

(Music) (音乐)
? They stood together ? ?电视上?
? under a tree in tall grass ? ?在高高的草丛中的一棵树下?
? on TV ? ?她们站在一起?
? telling the world ? ?向世界?
? their story ? ?讲述她们的故事?
? We will be left to wander ? ?我们将留下彷徨?
? and fade away ? ?并逐渐消失?
fade away:逐渐消失;
? Soldiers came and took our husbands ? ?天才破晓,士兵就冲进来?
? at the break of day ? ?带走了我们的丈夫?
? We will live on ? ?我们将继续生活?
? then fade away ? ?然后逐渐消失?
? Soldiers came and killed our children ? ?天才破晓,士兵就冲进来?
? at the break of day ? ?杀害了我们的孩子?
? Women of hope ? ?妇女的希望?
? Women of change ? ?妇女的改变?
? Women of war and pain ? ?妇女的战争和伤痛?
? I believe ? ?我相信?
? I believe the almighty knows each and every one of you ? ?我相信上帝知道我们每个人?
? by your name ? ?的名字?
? Women of hope ? ?妇女的希望?
? Women of change ? ?妇女的改变?
? Women of love, joy, no shame ? ?妇女的爱,欢乐和问心无愧?
? You've got something this little life ? ?你在这短暂的一生中已经获得了?
? can never take away ? ?一些无法被夺走的东西?
? Running through the darkness of night ? ?跑过漆黑的夜晚?
? with a child by her side ? ?身旁带着一名孩童?
? Oh Lord , won't you give them ? ?哦,上帝,赐予她们?
? a shining armor of light ? ?一副闪光的盔甲吧?
? Oh Lord, won't you give them ? ?哦,上帝,赐予她们?
? a shining armor of light ? ?一副闪光的盔甲吧?
? Daybreak brings a sign of new life ? ?黎明带来了新生活的迹象?
? with the power to stand ? ?给予她们坚持的力量?
? Crossing the border ? ?跨越界限?
? she said, "You will grow free on this land" ? ?她说,“你将在这片土地上自由成长”?
? Women of hope ? ?妇女的希望?
? Women of change ? ?妇女的改变?
? Women of war and pain ? ?妇女的战争和伤痛?
? I can feel your power ? ?我能感觉到?
? in these words she said ? ?她所说的这些话语中的力量?
? If you're feeling helpless ? ?如果你觉得无助?
? help someone ? ?那就去帮助别人?
? If you're feeling helpless ? ?如果你觉得无助?
? help someone ? ?那就去帮助别人?
? Nobody really knows ? ?没人真正知道?
? how far they will go ? ?她们能够?
? to keep on living ? ?活多久?
? Nobody really knows ? ?没人真正知道?
? how far they will go ? ?她们能?
? to keep on giving ? ?给予和?
? and forgiving ? ?原谅多少?
? Aung San Suu Kyi ? ?昂山素季?
? living under house arrest ? ?在软禁之中?
house arrest:n.软禁;
? for her peaceful protest ? ?因为她的和平抗议?
? under house arrest ? ?在软禁之中?
? for her peaceful protest ? ?因为她的和平抗议?
? When her people asked her for a message ? ?当她的人民请她说点什么时?
? she said ? ?她说?
? If you're feeling helpless ? ?如果你觉得无助?
? help someone ? ?那就去帮助别人?
? If you're feeling helpless ? ?如果你觉得无助?
? help someone ? ?那就去帮助别人?
? If you're feeling helpless ? ?如果你觉得无助?
? help someone ? ?那就去帮助别人?
? If you're feeling helpless ? ?如果你觉得无助?
? help someone ? ?那就去帮助别人?
Now we know the words, let's sing. 现在我们知道了这句话,让我们歌唱吧。
? If you're feeling helpless ? ?如果你觉得无助?
? help someone ? ?那就去帮助别人?
? If you're feeling helpless ? ?如果你觉得无助?
? help someone ? ?那就去帮助别人?
? If you're feeling helpless ? ?如果你觉得无助?
? help someone ? ?那就去帮助别人?
? If you're feeling helpless ? ?如果你觉得无助?
? help someone ? ?那就去帮助别人?
? People of hope ? ?人民的希望?
? People of change ? ?人民的改变?
? People of love, joy, no shame ? ?人民的爱,欢乐和问心无愧?
? I believe the almighty ? ?我相信上帝?
? knows each and every one of you ? ?知道我们每一个人?
? by your name ? ?的名字?
Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)