

In October 2010, the Justice League of America will be teaming up with The 99. 2010年10月, 美国正义联盟将与The 99结成统一战线。
Justice:n.公平;公正;司法制度;审判; League:n.联赛;联盟;协会;种类;v.(使)结盟;(使)联合[团结];一鼻孔出气;组成联盟;
Icons like Batman , 诸如蝙蝠侠,
Superman, Wonder Woman and their colleagues will be teaming up with icons Jabbar, Noora, 超人,神奇女侠和被尊为偶像的其他联盟成员 将和贾巴尔(Jabbar),诺拉(Noora),
Jami and their colleagues. 加米(Jami)以及他们的战友(The 99中的主角)成为盟友。
It's a story of intercultural intersections , and what better group to have this conversation than those that grew out of fighting fascism in their respective histories and geographies? 这部连环画中的故事将不同文化融汇其中。 相比在各自的时代和地域中 诞生于反抗法西斯斗争的偶像, 这个组合能够更好地 传达积极的信息。
intercultural:adj.不同文化间的; intersections:n.交集,交叉点(intersection的复数形式);[交]十字路口; fascism:n.法西斯主义;极端国家主义; respective:adj.分别的,各自的;
As fascism took over Europe in the 1930s, an unlikely reaction came out of North America . 二十世纪30年代,法西斯主义席卷了整个欧洲, 而北美却出现了令人意想不到的情况。
unlikely:adj.不大可能发生的;非心目中的;非想象的;难以相信的; reaction:n.反应,感应;反动,复古;反作用; North America:n.北美洲;
As Christian iconography got changed, and swastikas were created out of crucifixes , 基督教的圣像画法出现变革, 以十字架为原型的纳粹万十字章诞生,
iconography:n.肖像研究;肖像学;图解; swastikas:n.纳粹党所用的十字记号;古印度吉祥标志; crucifixes:n.(十字架)苦像;耶稣受难像;(crucifix的复数)
Batman and Superman were created by Jewish young men in the United States and Canada, also going back to the Bible . 与此同时,一群身在美国和加拿大的年轻犹太人 同样受到圣经的启发, 创造了蝙蝠侠和超人。
Jewish:adj.犹太人的;犹太族的; United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式) Bible:n.有权威的书;
Consider this: like the prophets , all the superheroes are missing parents. 大家想想: 就像圣经中的先知一样,所有超级英雄 都失去了双亲。
prophets:n.先知;提倡者(prophet的复数形式); superheroes:超级英雄(superhero的名词复数);
Superman's parents die on Krypton before the age of one. 超人的父母死在氪星, 当时他还不一岁。
Bruce Wayne, who becomes Batman, loses his parents at the age of six in Gotham City. 布鲁斯·韦恩,也就是后来的蝙蝠侠, 六岁时在高谭城失去了双亲。
Spiderman is raised by his aunt and uncle. 蜘蛛侠 是被他叔叔婶婶抚养长大的。
And all of them, just like the prophets who get their message from God through Gabriel, get their message from above. 那些先知们通过天使加百利 接收上帝的指令, 这些超级英雄们的使命也是从天而降。
Peter Parker is in a library in Manhattan when the spider descends from above and gives him his message through a bite. 彼得·帕克是在曼哈顿的一座图书馆里 被一只从天而降的蜘蛛叮咬 从而得到他的力量。
Bruce Wayne is in his bedroom when a big bat flies over his head, and he sees it as an omen to become Batman. 布鲁斯·韦恩在自己的卧室里 看到一只硕大的蝙蝠飞过头顶之后 认定那是他成为蝙蝠侠的征兆。
Superman is not only sent to Earth from the heavens, or Krypton, but he's sent in a pod, much like Moses was on the Nile. 而超人不仅从天堂,或者说氪星, 被送到了地球上, 他还是坐着太空仓来的,听上去像被放在木盆里漂流在尼罗河上的摩西。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And you hear the voice of his father, Jor-El, saying to Earth, "I have sent to you my only son." 你们还能听到他的父亲Jor-El 对地球说:“我把我的独子献给你们了。”
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
These are clearly biblical archetypes , and the thinking behind that was to create positive , globally-resonating storylines that could be tied to the same things 这些显然都可以在圣经中找到原型, 其背后的目的是 创作出充满正义感,让全世界人都为之动容的故事情节, 通过故事来展现事物的积极面,
biblical:adj.圣经的;依据圣经的(等于biblical); archetypes:n.[生物]原型(archetyp的复数形式);基模; positive:adj.积极的;[数]正的,[医][化学]阳性的;确定的;n.正数;[摄]正片; storylines:n.故事情节;(storyline的复数)
that other people were pulling mean messages out of because then the person that's using religion for the wrong purpose just becomes a bad man with a bad message. 而不是一味地任居心不良的人将其抹黑。 因为如果有人利用宗教来作坏事, 那么他是一个坏人,让人对那个宗教产生坏印象。
And it's only by linking positive things that the negative can be delinked. 只有时刻想着事物的积极面, 才能消除消极的印象。
This is the kind of thinking that went into creating The 99. 正是本着这样的想法 我们创作了The 99。
The 99 references the 99 attributes of Allah in the Koran , things like generosity and mercy and foresight and wisdom and dozens of others that no two people in the world would disagree about. The 99来源于古兰经里真主阿拉的99个尊名, 代表了慷慨,慈悲,远见,智慧 和其他一些为世人所共同称道的美德。
references:n.提到; v.查阅; (reference的第三人称单数和复数) attributes:v.把…归因于; n.属性; (attribute的第三人称单数和复数) Allah:n.真主;阿拉; Koran:n.《可兰经》,《古兰经》(伊斯兰教); generosity:n.慷慨,大方;宽宏大量; mercy:n.仁慈,宽容;怜悯;幸运;善行; foresight:n.先见,远见;预见;深谋远虑; wisdom:n.智慧;明智;才智;学问;
