

'"My name is Beth, I'm here for you, tell me more." “我叫贝丝,有我在这儿帮你, 请告诉我更多信息。”
'"I've run away before, but I've never been involved with anything like this. “我以前也从家里逃出来过, 但是从来没有经历过这样的事。
I think they put drugs in my liquor ." 我觉得他们在我的酒里下药了。”
'"It sounds like you feel you're not safe. “听起来你觉得自己不安全。
The fastest way for me to get help to you is for you to call 911." 对我来说,能够最快帮到你的方法 就是让你打报警电话。”
involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词) liquor:n.液;白酒;汤;[药学]溶液;
'"LOL, Beth. “呵呵,贝丝。
If they hear me, they'll kill me. 如果他们听到我,会杀了我的。
They're about to send another man in to have sex with me, please hurry." 他们就要派另一个人进来强奸我了, 请赶快。”
'"OK, it sounds like you're in danger. “好的,听起来你处于极大的危险中。
I can call 911 for you and send help. 我能帮你报警并且派来支援。
You're being very brave." 你很勇敢。”
'"Thanks, Beth. “谢谢你,贝丝。
Tell the police to be careful, these men are armed." 告诉警方要当心,这些人有武器。”
I can share this story with you, because it was widely reported in news outlets throughout the country. 我可以跟你们分享这个故事, 是因为这件事在全国各地 的新闻媒体上被广泛报道过。
We did call 911. 我们确实报了警。
The police rescued this girl, two other girls, and arrested three men, all at the Motel 6 in San Jose. 警察解救了这个女孩, 以及另外两名女孩, 并且逮捕了三名男子, 就在圣何塞的 6 号汽车旅馆。
My name is Nancy "Beth" Lublin. 我叫南希 “贝丝” 卢布林。
outlets:n.出路;销售点;排水口;批发商点(outlet的复数形式); throughout:adv.自始至终,到处;全部;prep.贯穿,遍及; rescued:v.营救;援救;抢救;(rescue的过去分词和过去式) Motel:n.汽车旅馆; Nancy:adj.柔弱的;搞同性关系的;n.假娘儿们;
I'm the cofounder and CEO of Crisis Text Line, the free 24/7 service that helps people by text and Messenger , with mental health and behavioral health issues . 我是 “Crisis Text Line” 的 共同创始人兼首席执行官, 我们提供每周 7 天、 每天 24 小时的免费服务, 通过短消息的形式帮助那些 有心理或行为健康问题的人。
And when I go on the platform as a crisis counselor , 当我以危机顾问的身份登陆平台时,
I use the alias "Beth." 我用化名 “贝丝”。
I happen to be the crisis counselor who took that conversation. 我碰巧就是负责 那次对话的危机顾问。
But this is what Crisis Text Line is. 但 “Crisis Text Line” 就是这样,[01:31]
cofounder:n.共同创办人; Crisis:n.危机;危险期;决定性时刻;adj.危机的;用于处理危机的; Messenger:n.报信者,送信者;先驱; mental:adj.精神的;脑力的;疯的;n.精神病患者; behavioral:adj.行为的; issues:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;(issue的第三人称单数和复数) platform:n.平台; v.把…放在台上[放在高处; counselor:n.顾问;法律顾问;参事(等于counsellor); alias:n.别名,化名;adv.别名叫;化名为;
It's strangers helping strangers in their darkest moments to stay alive, feel less alone, and to remind them how strong they are. 由陌生人帮助那些 正处于最黑暗时刻的其他陌生人, 帮助他们活命,不再感到那么孤独, 并提醒他们,他们有多坚强。
Crisis Text Line launched quietly in August 2013 in Chicago and in El Paso, and within four months, we were in all 274 area codes of the United States, because people used the service, “Crisis Text Line” 于 2013 年 8 月 在芝加哥和埃尔帕索悄然开通。 在四个月内, 我们就扩展到全美国 274 个区号覆盖的地区, 因为使用过这项服务的人
remind:v.提醒;使想起; launched:v.发射;发起;开展;开始;(launch的过去式和过去分词) United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式)
