

(Music) (音乐)
? My age is three hundred ? 我 372
? and seventy-two ? 岁了。
? I think with the deepest regret ? 带着深深的惆怅想起
? How I used to pick up and voraciously chew ? 我曾如何结识 并贪婪地咀嚼
? the dear little boys that I met ? 我遇见的 可爱的小男孩们。
? I've eaten them raw in their holiday suits, ? 连带着他们假日的套装, 我把他们生吃了。
? Eaten them curried with rice, ? 还是伴着咖喱饭 吃的他们。
? I've eaten them baked in their jackets and boots, ? 我吃着在夹克衫和靴子里 烘焙过的他们
? And found them exceedingly nice. ? 还发现他们好吃极了。
? But now that my jaws are too weak for such fare , ? 但是现在我的咽喉 吃这种食物太吃力了。
? I think it's increasingly rude ? 我觉得做这种事是
? To do such a thing when I'm quite well aware ? 越来越粗鲁了。 当我十分清醒的时候,
? Little boys do not like being chewed. ? 小男孩们不喜欢 被咀嚼
? Little boys do not like being chewed. ? 小男孩们不喜欢 被咀嚼。
(Music) (音乐)
? So now I contentedly live upon eels , ? 所以我现在心满意足地以鳗鱼为生
contentedly:adv.满足地;安心地; eels:n.鳗鱼;鳗;鳗鲡;(eel的复数)
? And try to do nothing amiss ? 并尽量不犯错
? And pass all the time 来度过所有的时间
I can spare from my meals ? 我可以把花在吃饭上的时间省出来
? In innocent slumber like this, ? 在这无罪的睡眠中
innocent:adj.无辜的;无罪的;无知的;n.天真的人;笨蛋; slumber:n.沉睡;睡眠;v.睡眠;睡;
? Innocent slumber like this. ? 像这 无罪的睡眠
(Applause) (掌声)
I suppose I owe you an explanation. 我觉得我应该给你们解释一下,
suppose:v.推断:假定:假设:设想: I owe you:我欠你的;
I've been working on a project for the last six years adapting children's poetry to music. 在过去的六年里我一直从事于一项工作, 就是使孩子们的诗词与音乐相融合。
adapting:v.使适应,使适合;适应;改编;改写;(adapt的现在分词) poetry:n.诗;诗意,诗情;诗歌艺术;
And that's a poem by Charles Edward Carryl, who was a stockbroker in New York City for 45 years, but in the evenings, he wrote nonsense for his children. 这首诗是查尔斯-卡里尔写的, 他在纽约当股票经纪人 已有45年了, 但是到了晚上,他给他的孩子们写荒谬的东西。
stockbroker:n.[金融]股票经纪人; nonsense:n.胡说;废话;adj.荒谬的;int.胡说;
And this book was one of the most famous books in America for about 35 years. 这是美国的一本名著 已大约有35年了。
'"The Sleepy Giant ," which is the song that I just sang, is one of his poems. 我刚刚唱的那首歌——《嗜睡的巨人》, 便是他其中的一首诗。
Sleepy:adj.困倦的;瞌睡的;安静的; Giant:n.巨人;伟人;巨兽;adj.巨大的;特大的
Now, we're going to do other poems for you, and here's a preview of some of the poets. 现在我们将为你们 吟唱一些其他的诗词。 这里有一些诗人的前述,
This is Rachel Field, 这是苪歇尔·菲尔徳,
Robert Graves -- a very young Robert Graves -- 罗伯特·格雷夫斯, 一个非常年轻的Robert Graves,
Graves:n.坟墓; adj.重大的; v.对(船底)作清洗并涂上沥青等涂料; v.庄重地; (grave的第三人称单数)
Christina Rossetti. 克里斯蒂娜·罗塞蒂。
Ghosts , right? 嗯,幽灵,
Have nothing to say to us, obsolete , gone -- not so. 对我们没有什么可说的。 过时了。 无可挽回了。 事实却非如此。
What I really enjoyed about this project is reviving these people's words. 这项工作真正让我沉醉的是 帮助复活这些人的言语,
Taking them off the dead, flat pages. 使他们离开腐朽的,单调的书页,
Bringing them to life, bringing them to light. 给予他们生命, 给予他们光明。