It doesn't matter what your religion is; even if you're an atheist , you don't raise your kid telling him, you know, "Make sure you lie three times a day." 这些与宗教信仰无关。 也就是说,就算你是无神论者,你也不会教自己的孩子 每天说三次谎。
Those are basic human values. 那些都是基本的价值观。
And so the backstory of The 99 takes place in 1258, which history tells us the Mongols invaded Baghdad and destroyed it. The 99的背景故事 发生在1258年, 蒙古大军攻陷巴格达。
backstory:背景故事; Mongols:n.蒙古人(Mongol的复数); invaded:v.入侵;拥入;遍布(invade的过去分词);adj.被侵入的; Baghdad:n.巴格达(伊拉克首都);
All the books from Bait al-Hikma library, the most famous library in its day, were thrown in the Tigris River, and the Tigris changes color with ink. 当时最著名的图书馆智慧宫里所有藏书 都被投入了底格里斯河。 河水因此全被墨汁染黑了。
It's a story passed on generation after generation. 这个故事世代流传。
I rewrote that story, and in my version, the librarians find out that this is going to happen -- and here's a side note: if you want a comic book to do well, make the librarians the hero. It always works well. 我改编了这个故事。 在我改编后的版本里,智慧宫的图书馆员们预见到了即将发生的事情- 我顺便说一句: 如果你想让一部漫画书受欢迎,那就让图书馆员成为英雄人物。百试不爽。
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
So the librarians find out and they get together a special solution , a chemical solution called King's Water, that when mixed with 99 stones would be able to save all that culture and history in the books. 那些图书馆员 研制出一种特殊的药水,这种化学药水叫君王之水。 当99颗宝石浸泡在药水里, 药水就能保存书籍中所记载的所有文化和历史。
get together:聚会 solution:n.解决方案;溶液;溶解;解答; chemical:n.化学制品,化学药品;adj.化学的;
But the Mongols get there first. 不幸的是,蒙古人抢先一步,
The books and the solution get thrown in the Tigris River. 把书籍和药水一起扔进了底格里斯河。
Some librarians escape, and over the course of days and weeks, they dip the stones into the Tigris and suck up that collective wisdom that we all think is lost to civilization . 一些图书馆员逃走了, 他们把宝石浸泡在底格里斯河里好几个星期, 来吸取那些流失了的智慧财富。
dip:n.游一游; v.蘸; suck:v.吸吮;吸取;n.吮吸; collective:adj.集体的;共同的;集合的;集体主义的;n.集团;集合体;集合名词; civilization:n.文明;文明社会;文明世界;(特定时期和地区的)社会文明;
Those stones have been smuggled as three prayer beads of 33 stones each through Arabia into Andalusia in Spain, where they're safe for 200 years. 那些宝石被做成三串念珠,每串有33颗宝石。 这些宝石 从阿拉伯被偷运到西班牙的安达路西亚,被保存在那里长达200年。
smuggled:v.走私;私运;偷运(smuggle的过去分词和过去式) beads:n.(有孔的)珠子;(玫瑰)念珠;(液体的)小滴;(bead的复数) Arabia:n.阿拉伯半岛(亚洲西南部,等于ArabianPeninsula);
But in 1492, two important things happen. 而到了1492年,两个重大历史事件发生了。
The first is the fall of Granada, the last Muslim enclave in Europe. 首先是欧洲最后一个 穆斯林飞地格拉纳达的沦陷。
The second is Columbus finally gets funded to go to India, but he gets lost. 第二是哥伦布终于筹足了去印度的盘缠,但最后去错了地方。
finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; funded:adj.提供资金的;v.提供资金;积存;提供资金偿付的本息;(fund的过去式);
(Laughter) (笑声)
So 33 of the stones are smuggled onto the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria and are spread in the New World. 于是其中的33颗宝石 由尼尼亚号,平塔号和圣玛利亚号(哥伦布船队的其中三艘船) 传到了新大陆。
Pinta:n.[皮肤]品他病(一种皮肤病); Maria:n.母驴;母马;[天文学]海(指月亮,火星表面的阴暗部分);
Thirty-three go on the Silk Road to China, South Asia and Southeast Asia. 另外33颗经丝绸之路分散到了中国,南亚和东南亚。
And 33 are spread between Europe, the Middle East and Africa. 最后33颗散落在欧洲,中东和非洲之间的地区。
Middle East:n.中东(包括亚洲西南部和非洲东北部);
And now it's 2010, and there are 99 heroes from 99 different countries. 到了2010年,99位 来自99个国家的英雄出现了。
Now it's very easy to assume that those books, because they were from a library called Bait al-Hikma, were Muslim books, but that's not the case because the caliph that built that library, his name was al-Ma'mun -- he was Harun al-Rashid's son. 我们很容易这样想 那些出自al-Hikma(智慧宫图书馆)的书籍,看上去像是专门给穆斯林读的。 其实不然。当时修建图书馆的国王 名叫阿尔马蒙-他是阿尔拉希德的儿子。
assume:v.承担;假定;采取;呈现; caliph:n.哈里发(伊斯兰教主);
He had told his advisers , "Get me all the scholars to translate any book they can get their hands onto into Arabic, and I will pay them its weight in gold." 他对军师们说:“把所有的学者给我请来 让他们把所有能找到的书翻译成阿拉伯语, 我会给他们跟书一样重的黄金作为报酬。”
advisers:n.顾问(adviser的复数); scholars:n.学者们(scholar的复数); translate:v.翻译;被翻译;被译成;(使)转变;
After a while, his advisers complained . 没过多久,军师们向他抱怨。
They said, "Your Highness , the scholars are cheating. 他们说:“陛下,那些学者作弊。
They're writing in big handwriting to take more gold." 他们故意把字写得很大,好换更多的金子。”
To which he said, "Let them be, because what they're giving us is worth a lot more than what we're paying them." 而他回答说:“随他们吧,我们能从他们那里 得到比黄金还值钱的东西。”