had a great experience and shared it with their friends -- that's organic growth. 有着非常好的体验, 并且分享给了他们的朋友们—— 这就是有机增长。
And in six and a half years, we've now processed about 150 million messages. 在六年半的时间里, 我们已经处理了约 1.5 亿条信息。
The people who use our free 24/7 service skew young, because it's text, so they skew young. 使用我们这项 7*24 小时免费服务的人 偏年轻, 因为要使用短信,所以他们偏年轻——
organic:adj.有机的;不使用化肥的;绿色的;有机物的;n.分子有机体; processed:v.加工,处理;审核;列队行进;(process的过去式和过去分词) skew:n.斜交;歪斜;adj.斜交的;歪斜的;
45 percent are under the age of 17. 45% 的用户在 17 岁以下——
Also poor, racially diverse . 同时相对贫穷,种族多样。
17 percent identify as Hispanic , and 44 percent LGBTQ. 17% 的人是西班牙裔, 44% 的人是 LGBTQ 群体。
The top five issues that we see are relationships, depression , anxiety , self-harm and in approximately one in four conversations, suicidal ideation . 我们看到的前五个问题是情感危机, 抑郁、焦虑、自残, 同时大约有四分之一的人 有自杀想法。
under the age of:在年龄之下;16岁以下; racially:adv.人种上;按人种; diverse:adj.不同的;多种多样的;变化多的; identify:v.识别:鉴定:确认:发现: Hispanic:adj.西班牙的; depression:n.沮丧;洼地;不景气;忧愁; anxiety:n.焦虑;渴望;挂念;令人焦虑的事; self-harm:n.(故意)自我伤害(常由情感、精神问题所致); approximately:adv.大约,近似地;近于; suicidal:adj.自杀的,自杀性的;自我毁灭的;自取灭亡的; ideation:n.构思能力,思维能力;构思过程;
Everyone texting us is unhappy, yet we normally have about an 86 percent satisfaction rating from our texters. 每个给我们发消息的人都不快乐。 然而,通常在发消息给我的人中, 86% 表示满意。
What makes it so good? 为什么效果这么好呢?
The technology , the data and the people. 这要归功于我们的技术、数据和人。
So, the technology. 那么,技术方面,
It is not an app. 它不是一个应用。[02:51]
normally:adv.正常地;通常地,一般地; satisfaction:n.满意,满足;赔偿;乐事;赎罪; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语;
It's not something you have to download. 不是什么你必须要下载的软件。
It's free, there's no complicated intake survey , so it's really user-friendly . 它是免费的, 也没有复杂的采用调查, 所以对用户十分友好。
You just text us. 你只需要给我们发短信就行了。
We use machine learning to stack-rank the queue based on severity . 根据情况的严重性, 我们使用机器学习 对需求进行排序。
Kind of like a hospital emergency room would take the gunshot wound before the kid with a sprained ankle. 类似医院急诊室 会优先处理枪伤患者, 再处理扭伤脚踝的孩子一样。
complicated:adj.复杂的;难懂的;v.使复杂化;(complicate的过去分词和过去式) intake:n.摄取量;通风口;引入口;引入的量; survey:n.调查;测量;审视;纵览;vt.调查;勘测;俯瞰;vi.测量土地; user-friendly:adj.容易使用的; queue:n.行列;(存储的数据)队列;v.(人、车等)排队等候;(使)排队;列队等待; severity:n.严重;严格;猛烈; emergency room:n.急诊室; gunshot:n.射击;射程;炮击;adj.射击的;枪炮射击所致的; wound:n.创伤,伤口;v.使受伤;受伤,伤害; sprained:v.扭伤(关节)(sprain的过去分词和过去式)
We work the same way. 我们的工作原理是一样的。
So we take the high-risk cases first. 所以我们优先处理高危事件。
So the person who swallowed a bottle of pills would come before someone else. 因此吞下一整瓶药自杀的人 会优先于其他人接受服务。
This is data science to save lives. 这是拯救生命的数据科学。
But it's humans who do the counseling . 但咨询工作是由人来负责的。
We've trained over 28,000 volunteer crisis counselors who apply online, go through a background check and then about a 30-hour training. 我们已经培训了超过 28000 名志愿危机顾问, 他们在网上申请, 等待背景调查, 然后接受大约 30 小时的培训。[03:26]
