

So, what I'd like to talk about is something that was very dear to Karen's heart, which is, how do we discover what is really particular about a project? 我将要说的是 非常接近于Karen,那就是 我们怎么能真正让一件工程变得独一无二?
How do you discover the uniqueness of a project, as unique as a person, because it seems to me that finding this uniqueness has to do with dealing with the whole force of globalization : 怎样才能发现想每个人一样独一无二的工程的独特性, 因为在我看来,发现这种独特性 和全球化的趋势有关:
uniqueness:n.独特性;独一无二;单值性; globalization:n.全球化;
that the particular is central to finding the uniqueness of place and the uniqueness of a program in a building. 最重要的是发现地点的独特性 和项目的独特性,这需要通过对于建筑的研究后得出。
And so I'll take you to Wichita , Kansas , where I was asked some years ago to do a science museum on a site , right downtown , by the river. 我向你们介绍位于堪萨斯州的Whichita, 在几年前我被要求建造一座自然博物馆 在靠近商业区的河边。
Wichita:n.威奇托(美国堪萨斯州城市); Kansas:n.堪萨斯州(美国州名); site:n.地点;位置;场所;v.设置;为…选址; downtown:n.市区;闹市区;adv.在市区;在热闹街上;到闹市区;adj.闹市区的;
And I thought the secret of the site is to make the building of the river part of the river. 我认为这个地点的独特在于使建筑成为河的一部分。
Unfortunately though, the site was separated from the river by McLean's Boulevard . 但不幸的是,这个地点和河之间被McLean大道隔开了。
Unfortunately:adv.不幸地; Boulevard:n.[建]林荫大道; adj.娱乐性的; vt.给…提供林阴大街;
So I suggested, let's reroute McLean's. 所以我建议调整McLean大道。
And that gave birth instantly to Friends of McLean's Boulevard. 这就导致了McLean大道的再生。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And it took six months to reroute it. 调整这条道路花费了六个月的时间。
The first image I showed the building committee was this astronomic observatory of Jantar Mantar in Jaipur, because I talked about, what makes a building a building of science? 我首先给建筑评审团们展示的是 位于Jaipur的Jantar Mantar天文观测台, 因为我讨论的是什么使这个建筑成为科学的建筑。
committee:n.委员会; astronomic:adj.天文学的;星学的; observatory:n.天文台;气象台;瞭望台;
And it seemed to me that this structure , complex , rich and yet totally rational , it's an instrument -- had something to do with science, and somehow building for science should be different and unique and speak of that. 依我看来是它的结构,复杂度,丰富度,以及 完全可以理解的,它是一个和科学相关的工具, 在某种程度上科学相关的建筑应该是独特的。
structure:n.结构;构造;建筑物;vt.组织;构成;建造; complex:adj.复杂的;合成的;n.复合体;综合设施; rational:n.理性;人类;合理的事物;[数]有理数;adj.合理的;理性的;明智的;理智的; instrument:n.仪器;工具;乐器;手段;器械; somehow:adv.以某种方法;莫名其妙地;
And so my first sketch after I left was to say, let's cut the channel and make an island, and make an island building. 所以我最初的设想是, 切断河道,形成一个岛,最终构造一个岛上的建筑。
And I got all excited, and came back and they sort of looked at me in dismay and said, an island? 我感到很兴奋,来告诉他们, 他们却失望得看着我,说,一个岛?