So the idea of an open architecture , an open knowledge, is not new to my neck of the desert. 这样,开放式建筑,开放的知识 在我的国家里都不是什么新鲜事了。
The concept centers on something called the Noor stones. 故事主题围绕着被成为Noor的宝石。
Noor is Arabic for light. Noor是阿拉伯语“光明”的意思。
So these 99 stones, a few kind of rules in the game: 这99颗宝石本身附有一些规则:
Number one, you don't choose the stone; the stone chooses you. 第一,不是你选择宝石而是宝石选择你。
There's a King Arthur element to the storyline, okay. 这有点效仿了《亚瑟王》的故事情节。
Number two, all of The 99, when they first get their stone, or their power, abuse it; they use it for self-interest . 第二,当99位英雄 最初得到宝石所赐力量的时候,他们无一例外地 利用它来谋私利。
abuse:n.滥用;虐待;辱骂;弊端;恶习,陋习;v.滥用;虐待;辱骂; self-interest:n.私利;利己主义;
And there's a very strong message in there that when you start abusing your stone, you get taken advantage of by people who will exploit your powers, okay. 这传达了一个很重要的信息:一旦你开始滥用宝石, 那些想要利用你力量的人 就要设法操纵你了。
abusing:v.滥用(以致危害健康);妄用;虐待;伤害;(abuse的现在分词) advantage:n.有利条件:优势:优点: exploit:v.利用…为自己谋利;剥削;压榨;运用;发挥;
Number three, the 99 stones all have within them a mechanism that self-updates. 第三,99颗宝石都具备 自我升级的能力。
Now there are two groups that exist within the Muslim world. 穆斯林世界有两大派别。
Everybody believes the Koran is for all time and all place. 所有人都相信古兰经适用于全时全地。
Some believe that means that the original interpretation from a couple thousand years ago is what's relevant today. 一部分人认为,这意味着几千年前人们对经文的解读 时至今日依然适用。
original:n.原件;原作;原物;原型;adj.原始的;最初的;独创的;新颖的; interpretation:n.解释;翻译;演出; relevant:adj.相关的;切题的;中肯的;有重大关系的;有意义的,目的明确的;
I don't belong there. 我不属于这类人。
Then there's a group that believes the Koran is a living, breathing document, and I captured that idea within these stones that self-update. 另外一部人相信古兰经是充满生命力的经著。 这就是宝石拥有自我更新能力这个想法的由来。
Now the main bad guy, Rughal, does not want these stones to update , so he's trying to get them to stop updating . 故事中主要的反面人物,卢加尔(Rughal), 不想让宝石更新升级。 于是便想方设法阻止其更新。
update:vt.使现代化;更新;n.现代化;更新的信息; updating:v.更新;向…提供最新信息;使现代化;(update的现在分词)
He can't use the stones, but he can stop them. 他虽然不能使用宝石,但却能阻止宝石发挥力量。
And by stopping them, he has more of a fascist agenda , where he gets some of The 99 to work for him -- they're all wearing cookie-cutter , same color uniforms 通过阻止宝石的力量,他就能进行更多的独裁行动, 他欺骗99位英雄中的一些人,让他们为他效力。 他们都身着清一色的制服。
fascist:n.法西斯主义者;法西斯党员;adj.法西斯主义的,法西斯党的; agenda:n.议事日程; cookie-cutter:adj.千篇一律的;俗套的; uniforms:n.制服;军服;军人;v.使穿制服;(uniform的复数第三人称单词)
They're not allowed to individually express who they are and what they are. 他们不能私下透露自己的身份。
individually:adv.个别地,单独地; express:v.表达; adj.特快的; n.特快列车; v.使用快速服务;
And he controls them from the top down -- whereas when they work for the other side, eventually , when they find out this is the wrong person, they've been manipulated , they actually, each one has a different, colorful kind of dress. 他亲自指挥他们。 然而当他们最终投奔了正义, 知道自己被操纵,给坏人做事之后, 他们都换上了不同颜色的 服装。
whereas:conj.然而;鉴于;反之; eventually:adv.最后,终于; manipulated:v.(暗中)控制,操纵,影响;使用;治疗脱臼;(manipulate的过去式和过去分词)
And the last point about the 99 Noor stones is this. 关于99颗光明宝石的最后一条是
So The 99 work in teams of three. 99位英雄分组行动,每组三人。
Why three? A couple of reasons. 为什么三人一组?原因如下。
Number one, we have a thing within Islam that you don't leave a boy and a girl alone together, because the third person is temptation or the devil , right? 第一,伊斯兰世界不允许孤男寡女单独相处, 因为诱惑或者魔鬼可能会从中作梗,对吧。
third person:第三人称角色; temptation:n.诱惑;引诱;煽诱人的事物; devil:n.魔鬼;撒旦;家伙;恶棍;淘气鬼;冒失鬼;v.虐待,折磨;扯碎;做助手;
I think that's there in all cultures, right? 这在所有文化里面都是如此,不是吗。
But this is not about religion, it's not about proselytizing . 但这与宗教无关,也不是在灌输宗教。
There's this very strong social message that needs to get to kind of the deepest crevices of intolerance , and the only way to get there is to kind of play the game . 这其中蕴涵了很强烈的社会性质, 这种性质 需要人们以宽容的态度对待。 要达到这个目的,我们就得行动起来。
crevices:n.裂缝;裂隙; intolerance:n.(尤指对别人的意见)不宽容;偏狭; play the game:玩游戏;行动光明正大;遵守比赛规则;
And so this is the way I dealt with it. 于是,我就这样给他们分组。
They work in teams of three: two boys and a girl, two girls and a boy, three boys, three girls, no problem. 他们三人一组,要么两男一女,要么两女一男。 要么三人都是男的,或都是女的,都行。
And the Swiss psychoanalyst , Carl Jung, also spoke about the importance of the number three in all cultures, so I figure I'm covered. 瑞士精神分析学家卡尔.杨 也曾谈过数字3在所有文化中的重要性,
Well ... 但是......