high-risk:adj.高危险度的; swallowed:v.吞下;咽下;吞没;淹没;侵吞(swallow的过去分词和过去式) pills:n.药丸; v.起球; (pill的第三人称单数和复数) counseling:n.咨询服务;v.建议;劝告;商讨;(counsel的现在分词形式) volunteer:n.志愿者;志愿兵;adj.志愿的;v.自愿; counselors:n.辅导员;顾问(counselor的复数形式); apply:v.申请;涂,敷;应用;适用;请求;
And if they pass -- not everybody passes, there's only a 33 percent pass rate -- they can save lives from their couch . 如果他们通过测试—— 不是每个人都能通过, 只有 33% 的通过率—— 他们就可以坐在沙发上拯救生命了。
It's a new gig economy for volunteerism , like Uber or Lyft for volunteerism. 对于志愿服务来说, 这是一种新的网络经济, 就像志愿者领域的 Uber 或 Lyft 一样。
And we also have full-time staff with a master's degree in a relevant field. 我们也有在相关领域 具有硕士学位的全职员工。
couch:n.睡椅,长沙发;床;卧榻;v.蹲伏,埋伏;躺着; economy:n.经济;节约;理财; volunteerism:n.志愿精神;志愿服务; Uber:adj.最好的;?超级的;n.Uber(公司品牌名)优步; full-time:adj.专职的;全日制的;全部时间的; relevant:adj.相关的;切题的;中肯的;有重大关系的;有意义的,目的明确的;
They're supervisors , and they watch every conversation and step in if needed. 他们是监管者, 他们监察每一次对话, 必要时还会介入。
Thanks to this technology and data and our volunteer labor model, we're able to reach tons of people in pain. 多亏了这项技术和数据 以及我们的志愿者工作模式, 我们能够触及成千 上万遭受痛苦的人们。
People who don't have access to other resources , like the gay teenager who can't share with his parents, because they keep telling him to pray the gay away. 那些无法获得其他资源的人, 比如不能与父母分享心事的 同性恋青少年, 因为他们不断地告诉他 要去排斥同性恋。
supervisors:n.监察人(supervisor的复数); resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数);
Or the girl who can't sleep at 2am because she's got anxiety about finals and she doesn't want to disappoint people who love her. 或者凌晨两点睡不着觉的女孩, 因为她对期末考试很焦虑, 她不想让爱她的人失望。
So they text us. 所以他们会给我们发短信。
And we love on them. 我们关爱他们。
And we support them, and we remind them how strong they are. 我们支持他们。 我们提醒他们,他们是多么的坚强。
And we work on a plan together to stay safe. 我们会一起制定一个 能够保持安全的计划。
And we tell them that if this felt good, sharing with us -- and 68 percent of people say they've shared something with us they've never shared with another human, so if it feels good to share with us, maybe find just one other person in your life tomorrow to share with. 我们还会告诉他们,如果这感觉不错, 可以大胆我们分享心事—— 68% 的人说, 他们和我们分享了一些 从没与其他人分享过的东西, 所以如果和我们分享感觉很好, 也许明天就在可以生活中 找到另一个人去分享。
And after our conversation, they put that safety plan in place. 在和我们对话之后, 他们开始把安全计划落实到位。
And maybe they go to sleep. 也许他们会去睡觉,
Or they journal . 或者写日记,
Or they listen to BTS or Lizzo, or they write a letter to their sister or their boss or to themselves, to read in 12 months. 或者去听听流行歌曲, 或写信给他们的姐妹、 老板,或写给 12 个月后的自己。
They stay safe. 总之,他们是安全的。
Sometimes, people have the ideation, the plan, the means and the timing to hurt themselves or someone else, and we can't deescalate . 有时候,这些人有想法、 计划、手段与时机 去伤害自己或他人, 而我们无法防止这种行为。
journal:n.杂志;日记;日志;(用于报纸名)…报; deescalate:v.逐步降(级);缩小(冲突范围);