This used to be an island, Ackerman Island, and we filled in the channel during the Depression to create jobs. 这里曾经有一个岛,Ackerman岛, 但在大萧条时为了创造就业机会填平了河道。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And so the process began and they said, you can't put it all on an island, some of it has to be on the mainland because we don't want to turn our back to the community . 所以当这项工程开始时他们说 你不能全建在一个岛上, 一部分必须要在大陆上,因为 我们不想让社会倒退。
process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的; community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体;
And there emerged a design, the gallery sort of forming an island, and you could walk through them or on the roof, and there were all kinds of exciting features. 然后就产生了一个设计,像形成一个岛一样的会展, 你可以从里面或房顶经过, 但还是会有很多令人兴奋的景观。
emerged:v.(从隐蔽处或暗处)出现;暴露;露出真相;显现;(emerge的过去分词和过去式) gallery:n.画廊;走廊;旁听席;地道;v.在…修建走廊;挖地道;
You could come in through the landside buildings, walk through the galleries into playgrounds -- there's a landscape . 你可以经过陆地上的建筑, 通过会馆到达平台-这里能看到景色。
galleries:n.美术馆(gallery的复数);图表种类; landscape:n.景观;乡村风景画;(文件的)横向打印格式;v.对…做景观美化;美化…的环境;
If you were cheap you could walk on top of a bridge to the roof, peek in the exhibits and then get totally seduced , come back and pay the five dollars admission . 你要是没钱的话可以通过桥走向屋顶, 看到景观后往回, 走回来然后付五美元门票钱。
peek:v.窥视;偷看;探出;n.偷看,窥视;看一眼; exhibits:n.展览(exhibit的复数);陈列品;v.展览;陈列(exhibit的第三人称单数); seduced:v.诱奸;诱骗;唆使;(seduce的过去分词和过去式) admission:n.入场费;进入权;招供;门票费;
(Laughter) (笑声)
And the client was happy, well sort of happy, because we were four million dollars over the budget , but essentially happy. 观众们很开心, 因为我们发自内心得开心,尽管比预算多了四百万美元。
client:n.[经]客户;顾客;委托人; budget:n.预算,预算费;v.安排,预定;把…编入预算;adj.廉价的; essentially:adv.本质上;本来;
But I was still troubled, and I was troubled because I felt this was capricious . 但我还有一点困扰,因为我觉得变化有些多了。
It was complex, but there was something capricious about its complexity . 这是复杂的,但在复杂之外又多了些变化。
It was, what I would say, compositional complexity and I felt that if I had to fulfill what I talked about, a building for science, there had to be some kind of a generating idea -- some kind of a generating geometry . 这个,我说是,结构上的复杂 并且我觉得如果要实现我讲的东西, 阐述科学的建筑,需要有一些创新的观点= 比如一些新颖的几何图形。
compositional:adj.组成的;创作的;作曲的; fulfill:v.执行,贯彻;完成,实现;兑现;达到;起到; generating:v.产生;引起;(generate的现在分词) geometry:n.几何学;几何结构;
And this gave birth to the idea of having toroidal generating geometry, with its center -- one with its center deep in the earth for the land-side building, and a toroid with its center in the sky for the island building. 这就产生了环形结构, 围绕着的中心在很深的地下, 通过环形结构到达岛上建筑的上面。
A toroid, for those who don't know, is the surface of a doughnut , or for some of us a bagel . 圆环,对于不了解的人来说, 像是甜甜圈的表面,或者是百吉饼。
doughnut:n.油炸圈饼;圆环图;电子回旋加速器环状真空室; bagel:n.百吉饼(先蒸后烤的发面圈);(体育比赛中)零蛋;
