, 于是计划在世界其他地方建立该模式。
inspired:adj.受到启发的; v.鼓舞; (inspire的过去分词和过去式) efficiency:n.效率;效能;功效; sustainability:n.持续性;永续性;能维持性;
Now, when you see this example, you might be thinking, "Well, frugal innovation is low tech." 现在大家看着这个例子, 可能在想:「噢,节俭发明就是技术含量低。」
Actually, no. 实际不是这样。
Frugal innovation is also about making high tech more affordable and more accessible to more people. 节俭发明同时也是将高科技 带给更多人、变得更经济实惠、更大众化。
Let me give you an example. 我为大家举一个例子。
In China, the RD engineers of Siemens Healthcare have designed a C.T. scanner that is easy enough to be used by less qualified health workers, like nurses and technicians . 在中国,西门子医疗保健公司的研发工程师 设计了一款容易操作的电脑断层扫描仪, 就连护士、技师等普通资格医疗人员也可以使用。
Siemens:n.[电]西门子(财富500强公司之一,总部所在地德国,主要经营电子电气); scanner:n.[计]扫描仪;扫描器;光电子扫描装置; technicians:n.[劳经]技术员(technician的复数);工作人员;
This device can scan more patients on a daily basis, and yet consumes less energy, which is great for hospitals, but it's also great for patients because it reduces the cost of treatment by 30 percent and radiation dosage by up to 60 percent. 这部设备每天可以扫描更多病人, 并且消耗更少能源, 对于医院来说是福音,对于病人来说也是福音, 因为治疗费用可以降低 30%, 辐射剂量可以降低最多 60%。
treatment:n.治疗;疗法;对待;处理;讨论; radiation:n.辐射;放射线;放射疗法; dosage:n.剂量,用量;
This solution was initially designed for the Chinese market, but now it's selling like hotcakes in the U.S. and Europe, where hospitals are pressured to deliver quality care at lower cost. 该方案最初是为中国市场而设计的, 但目前在美国和欧洲也在热卖, 因为当地的医院亟需以更低成本提供高质服务。
initially:adv.最初,首先;开头; hotcakes:薄煎饼;烤饼(hotcake的复数);
But the frugal innovation revolution in the West is actually led by creative entrepreneurs who are coming up with amazing solutions to address basic needs in the U.S. and Europe. 但是在西方,节俭发明革命 实际上是由创意企業家引导的, 他们不断构思出突破方案, 来满足美国和欧洲地区的基本需求。
Let me quickly give you three examples of startups that personally inspire me. 我为大家快速讲述三个极其启发我的创業例子。
startups:n.创业(startup的复数);开办; personally:adv.个人;亲自;本人;就本人而言;
The first one happens to be launched by my neighbor in Silicon Valley. 第一个碰巧是我在硅谷的邻居推出的,
It's called gThrive. 名为「农生」(gThrive)。
They make these wireless sensors designed like plastic rulers that farmers can stick in different parts of the field and start collecting detailed information like soil conditions. 他们制造这些无线感应器,设计像胶尺, 实际上是给农民扎在农地各处 用来收集各种讯息,譬如土壤环境。
wireless:adj.无线的;无线电的;n.无线电;v.用无线电发送; sensors:n.[自]传感器,感应器;感测器(sensor的复数);
This dynamic data allows farmers to optimize use of water energy while improving quality of the products and the yields , which is a great solution for California, which faces major water shortage . 这些动态数据能让农民优化使用水能源, 又可以提高产品和农田的质量, 对于严重缺水的加州来说,是相当了不起的发明。
dynamic:n.动力; adj.充满活力的; optimize:vt.使最优化,使完善;vi.优化;持乐观态度; improving:v.改进;改善;(improve的现在分词) yields:n.生产量,投资效益(yield的复数形式); v.[经]生产; shortage:n.短缺;不足;缺少;
It pays for itself within one year. 该发明在一年内就回本。
Second example is Be-Bound, also in Silicon Valley, that enables you to connect to the Internet even in no-bandwidth areas where there's no wi-fi or 3G or 4G. 第二个例子是「必寳」(Be-Bound),也出自硅谷。 该发明可让你在没有 宽频、无线网路、3G、4G 的地方,
enables:v.使得; (enable的第三人称单数) wi-fi:abbr.无线保真技术(wirelessfidelity);无线上网技术;
How do they do that? 他们怎样做到?