I got accused in a few blogs that I was actually sent by the Pope to preach the Trinity and Catholicism in the Middle East, so you -- (Laughter) 有些人在博客上指责我说我是天主教皇派来 到中东宣传三位一体和天主教的, 所以你们-(笑声)
accused:v.控告;控诉;谴责;(accuse的过去分词和过去式) blogs:n.网志;博客;v.写网志;写博客;(blog的第三人称单数和复数) Pope:n.教皇,罗马教皇;权威,大师; preach:v.宣扬;说教;布道;n.说教;训诫; Trinity:n.三位一体;三人一组;三个一组的东西;三倍; Catholicism:n.天主教;天主教义;
you believe who you want. I gave you my version of the story. 信不信由你们-反正我已经把我的理由告诉你们了。
So here's some of the characters that we have. 下面介绍故事的几位主角。
Mujiba, from Malaysia: her main power is she's able to answer any question. 穆吉巴(Mujiba),来自马来西亚,她的力量是她能解答任何问题
She's the Trivial Pursuit queen, if you want, but when she first gets her power, she starts going on game shows and making money. 你可以叫她“江湖百晓生”。 但她最初获得了力量之后, 却利用它来赌博赚钱。
Trivial:adj.不重要的,琐碎的;琐细的; Pursuit:n.追求;追赶;追捕;跟踪;
We have Jabbar from Saudi who starts breaking things when he has the power. 这位是来自沙特的贾巴尔(Jabbar),他拥有超强的破坏力。
Now, Mumita was a fun one to name. Mumita is the destroyer . 这位是穆米塔(Mumita),名字很有意思。穆米塔是破坏者。
So the 99 attributes of Allah have the yin and the yang; there's the powerful, the hegemonous, the strong, and there's also the kind, the generous . 真主阿拉的99个尊名中,有些富有阳刚之气,有些具备阴柔之美。 有些体现了力量和霸气, 有些则体现了善良和慷慨。
I'm like, are all the girls going to be kind and merciful and the guys all strong? 我说,所有的女孩子都应该是善良慈悲的,而男孩子就应该是阳刚的。
I'm like, you know what, I've met a few girls who were destroyers in my lifetime, so ... 告诉你们,其实我一生中曾经遇到几个女孩子把我折磨得痛不欲生,所以......
(Laughter) (笑声)
We have Jami from Hungary, who first starts making weapons: 这位是来自匈牙利的加米(Jami),善于制造武器。
He's the technology wiz. 他是个技术专家。
Musawwira from Ghana, 还有来自加纳的穆萨维拉(Musawwira),
Hadya from Pakistan, Jaleel from Iran who uses fire. 来自巴基斯坦的海蒂亚,来自伊朗会使用火的加里奥(Jaleel )。
And this is one of my favorites, Al-Batina from Yemen. 这是我最喜欢的其中一位英雄,来自也门的艾尔.巴缇娜(Al Batin)。
Al-Batina is the hidden. 艾尔.巴缇娜是隐藏者。
So Al-Batina is hidden, but she's a superhero. 尽管她的脸藏在面纱背后,但她是位超级英雄。
I came home to my wife and I said, "I created a character after you." 我有次回家告诉我妻子:“我按照你的形象创造了一个主角。”
My wife is a Saudi from Yemeni roots. 我妻子是沙特人,跟也门有一些渊源。
And she said, "Show me." So I showed this. 她说:“那让我看看吧。”我就给她看了这个。
She said, "That's not me." 她说:“这不是我呀。”
I said, "Look at the eyes. They're your eyes." 我说:“看她的眼睛。那就是你的眼睛。”
(Laughter) (笑声)
So I promised my investors this would not be another made-in-fifth-world-country production. 我向投资人承诺这部漫画决不是粗制滥造的产品。
This was going to be Superman, or it wasn't worth my time or their money. 它会像超人一样一鸣惊人,否则我决不会在这上面浪费时间和他们的金钱。
So from day one, the people involved in the project, bottom left is Fabian Nicieza, writer for X-Men and Power Rangers . 这些是全程参与制作的工作人员, 左下角的是Fabian Nicieza, X战警和金刚战士的作者。
involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词) Rangers:n.园林管理员;护林人;女童子军;突击队员;(ranger的复数)
Next to him is Dan Panosian, one of the character creators for the modern-day X-Men. 他旁边的是Dan Panosian, 他是现代版X战警的创作者之一。
Top right is Stuart Moore, a writer for Iron Man. 畅销书作家Stuart Moore,是钢铁侠的作者。
Next to him is John McCrea, who was an inker for Spiderman. 他旁边的是John McCrea, 蜘蛛侠的作者。
And we entered Western consciousness with a tagline : "Next Ramadan , the world will have new heroes," 2005年我们以一条标语打入西方人的视线: “到了2005年的下个斋月,新的英雄
