

? Like the heather ? ?他们驱赶我们时?
? on the hillside ? ?离开高地时?
? as they drove us ? ?我们就像山崖上的?
? from the Highlands ? ?石南花?
? Like the iceflow ? ?当我们到达?
? from the Arctic ? ?纽芬兰到时?
? where we landed ? ?就像北冰洋上的?
? in Newfoundland ? ?浮冰?
? There's a color ? ?我的忧伤?
? to my sorrow ? ?有颜色?
? There's a name for ? ?我的悲痛?
? all this sadness ? ?有名字?
? Like the ocean ? ?就像分隔你我的?
? in between us ? ?海洋?
? I am blue ? ?我是蓝色的?
? Blue is a river ? ?蓝色是河流?
? Blue remembered ? ?蓝色永铭记在心?
? Blue water ? ?蓝色涓流?
? running clear ? ?清可见底?
? Blue like a planet ? ?蓝的就像宇航员?
? to a spaceman ? ?在太空中见到的地球?
? Blue river ? ?我的泪水?
? of my tears ? ?汇成蓝色溪流?
(Fiddle and synthesizer) (小提琴和合成器)
? So I came here ? ?于是我来到这儿?
? to the city ? ?来到城市?
? where the dream burns ? ?就像火炉?
? like a furnace ? ?梦想化为灰烬?
? And I dazzled ? ?我在黑色的大街上?
? in these dark streets ? ?闪烁?
? like a diamond ? ?就象灰头土脸上?
? in a coal face ? ?的一颗钻石?
? Then the cold wind ? ?岛上吹来?
? from the islands ? ?的冷风?
? blew a storm cloud ? ?掀起一阵暴风云?
storm cloud:n.暴风云;
? across the new moon ? ?穿越新月?
? Like the gunsmoke ? ?就像我房子上面的?
? above the houses ? ?硝烟?
? in my home ? -
? Blue is a river ? ?蓝色是条河?
? Blue remembered ? ?蓝色会被铭记?
? Blue water ? ?蓝色涓流?
? running clear ? ?清澈见底?
? Blue like a planet ? ?就像宇航员?
? to a spaceman ? ?在太空见到的地球一样蓝?
? Blue river ? ?我的泪水?
? of my tears ? ?汇成蓝色细流?
? Blue river ? ?我的泪水?
? of my tears ? ?汇成蓝色细流?
(Fiddle and synthesizer) (小提琴和合成器)
(Applause) (鼓掌)