And out of this idea started spinning off many, many kinds of variations of different plans and possibilities, and then the plan itself evolved in relationship to the exhibits, and you see the intersection of the plan with the toroidal geometry. 在这个想法外又产生了 许多不同计划和可能性的变形 然后规划本身围绕着展览形成, 你可以看到规划中环形结构的交叉部分。
spinning:n.纺纱(手艺):纺线v.(使)旋转:纺线:纺纱;(spin的现在分词) variations:n.变奏曲,变更;[生物]变种(variation的复数形式); evolved:v.(使)逐渐形成;进化;进化形成;(evolve的过去分词和过去式) intersection:n.交叉;十字路口;交集;交叉点;
And finally the building -- this is the model. 最后是整个建筑-这是个模型。
And when there were complaints about budget, I said, well, it's worth doing the island because you get twice for your money -- reflections . 每当有人抱怨预算时,我说, 因为镜像的原因你可以实现两倍的钱的效果,所以值得建造这个岛。
complaints:n.不满;抱怨;投诉;控告;(complaint的复数) reflections:n.映像;(声、光、热等的)反射;反映;显示;表达;(reflection的复数)
And here's the building as it opened, with a channel overlooking downtown, and as seen from downtown, and the bike route's going right through the building, so those traveling the river would see the exhibits and be drawn to the building. 这是当建筑刚开张的时候, 有一个通道可以俯瞰市中心,看下去的时候 自行车道正好穿过建筑, 所以路过河的人能到看到展览并被吸引到建筑中。
The toroidal geometry made for very efficient building. 环形结构使得建筑非常有效。
Every beam in this building is the same radius , all laminated wood. 建筑中的每个横梁都是同样的半径和木质。
beam:n.光线; v.发射(电波); radius:n.半径,半径范围;[解剖]桡骨;辐射光线;有效航程; laminated:adj.层压的;层积的;薄板状的;v.分成薄片;用薄片覆盖(laminate的过去分词);
Every wall, every concrete wall, is resisting the stresses and supporting the building. 每一个墙和水泥墙,都承受着压力并支撑着建筑。
concrete:n.混凝土;adj.混凝土制的;确实的,具体的;vt.用混凝土覆盖 resisting:adj.稳定的;坚固的;v.抵抗;忍住(resist的现在分词);
Every piece of the building works. 建筑的每一部分都有各自的用途。
These are the galleries with the light coming in through the skylights and at night, and on opening day. 有些会馆阳光可以照射进来 ,在晚上和白天。
Going back to 1976 -- 在1976年-
(Applause) (掌声)
- in 1976 I was asked to design a children's memorial museum in a Holocaust museum in Yad Vashem in Jerusalem , which you see here -- the campus . 在1976年我被要求设计一个儿童的纪念馆 在Jerusalem中Yad Vashem的大屠杀纪念馆中, 这里你可以看到-一个校园。
memorial:adj.纪念的;悼念的;n.纪念碑(或像等);纪念品; Holocaust:n.大屠杀;毁灭; Jerusalem:n.耶路撒冷(以色列首都); campus:n.(大学)校园;大学,大学生活;校园内的草地;
And I was asked to do a building, and I was given all the artifacts of clothing and drawings. 我被要求设计这个建筑, 我有所有的衣服和图片的艺术品。
And I felt very troubled. 我感到很困扰。
I worked on it for months and I couldn't deal with it, because I felt people were coming out of the historic museum, they are totally saturated with information, and to see yet another museum with information, it would make them just unable to digest . 我工作了几个月却并不能做出什么, 因为我觉得人们从历史博物馆中出来, 他们已经信息饱和了, 当又要参观一个充满信息的博物馆时 会感到难以消化的
historic:adj.有历史意义的;历史上著名的; saturated:adj.饱和的;渗透的;深颜色的;v.使渗透,使饱和(saturate的过去式); digest:n.摘要;文摘;概要;汇编;v.消化;领会;领悟;理解;
And so I made a counter-proposal. 所以我做了一个相反的计划。
