

Natalie MacMaster: I'm going to just quickly start out with a little bit of music here. (Applause) 献上一段 简短的演奏。(掌声)
(Music) (音乐)
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you! (Applause) 谢谢!(掌声)
I took my shoes off to dance, but maybe I'll get at that later. 为了跳舞我把鞋脱了, 我等一会儿再穿吧。
Anyways, I... where to start? 然后,我……从哪儿开始说呢?
Well, I'm really excited to talk a bit about my own upbringing in music and family and all of that, but I'm even more excited for you people to hear about Donnell 's amazing family and maybe even a little bit about how we met, and all that sort of thing, but for those of you that may not be familiar with my upbringing, 我很高兴今天 能向大家介绍 我的音乐之路 和我的家庭, 不过更令我激动的是 Donnell今天也有机会向你们介绍 他了不起的家庭以及 我们相遇的故事, 我要说的大概就是这些, 现场有些观众可能不是很了解 我的出身。
upbringing:n.教养;养育;抚育; Donnell:唐奈; familiar:adj.熟悉的;常见的;亲近的;n.常客;密友;
I'm from Cape Breton Island, 我来自位于加拿大东部新斯科舍省
Nova Scotia , eastern Canada, which is a very, very musical island, and its origins come from Scotland with the music and all the traditions, the dancing, the language, which unfortunately is dying out in Cape Breton. 的布雷顿角岛, 岛上的音乐气氛非常浓厚, 岛上的人、音乐以及所有的传统 舞蹈、语言 都是苏格兰裔, 不幸的是布雷顿角的这一切 现在都在逐渐消亡。
Nova:n.新星(短期内突然变得很亮); Scotia:n.凹形边饰; eastern:adj.东方的;向东的;东部的;东方国家的;n.东方人;东正教信徒; origins:n.起源; (origin的复数) unfortunately:adv.不幸地;
The traditional language is Gaelic , but a lot of the music came from the Gaelic language, and the dancing and the singing and everything, and my bloodline is Scottish through and through, but my mother and father are two very, very musical people. 布雷顿角的传统语言是盖尔语(Gaelic), 很多音乐都来自于 这种语言, 舞蹈、歌曲等等 也是如此,我的血统是 彻彻底底的苏格兰裔, 我的母亲和父亲 都非常热爱音乐。
traditional:传统的,惯例的, Gaelic:n.盖尔语;adj.盖尔人的; bloodline:n.世系;血统;(动物的)种系;
My mom taught me to dance when I was five, and my dad taught me to play fiddle when I was nine. 我五岁的时候 我妈妈教我跳舞,九岁的时候 我爸爸教我拉小提琴。
My uncle is a very well-known 我的叔叔是一位非常著名的
Cape Breton fiddler . 布雷顿角小提琴演奏家。
His name's Buddy MacMaster, and just a wonderful guy, and we have a great tradition at home called square dancing, and we had parties, great parties at our house and the neighbors' houses, and you talk about kitchen cèilidhs. 是一个了不起的人物, 我们家里有跳方块舞(square dancing) 的优良传统, 我们也会在家里或者邻居的家里举办 派对,非常棒的派对, 我们常说厨房“凯利”。
Well, cèilidh first of all is Gaelic for party, but kitchen party in Cape Breton is very common, and basically somebody drops into the house, and no matter what house you go to in Cape Breton, there's a fiddle there, guaranteed , and I'd say, well there's first of all more fiddlers per capita in Cape Breton than anywhere in the world, so ten chances to one, the fellow who walked in the door could play it, so you'd have someone come into the house, you'd invite them to play a tune , and lo and behold “凯利”在盖尔语中是派对的意思, 厨房派对 在布雷顿角非常普遍, 厨房派对大体是这样的,一个人拜访别人的家 在布雷顿角,所有人家里 都有小提琴, 这点我敢保证 布雷顿角的人均拥有的小提琴数量 位居世界第一 因此,前来拜访的人 十有八九 会拉小提琴,所以我们邀请 前来的拜访的客人 拉一首曲子,然后
first of all:adv.首先; basically:adv.主要地,基本上; no matter what:不管什么…; guaranteed:adj.必然的; v.保证; fiddlers:n.拉提琴的人;小提琴手;骗子;游荡者; per capita:adj.每人的;人均的; tune:n.曲调;和谐;心情;v.调整;使一致;为…调音;调谐; behold:v.看;注视;把...视为;int.瞧;看呀;