So, what we're going to do next is a poem that was written by Nathalia Crane . 那么,接下来的一首诗 是那他利亚·可蕾茵写的,
Nathalia Crane was a little girl from Brooklyn. 她是来自布鲁克林的一个小女孩。
When she was 10 years old in 1927, she published her first book of poems called "The Janitor's Boy." 1927年,她十岁时, 出版了第一本诗集, 叫扎尼特的男孩。
Here she is. 这是她,
And here's her poem. 这是她的诗。
(Music) (音乐)
? Oh, I'm in love with the janitor's boy, ? 哦,我爱上了 扎尼特的男孩
? And the janitor's boy is in love with me. ? 扎尼特的男孩 也爱上了我
? Oh, I'm in love with the janitor's boy, ? 哦,我爱上了 扎尼特的男孩
? And the janitor's boy is in love with me. ? 扎尼特的男孩 也爱上了我
? He's going to hunt for a desert isle ? 他要去寻找我们地形上的
? In our geography. ? 一个荒岛
? A desert isle with spicy trees ? 一个长满芳香树木的 荒岛
? Somewhere in Sheepshead Bay; ? 它在羊头湾的某一个地方
? A right nice place, just fit for two ? 一个十分优美的地方 只适合我们俩
? Where we can live always. ? 永远生活的地方
? Oh, I'm in love with the janitor's boy, ? 哦,我爱上了 扎尼特的男孩
? And the janitor's boy, ? 扎尼特的男孩
he's busy as can be; ? 忙得不得了
? Down in the cellar he's making a raft ? 在地窖下,他正在用长沙发椅
cellar:n.地窖;酒窖;地下室;vt.把…藏入地窖; raft:n.筏;救生艇;(美)大量;vt.筏运;制成筏;vi.乘筏;
? Out of an old settee . ? 做一个木筏
? He'll carry me off, 他将带我离开
I know that he will, ? 我知道他会的,
? For his hair is exceedingly red; ? 因为他的头发非常的红
? And the only thing that occurs to me ? 我能想到的 唯一的事情
? Is to dutifully shiver in bed. ? 是在床上顺从的颤栗
dutifully:adv.忠实地;忠贞地; shiver:v.颤抖;哆嗦;n.颤抖;寒战;
? And on the day that we sail, 在我们离开的那天
I will leave a little note ? 我将给我的父母留下一个便条
? For my parents I hate to annoy : ? 我讨厌烦扰
? "I have flown to an island in the bay ? 我已飘向港湾中的 一个岛屿
? With my janitor's red haired-boy." ? 和我扎尼特的 有红头发的男孩一起
? The janitor's red-haired boy ? 扎尼特红头发的男孩
? The janitor's red-haired boy ? 扎尼特红头发的男孩
? The janitor's red-haired boy ? 扎尼特红头发的男孩
? The janitor's red-haired boy ? 扎尼特红头发的男孩
? I'm going to sail away ? 我将和我扎尼特红头发的男孩
? Gone to Sheepshead Bay ? 一起离开
? With my janitor's red-haired boy. ? 驶向羊头湾
? On an old settee ? 红头发的男孩和我
? My red-haired boy and me ? 在一个古老的长沙发椅上
? The janitor's red-haired boy. ? 扎尼特红头发的男孩
? The janitor's red-haired boy ? 扎尼特红头发的男孩
? The janitor's red-haired boy ? 扎尼特红头发的男孩,
? The janitor's red-haired boy ? 扎尼特红头发的男孩
? The janitor's red-haired boy ? 扎尼特红头发的男孩
(Applause) (掌声)
The next poem is by E.E. Cummings, "Maggie and Milly and Molly and May." 下一首诗是肯明斯的 玛姬蜜莉茉俐与玫
(Music) (音乐)
? Maggie and Milly, 玛姬蜜莉
Molly and May ? 茉莉与玫
? They went down to the beach one day to play ? 一天 他们去沙滩玩
? And Maggie discovered a shell that sang ? 玛姬发现了 一个唱甜美歌曲的贝壳
? So sweetly she couldn't remember her troubles ? 她忘记了 她的烦恼
? Maggie and Milly, 玛姬蜜莉
Molly and May ? 茉莉与玫
? Maggie and Milly, 玛姬蜜莉
Molly and May ? 茉莉与玫
? Milly befriended a stranded star ? 蜜莉对一个无助的明星 很友好