I said, no building; there was a cave on the site, we tunnel into the hill, descend through the rock into an underground chamber . 我说,不要建筑;因为那里有个洞穴,我们挖隧道进去, 顺着岩石一直到地下的展室。
tunnel:n.地下通道;地道;隧道;(动物的)洞穴通道;v.开凿隧道;挖地道; descend:vi.下降;下去;下来;遗传;屈尊;vt.下去;沿…向下; chamber:n.(身体或器官内的)室,膛; adj.室内的; vt.把…关在室内;
There's an anteroom with photographs of children who perished , and then you come into a large space. 通过一个挂满了死去儿童照片的前厅, 你会来到一个开阔地带。
anteroom:n.前厅;接待室;候见室; perished:adj.极冷;v.死亡;暴死;丧失;毁灭;老化;(perish的过去分词和过去式)
There is a single candle, flickering in the center. 这里有一个蜡烛,在中心闪烁。
flickering:adj.扑动的; v.闪现; (flicker的现在分词)
By an arrangement of reflective glasses, it reflects into infinity in all directions. 通过安置很多反射镜,蜡烛的光可以射向各个方向。
arrangement:n.安排;筹备;布置;商定;约定;改编乐曲; reflective:adj.反射的;反映的;沉思的; reflects:v.反映;映出(影像);反射;表明,表达;(reflect的第三人称单数) infinity:n.无穷;无限大;无限距;
You walk through the space, a voice reads the names, ages and place of birth of the children. 当你经过这里,有一个声音念着小孩们的名字, 年龄和出生地区
This voice does not repeat for six months. 这些声音每半年会更换。
And then you descend to light and to the north and to life. 然后你会到达亮光的北方,充满生机。
Well, they said, people won't understand -- they'll think it's a discotheque , you can't do that. 但是,他们说,人们不会懂的- 他们认为这是一个迪斯科舞厅,你不能这样做。
And they shelved the project. And it sat there for 10 years. 所以他们否决了这个设计,耽搁了10年。
And then one day Ed Spiegel , from Los Angeles, who had lost his three-year-old son at Auschwitz, came, saw the model, wrote the check, and it got built 10 years later. 直到有一天洛杉矶的Ed Spiegel, 他在奥斯维辛集中营中失去了他3岁的儿子, 当他看到这个模型,马上写了支票,所以这个建筑终于能够在10年之后得以建造。
So many years after that, in 1998, 很多年之后,在1988年,
I was on one of my monthly trips to Jerusalem, and I got a call from the foreign ministry saying, we've got the Chief Minister of the Punjab here. 在我去耶路撒冷的月度旅行中, 接到了外国大使馆的电话, 说旁遮普的总理来了
monthly:n.月刊:adv.每个月:每月一次:adj.每月的: ministry:n.(政府的)部门; Minister:n.部长;大臣;牧师;vi.执行牧师职务;辅助或伺候某人;
He is on a state visit. We took him on a visit to Yad Vashem. 他是来进行国事访问的。我们带他参观了Yad Vashem,
We took him to the children's memorial, he was extremely moved. 我们带他到了儿童纪念馆,他非常感动。
He's demanding to meet the architect , could you come down and meet him in Tel Aviv? 他要求会见这个设计师,在Tel Avivi和他见面。
And I went down, and Chief Minister Badal said to me, we Sikhs have suffered a great deal, as you have Jews. 然后我去了,总理和我说, 我们锡克民族也受过很大的灾难,和犹太民族一样。
I was very moved by what I saw today. 我对于我今天所见到的很受感动。
We are going to build our national museum to tell the story of our people; we're about to embark on that. 我们要建造一座自己的国家博物馆来展示我们的历史; 我们希望能从这得到振兴。
I'd like you to come and design it. 我希望你能来设计它。
And so, you know, it's one of those things that you don't take too seriously. 但是你知道,这是不用太当真的事情。
But two weeks later I was in this little town, Anandpur Sahib outside Chandigarh, the capital of the Punjab, and the temple, and also next to it the fortress 但是两周后我来到了这个小镇,Anandpur Sahib 在Punjab的首都Chandigarh外, 有一座庙宇,紧邻着堡垒