Like the man in Texas, five years ago on Christmas Eve , who told us he only felt pleasure when he inflicted pain and he wanted to kill women and was going to do it that very night. 就像五年前的圣诞节前夜, 德克萨斯州的一个男人告诉我们, 他只有在遭受痛苦时才会感到快乐, 并且他想杀女人, 当天晚上就想这么做。
In those imminent risk situations, we call 911. 在那些迫在眉睫的危险情况下, 我们就报警。
And thank goodness for 911, because in that Texas incident, as reported in the news, they did send help, they sent the police to his home, and they found him with an arsenal of loaded weapons and on record as being in possession of a human foot. 真是谢天谢地, 因为在那次德克萨斯事件中, 正如新闻报道的那样, 911 确实派警察去了他家, 他们在一个上满膛的武器库找到了他。 根据记录,警察在那里 发现了一只人类的脚。
Christmas Eve:圣诞夜,平安夜 inflicted:把…强加给;使承受(inflict的过去式和过去分词); imminent:adj.即将来临的;迫近的; arsenal:n.兵工厂;军械库; in possession of:拥有,占有;
Now, active rescues are less than one percent of our conversations. 虽然需要出击救援的情况 还不到我们通话总数的百分之一。
But still, that's about 26 a day. 但这也相当于每天 26 次,
And six of those a week are for homicide . 并且一周中有六次是谋杀案。
Typically school shooters . 通常是校园枪击者。
We have now completed more than 32,000 active rescues. 目前,我们已进行了 3.2 万多起主动救援。[06:06]
rescues:n.救援;营救(rescue的复数形式);vt.救援(rescue的第三人称单数形式);救出; homicide:n.杀人;杀人犯; Typically:adv.代表性地;作为特色地; shooters:n.射手;射击武器;枪;(shooter的复数)
Our own data and external studies show that we're very good at saving lives, and at changing lives. 我们自己的数据和外部研究表明, 我们在拯救生命 和改变人们的生活方面 起到了非常积极的作用。
We use the data to make it possible for us to change systems. 我们利用这些数据来改变社会体系。
So for example, we've learned the best way, the best language to risk-assess around suicidal ideation isn't to use the words, "Are you thinking of committing suicide ?" 例如, 我们学会了如何用最恰当的语言 来评估自杀想法。 不是用 “你在考虑自杀吗?”
external:n.外部;外观;形式;外部情况;adj.外部的;外面的;外界的;外来的; committing:v.做出;犯罪或错等;自杀;承诺,保证;(commit的现在分词) suicide:n.自杀;自杀行为;自杀者;adj.自杀的;v.自杀;vi.自杀;
Instead, it's to use words like, "Are you thinking of death or dying?" 取而代之的是,要用这样的措辞, “你在思考死亡或者濒死吗?”
Or "Are you thinking about killing yourself?" 或者 “你在思考要不要杀了自己吗?”
And now, we've shared that language with journalists , to adopt this. 现在,我们已经和记者们 分享了这种语言去采用。
We've shared that language with activists. 我们也已经和活动家们 分享了这种语言。
We're advising the National Emergency Number Association , the 911 Association , on best practices for first responders in suicide. 我们正在向国家紧急号码协会, 911 协会, 处理自杀的第一应答者 提供最佳实践的建议。
journalists:n.新闻记者(journalist的复数); adopt:v.采取;接受;收养;正式通过; advising:v.劝告;忠告;建议;通知;(advise的现在分词) Association:n.协会;关联;联想;交往; responders:n.响应器;回答者;(responder的复数)
And we're working with the Veterans Administration to identify suicidal ideation and intent in veterans. 我们正与退伍军人管理局合作, 识别退伍军人的自杀意图和倾向。
(Sighs) (叹气)
Pain isn't an American experience. 痛苦不仅仅是美国人独有的体验,
It's a human experience. 而是全人类的体验。
So we've been growing. 所以我们一直在成长。[07:06]
Veterans:n.老兵;退伍军人(veteran的复数形式); intent:n.意图;目的;含义;adj.专心的;急切的;坚决的;
So far, we've been expanding one country at a time: 目前为止,我们一直 保持一次扩展一个国家:
Ireland, the UK, Canada -- which we did in both French and English. 在爱尔兰、英国、加拿大 ——我们都同时用了法语和英语。