befriended:v.做(尤指需要帮助者)的朋友;友善对待;(befriend的过去分词和过去式) stranded:adj.搁浅的; v.搁浅; (strand的过去式和过去分词);
? Whose rays, whose rays ? 明星的目光 明星的目光
? Five languid fingers were ? 五个无力的手指, 是
(Music) (音乐)
? Maggie and Milly, 玛姬蜜莉
Molly and May ? 茉莉与玫
? Maggie and Milly, 玛姬蜜莉
Molly and May ? 茉莉与玫
(Music) (音乐)
? Molly was chased by a horrible thing ? 茉莉被一个恐怖的东西 追逐着
? Which raced sideways blowing ? 那个东西在旁边跑着 呼啸着
? Blowing ? 呼啸着
? Blowing ? 呼啸着
? May came home with a smooth, round stone ? 玫带着一块圆圆的滑滑的石头 回家了
? Small as a world and as large as alone ? 像世界一样小 又像孤独一样大
(Music) (音乐)
? For whatever we lose like a you or a me ? 我们所丢失的所有东西 像你或者像我
? Always ourselves that we find at the sea ? 而我们 在海上找到的通常是 我们自己
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)
The next poem is "If No One Ever Marries Me." 下一首诗是《要是没有人娶我》,
It was written by Laurence Alma-Tadema. 是劳伦斯·阿尔玛—塔德玛写的,
She was the daughter of a very, very famous Dutch painter who had made his fame in England. 她是荷兰一个非常非常有名的画家的女儿 那个画家在英国已经出名了,
Dutch:adj.荷兰的; n.荷兰人; v.费用平摊地;
He went there after the death of his wife of smallpox and brought his two young children. 当他的妻子死于天花病后, 他便带着他的两个小孩 来到了英国。
One was his daughter, Laurence. 一个是女儿,劳伦斯,
She wrote this poem when she was 18 years old in 1888, and I look at it as kind of a very sweet feminist manifesto tinged with a little bit of defiance and a little bit of resignation and regret. 1888年,当她18岁时 写了这首诗。 我认为这首诗是 一个非常悦耳的妇女宣言, 带着一点蔑视, 带着些许无可奈何还有一丝惋惜。
feminist:n.男女平等主义者;adj.主张男女平等的; manifesto:n.宣言;声明;告示; tinged:adj.淡色的;v.着淡色于…(tinge的过去分词); defiance:n.蔑视;挑战;反抗; resignation:n.辞职;放弃;辞职书;顺从;
(Music) (音乐)
? Well, if no one ever marries me ? 咳!要是没有人娶我
? And I don't see why they should, ? 而我也不知道他们为什么不肯娶我
? Nurse says I'm not pretty, ? 奶妈说是因为我不漂亮
? And you know I'm seldom good, seldom good -- ? 可你知道我是少有的好人 少有的好人
? Well, if no one ever marries me ? 咳!要是没有人娶我
? I shan't mind very much; ? 我也不会太介意
? Buy a squirrel in a cage ? 买一只松鼠放在笼子里
? And a little rabbit-hutch. ? 再买一个小兔笼
? If no one marries me ? 要是没有人娶我
? If no one marries me ? 要是没有人娶我
? If no one marries me ? 没有人娶我
? If no one marries me ? 要是没有人娶我
? If no one marries me ? 要是没有人娶我
? I'll have a cottage near a wood ? 我会在一片森林附近搭一个小屋
? And a pony all my own ? 再弄一匹完全属于自己的小马
? A little lamb quite clean and tame ? 一只干净温顺的小羊
lamb:n.羔羊;小羊;羊羔肉;v.产羊羔 tame:adj.养驯的;驯服的;平淡无奇的;枯燥乏味的;v.驯化;驯服;使易于控制;
? That I can take to town. ? 我可以带它们到镇上去
? And when I'm really getting old -- ? 而当我真得变老时
? And 28 or nine -- ? 二十八九岁的样子时,
? Buy myself a little orphan girl ? 给自己买一个小孤儿
? And bring her up as mine. ? 并把她当成自己亲生的一样养大
? If no one marries me ? 要是没有人娶我
? If no one marries me ? 要是没有人娶我
? If no one marries me ? 没有人娶我