Sahib:n.阁下;先生;大人(等于saheb); fortress:n.城堡;堡垒;要塞;设防的地方;
that the last guru of the Sikhs, Guru Gobind, died in as he wrote the Khalsa, which is their holy scripture . 是锡克家族最后的宗师Gobind死的地方, 他写了民族的圣书Khalsa。
guru:n.古鲁(指印度教等宗教的宗师或领袖);领袖;专家; scripture:n.(大写)圣经;手稿;(大写)圣经的一句;
And I got to work and they took me somewhere down there, nine kilometers away from the town and the temple, and said that's where we have chosen the location . 我要工作,他们就把我带到了那里, 和城市和庙宇都有9公里远, 说我们已经选择好了位置。
And I said, this just doesn't make any sense. 我说,这个位置不好。
The pilgrims come here by the hundreds and thousands -- they're not going to get into trucks and buses and go down there. 朝圣者的数目成百上千- 他们不会乘坐铁路和公交,而是走到这里。
pilgrims:n.朝圣者;旅行者(pilgrim的复数);v.去朝圣;漫游(pilgrim的三单形式); hundreds and thousands:n.着色珠子糖(装饰糕点等用);
Let's get back to the town and walk to the site. 让我们回到城里,选择能够走到的地点。
And I recommended they do it right there, on that hill, and this hill, and bridge all the way into the town. 我建议他们就在那边的山上建造, 这座山可以直接通往市里。
And, as things are a little easier in India, the site was purchased within a week, and we were working. 在印度事情变简单了,在一个星期内就买好了建造的土地, 然后我们开始工作。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And my proposal was to split the museum into two: the permanent exhibits at one end, the auditorium , library, and changing exhibitions on the other. 我的建议是将这个博物馆分成两部分: 一端是永久性的展览,礼堂,图书馆, 另一端是变化的展览。
proposal:n.提议,建议;求婚; split:v.分离;使分离;劈开;离开;分解;n.劈开;裂缝;adj.劈开的; permanent:adj.永久的,永恒的;n.烫发; auditorium:n.礼堂,会堂;观众席;
To flood the valley into a series of water gardens, and to link it all to the fort and to the downtown. 为了能使河谷流向果园, 并且将城堡和城市相连。
And the structures rise from the sand cliffs . 这个结构建立在沙石上。
structures:n.结构; v.建造(structure的第三人称单数形式); cliffs:n.(常指海洋边的)悬崖,峭壁;(cliff的复数)
They're built in concrete and sandstones; the roofs are stainless steel . 用混凝土和沙石建造;屋顶是不锈钢。
stainless steel:n.不锈钢;
They are facing south and reflecting light towards the temple itself, pedestrians criss-cross from one side to the other. 建筑朝南,并且反射庙宇的光线, 游客在一边和另一边中交叉前进。
reflecting:v.反映;映出(影像);反射;显示,表明,表达;(reflect的现在分词) pedestrians:n.行人(pedestrian的复数); criss-cross:n.十字号;adj.纵横交错的;十字形的;
And as you come from the north it is all masonry growing out of the sand cliffs, as you come from the Himalayas, and evoking the tradition of the fortress. 从北边看都是沙石上的工程, 从喜马拉雅上角度看,从城堡开始。
masonry:n.石工;石工行业;石造建筑; evoking:引起;
And then I went away for four months, and there was going to be groundbreaking . 然后我离开了四个月, 这里要开始动工了。
And I came back, and lo and behold , the little model I'd left behind had been built ten times bigger for public display on site, and the bridge was built. 我回来了,看到我以前的小小模型 变成了10倍大的供大众游览的建筑了, 连桥也建成了。
behold:v.看;注视;把...视为;int.瞧;看呀; display:n.显示;炫耀;vt.显示;表现;陈列;vi.[动]作炫耀行为;adj.展览的;陈列用的;
(Laughter) (笑声)
Within the working drawings! 在绘制的草图中!
