

Our story begins high over New York City... 我们的故事发生在纽约城上空的...
in the luxurious penthouse apartment... 奢华屋顶公寓里...
luxurious:adj.奢侈的;丰富的;放纵的;特级的; penthouse:n.阁楼;顶层公寓,屋顶房间;
of perhaps the most unlikely genius the world has ever known. 这公寓住的可能是世界上已知最牛逼的天才了
unlikely:adj.不大可能发生的;非心目中的;非想象的;难以相信的; genius:n.天才;天资;才能,本领;
Oh. Sorry. You caught me doing my yoga . 哦 抱歉 你看到我做瑜伽了
You were expecting downward dog, perhaps'? 你是想看 一只倒立的狗 是吗?
My name is Mr. Peabody . 我的名字叫皮博迪先生
And since we're going to be spending some time together... 既然我们可能要一起渡过一段时间...
I'd like to tell you a little bit about myself. 那我会告诉你们一些我的事
You see, ever since I was a pup ... 从我还是一只小狗的时候...
it was clear that I was different. 我就明白我的与众不同
I tried to fit in... 我试着去适应...
No, thank you. 不用 谢谢
but never could. 但却徒劳无功
As I grew, I saw more and more of my littermates . .. 长大以后 我见到越来越多的兄弟姐妹们...
being chosen by their new families. 被新家庭领养
But for some reason, I never was. 但是因为某些原因 我从没被领走
Come on, boy! Fetch the stick! 快去 好孩子! 去捡棍子!
But why? Won't you just throw it again? 为什么啊? 就为了让你再扔出去一次吗?
It's an exercise in futility . 这就是没意义的锻炼
I don't want this one, Mommy. He's sarcastic . 我不想要这只 妈妈 他太刻薄了
Wait, wait! Come back! Throw the stick. 等等 等等! 回来! 再扔一次棍子
I'll stay, I'll heel , I'll even shake hands. 我会坐 会站 还会握手呢
Bark , bark? 我还会叫?
Bark:n.树皮; v.(狗)吠叫;
So, without a family of my own... 所以 我没有自己的家庭...
I dedicated myself to the pursuit of knowledge... 我将自己投入到对知识 文化...
dedicated:adj.献身的; v.把…奉献给; (dedicate的过去分词和过去式) pursuit:n.追求;追赶;追捕;跟踪;
culture, and athletics . 还有运动的渴求中
I received my degree at Harvard . 我拿到了哈佛大学的学位
Valetorian, of course. 当然还当上了告别演讲狗
And then, I devoted myself to helping mankind . 然后呢 我就致力于帮助人类
devoted:adj.专心致志; v.献身; (devote的过去分词和过去式) mankind:n.人类;男性;
I pioneered new techniques in alternative energy. 我开发可代替能源领域的新技术
techniques:n.技巧;技艺;工艺;技术;(technique的复数) alternative:adj.供选择的;选择性的;交替的;n.二中择一;供替代的选择;
Resolved geopolitical conflicts around the globe. 还致力解决全球的地缘政治冲突
Resolved:adj.下定决心; v.解决; (resolve的过去分词和过去式) geopolitical:adj.地理政治学的; conflicts:n.冲突; v.抵触;
And in my spare time... 在我的业余时间里...
I invented the fist bump , planking , tearaway pants... 我还发明了击拳 平板支撑 还有速脱短裤...
bump:n.肿块,隆起物;撞击;v.碰撞,撞击;颠簸而行;adv.突然地,猛烈地; planking:n.铺板;板材;v.用力放下(plank的ing形式); tearaway:n.流氓;阿飞;行为鲁莽的人;adj.行动鲁莽的;
Auto-Tune... 调音器...
the backside oHie... 背转式滑板跳...
and Zumba . 还有尊巴舞
Now go 走起
But what I'm most proud of is my son, Sherman. 但是最让我骄傲的还是我儿子 舍曼
Hi, Mr. Peabody. 嗨 皮博迪先生
Oh! Have you told them about the way back? 哦! 你告诉观众时光机的事儿了吗?
I was just getting to that. 我正准备说呢
When I adopted Sherman, I vowed to be the best father I could be. 当我收养舍曼的时候 我就发誓成为最好的父亲
adopted:adj.被收养的;被采用的;v.采用;接受;(adopt的过去式和过去分词); vowed:v.起誓;立誓;发誓;(vow的过去分词和过去式)
To prepare him for all the wonders of the world, present and past. 给他准备好所有的世界奇迹 现在的和过去的
And so, Sherman inspired the greatest invention of my life... 所以 是舍曼激励我完成了世界最伟大的发明...
inspired:adj.受到启发的; v.鼓舞; (inspire的过去分词和过去式)
a time machine . 时光机
time machine:n.时间机器;
Of course, time travel can be a bit unpredictable . 当然 时光旅行还是有点难以预知的
There are bound to be a few mishaps along the way. 旅途中必然会出现一些灾难
are bound to:一定会:必然: mishaps:n.灾祸(mishap的复数);
Let's just say, the Leaning Tower of Pisa wasn't always leaning. 可以这么说 比萨斜塔 以前不是斜的
Leaning:n.倾向;偏向;爱好;v.前俯(或后仰);倾斜;倚靠;(lean的现在分词) Pisa:n.比萨(意大利城市);
But there's nothing like learning the lessons of history firsthand . 但是没什么东西能比得上 最直观的历史课
Right, Sherman? 对吗 舍曼?