

To most of you, this is a device to buy, sell, play games, watch videos. 对大多数人来说,这件设备 是用来买、卖、用来玩游戏 用来看视频的。
I think it might be a lifeline . 我却认为这可以成为一条生命线
I think actually it might be able to save more lives than penicillin . 我认为它能拯救比盘尼西林 更多的生命。
Texting: 短信:
I know I say texting and a lot of you think sexting , a lot of you think about the lewd photos that you see -- hopefully not your kids sending to somebody else -- or trying to translate the abbreviations 我知道,说道“短信”,很多人会想到色情短信 很多人会想到自己看到过的那些不雅照片 -- 但愿那不是你们自己的孩子在发給別人 -- 又比如试图去弄懂那些缩写
sexting:n.色情短信; lewd:adj.淫荡的;猥亵的;下流的; translate:v.翻译;被翻译;被译成;(使)转变; abbreviations:n.[语]缩写词,缩略语;[语]缩写(abbreviation的复数);
I can help you with those later. 我一会儿可以为你们解答它们。
But the parents in the room know that texting is actually the best way to communicate with your kids. 但在座各位当中为人父母的 都知道短信其实是 与孩子沟通的最好方式
It might be the only way to communicate with your kids. 也许是沟通的唯一方式
(Laughter) (笑声)
The average teenager sends 3,339 text messages a month, unless she's a girl, then it's closer to 4,000. 青少年平均每月发送3339条短信 如果是个女孩儿,则会接近4000条
And the secret is she opens every single one. 这里的奥秘是她会去读每一条短信
Texting has a 100 percent open rate. 短信拥有100%的阅读率
Now the parents are really alarmed. 现在爸爸妈妈们可真要竖起耳朵了
It's a 100 percent open rate even if she doesn't respond to you when you ask her when she's coming home for dinner. 短信有100%的阅读率 就算她不回复 当你问她什么时候回家吃饭
I promise she read that text. 我保证她读了这条短信
And this isn't some suburban iPhone-using teen phenomenon . 这可不是什么郊区iPhone青少年用户现象
suburban:adj.郊区的,城郊的;土气的;见闻不广的;n.郊区居民; phenomenon:n.现象;杰出的人;非凡的人(或事物);
Texting actually overindexes for minority and urban youth. 短信的这一现象也覆盖到了 未成年人和城市青年
I know this because at DoSomething.org, which is the largest organization for teenagers and social change in America, about six months ago we pivoted and started focusing on text messaging. 我了解这些,是因为DoSomething.org网站 它是全美最大的 青少年与社会变革组织 六个月前,我们发起了一项活动 并且开始关注短信
organization:n.组织;机构;体制;团体; pivoted:adj.转动的,回转的; v.以…为中心旋转; n.旋开窗;
We're now texting out to about 200,000 kids a week about doing our campaigns to make their schools more green or to work on homeless issues and things like that. 目前我们每周大约向200,000个孩子发送 关于绿色校园运动的短信 或者类似关于无家可归者的一些议题
We're finding it 11 times more powerful than email. 我们发现短信比电子邮件有效11倍
We've also found an unintended consequence . 我们也得到了一个出乎意料的结果
unintended:adj.无意识的;非计划中的; consequence:n.结果;重要性;推论;
We've been getting text messages back like these. 我们收到这样一些短信回复
'"I don't want to go to school today. “今天我不想上学了。
The boys call me faggot ." 男孩们叫我同性恋佬。”
'"I was cutting, my parents found out, and so I stopped. “我尝试割腕,父母发现了, 我就停了下来。
But I just started again an hour ago." 但一个小时前我又割腕了。”
Or, "He won't stop raping me. 或者“他不停地强暴我。
He told me not to tell anyone. 他警告我不许跟别人说。
It's my dad. Are you there?" 他是我爸爸。你们能帮我吗?”