And half-a-million people gathered for the celebrations, you can see them on the site itself as the foundations are beginning. 50万人欢聚庆典, 当开始建造的时候你可以在这里看到。
I was renamed Safdie Singh, and there it is under construction -- there're 1,800 workers at work, and it will be finished in two years. 我将它重命名为Safdie Singh,并开始动工- 这里有1800名工人工作,在两年后交工。
renamed:v.重新命名;给…改名;(rename的过去分词和过去式) construction:n.建设;建筑物;解释;造句;
Back to Yad Vashem three years ago. After all this episode began, 在3年前的Yad Vashem。当开始建造时,
Yad Vashem decided to rebuild completely the historic museum, because now Washington was built, the Holocaust Museum in Washington, and that museum is so much more comprehensive in terms of information. Yad Vashem决定重造历史博物馆, 因为新的Washington已经建造了新的屠杀纪念馆, 那个博物馆拥有了更多更广的信息,
And Yad Vashem needs to deal with three million visitors a year at this point. Yad Shem一年需要招待3百万名游客。
They said, let's rebuild the museum. 他们说,重建博物馆。
But of course, the Sikhs might give you a job on a platter -- the Jews make it hard. 但是当然,锡克民族给你的工作也许毫不费劲,可犹太民族的变难了。
International competition , phase one, phase two, phase three. 国际竞争,第一阶段,第二阶段,第三阶段。
competition:n.竞争;比赛,竞赛; phase:n.阶段;时期;月相;(月亮的)盈亏;v.分阶段进行;逐步做;
(Laughter) (笑声)
And again, I felt kind of uncomfortable with the notion that a building the size of the Washington building, 50,000 square feet, will sit on that fragile hill, 但是同样的,我对于Washington建筑的规模 感到困惑 50000平方英尺,将在脆弱的山上建造,
notion:n.观念;信念;理解; fragile:adj.脆的;易碎的;
and that we will go into galleries, rooms with doors and sort of familiar rooms to tell the story of the Holocaust. 然后会有展馆,有门的房间 和讲述屠杀故事的各个房间。
And I proposed that we cut through the mountain -- that was my first sketch, just cut the whole museum through the mountain, enter from one side of the mountain, come out from the other side of the mountain. 我建议从山中穿过-这是我的第一个设想, 将整个博物馆放在山中, 从山的一侧进入, 从山的另一侧出来。
And then bring light through the mountain into the chambers . 可以让山外的阳光进入室内
And here you see the model, a reception building and some underground parking. 你可以从模型中看到, 接待楼和地下停车场。
You cross a bridge, you enter this triangular room, 60 feet high, which cuts right into the hill and extends right through as you go towards the north. 跨过一座桥,进入了三角形屋子,60英尺高, 穿过了山 并延伸到北部。
triangular:adj.三角的,[数]三角形的;三人间的; extends:v.使伸长;扩大;扩展;延长;使延期;(extend的第三人称单数)
And all of it, then, all the galleries, are underground. 所有的会馆都在地下。
And you see the openings for the light. 你可以看到阳光。
And at night, just one line of light cuts through the mountain, which is a skylight on top of that triangle . 在晚上,只有一道光会穿过山, 这就是在三角形顶部的光。
And all the galleries -- as you move through them and so on -- are below grade. 当你一个个房间地参观下去 所有展览都是在地下。
And there are chambers carved in the rock -- concrete walls, stone, the natural rock when possible -- with the light shafts . 在演示中有雕刻的屋子- 混凝土的墙,石头,天然的石块-经过细微的加工。
carved:v.雕刻;刻;把(熟肉)切成块;(carve的过去分词和过去式) shafts:n.[机]轴,杆; v.装杆;
This is actually a Spanish quarry , which sort of inspired the kind of spaces that these galleries could be. 这实际上是来自西班牙采石场的灵感 那里也有类似的展厅