And we could keep growing, one country at a time. 我们可以保持 一次一个国家的增长。
And it would take us decades to reach even just a third of the people in the world. 可能要花上几十年 才能扩展到世界上 三分之一的人口。
And that's just not acceptable . 而我们不能接受这样的速度。
We've already seen, since the start of COVID in early March, a 40 percent increase in our volume . 我们已经看到,自 3 月初 新冠疫情开始以来, 我们的服务总量增长了 40%。
78 percent of our conversations include words like " freaked out," "scared," "panic." 78% 的对话中 包含这样的字眼: “吓坏了”、“害怕”、“恐慌”。
acceptable:adj.认同的;可接受的;令人满意的; volume:n.体积;容积;音量;响度;一册;合订本 freaked:v.(使)强烈反应,震惊,畏惧;(freak的过去分词和过去式)
People are worried about the COVID virus, and so they're nervous about symptoms and they're concerned for family on the front lines. 人们对新冠病毒感到焦虑, 所以他们对相关症状感到紧张, 也担心在前线工作的家人。
We're also seeing the impact of the quarantines themselves. 我们也看到了隔离本身的影响。
People are away from their routines, perhaps they're quarantined with abusive people. 人们脱离了他们的日常生活, 也许他们跟有暴力 倾向的人在一起隔离。
So we've seen a 48 percent increase in sexual abuse , and a 74 percent increase in domestic violence . 我们看到性虐待的案例增加了48%, 而且家庭暴力增加了 74%。
symptoms:n.症状;征候;征兆;(symptom的复数) concerned for:关心; impact:n.影响;效果;碰撞;冲击力;v.挤入,压紧;撞击;对…产生影响; quarantines:vt.检疫;隔离;使隔离;n.检疫;隔离;检疫期;封锁;vi.实行隔离; quarantined:检疫;隔离; abusive:adj.辱骂的;滥用的;虐待的; sexual:adj.性的;性别的;有性的; abuse:n.滥用;虐待;辱骂;弊端;恶习,陋习;v.滥用;虐待;辱骂; domestic:n.佣人;家佣;家庭纠纷;家庭矛盾;adj.本国的;国内的;家用的;家庭的; violence:n.暴力;侵犯;激烈;歪曲;
One of the biggest impacts we've seen of the virus and the lockdowns is the financial stress. 我们所看到的病毒和 封锁带来的最大影响之一 是财务压力。
We're seeing more people reach out with fears of bankruptcy , fears of homelessness and other financial ruin . 我们看到越来越多的人 由于担心破产, 担心无家可归和 其他经济困境而寻求帮助。
And right now, 32 percent of our texters identify as coming from household incomes under 20,000 dollars. 现在, 32% 的短信发送者 来自年收入低于 2 万美元的家庭。
impacts:n.影响; v.有影响,有作用; lockdowns:n.一级防范禁闭(期); financial:adj.金融的;财政的,财务的; bankruptcy:n.破产; homelessness:n.无家可归; ruin:n.废墟;毁坏;灭亡;v.毁灭;使破产; household:n.家庭;一家人;同住一所(或一套)房子的人;adj.家庭的;家常的;王室的;
That's up from our typical 19 percent low income. 这比我们通常服务的 19% 的低收入家庭要高。
So we need to grow. 因此我们需要壮大,
Quickly. 迅速地壮大。
For months, we were planning on announcing that we were going to expand by language: 几个月来,我们一直在计划宣布 我们将按语言进行扩展:
Five languages in the next five years, covering 32 percent of the globe. 在未来五年内,我们将扩展五种语言, 覆盖全球 32% 的人口。
And then, COVID happened. 这时候,新冠疫情发生了,
Things changed. 打乱了我们的计划。
And now five years feels like a luxury . 现在看来,五年时间好像太漫长了。
So today, right now, we are committing to do it in half the time. 所以今天,现在, 我们承诺用一半的时间来完成。
Five languages in two and a half years. 在两年半的时间里 完成五种语言的拓展。
We're going to turn on Spanish everywhere, 我们要在各地启用西班牙语,
English everywhere, Portuguese everywhere, 在各地启用英语, 在各地启用葡萄牙语,
French everywhere, and the fifth language? 在各地启用法语, 那么第五语言是什么呢?