consciousness:n.意识;知觉;觉悟;感觉; tagline:n.标语;品牌口号; Ramadan:n.斋月(伊斯兰教历的九月,等于Ramazan);
back in 2005. 将横空出世。”
Now I went to Dubai , to an Arab Thought Foundation Conference , and I was waiting by the coffee for the right journalist . 我去到迪拜参加阿拉伯思想基金会的会议, 当时我边喝咖啡边物色合适的报社记者。
Dubai:n.迪拜(阿拉伯联合酋长国的酋长国之一); Foundation:n.基础;地基;基金会;根据;创立; Conference:n.会议;研讨会;商讨会;体育协会(或联合会) journalist:n.新闻工作者;报人;记日志者;
Didn't have a product, but had energy. 手头上没有任何现成的作品,但是却有满腔的热情。
And I found somebody from The New York Times, and I cornered him, and I pitched him. 我相中了纽约时报的一个记者。 我把他堵到一个角落里,抓住他不放。
And I think I scared him -- (Laughter) 我可能把他给吓到了 - (笑声)
because he basically promised me -- we had no product -- but he said, "We'll give you a paragraph in the arts section if you'll just go away." 因为他答应我 -- 由于我们还没有成品 -- 但他说:“我们可以给你写一段介绍,放在艺术版上, 只要你放了我。”
(Laughter) (笑声)
So I said, "Great." So I called him up a few weeks afterward . 然后我说,“成交。” 过了几个星期,我给他打电话。
I said, "Hi, Hesa." And he said, "Hi." I said, "Happy New Year." 我说:“你好啊, Hesa。” 他回答:“你好。” 我说:“新年快乐。”
He said, "Thank you. We had a baby." I said, "Congratulations." 他说:“谢谢。我们的孩子刚出生。” 我说:“恭喜啊。”
Like I care, right? 假装我很在意似的。
'"So when's the article coming out?" “请问给我们写的文章什么时候见报啊?”
He said, "Naif, Islam and cartoon? 他说:“纳伊夫,伊斯兰卡通?
That's not timely . 不太符合潮流。
You know, maybe next week, next month, next year, but, you know, it'll come out." 可能下个星期,下个月,或者明年吧,总会有那么一天的。”
So a few days after that, what happens? 接下来的几天,知道发生了什么吗?
What happens is the world erupts in the Danish cartoon controversy . 丹麦卡通丑闻被公诸于世。
erupts:vi.爆发;喷出;发疹;长牙;vt.爆发;喷出; Danish:adj.丹麦的;丹麦人的;丹麦语(文)的;n.丹麦语; controversy:n.争论;论战;辩论;
I became timely. 终于轮到我符合潮流了。
(Laughter) (笑声)
So flurry of phone calls and emails from The New York Times. 于是纽约时报不停给我打电话发邮件。
Next thing you knew, there's a full page covering us positively , 接下来,他们用一整版的篇幅来给我们作宣传。
January 22nd, 2006, which changed our lives forever, because anybody Googling Islam and cartoon or Islam and comic, guess what they got; they got me. 2006年1月22日 成为了我们一生的转折点。 任何人在谷歌上搜索伊斯兰卡通或伊斯兰漫画, 你猜他们搜到什么?他们搜到的都是我。
And The 99 were like superheroes kind of flying out of what was happening around the world. The 99里的主角就像超级英雄一样 在纷繁的世事中横空出世。
And that led to all kinds of things, from being in curricula in universities and schools to -- one of my favorite pictures I have from South Asia, it was a couple of men with long beards and a lot of girls wearing the hijab -- it looked like a school. 那天之后,很多事情发生了。 一些大学和学校把The 99列入教程- 有一张我最喜欢的照片,是我在南亚拍的, 照片上有一群留着大胡子的男子 和一群戴着面纱的女孩子-好像是在学校里。
curricula:n.课程(curriculum的复数形式); hijab:n.希贾布(穆斯林妇女戴的面纱或头巾);
The good news is they're all holding copies of The 99, smiling, and they found me to sign the picture. 好消息是他们都微笑地举着很多本The 99, 找我给他们签名。
The bad news is they were all photocopies , so we didn't make a dime in revenue . 坏消息是,他们的书都是复印的,所以我们一分钱都没进帐。
photocopies:n.影印本;影印机(photocopy的复数);v.影印(photocopy的第三人称单数); dime:n.一角硬币; revenue:n.收益;营业额;税务署;
(Laughter) (笑声)
We've been able to license The 99 comic books into eight languages so far -- 目前,我们获准把The 99漫画书 翻译成八种语言,
Chinese, Indonesian , Hindi , Urdu, Turkish . 包括中文,印尼语,印度语,乌尔都语,土耳其语。