quarry:n.采石场;猎物;来源;vi.费力地找;vt.挖出;努力挖掘; inspired:adj.受到启发的; v.鼓舞; (inspire的过去分词和过去式)
And then, coming towards the north, it opens up: it bursts out of the mountain into, again, a view of the light and of the city, and of the Jerusalem hills. 然后,到了北方,视野变得开阔: 从山中再次到达阳光和城市, 和耶路撒冷的山。
I'd like to conclude with a project I've been working on for two months. 最后我想讲讲我现在工作了两个月的工程。
It's the headquarters for the Institute of Peace in Washington, the US Institute of Peace. 在华盛顿的和平学院的总部, 美国和平学院。
headquarters:n.总部;指挥部;司令部; Institute:v.开始(调查);制定;创立;提起(诉讼);n.学会,协会;学院;
The site chosen is across from the Lincoln Memorial -- you see it there, directly on the Mall, it's the last building on the Mall, on access of the Roosevelt Bridge that comes in from Virginia . 地址选在林肯纪念碑旁- 你从那里可以看到,是大道上的最后一个建筑, 可以从弗吉尼亚州通过罗斯福桥到达。
directly:adv.直接地;立即;马上;正好地;坦率地;conj.一…就; Virginia:adj.弗吉尼亚州的;
That too was a competition, and it is something I'm just beginning to work on. 这也是个竞争,并且是我才着手处理的。
But one recognizes the kind of uniqueness of the site. 但是可以看到这个选址的独特性。
If they were to be anywhere in Washington, they would be an office building, a conference center, a place for negotiating peace and so on, all of which the building is. 如果在华盛顿的任何位置, 建筑可以是写字楼,会议中心, 和平谈判的地方等等,各种建筑都可以
conference:n.会议;研讨会;商讨会;体育协会(或联合会) negotiating:v.谈判;磋商;协商;商定;达成协议;(negotiate的现在分词)
But by virtue of the choice of putting it on the Mall, and by the Lincoln Memorial, this becomes the structure that is the symbol of peace on the Mall. 但是实际上选在大道上,紧挨着林肯纪念碑, 这就是街上和平的标志,
by virtue of:由于,凭借; symbol:n.象征;符号;标志;
And that was a lot of heat to deal with. 这需要很深入的考虑。
The first sketch recognizes that the building is many spaces -- spaces where research goes on, conference centers, a public building, because it will be a museum devoted to peace making. 最初的手稿是将建筑分为许多部分- 研究中心,会议中心, 公共建筑,因为这是为了和平而建立的博物馆。
devoted:adj.专心致志; v.献身; (devote的过去分词和过去式)
And these are the drawings that we submitted for the competition, the plans showing the spaces which radiate outwards from the entry. 这是我们参加竞争的绘图, 展示了从如何空间呈辐射状。
submitted:v.提交;顺从;投降;表示;认为;建议;(submit的过去分词和过去式) radiate:vt.辐射; vi.辐射; adj.辐射状的,有射线的; outwards:adv.向外地;
You see the structure as in the sequence of structures on the Mall: very transparent , and inviting and looking in. 你看到的结构是大街上结构的次序: 非常透明,吸引人。
sequence:n.顺序; v.按顺序排列; transparent:adj.透明的;显然的;坦率的;易懂的;
And then as you enter it again, looking in all directions towards the city. 当你在里面,可以从各个角度欣赏这个城市。
And what I felt about that building is, that it really was a building that had to do with a lightness of being, to quote Kundera -- that it had to do with whiteness , it has to do with a certain dynamic quality, and it had to do with optimism . 我感觉这个建筑确实是个建筑 和光相关,引用Kundera的话- 和白色有关, 和动态构设有关,和乐观的心态有关。
lightness:n.轻盈;轻松;明亮;(颜色)浅淡; quote:v.引用;报价;举例说明;开价;为(企业的股份)上市;n.引用; whiteness:n.白,洁白,苍白;[矿业]白度; dynamic:n.动力; adj.充满活力的; optimism:n.乐观;乐观主义;
And this is where it is, it's sort of evolving . 就是这样,很前卫的。