? If no one marries me ? 没有人娶我
? Well, if no one marries me ? 咳!要是没有人娶我
? Marries me ? 娶我
? Well, if no one marries me ? 咳!要是没有人娶我
? Marries me ? 娶我
? Well, if no one marries me ? 咳!要是没有人娶我
Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) Thank you. (掌声)
I became very curious about the poets after spending six years with them, and started to research their lives, and then decided to write a book about it. 和诗人一起相处六年后, 我对他们感到非常好奇, 从而开始研究他们的生活 接着就决定写一本关于他们生活的书。
And the burning question about Alma-Tadema was: Did she marry? 对Alma-Tadema 争论最热烈的问题是, 她结婚了没有?
burning question:十万火急的问题;
And the answer was no, which I found in the London Times archive . 答案是没有,这是 这是我从伦敦时报档案馆找到的答案
She died alone in 1940 in the company of her books and her dear friends. 1940年,她孤独的死去, 伴随她的只有她的书和她亲密的朋友
Gerard Manley Hopkins, a saintly man. 圣人—— 杰拉尔德·曼利·霍普金斯。
He became a Jesuit . 他成了一个耶稣会会士,
He converted from his Anglican faith . 而不再信仰圣公会。
converted:adj.修改的;改变信仰的;v.转变;改变信仰(convert的过去式和过去分词形式); faith:n.信心;信任;宗教信仰;
He was moved to by the Tractarian Movement, the Oxford Movement, otherwise known as -- and he became a Jesuit priest . 他之所以改变信仰是因为牛津运动 亦叫牛津大学运动, 然后他成了耶稣会的牧师。
He burned all his poetry at the age of 24 and then did not write another poem for at least seven years because he couldn't rectify the life of a poet with the life of a priest. 24岁时,他把他所有的诗都烧了, 然后至少有七年没有写过诗, 因为他无法用一个牧师的生活 来调整一个诗人的生活。
He died typhoid fever at the age of 44, I believe, 43 or 44. 44岁时, 他死于伤寒症。我认为, 是43或是44岁。
At the time, he was teaching classics at Trinity College in Dublin . 那时, 他正在都柏林三一学院教古典文学。
classics:n.经典;名著;杰作;(classic的复数) Trinity:n.三位一体;三人一组;三个一组的东西;三倍; Dublin:n.都柏林(爱尔兰共和国的首都);
A few years before he died, after he had resumed writing poetry, but in secret, he confessed to a friend in a letter that I found when I was doing my research: "I've written a verse . 在他去世几年前, 他就又开始写诗了, 但只是秘密地写。 我做研究时发现的一封他写给一个朋友的信中, 他承认了这一点。 “我已写了一首诗,
resumed:n.摘要; vt.重新开始,继续; vi.重新开始,继续; confessed:adj.公开认错的;v.供认,坦白,承认;悔过;(confess的过去分词和过去式) verse:n.诗,诗篇;韵文;诗节;vi.作诗;vt.使熟练,使精通;
It is to explain death to a child, and it deserves a piece of plain-song music." 是关于向一个孩子解释死亡的。 而且它值得配上一点音乐。”
And my blood froze when I read that because I had written the plain-song music 130 years after he'd written the letter. 当我读到这封信的时候,我的血液都凝固了, 因为在他写这封信130年之后,我就作了这首淡淡的乐曲。 我作了这首淡淡的乐曲。
And the poem is called, "Spring and Fall." 他所做的这首诗的名字叫《春天和秋天》。
? Margaret, are you grieving ? 玛格丽特 不久后,
? Over Goldengrove unleaving, by and by ? ? 你是否会为金树城树叶的凋零 而悲伤?
by and by:不久以后;
? Leaves, like the things of man, you ? 用你那全新的思想, 来关心树叶,
? With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? ? 就像关心男人的事情一样, 你会吗?