a little party would start up and somebody would dance, and somebody would sing, and all that sort of thing, so it was a wonderful, wonderful way to grow up, and that is where my beginnings in music come from: my surroundings , my family, just my bloodline in itself, and, oh, 一个小型派对就开始了,有人跳舞 有人唱歌,大家一起享受音乐, 这是非常棒 的成长经历,也是 我的音乐生涯的开始: 我成长的环境,我的家庭, 我的血统,
I've done lots of things with my music. 我做了很多与音乐有关的事情。
I've recorded lots of CDs. 我录制了很多唱片。
I was nominated for a Grammy and 得到过一个格莱美奖提名
nominated:v.提名;推荐;任命;指派;挑选;(nominate的过去式和过去分词) Grammy:n.留声机(等于gramophone);(外)祖母;老太太(等于grandmother);
I've won some awards and stuff like that, so that's awesome , but the best part was meeting my husband, and I've actually known Donnell for probably 12 years now, and 以及获得过一些奖项。 这些经历都非常棒, 然而其中最棒的还要数与我的丈夫相遇, 实际上我和Donnell认识 已经十二年了,
stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本: awesome:adj.令人敬畏的;使人畏惧的;可怕的;极好的;
I'm going to get into a little bit of, I guess, how music brought us together, but I'm going to introduce you right now to my new husband as of October 5, 我想,我会简要的介绍一下, 音乐如何让我们走到一起, 不过现在我先要向大家介绍 我的新婚丈夫 十月五号刚刚转正的,
Donnell Leahy. (Applause)
(Applause) (掌声)
Donnell Leahy: Thank you. I'm kind of new to the TED experience and I'm glad to be here, but I'm just trying to put it all together, trying to figure all you people out, and I've been here for a short while, and I'm starting to understand a little bit better. Donnell Leahy:谢谢。我对TED还不是很熟悉 我很高兴来到这里, 我正在努力搞懂这一切, 弄清你们都是些什么人物 在这里呆了一会儿之后 我已经不觉得那么陌生了。
So I asked Natalie, what do I do? 我问Natalie,我上台要干什么呢?
And she said, just talk about yourself. 她叫我介绍一下自己。
It's kind of boring , but I'll just tell you a little bit about my family. I'm one of 11 brothers and sisters from Lakefield, Ontario , an hour and a half northeast of Toronto , and we grew up on a farm. 这可能会有点无聊,不过我就介绍一下吧 说一说我的家庭。我来自多伦多西北,安大略省莱克菲尔德(Lakefield) 距多伦多一个半小时车程, 我有十个兄弟姐妹 我们在农场长大。
boring:adj.无聊的;令人厌烦的;n.钻孔;v.使厌烦;钻孔;(bore的现在分词) Ontario:n.安大略湖(北美五大湖之一); northeast:adj.东北的;来自东北的;n.东北;adv.向东北;来自东北; Toronto:n.多伦多(加拿大城市);
Mom and Dad raised beef cattle, and I'm the oldest boy. 我的父亲和母亲养肉牛, 我是家中最大的男孩。
There are four girls a little bit older than me. 我有四个比我稍微大一点的姐姐。
We grew up without a television. 我小时候家里没有电视。
People find that strange, but I think it was a great blessing for us. 很多人觉得奇怪, 但我觉得这是我们的福气。
We had a television for a few years, but of course we wasted so much time and the work wasn't getting done, so out went the television. 我们曾经有过电视, 并因此浪费了很多时间 工作都完成不了, 所以电视就被扫地出门了。
Mom's from Cape Breton, coincidentally . 我的妈妈恰巧也来自布雷顿角。
Mom and Natalie's mother knew each other. We grew up playing, and used to dance together, right, yeah. 她认识Natalie的妈妈。 我们从小就演奏音乐 还曾经一起跳舞,恩,是的。
(Laughter) We grew up playing a bunch of , we played by ear and I think that's important for us because we were not really exposed to a lot of different styles of music. (笑声)我们从小就演奏乐器, 即兴演奏,我认为 这对于我们来说非常重要 因为我们没有接触过多的 其它风格的音乐。
a bunch of:一群;一束;一堆; exposed:adj.无遮蔽的; v.暴露; (expose的过去分词和过去式)