Studies for the structure of the roof: which demands maybe new materials, how to make white, how to make it translucent , how to make it glowing , how to make it not capricious. 屋顶结构的报告表明 我们可能需要新的材料, 怎样才能让建筑变的白,透明,并且会发光, 而不是过于任性的变化。
translucent:adj.透明的;半透明的; glowing:adj.灼热的;热情洋溢的;鲜艳的;v.发光;容光焕发;发热;(glow的现在分词)
And here studying, in three dimensions , how to give some kind, again, of an order, a structure, not something you feel you could just change because you stop the design of that particular process. 从三维空间角度, 怎样实现温和的秩序和结构, 而不是能够任意改变 仅仅因为你停止了对某一过程的设计。
And so it goes. 这就这样继续下去了。
I'd like to conclude by saying something -- 我想说些话作为结束-
(Applause) (掌声)
I'd like to conclude by relating all of what I've said to the term "beauty." 我想通过谈论“美丽”这个话题来结束。
And I know it is not a fashionable term these days, and certainly not fashionable in the discourse of architectural schools. 我知道这个词语在现在并不流行, 当然在建筑学校的课程中也不流行。
fashionable:adj.流行的;时髦的;上流社会的; discourse:n.论述;谈话;演讲;vi.演说;谈论;讲述;vt.说出;演奏出; architectural:adj.建筑学的;建筑上的;符合建筑法的;
But it seems to me that all this, in one way or the other, is a search for beauty. 但是对我来说,我所做的一切都是为了寻找美丽。
Beauty in the most profound sense of fit. 美丽是最让我满意的地方
I have a quote that I like by a morphologist , 1917, 我援引我很喜欢的一句话,是1917年一个形态学家
Theodore Cook, who said, "Beauty connotes humanity . Theodore Cook讲的,“美丽展现了人性。
connotes:vt.意味着;含言外之意; humanity:n.人类;人道;仁慈;人文学科;
We call a natural object beautiful because we see that its form expresses fitness , the perfect fulfillment of function." 我们说一个天然的物体是美丽的 因为它的形状刚好适合,功能完美履行。”
expresses:表达(express的动词单数第三人称形式);[交]快车;快递(express的名词复数); fitness:n.健康;适当;适合性; fulfillment:n.履行;实行;
Well, I would have said the perfect fulfillment of purpose. 但我说是完全为了目的。
Nevertheless , beauty as the kind of fit, something that tells us that all the forces that have to do with our natural environment have been fulfilled -- and our human environment -- for that. 无论如何,美丽是一种适合 美丽告诉我们自然环境的各种力量 实现的-我们的人类环境-为了这点。
Nevertheless:adv.然而,不过;虽然如此;conj.然而,不过; have to do with:与…有关; fulfilled:adj.感到满足的; v.实现; (fulfill的过去式和过去分词)
20 years ago, in a conference Richard and I were at together, 20年前,在Richard和我一同参加的一个会上,
I wrote a poem, which seems to me to still hold for me today. 我写了一首诗,在今天同样适用。
'"He who seeks truth shall find beauty. He who seeks beauty shall find vanity . “寻求真理能够得到美。寻求美却会得到空虚。
seeks:v.寻求;寻找;探索;搜索; vanity:n.虚荣心;空虚;浮华;无价值的东西;
He who seeks order, shall find gratification . 寻求秩序令人满足。
He who seeks gratification, shall be disappointed. 寻求满足,却只会变得失望。
He who considers himself the servant of his fellow beings shall find the joy of self-expression . He who seeks self-expression, shall fall into the pit of arrogance. 认为自己为同伴服务的人 会发现自我实现的喜悦。而寻求自我实现的人, 却会导致骄傲。
Arrogance is incompatible with nature. 骄傲和自然是不相符的。
Through nature, the nature of the universe and the nature of man, we shall seek truth. If we seek truth, we shall find beauty." 通过自然,宇宙和人类的本质, 我们应当寻求真理。如果我们寻找真理,我们就会发现美。”
Thank you very much. 非常感谢。