Indonesian:n.印尼人;印尼语群;印度尼西亚语;adj.印尼的; Hindi:n.北印度语;adj.北印度的; Turkish:adj.土耳其的;土耳其人的,土耳其语的;突厥诸语言的;n.土耳其语;
Opened a theme park through a license in Kuwait a year and a half ago called The 99 Village Theme Park -- 300,000 square feet, 20 rides, all with our characters: a couple back-to-school licenses in Spain and Turkey. 一年半前,我们获准在科威特创建一个主题公园, 名叫The 99 Village主题公园, 占地三十万平方英尺,20个游乐项目,所有主角都在里面。 我们在西班牙和土耳其也得到了许可向学生出售The 99漫画。
theme park:n.主题公园; Turkey.:火鸡,火鸡肉
But the biggest thing we've done to date, which is just amazing, is that we've done a 26-episode animated series , which is done for global audiences: in fact, we're already going to be in the U.S. and Turkey, we know. 到现在为止,我们做过最大规模的事,真的很了不起, 就是我们完成了26集的动画系列, 让全世界的观众观赏, 实际上,我们的动画将很快在美国和土耳其上映。
animated:adj.栩栩如生的; v.使具活力; (animate的过去分词和过去式) series:n.系列,连续;[电]串联;级数;丛书; global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的;
It's 3D CGI, which is going to be very high-quality , written in Hollywood by the writers behind Ben 10 and Spiderman and Star Wars: Clone Wars. 动画是三维立体的,画质非常清晰, 由好莱坞《少年骇客》 《蜘蛛侠》和《星球大战:克隆人的进攻》影片的作者制作。
high-quality:adj.高质量的; Clone:v.克隆; n.克隆动物(或植物);
In this clip I'm about to show you, which has never been seen in the public before, there is a struggle. 我下面将播放的这段剪辑从未与公众见面。 里面有一段争斗。
Two of the characters, Jabbar, the one with the muscles , and Noora, the one that can use light, are actually wearing the cookie-cutter fascist gray uniform because they're being manipulated. 两个主角,贾巴尔(Jabbar),大力士, 和诺拉(Noora),能发光的那个, 身穿象征独裁的统一灰色制服, 因为他们被操纵了。
They don't know, OK, and they're trying to get another member of The 99 to join them. 他们还被蒙在鼓里。 他们想劝说99位英雄中的另外一位加入他们。
So there's a struggle within the team. 于是,这个小组便产生了矛盾。
So if we can get the lights ... 我们把灯关掉......
["The 99"] [The 99]
Jabbar: Dana , I can't see where to grab hold. 贾巴尔:丹娜,我看不见把手。
Dana:n.美国德纳(美国汽车公司); grab:v.攫取;霸占;将…深深吸引;n.攫取;霸占;夺取之物;
I need more light. 我需要更多光亮。
What's happening? 你怎么啦?
Dana: There's too much darkness. 丹娜:这里太黑了。
Rughal: There must be something we can do. 卢加尔:我们肯定可以想出办法的。
Man: I won't send any more commandos in until I know it's safe. 某人:我不会增派兵力 除非我能确保安全。
Dr. Razem: It's time to go, Miklos. 拉萨姆博士:该走了,米克罗斯。
Miklos: Must download file contents . 米克罗斯:我要先把文件内容储存好。
contents:n.内容; v.知足; (content的第三人称单数和复数)
I can't forget auntie . 我不能忘了姨妈。
Jabbar: Dana, I can't do this without you. 贾巴尔:我一个人干不了。
Dana: But I can't help. 丹娜:但是我帮不上忙。
Jabbar: You can, even if you don't believe in yourself right now. 贾巴尔:你可以, 就算你现在不相信自己。
I believe in you. 我相信你。
You are Noora the Light. 你是光明使者诺拉。
Dana: No. 丹娜:不。
I don't deserve it. I don't deserve anything. 我不配。我什么都配不上。
Jabbar: Then what about the rest of us? 贾巴尔:那我们其他人怎么办?
Don't we deserve to be saved? Don't I? 难道我们不配被救吗?我不配吗?
Now, tell me which way to go. 现在告诉我往哪儿走。
Dana: That way. 丹娜:那边。
Alarm: Threat imminent . 警笛:威胁将近。
Jabbar: Aaaahhh! 贾巴尔:哎呀呀!
Miklos: Stay away from me. 米克罗斯:不要过来。
Jabbar: We're here to help you. 贾巴尔:我们是来救你的。
Dr. Razem: Don't listen to them. 拉萨姆博士:别听他们的。
Dana: Miklos, that man is not your friend. 丹娜:米克罗斯,那个人是敌人。
Miklos: No. He gave me access, and you want to reboot the [unclear]. No more [unclear]. 米克罗斯:不,他帮助了我。 你们想要重启(不清晰)。不许重启它!