? But as the heart grows older ? 但是,随着心灵的成熟,
? It will come to such sights much colder ? 将会出现这种 更冷的场景。
? By and by, nor spare a sigh ? 渐渐地, 你不再叹息,
? Though worlds of wanwood leafmeal lie; ? 尽管所有的森林, 都在一个凌乱光秃秃的世界里。
? And yet you will weep and you'll know why. ? 尽管你会哭泣, 可你知道那是为了什么。
? No matter child, the name: ? 不管是哪个孩子,叫什么名字,
? Sorrow's springs are all the same ? 他们春天的忧伤却是相同的。
all the same:仍然:依然:照样:
? They're all the same. ? 是相同的。
? Nor mouth had nor no mind expressed ? 没有什么言语, 也没有什么思想可以表达,
? What heart heard of, ghost had guessed: ? 心听到了什么, 幽灵却已猜到:
? It's the blight man was born for, ? 男人生下来 就是为了让人失望,
? It is Margaret that you mourn for ? 而你所忧伤的 却是玛格丽特。
Thank you so much. 谢谢!
(Applause) (掌声)
(Music) (音乐)
I'd like to thank everybody, all the scientists, the philosophers , the architects , the inventors, the biologists , the botanists , the artists ... 我想感谢所有的人, 科学家,哲学家, 建筑学家,发明家, 生物学家, 植物学家,艺术家,
philosophers:n.哲学家(philosopher的复数); architects:n.建筑师;设计师;创造者;(architect的复数); biologists:n.生物学家(biologist的复数); botanists:n.植物学家;
everyone that blew my mind this week. 感谢所有在这周启发我的人。
Thank you. 谢谢你们。
(Applause) (掌声)
? Oh, a li la li la la la ? 喔,啦哩啦哩啦啦啦
? La li la la li la la la la la la ? (Applause) 啦哩啦啦哩啦啦啦啦啦啦
? La li la la la ? 啦哩啦啦啦
? La li la la la la ? 啦哩啦啦啦啦
? La li la la la la la la ? 啦哩啦啦啦啦啦啦
? La la la li la la la la la ? 啦啦啦哩啦啦啦啦啦
? You've been so kind and generous ? 你们是那么的友好 慷慨,
? I don't know how you keep on giving. ? 我不知道你们是怎么一直付出的。
? And for your kindness, 我有愧于
I'm in debt to you. ? 你们的友好。
in debt to:欠债;欠情;受恩惠;
? And for your selflessness , my admiration . ? 我敬佩 你们的无私。
selflessness:n.无私;忘我; admiration:n.钦佩;赞赏;羡慕;赞美;
? And for everything you've done, you know I'm bound; ? 你们知道, 我一定要,
? I'm bound to thank for it ? 一定要感谢你们所做的一切。
? La li la li la la la ? 啦哩啦哩啦啦啦
? La li la la li la li la la la ? (Clapping) 啦哩啦啦哩啦哩啦啦啦
? La li la la la ? 啦哩啦啦啦
? La li la la la la ? 啦哩啦啦啦啦
? La li la li la la la ? 啦哩啦哩啦啦啦
? La li la la li la li la la ? 啦哩啦啦哩啦哩啦啦
? And you ? 谢谢你们
? Now you've been so kind and ... ? 你们一直如此友好,
Curb the enthusiasm , just a little bit. 现在请抑制一下你们的兴奋,只是抑制一点点。
Curb:vt.遏制;控制,限定,约束;n.起控制(或限制)作用的事物 enthusiasm:n.热心,热忱,热情;
Just bring it down a little. (Laughter) 只是减少一丁点儿。(笑)
It's my turn. 轮到我了。
I still have two minutes. 我还有两分钟。
(Laughter) (笑)
Okay, we're going to start that verse again. 好了,让我再看下一首诗。
? Well, you've been so ... ? 哈哈,你们是这样的……
That's innovative , don't you think? 我很有创意,是不是啊?