That last one's an actual text message that we received. 最后这条短信是我们真正收到过的
text message:n.文本信息;短信息;
And yeah, we're there. 当然了,我们能帮她。
I will not forget the day we got that text message. 我不会忘记收到这条短信的那一天
And so it was that day that we decided we needed to build a crisis text hotline . 那一天,我们决定 我们必须建立一条危机短信热线
crisis:n.危机;危险期;决定性时刻;adj.危机的;用于处理危机的; hotline:n.热线;热线电话,咨询电话;
Because this isn't what we do. 这本不是我们的主业
We do social change. 我们是做社会变革的
Kids are just sending us these text messages because texting is so familiar and comfortable to them and there's nowhere else to turn that they're sending them to us. 孩子们发给我们这些短信 因为短信是他们最熟悉和感觉舒服的沟通方式 而且他们没有别人可以投靠 他们就发给了我们
familiar:adj.熟悉的;常见的;亲近的;n.常客;密友; nowhere:v.无处; n.无处; adj.不存在的;
So think about it, a text hotline; it's pretty powerful. 想想看:短信热线。它其实相当强大
It's fast, it's pretty private. 快速,私人
No one hears you in a stall , you're just texting quietly. 没人听得到,你只是默默地打字
It's real time . 实时
real time:adj.实时的;接到指示立即执行的;
We can help millions of teens with counseling and referrals . 我们帮助上百万青少年,提供咨询或是引荐
teens:n.十多岁,十几岁;青少年; counseling:n.咨询服务;v.建议;劝告;商讨;(counsel的现在分词形式) referrals:n.推荐;下线(referral的复数);参考;
That's great. 这非常好
But the thing that really makes this awesome is the data. 但真正让这件事变得不凡的是数据
Because I'm not really comfortable just helping that girl with counseling and referrals. 因为光帮助那个女孩还不够 仅仅提供咨询咨询和引荐是不行的
I want to prevent this shit from happening. 我想从源头上预防这种烂事
So think about a comp . 让我们想想COMP
comp:n.综合中学; v.进行(不规则的)爵士乐自由伴奏;
There's something in New York City. 纽约市警察们做到的
The police did it. It used to be just guess work, police work. 实例。曾经警察的工作有如猜谜
And then they started crime mapping. 后来他们开始绘制犯罪地图
And so they started following and watching petty thefts, summonses , all kinds of things -- charting the future essentially . 然后开始跟踪和监视 小偷、传票、这类事情 从本质上描绘未来
petty:adj.琐碎的;小气的;小规模的; summonses:n.召唤;传票;传唤;召集;vt.唤出;传到;传唤到法院; essentially:adv.本质上;本来;
And they found things like, when you see crystal meth on the street, if you add police presence , you can curb the otherwise inevitable spate of assaults and robberies that would happen. 他们发现 当街上出现大麻 如果加强警员巡逻 就能抑制比如那些可能发生的 攻击和抢劫事件的犯罪。
crystal:n.水晶; adj.晶莹的; meth:n.甲安菲他明(一种兴奋剂); presence:n.存在;出席;参加;风度;仪态; curb:vt.遏制;控制,限定,约束;n.起控制(或限制)作用的事物 inevitable:adj.必然的,不可避免的; spate:n.洪水;一阵;大雨;突然迸发; assaults:n.攻击(assault的复数);vt.攻击;袭击(assault的第三人称单数); robberies:n.盗窃;抢劫;掠夺;(robbery的复数)
In fact, the year after the NYPD put CompStat in place, the murder rate fell 60 percent. 事实上 纽约警察署实施情报制导(CompStat)一年后 谋杀案发生率降低了60个百分点
So think about the data from a crisis text line. 我们来想想危机短信热线的数据
There is no census on bullying and dating abuse and eating disorders and cutting and rape -- no census. 这些事项是没有统计数据的:欺侮事件、交友暴力 饮食失调、自杀 、强奸…… 没有统计数据
census:vt.实施统计调查;n.人口普查,人口调查; bullying:n.仗势欺人者;横行霸道者;v.恐吓;伤害;胁迫;(bully的现在分词) abuse:n.滥用;虐待;辱骂;弊端;恶习,陋习;v.滥用;虐待;辱骂; disorders:n.无秩序,混乱; v.[电子]扰乱(disorder的单三形式); rape:n.强奸罪;强奸案;v.强奸;强暴;
Maybe there's some studies, some longitudinal studies, that cost lots of money and took lots of time. 也许有一些研究,一些跟踪研究 需要花费很多金钱和时间
Or maybe there's some anecdotal evidence . 也许有一些轶事般的证据
anecdotal:adj.轶事的;轶事一样的;多轶事的; evidence:n.证据,证明;迹象;明显;v.证明;
Imagine having real-time data on every one of those issues. 想象一下,拥有实时数据 在上述每一个事项上
You could inform legislation . 你可以通知法律部门
inform:v.通知;告诉;报告;告发;告密; legislation:n.立法;法律;
You could inform school policy . 你可以通知学校
You could say to a principal , "You're having a problem every Thursday at three o'clock. 你可以告诉校长 “你们学校每周四下午三点都有问题。
What's going on in your school?" 发生什么事了?”
You could see the immediate impact of legislation or a hateful speech that somebody gives in a school assembly and see what happens as a result . 你可以看到法律部门的立即行动 或是学校教职工大会上某个充满恨意的演讲 然后看看结果如何
impact:n.影响;效果;碰撞;冲击力;v.挤入,压紧;撞击;对…产生影响; hateful:adj.可憎的;可恨的;可恶的; assembly:n.装配;集会,集合; as a result:结果;
This is really, to me, the power of texting and the power of data. 这对我来说 就是真的短信和数据的力量
Because while people are talking about data, making it possible for Facebook to mine my friend from the third grade, or Target to know when it's time for me to buy more diapers , or some dude to build a better baseball team, 因为当人们谈论的数据 关于Facebook 为我找到三年级的同学 或者是让Target超市知道我什么时候该买尿布了 或者是让一些纨绔子弟成立一个更好的棒球队
diapers:n.(婴儿的)尿布,尿片;(diaper的复数) dude:n.男人,小伙子;(非正式)花花公子;
I'm actually really excited about the power of data and the power of texting to help that kid go to school, to help that girl stop cutting in the bathroom and absolutely to help that girl whose father's raping her. 我真正在乎的却是数据和短信的力量 帮助那个收到欺凌的孩子去上学 帮助那个在浴室里割腕的女孩 帮助那个受到亲生父亲强奸的女孩
Thank you. 谢谢大家
(Applause) (掌声)