We learned to play the instruments , but we kind of had to come from within or go from within, because we didn't watch television, we didn't listen to a lot of radio. We went to church and to school sometimes, and farmed and played music, so we were able, I think, at a very critical age to develop our own style, our own self, and my mother plays, my father plays, and the style that came from the Ottawa Valley in Ontario, we call it French-Canadian style but it originated in logging camps. 我们学习演奏乐器, 但我们的音乐都来自内心 生发自内心,因为 我们不看电视,我们不怎么听广播 我们上学 有时候去教堂, 干农活、演奏音乐, 我想因此我们才能在 关键的年纪 发展出我们自己的风格,找到真正的自我, 我的父亲母亲都会演奏乐器 他们的风格来自 安大略的渥太华谷, 叫做法式加拿大风格 这种风格最早起源于伐木场。
instruments:n.器械;仪器;器具;手段(instrument的复数) critical:adj.鉴定的;[核]临界的;批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的;决定性的;评论的; originated:v.起源;发源;创立;创建;发明;(originate的过去式和过去分词) logging:n.伐木作业;v.把…载入正式记录;记录;采伐;(log的现在分词)
Years ago, hundreds of men would go up for the winter to the camps in Northern Ontario and in Quebec , and they were all different cultures, and the Irish, the French, Scottish, 多年以前,成百上千的人 冬天会去 魁北克和北安大略的伐木场, 他们都来自不同的文化, 爱尔兰人、法国人、苏格兰人、
German, they'd all meet, and of course at night, they'd play cards and step dance and play fiddles , and over the course of many years, the Ottawa Valley fiddling kind of evolved and the Ottawa Valley step dancing evolved, so that's, I kind of started out with that style and I quickly started doing my own thing, and then I met Natalie, and I was exposed to the great Cape Breton fiddling. 德国人,他们在那里相遇,晚上 当然就打牌 跳踢踏舞、拉小提琴 所以随着时间的推移 渥太华谷的小提琴演奏在不断进化 渥太华谷的踢踏舞也在不断进化 我最早的风格 就来源于此,不过我很快就开创了 我自己的风格, 后来我遇见了Natalie,随之 接触到了伟大的布雷顿角小提琴风格。
fiddles:n.小提琴;vi.瞎搞;拉小提琴;vt.虚度时光;拉小提琴; fiddling:adj.琐碎的; v.摆弄; (fiddle的现在分词) evolved:v.(使)逐渐形成;进化;进化形成;(evolve的过去分词和过去式)
That's how we met. (Laughter) 我们就是这样相遇的。
You tell them. (Laughter) 你跟他们说吧。(笑声)
NM: You want to or no? (Laughter) NM:你到底想不想说?(笑声)
Well I guess I have to now. 这样一来,我就不得不说了。
Well, it's just so interesting that Donnell的出身和我非常相似
Donnell's upbringing was very similar to mine, and I actually saw Donnell play when I was about 12 years old, and he and his family came to 这十分有趣 事实上,我第一次看到Donnell演奏 的时候是12岁 他和他的家人来
Inverness , which is about 45 minutes from where I lived, and I was just blown away , like, it was just amazing, and you'll find out why pretty soon here, but I couldn't believe the fiddling and Mom was there with me, and she was saying — 因佛内斯(Inverness),距离我家 大约四十五分钟,我被他 的演奏震撼了,实在太精彩了, 你们等下看过他的表演之后就明白我的意思了, 他演奏小提琴简直让人不敢相信 我的妈妈当时也在那里 她说——
Inverness:n.外罩圆领披风的宽松长大衣;圆领披风; blown away:轻轻吹走(歌曲名);零点爆破(电影名);
Donnell's mother came up on stage and danced with her children, and Mom was saying, "That's Julie MacDonnell, Donnel的妈妈当时也在舞台上 和她的孩子们一起跳舞 我的妈妈告诉我,“那是Julie MacDonnell,
I used to dance with her when we were kids. Little did I think our children would be playing instruments, you know, playing music, yeah." 我们小时候 曾经一起跳舞,我真没想到 我们的孩子都会演奏乐器, 演奏音乐。”