["The 99"] [The 99]
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)
So "The 99" is technology; it's entertainment; it's design. The 99体现了科技,娱乐, 和精湛的设计。
But that's only half the story. 但是它还远远不止如此。
As the father of five sons, 作为五个儿子父亲,
I worry about who they're going to be using as role models. 我很担心他们将来会把什么样的人当作偶像。
I worry because all around me, even within my extended family , 我担心,是因为,即使在我的大家庭里,
extended family:n.家族;
I see religion being manipulated. 我依然看到宗教为人所利用。
As a psychologist , I worry for the world in general , but worry about the perception of how people see themselves in my part of the world. 作为一个心理学家, 我为这个世界担心, 担心在我所属地区中的人们 如何看待他们自己。
psychologist:n.心理学家,心理学者; in general:总之,通常;一般而言; perception:n.感知;知觉;看法;洞察力;
Now, I'm a clinical psychologist. I'm licensed in New York State. 我是个临床心理学家,在纽约州获得执照。
clinical:adj.临床的;诊所的; licensed:adj.得到许可的;获准拥有的;v.批准;许可(license的过去分词和过去式)
I trained at Bellevue Hospital Survivors of Political Torture Program, and I heard one too many stories of people growing up to idolize their leadership, only to end up being tortured by their heroes. 我曾在表维医院对政治虐待的幸存者进行培训。 我听到太多关于人们如何在成长过程中 崇拜他们的领袖, 最终却被他们心目中的英雄所带入歧途。
Bellevue:n.贝尔维尤; idolize:vt.极端崇拜;把...当偶像崇拜;vi.崇拜偶像; tortured:adj.遭受重创的; v.拷问; (torture的过去分词和过去式)
And torture's a terrible enough thing as it is, but when it's done by your hero, that just breaks you in so many ways. 误入歧途本身就够糟的,但是如果是被你的英雄误导所致, 那会令你更加痛不欲生。
I left Bellevue, went to business school and started this. 我离开表维医院,转到商学院,并开始构思这部漫画。
business school:n.(大学里针对毕业生的)工商学院;
Now, one of the things that I refer to when I -- about the importance of this message -- is that I gave a lecture at the medical school at Kuwait University, 我的灵感来源之一是 当我-漫画中心思想的重要性 我在科威特大学的医学院做了一次演讲-
where I lecture on the biological basis of behavior, and I gave the students two articles, one from The New York Times and one from New York magazine. 我讲了关于行为的生理基础- 还给学生们两篇文章,一篇来自纽约时报, 另一篇来自纽约杂志。
And I took away the name of the writer, the name of the [unclear] -- everything was gone except the facts. 我把作者的名字撕掉-只留下事实陈述。
And the first one was about a group called The Party of God, who wanted to ban Valentine's Day. Red was made illegal . 第一篇文章是关于一个叫做The Party of God的组织, 他们想要废除情人节,认为红色是非法的。
ban:v.下令禁止;查禁;n.禁令; illegal:adj.不合法的;非法的;n.非法移民;非法劳工;
Any boys and girls caught flirting would get married off immediately, okay. 如果发现一个男孩和一个女孩在打情骂俏, 就要他们立刻结婚。
The second one was about a woman complaining because three minivans with six bearded men pulled up and started interrogating her on the spot for talking to a man who wasn't related to her. 第二篇文章关于一位妇女的抱怨。 六个留着胡子的男人从三辆小面包车上下来 开始质问这个妇女 为什么她和一个与她没有亲缘关系的男人说话。
complaining:adj.抱怨的;v.抱怨;控诉;(complain的现在分词) minivans:n.小型货车; interrogating:v.讯问;审问;盘问;查询;(interrogate的现在分词) on the spot:adj.现场的;
And I asked the students in Kuwait where they thought these incidents took place. 我让科威特的这些学生猜猜这些事件发生的地点。
The first one, they said Saudi Arabia. There was no debate . 他们说第一个故事发生在沙特阿拉伯。没有人提出异议。
The second one, they were actually split between Saudi and Afghanistan . 关于第二个故事,他们一半人说是沙特 一半人说是阿富汗。
split:v.分离;使分离;劈开;离开;分解;n.劈开;裂缝;adj.劈开的; Afghanistan:n.阿富汗(国家名称,位于亚洲);
What blew their mind was the first one took place in India, it was the party of a Hindu God. 出乎他们意料的是,第一个故事实际上发生在印度, 那是一个信印度某位神灵的组织。
The second one took place in upstate New York. 第二个故事发生在纽约的北部地区。
It was an Orthodox Jewish community . 那里有个东正犹太教社区。
Orthodox:adj.正统的;传统的;惯常的;东正教的;n.正统的人;正统的事物; community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体;
But what breaks my heart and what's alarming is that in those two interviews , the people around, who were interviewed as well, refer to that behavior as Talibanization. 令我心痛并担忧的是 在这两则报道中, 被采访的旁观者 说这些行为像是塔立班组织才做得出的。
interviews:n.面试; v.对(某人)进行面试(或面谈); interviewed:v.对(某人)进行面试(或面谈); (媒体)采访(interview的过去分词和过去式)
In other words, good Hindus and good Jews don't act this way. 换句话说,善良的印度人和犹太人不会做出这种事。
This is Islam's influence on Hinduism and Judaism . 这是伊斯兰教影响了印度教和犹太教。
influence:n.影响;势力;感化;有影响的人或事;v.影响;改变; Hinduism:n.印度教; Judaism:n.犹太教;(总称)犹太人;犹太主义;
But what do the students in Kuwait say? They said it's us -- and this is dangerous. 而科威特的学生是怎么说的?他们说这是我们干的。 这种想法是危险的。
It's dangerous when a group self-identifies itself as extreme . 当一群人都认为自己是极端分子, 这是相当危险的。
This is one of my sons, Rayan, who's a Scooby Doo addict . 这是我的一个儿子Rayan, 他是个史酷比迷。
You can tell by the glasses there. 你看他戴的眼镜就知道了。
He actually called me a meddling kid the other day . 他有一天还管我叫淘气小子。
meddling:v.管闲事;干涉;干预;瞎搞,乱弄(meddle的现在分词) the other day:不久前某一天;几天以前;