They simply use SMS, a basic technology, but that happens to be the most reliable and most widely available around the world. 他们使用的不过是简讯,技术虽简单, 但确实在全球最可靠、最普遍。
Three billion people today with cell phones can't access the Internet. 今天有三十亿手机用户无法使用网路。
This solution can connect them to the Internet in a frugal way. 该方案可以让他们省钱地连上网。
And in France, there is a startup calle Compte Nickel , which is revolutionizing the banking sector. 在法国,有家新兴企業叫「刚立阁」(Compte Nickel) 在不断改革银行金融机构。
Nickel:n.镍;镍币;五分镍币;vt.镀镍于; revolutionizing:vt.发动革命;彻底改革;宣传革命;vi.革命化;从事革命;
It allows thousands of people to walk into a Mom and Pop store and in just five minutes activate the service that gives them two products: an international bank account number and an international debit card . 大众可以随意走进小商店, 五分钟内就可以启用两种产品服务: 国际银行帐户号码和国际银行扣帐卡。
activate:vt.刺激;使活动;使活泼;使产生放射性;vi.激活;有活力; debit card:n.借记卡;
They charge a flat annual maintenance fee of just 20 Euros . 他们仅收取 20 欧元年费。
annual:n.年报;年鉴;年刊;adj.每年的;年度的;一年的; maintenance:n.维护,维修;保持;生活费用; Euros:n.欧元;欧洛斯风;带雨东南暴风(euro复数);
That means you can do all banking transactions -- send and receive money, pay with your debit card -- all with no additional charge. 也就是说,你可以进行所有银行交易, 转款、收钱、扣帐卡付款等等, 统统都无需额外的手续费。
transactions:n.处理,[图情]会报;汇报(transaction复数); additional:adj.附加的,额外的;
This is what I call low-cost banking without the bank. 这就是我所称的无银行的低成本银行服务。
Amazingly, 75 percent of the customers using this service are the middle-class French who can't afford high banking fees. 让我们吃惊的是,使用该服务的 75% 顾客 是法国中产阶级人士,给不起昂贵银行费用。
Now, I talked about frugal innovation, initially pioneered in the South, now being adopted in the North. 关于节俭发明的例子,我已经讲了很多, 最初是在南部地区开拓,现正为北方地区采纳。
Ultimately , we would like to see developed countries and developing countries come together and co-create frugal solutions that benefit the entire humanity . 最终,我们希望看见 发达国家和发展中国家 齐手合作,共同创造节俭方案, 让全人类受益。
Ultimately:adv.最终;最后;归根结底;终究; humanity:n.人类;人道;仁慈;人文学科;
The exciting news is that's starting to happen. 令人振奋的是,这已开始发生了。
Let's go to Nairobi to find that out. 我们去看看肯亚的首都奈洛比。
Nairobi has horrendous traffic jams. 奈洛比的交通堵塞相当恶劣。
When I first saw them, I thought, "Holy cow." 我第一次看见的时候就想:「塞得可够牛的。」
Literally, because you have to dodge cows as well when you drive in Nairobi. 没错,因为在奈洛比开车你得避着牛群。
To ease the situation, the engineers at the IBM lab in Kenya are piloting a solution called Megaffic, which initially was designed by the Japanese engineers. 为了改善状况, 肯亚 IBM 实验室的工程师正在试用一套名为「马架飞」(Megaffic) 的方案。 该方案最初由日本工程师设计。
Unlike in the West, Megaffic doesn't rely on roadside sensors, which are very expensive to install in Nairobi. 与西方不同的是,马架飞不依赖路侧感应器, 因为在奈洛比太贵了。
rely:vi.依靠;信赖; roadside:n.路边;路旁;adj.路边的;路旁的; install:v.安装;设置;安置;建立(程序);
Instead they process images , traffic data, collected from a small number of low-resolution webcams in Nairobi streets, and then they use analytic software to predict congestion points, and they can SMS drivers alternate routes to take. 他们从奈洛比街道的几个低解析度摄影机 收集并处理影像和交通数据, 然后使用分析软体,预测交通高峰期, 之后可以简讯通知司机其他可选择路段。
images:n.印象;声誉;形象;画像;雕像;(image的第三人称单数和复数) low-resolution:低分辨率; webcams:n.网路摄影机(webcam的复数); analytic:adj.分析的;解析的;善于分析的; predict:v.预报;预言;预告; congestion:n.拥挤;拥塞;充血; alternate:vi.交替;轮流;vt.使交替;使轮流;adj.交替的;轮流的;n.替换物; routes:n.路线;途径;路途;渠道;v.按某路线发送;(route的第三人称单数和复数)
Granted, Megaffic is not as sexy as self-driving cars, but it promises to take Nairobi drivers from point A to point B at least 20 percent faster. 当然,马架飞不像自动驾驶汽车那样炫酷, 但是可以保证让奈洛比的司机 用快 20% 的速度,从甲地去到乙地。
And earlier this year, UCLA Health launched its Global Lab for Innovation, which seeks to identify frugal healthcare solutions anywhere in the world that will be at least 20 percent cheaper than existing solutions in the U.S. 今年初,加州大学洛杉矶分校的医疗中心设立了全球发明实验室, 立向寻找世界各地的节俭医疗方案, 比美国目前的方案节省至少 20%
seeks:v.寻求;寻找;探索;搜索; identify:v.识别:鉴定:确认:发现:
and yet more effective . 但却更有效的方案。
It also tries to bring together innovators from North and South to cocreate affordable healthcare solutions for all of humanity. 同时也尝试将南北部地区的发明家聚在一起, 联手为全人类发明经济大众的医疗方案。
innovators:n.创新者;发明家签证;革新消费者(innovator的复数形式); cocreate:德商创科软件;
I gave tons of examples of frugal innovators from around the world, but the question is, how do you go about adopting frugal innovation? 世界各地的节俭发明例子,我已经给了很多, 但问题是,大家要怎样利用节俭发明?