Twelve years, er, 20 years later little did she think her kids would be getting married, but anyway, so, then I got a phone call about, I dunno , seven years later. I was 19, first or second year of college, and it was Donnell, and he said "Hi, you probably don't know me but my name is Donnell Leahy." 她肯定也没想到十二年,不对,二十年之后 她们的孩子会结婚, 反正,这件事发生,大概, 七年之后,我接到一个电话。 那时我十九岁, 刚刚大学一二年级, 是Dennell打来的, 他说“你好, 你可能不认识我
And I said, "I know you. 我说:“我认识你。
I have a tape of yours at home." 我家还有一盘你的带子。”
And he said, "Well, I'm in Truro," 他说,“恩,我现在特鲁罗,”
which is where I was, and he asked me out for supper. 我当时也在特鲁罗, 然后他就邀请我吃晚餐。
That's it. (Laughter) 就是这样。(笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
Then — Will I keep going? (Laughs) 然而——我还要继续说吗?(笑)
(Laughter) (笑声)
Then we dated for two years, broke up for 10, got back together and got married. (Laughter) (Applause) 然后我们约会了两年, 分开十年,再复合 然后就结婚了。(笑声)(掌声)
DL: So anyway, we're running out of time, so I'll just get to it. DL:我们时间不多了 所以我就直接开始了。
I'm going to play a piece of music for you. 我将要为演奏一首乐曲。
It's actually a Scottish piece I've chosen. 我选择的是一首苏格兰乐曲。
I starts out with a slow air. 开头比较舒缓。
Airs were played in Europe at burials, as a body was carried out from the wake site to the burial site, the procession was led by a piper or a fiddle player. 在欧洲,人们经常在葬礼上演奏这种音乐 当灵柩从守夜的地方呗抬到 埋葬的地方时 风笛手或者小提琴手 会引领前进的队列。
site:n.地点;位置;场所;v.设置;为…选址; procession:n.行列; v.排队前进; piper:n.吹笛者;风笛手;管道工;绿鳍鱼;气喘的马;
I'll quickly play a short part of the air, and then I'm going to get into kind of a crazy tune that is very difficult to play when you're not warmed up, so, if I mess it up, pretend you like it anyway. It's called The Banks. 我会很快的演奏这首乐曲的一部分, 然后我就会拉一段 疯狂的旋律,在没有热身的情况下 这一段非常难拉, 因此,如果我出错了,假装你们喜欢就好了。 曲子的名字叫做The Banks。
(Tuning) (调音)
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Music) (音乐)
(Applause) (掌声)
NM: Well, we're gonna play one together now. (Applause) NM:那么我们再一起演奏 一曲吧。(掌声)
We're laughing, like, because our styles are totally different, as you can hear. 我们笑是因为 我们的风格完全不同, 你们听过了一定也发现了。
And so, you know, Donnell and I are actually in the process of writing new pieces of music together that we can play, but we don't have any of those ready. 其实正在尝试 创作我们可以一起演奏 的音乐, 但是我们还没有成功写出任何作品。
in the process of:在…的过程中;
We just started yesterday. (Laughter) 我们昨天才开始。(笑声)
So we're gonna play something together anyway. 但是我们还是要一起演奏一曲。
DL: With one minute. DL:用最后一分钟时间。
NM: With one minute. NM:最后一分钟。
(Audience reaction) (观众的反应)
DL: You start. NM: No, you have to start, because you've got to do your thing. DL:你开始。NM:不行,必须从你开始, 你拉你的。
(Music) (音乐)
NM: I'm not tuned . Hold on. NM:我没有调音。等下。
(Tuning) (调音)
NM: I feel like I'm in the duck or the bird pose right now. (Laughter) NM:我觉得我现在动作 像鸭子或者鸟。(笑声)
(Music) (音乐)
(Audience claps along) (观众跟着音乐拍手)
(Applause) (掌声)
Announcer : Great news, they're running late downstairs . 主持人:好消息, 楼下的人延误了。
Announcer:n.[广播]广播员;宣告者; downstairs:adv.在楼下;往楼下;adj.楼下的;n.楼下(尤指地面的一层);
We've got another 10 minutes. 所以我们还有十分钟。
(Applause) (掌声)
NM: Okay. Sure. NM:好的。没问题。
All right, okay. 好的,好的。
Let's get her going. (Applause) 那我们就继续吧。(掌声)
(Tuning) (调音)
DL: What do you want to play? DL:你想拉什么?
NM: Well, um... NM:那,恩……
(Music) (Laughter) (音乐)(笑声)
NM: Uh, sure. NM:没问题。
DL: How fast? DL:多快?