Arabic. 阿拉伯语。
So we're going to bring our service to countries and populations that have limited mental health services and almost no data about what's going on. 因此,我们将把我们的服务带给那些 心理健康服务有限、 并且对现状几乎没有 任何数据的国家和人群。
Portuguese:adj.葡萄牙的;葡萄牙人的;葡萄牙语的;n.葡萄牙人;葡萄牙语; limited:adj.有限的; n.高级快车; v.限制; (limit的过去分词和过去式)
These include immigrant populations -- who have phones. 这些人包括有手机的移民。
And young people, who are often not counted in studies, but they have phones. 还有年轻人,那些通常 不算在上学的年轻人, 但是他们有电话。
So we're going to shift to language, which makes the technology easier, because in addition to text, we're going to be using WhatsApp and Messenger. 所以我们将转而以语言为导向, 这使得这项技术更容易实现。 因为除了发短信外, 我们还将使用 WhatsApp 和 Messenger。
immigrant:n.(外来)移民;外侨;adj.侨民的; shift:n.移动;变化;手段;轮班;v.移动;转变;转换; in addition to:除…之外; WhatsApp:智能手机;联络电话;
And global expansion helps us with middle-of-the-night capacity , because we'll have time-zone coverage . 而且全球扩张有助于 提升我们的夜间服务能力, 因为我们将实现全时区覆盖。
So think about it, this will be strangers helping strangers around the world. 想想看吧, 这会是世界各地的 陌生人帮助陌生人,
Like a giant global love machine. 就像一个巨大的全球化爱心机器。
And the fact that the TED community has supported our audacious dream is just deeply, deeply meaningful , to me and to everybody on our team. TED 社区对我们的大胆梦想 予以支持这一事实, 对我和我们团队的每一个人来说, 都是非常非常有意义的。
global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; expansion:n.扩张;膨胀;扩展;扩大; capacity:n.能力;容量;资格,地位;生产力; time-zone:n.时区; coverage:n.覆盖,覆盖范围; giant:n.巨人;伟人;巨兽;adj.巨大的;特大的 community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体; audacious:adj.无畏的;鲁莽的; meaningful:adj.严肃的;重要的;重大的;意味深长的;
And the best way for us to show our gratitude is to just let you know that we are ready and we are fired up. 我们表达感激之情的最好方式 就是让你们知道,我们已经准备好了, 我们已经箭在弦上了。
And we're going to use this support to impact millions of lives around the world. 我们将利用这种支持 来影响全世界数百万的生命。
Times are hard. 生活不易。
And it's confusing , and it's depressing , and sometimes, we all feel alone, especially in isolation. 令人困惑,令人沮丧, 有时,我们都会感到孤单, 尤其是在封闭的环境中。
gratitude:n.感谢(的心情);感激; confusing:adj.令人困惑; v.使糊涂; (confuse的现在分词) depressing:adj.令人抑郁的; v.使沮丧; (depress的现在分词) especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分;
But no matter what age, no matter what your situation is or where you live, we'll be at your fingertips , in your pocket. 但无论你多大年纪, 无论你的处境如何, 无论你生活在哪里, 我们都近在咫尺,就在你的口袋里。
I've been thinking a lot these last few weeks about that trafficked girl who I connected with. 最近几周我一直在想 和我联系的那个 被拐卖的女孩。
And I hope she's somewhere safe. 我希望她现在在某个安全的地方。
I don't know ... 我不知道——
I don't know how she's quarantined or who she's with, but I hope she's safe. 我不知道她现在是怎么隔离的, 或者她和谁在一起, 但我希望她是安全的。[10:43]
no matter what:不管什么…; fingertips:n.指尖;(fingertip的复数)
And I don't know, last year, how she had our number, or even how she had access to a phone to reach out to us. 我也不知道,去年她是 怎么知道我们的电话号码的, 甚至不知道她是怎么 拿到电话来联系我们的。
I never asked her. 我从没问过她。
Because it didn't matter. 因为这不重要。
What mattered was that she could contact us, that she did have it, and we got help to her quickly. 重要的是她能联系到我们, 她这么做了,而我们很快就帮到她了。
And that's the goal, it's to make it easier for people to get help than avoid getting help. 这就是我们的目标, 让人们更容易得到帮助, 而不是避免得到帮助。
That in moments of hardship , of danger, of physical distance, that nobody is ever alone. 在困难时刻, 在危险的时刻,即使距离遥远, 也没有人是孤立无援的。
contact:n.接触,联系;v.使接触,联系; hardship:n.艰难;困苦;拮据; physical:adj.[物]物理的;身体的;物质的;符合自然法则的;n.体格检查;
That thanks to Crisis Text Line, none of us is ever actually alone. 多亏了 “Crisis Text Line”, 我们中没有人是真正孤单的。
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