(Laughter) (笑声)
But I borrow a lesson that I learned from him. 但是我从他身上学到了一个道理。
Last summer when we were in our home in New York, he was out in the yard playing in his playhouse . And I was in my office working, and he came in, "Baba, I want you to come with me. I want my toy." 去年夏天我们在纽约的家里 他在院子里玩他的玩具房子。而我正在书房里工作。 他走进来,“爸爸,你跟我过来一下。我想要我的玩具。”
'"Yes, Rayan, just go away." He left his Scooby Doo in his house. “好,Rehan,你先走。”他把他的史酷比落在他的房子里了。
I said, "Go away. I'm working. I'm busy." 我说,“你走吧。我在工作。我很忙。”
And what Rayan did then is he sat there, he tapped his foot on the floor, at three and a half, and he looked at me and he said, "Baba, 结果Rayan 他就坐在那里,用脚使劲瞪地, 他看着我说,“爸爸,
I want you to come with me to my office in my house. 我要你到我家的书房去。
I have work to do." 我有工作要做。”
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
Rayan reframed the situation and brought himself down to my level. Rayan改变了局面 并把自己的身份降低到我的程度。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And with The 99, that is what we aim to do. 这就是The 99的使命。
You know, I think that there's a big parallel between bending the crucifix out of shape and creating swastikas. 我认为把十字架扭曲 和创造出十字章 其实是一回事。
parallel:adj.平行的; v.与…相似; n.极其相似的人(或情况、事件等); out of shape:adj.走样的;形状不规则的;
And when I see pictures like this, of parents or uncles who think it's cute to have a little child holding a Koran and having a suicide bomber belt around them to protest something, the hope is by linking enough positive things to the Koran, that one day we can move this child from being proud in the way they're proud there, to that. 我看到这样一些照片: 父母或叔舅让孩子拿着古兰经 还绑着几个自杀炸弹进行示威, 他们觉得孩子这样很可爱, 而我们希望让人们对古兰经有更多 积极的认识, 这样有一天我们能把这个孩子 从为那身行头而得意 变成为这个造型而骄傲。
suicide:n.自杀;自杀行为;自杀者;adj.自杀的;v.自杀;vi.自杀; bomber:n.轰炸机;投弹手; belt:n.皮带;腰带;传动带;传送带;v.猛击;狠打;飞奔;飞驰; protest:n.抗议;抗议书(或行动);反对;v.(公开)反对;抗议;申辩; in the way:妨碍;挡道;
And I think -- 我认为-
I think The 99 can and will achieve its mission . 我相信The 99 能够完成它的使命。
As an undergrad at Tufts University, we were giving away free falafel one day and, you know, it was Middle East Day or something. 在塔夫斯大学的读本科的时候,我们有一天在免费分发鹰嘴豆饼, 因为当天是中东日。
undergrad:n.大学肄业生;adj.大学生的(等于undergraduate); Tufts:n.塔夫茨大学(美国马萨诸塞州的一所大学); falafel:n.沙拉三明治(等于felafel);
And people came up and picked up the culturally resonant image of the falafel, ate it and, you know, talked and left. 人们走过来 一看便明白是鹰嘴豆饼, 咬一口,寒暄几句,然后离开。
culturally:adv.从文化角度,文化意义上;在人文学方面; resonant:adj.洪亮的,共振的;共鸣的;
And no two people could disagree about what the word free was and what the word falafel was, behind us, "free falafel." You know. 没有谁会误解“免费”和“鹰嘴豆饼” 这两个词的意思。“免费鹰嘴豆饼”(英文里听起来像“释放法拉菲尔”)。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Or so we thought, until a woman came rushing across the campus and dropped her bag on the floor, pointed up to the sign and said, "Who's falafel?" 我们也没多想, 直到一位女士匆匆走过 她把手袋往地上一扔,指着我们的牌子说: “谁是法拉菲尔?”
(Laughter) (众人大笑)
True story. 千真万确。
(Laughter) (众人大笑)
She was actually coming out of an Amnesty International meeting. 她其实刚参加完大赦国际的会议。
Amnesty International:n.大赦国际;
(Laughter) (笑声)
Just today, D.C. Comics announced the cover of our upcoming crossover . 今天,D.C.Comic公布了 我们新的封面。
upcoming:adj.即将来临的; crossover:n.交叉;天桥;转线路;变向运球过人;
On that cover you see Batman, Superman and a fully-clothed Wonder Woman with our Saudi member of The 99, our Emirati member and our Libyan member. 在封面上你们可以看到蝙蝠侠,超人 和穿着得体的神奇女侠 在加上99位英雄中来自沙特, 阿联酋,和利比亚的三位英雄。
On April 26, 2010, 2010年4月26日,
President Barack Obama said that of all the initiatives since his now famous Cairo speech -- in which he reached out to the Muslim world -- the most innovative was that The 99 reach back out to the Justice League of America. 奥巴马总统说 自他著名的开罗演讲之后 所采取的一切向穆斯林世界表示友好的行动中- 最有创意的就是让The 99 加入美国正义联盟。
initiatives:n.积极性;主动权(initiative的复数);创始; Cairo:开罗(埃及首都) innovative:adj.革新的,创新的;
We live in a world in which the most culturally innocuous symbols , like the falafel, can be misunderstood because of baggage , and where religion can be twisted and purposefully made where it's not supposed to be by others. 我们生活在一个像鹰嘴豆饼这样 最无辜的文化符号都会被误解的世界里, 在这里,宗教被丑化 被恶意地曲解。
innocuous:adj.无害的;无伤大雅的; symbols:n.符号;象征;标志;符号表(symbol的复数); misunderstood:adj.被误解的;v.误解,误会(misunderstand的过去式); baggage:n.行李;[交]辎重(军队的); twisted:adj.扭曲的; v.使弯曲,使扭曲; (twist的过去分词和过去式) purposefully:adv.有目的地;自觉地; supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式)
In a world like that, they'll always be a job for Superman and The 99. 在这样的世界里, 超人和99位英雄们将斗争到底。
Thank you very much. 非常感谢大家。
(Applause) (热烈掌声)