NM: Not too fast. NM:别太快。
(Music) (音乐)
(Audience claps along) (观众跟着音乐拍手)
(Cheering) (欢呼)
(Audience claps along) (观众跟着音乐拍手)
(Music) (音乐)
(Applause) (掌声)
DL: We're going to play a tune and Natalie's going to accompany me on the piano. DL:下面这首乐曲 Natalie会弹钢琴配合我。
The Cape Breton piano playing is just awesome. It's very rhythmic and, you'll see it. 布雷顿角钢琴演奏 非常棒。节奏感很强 你们很快就会体验到。
rhythmic:adj.[生物]有节奏的(等于rhythmical); n.韵律论(等于rhythmics);
My mom plays piano, and she learned to play before they had a piano at home in Cape Breton. Before Mom's family had a piano in Cape Breton, she learned to play the rhythms on a piece of board, and the fiddlers would all congregate to play on the cold winter's evenings and Mom would be banging on this board, so when they bought a piano, they bought it in Toronto and had it taken by train and brought in on a horse, a horse and sleigh to the house. 我妈妈会弹钢琴, 当时她在布雷顿角的家里还没有钢琴 她就已经学会怎么弹了。 没有钢琴的时候,她用一块板子 学习节奏, 很多小提琴手冬天寒冷的晚上 都会聚在一起演奏 我妈妈就会在板子上敲打, 后来他们在多伦多 买了一架真的钢琴, 然而先用火车再用马拉雪橇 运回家。
rhythms:韵律; congregate:vt.聚集;vi.聚集;adj.集合在一起的; banging:v.猛敲;砸;(把…)砰的关上;猛摔;砰地一扔;(bang的现在分词) sleigh:雪橇
It became the only piano in the region , and Mom said she could basically play as soon as the piano arrived, she could play it because she had learned all these rhythms. Anyway, we found the piano last year and were able to bring it back home. We purchased it. 这是当时当地唯一的一台钢琴, 我妈妈说钢琴一来 她就已经会弹了, 因为她已经学会了 所有的节奏。我们去年 找到了这架钢琴,而且 把它运回家了。我们再一次买下了它。
region:n.地区;范围;部位; as soon as:一…就; purchased:v.买;购买;采购;(purchase的过去式和过去分词)
It had gone through, like, five or six families, and it was just a big thing for us, and we found actually an old picture of somebody and their family years ago. 它几经易主, 换了五六个主人, 这对于我们来说是一件大事, 事实上我们还发现一张其它家庭的 老照片。
Anyway, I'm blabbering on here. 我有点太唠叨了。
NM: No, I want you to tell them about Leahy. NM:没有,你跟他们说说Leahy乐队吧。
DL: What about Leahy? (Laughter) DL:Leahy怎么了?(笑声)
NM: Just tell them what— NM:跟他们说就是了——
DL: She wants me to talk about— DL:她希望我说说——
We have a band named Leahy. 我们有一支名叫Leahy的乐队。
There's 11 siblings . We, um— 由我家的十一个兄弟姐妹组成。我们,恩——
What will I tell them? (Laughter) 我跟他们说什么(笑声)
NM: No surgeries . NM:没有手术。
DL: No surgeries, oh yeah. DL:没有手术,是的。
We had a great opportunity. 我们得到了一个很好的机会。
We opened for Shania Twain for two years on her international tour. 我们担任Shania Twain(著名加拿大乡村歌手)国际巡演的开场乐队有两年时间。
It was a big thing for us, and now all my sisters are off having babies and the boys are all getting married, so we're staying close to home for, I guess, another couple of weeks. 我们觉得非常荣幸和幸运,现在 我的姐妹们都离开乐队生孩子去了 兄弟们则都在忙着结婚,所以 我们可能会在家多呆 几个星期。
close to home:触及痛处;
What can I say? I don't know what to say, 我还要说什么?我不知道说什么了,
Natalie. We, uh... (Laughter) Natalie。我们,恩……(笑声)
(Laughter) (笑声)
NM: Is this what marriage is about? NM:这难道就是婚姻的真谛吗?
(Applause) (掌声)
I like it. (Applause) 我喜欢这种感觉。(掌声)
(Laughter) (笑声)
DL: Oh yeah, okay, in my family we had seven girls, four boys, we had two fiddles and one piano, and of course we were all fighting to play on the instruments, so dad and mom set a rule that you couldn't kick anyone off the instrument. You had to wait until they were finished, so of course, what we would do is we'd get on the piano and you wouldn't even get off to eat, because you wouldn't want to give it up to your brother or sister, and they'd wait and wait and wait, and it'd be midnight and you'd be still sitting there on the piano, but it was their way to get us to practice. DL:好,好。 我家有七个女孩,四个男孩, 我们有两把小提亲和一架钢琴, 我们都争着弹奏这些乐器 所以爸爸和妈妈 制定了一条规则:不许打断别人的 演奏。别人演奏完才轮到你。 结果,因为不想被兄弟姐妹 抢去弹琴的机会, 我们只要坐在钢琴面前 就会废寝忘食的 一直演奏下去。别人就要 一直等一直等,等到午夜 前一个人可能还坐在钢琴前, 我爸爸妈妈就是这样督促我们练琴的。
Will we play a tune? 我们来一曲吧?
NM: It worked. DL: It worked. NM:可以的。DL:好的。
Sorry, I hate to carry on... 不好意思,我也不想再继续说了……
So this is our last number, and we'll feature Nat on piano. 这是我们的最后一曲,Nat会演奏钢琴
Okay, play in, how about A? 好的,什么调,A怎么样?
(Music) (音乐)
(Applause) (掌声)