Well, I gleaned out three principles from frugal innovators around the world that I want to share with you that you can apply in your own organization to do more with less. 我从各地的节俭发明家上收集了三个要点, 想在这里跟大家分享, 让大家知道可以在自己的组织中 用少量价值创造更多价值。
gleaned:v.四处搜集(信息、知识等);(glean的过去分词和过去式) principles:n.原则;主义;本质;政策;(principle的复数) apply:v.申请;涂,敷;应用;适用;请求; organization:n.组织;机构;体制;团体;
The first principle is: Keep it simple. 第一要点:一切从简。
Don't create solutions to impress customers. 不要为了向客户炫耀才创造方案。
Make them easy enough to use and widely accessible, like the C.T. scanner we saw in China. 方案需要简单明了,容易操作,经济大众, 譬如中国的电脑断层扫描仪。
Second principle: Do not reinvent the wheel . 第二要点:切勿重复发明资源。
reinvent:v.以新形象示人;以新形式出现; wheel:车轮,转动
Try to leverage existing resources and assets that are widely available, like using mobile telephony to offer clean energy or Mom and Pop stores to offer banking services. 尝试利用广泛易得的已有资源, 譬如说用手机来提供干净能源, 在小商店内提供银行服务。
leverage:n.影响力;杠杆作用;杠杆效力;v.举债经营;借贷收购; assets:n.资产;宝贵的人材;(一项)财物;资产;(asset的名词复数)
Third principle is: Think and act horizontally . 第三点:横向思考和行动。
Companies tend to scale up vertically by centralizing operations in big factories and warehouses , but if you want to be agile and deal with immense customer diversity , 企業倾向于垂直发展, 将程序集中在大型厂房和仓庫内, 但如果想要灵活处理顾客庞大而多样的需求,
vertically:adv.垂直地; centralizing:v.集权控制;实行集中;(centralize的现在分词) warehouses:n.仓库,货栈;货仓;(warehouse的名词复数) agile:adj.敏捷的;机敏的;活泼的; immense:adj.巨大的,广大的;无边无际的;非常好的; diversity:n.差异(性):多样性:多样化:
you need to scale out horizontally using a distributed supply chain with smaller manufacturing and distribution units, like Grameen Bank has shown. 就需要横向发展,使用分散的供应链, 建立更小的生产和分配单位, 格莱珉银行就是一个例子。
supply chain:n.供应链; distribution:n.分布;分配;分发;分销;
The South pioneered frugal innovation out of sheer necessity. 出于自身的需要,南部地区开拓了节俭发明。
sheer:adj.纯; v.十足地; n.透明薄纱; v.[航海](使)偏航; (使)转向;
The North is now learning to do more and better with less as it faces resource constraints . 目前北部地区在面对资源短缺限制时, 也在学习用更少资源做更多更有效的事情。
As an Indian-born French national who lives in the United States, my hope is that we transcend this artificial North-South divide so that we can harness the collective ingenuity of innovators from around the world to cocreate frugal solutions 身为出生于印度的法国人,居住在美国, 我希望我们能超越这道所谓的南北部地区分界线, 可以掌握世界各地 发明家的集体智慧 共同创造节俭方案,
United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式) transcend:v.超出,超越(通常的界限); artificial:adj.人造的;仿造的;虚伪的;非原产地的;武断的; North-South divide:n.南北鸿沟(指英格兰北部和较富裕的南部之间的经济与社会差别); harness:vt.治理; n.马具; collective:adj.集体的;共同的;集合的;集体主义的;n.集团;集合体;集合名词;
that will improve the quality of life of everyone in the world, while preserving our precious planet. 改善全人类的生活质量, 保护我们宝贵的星球。
improve:v.改进;改善; preserving:n.保留,保存; precious:adj.宝贵的;珍贵的;矫揉造作的;
Thank you very much. 谢谢大家。
(Applause) (掌声)