Calming the audience down; 让观众们平静下来啊:
I'm supposed to be whipping you into a frenzy , and I, "That's enough. Sh." (Laughter) 我觉得应该激起你们的热情来, 我喜欢那样,那样就足够了,呵呵
supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式) whipping:n.鞭打,鞭笞(作为惩罚); v.鞭打; (whip的现在分词) frenzy:n.狂暴;狂怒;暴怒;v.使发狂;使狂怒;
? Now, you've been kind and ... ? 现在,你们是这样的友好……
I'm going to sing this to Bill Gates. (Laughter) 我将为比尔·盖茨唱这首歌。
I have so much admiration for him. 我非常仰慕他。
? Now, you've been so kind and generous, ? 现在,你们是这样的友好 无私。
? I don't know how you keep on giving. ? 我不知道你们是怎么一直付出的。
? And for your kindness 我有愧于
I'm in debt to you. ? 你们的友好。
? And I never could have come this far without you. ? 要是没有你们, 我永远不会走这么远。
? So for everything you've done, you know I'm bound ? 你们知道, 我必定要
? I'm bound to thank you for it ? (Clapping) 必定要感谢你们。
? La li la la li la la la ? 啦哩啦啦哩啦啦啦,
? La li la la li la la la ? 啦哩啦啦哩啦啦啦
? La li la la la ? 啦哩啦啦啦
? La li la la la la ? 啦哩啦啦啦啦
? La li la la li la la la ? 啦哩啦啦哩啦啦啦
? La li la la li la li la la la ? 啦哩啦啦哩啦哩啦啦啦
? La li la la la ? 啦哩啦啦啦
? Oh, I want to thank you for so many gifts ? 感谢你们给我这么多的礼物,
? You gave in love with tenderness ? 你们给我这么多的柔情与爱。
? Thank you ? 谢谢你们。
? I want to thank you for your generosity ? 谢谢你们的无私, 谢谢你们给我的
? the love and the honesty that you gave me ? 爱与忠诚。
? I want to thank you show my gratitude , ? My love and my respect for you ? 谢谢你们, 我想表达对你们的 感激、爱意与尊重。
? I want to thank you, thank you ? 谢谢!谢谢!
? Thank you, thank you ? 谢谢!谢谢!
? Thank you, thank you ? 谢谢!谢谢!
? Thank you, thank you ? 谢谢!谢谢!
? I want to thank you, thank you ? 谢谢!谢谢!
? Thank you, thank you ? 谢谢!谢谢!
You know what? 你们知道吗?
I'll show you how to clap to this song. (Laughter) (Clapping) 我将教你们如何体会这首歌。
? I want to thank you, thank you ? 谢谢!谢谢!
? Thank you, thank you ? 谢谢!谢谢!
? Thank you, thank you ? 谢谢!谢谢!
? Thank you, thank you ? 谢谢!谢谢!
? I want to thank you, thank you ? 谢谢!谢谢!
It works better, right? 这样更好,对吧?
? I want to thank you, thank you ? 谢谢你们!谢谢!
? I want to thank you ? 谢谢!
? Ooh hoo ? 哦哦
? Ooh hoo ? 哦哦
? Ooh hoo ? 喔喔
? Ooh hoo ? 噢噢
Let's bring it down. 让我们低下来。
Decrescendo. 渐降下来。
Gradually , bringing it down, bringing it down. 慢慢地,降下来, 降下来。
? I want to thank you, thank you ? 谢谢!谢谢!
Finger popping, ain't no stopping. 手指布偶, 不要停下来。
Thank you so much. 非常感谢。
(Applause) (掌声)