

I have spent the past few years putting myself into situations that are usually very difficult and at the same time somewhat dangerous. 在过去几年里 我让自己处于 既艰苦 又有些危险的境地。
at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时; somewhat:n.几分;某物;adv.有点;多少;几分;稍微;
I went to prison -- difficult. 我去了监狱 -- 艰苦
I worked in a coal mine -- dangerous. 我在一个煤矿工作过 -- 危险。
coal mine:煤矿;
I filmed in war zones -- difficult and dangerous. 我在战争地区拍摄影片 -- 既艰苦又危险。
And I spent 30 days eating nothing but this -- fun in the beginning, little difficult in the middle, very dangerous in the end. 我曾经在30十天里只吃这一种食品 -- 一开始很有意思 到了中间,有一点艰苦,而最后,相当危险。
In fact, most of my career , 实际上,我职业生涯的大部分时间里
I've been immersing myself into seemingly horrible situations for the whole goal of trying to examine societal issues in a way that make them engaging , that make them interesting, that hopefully break them down in a way that make them entertaining and accessible to an audience. 我一直让自己 身处于恶劣的情况之中 目的在于 通过更吸引人,更有趣的方式 来研究社会问题 希望能把这些问题 以娱乐节目的形式呈现在观众面前。
immersing:v.浸泡(immerse的ing形式);adj.沉浸的; seemingly:adv.看来似乎;表面上看来; horrible:可怕的,极讨厌的, societal:adj.社会的; issues:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;(issue的第三人称单数和复数) engaging:adj.有趣的; v.吸引住(注意力、兴趣); (engage的现在分词) accessible:adj.易接近的;可进入的;可理解的;
So when I knew I was coming here to do a TEDTalk that was going to look at the world of branding and sponsorship , 于是,当我得知自己将来到这里 做关于品牌和赞助的TED演讲
branding:n.品牌化,品牌术;v.在…上加商标;使显得独一无二(brand的现在分词); sponsorship:n.赞助;发起;保证人的地位;教父母身份;
I knew I would want to do something a little different. 我意识到我想要玩点新花样
So as some of you may or may not have heard, a couple weeks ago, I took out an ad on Ebay. 大家可能有人听说过 几周以前,我在Ebay上登了个广告
I sent out some Facebook messages, some Twitter messages, and I gave people the opportunity to buy the naming rights to my 2011 TEDTalk. 又在Facebook 和Twitter上发了一些信息 我让人们有机会购买 我2011年TED演讲的冠名权
(Laughter) (笑声)
That's right, some lucky individual , corporation , for-profit or non-profit , was going to get the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity -- because I'm sure Chris Anderson will never let it happen again -- 没错,某个幸运的个人或公司 盈利性或非盈利性 将会得到此生唯一的机会 -- 因为我敢肯定克里斯·安德森决不会允许这样的事发生第二次 --
individual:n.个人;有个性的人;adj.单独的;个别的; corporation:n.法人;(大)公司;法人团体;市政委员会; for-profit:以盈利为目的的; non-profit:adj.非营利的; once-in-a-lifetime:千载难逢(的好机会);
(Laughter) (笑声)
to buy the naming rights to the talk you're watching right now, that at the time, didn't have a title, didn't really have a lot of of content and didn't really give much hint as to what the subject matter would actually be. 来购买你正观看的 这场演讲的冠名权 那时候,这场演讲还没有确定标题,也没有多少内容 也没有给出 任何与主题相关的提示
content:n.内容,目录;满足;容量;adj.满意的;vt.使满足; hint:n.提示;暗示;迹象;窍门;v.暗示;透露;示意; subject matter:n.题材;
So what you were getting was this: your name here presents: my TEDTalk that you have no idea what the subject is and, depending on the content, could ultimately blow up in your face , especially if I make you or your company look stupid for doing it. 所以你所得到的是: 你的大名在这里: 您对我的TED演讲主题一无所知 而,其内容决定了我最终是否会把它搞砸 假如我让您和贵公司丢人了,那可能性就大了
ultimately:adv.最终;最后;归根结底;终究; in your face:挑衅;咄咄逼人的; especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分;
But that being said, it's a very good media opportunity. 但话说回来 这可是打广告的绝佳机会。
(Laughter) (笑声)
You know how many people watch these TEDTalks? 你知道有多少人在看TED演讲吗?
It's a lot. 人可多了
That's just a working title, by the way . 顺便说一句,这只是演讲的暂定标题。
by the way:顺便说一下;
(Laughter) (笑声)
So even with that caveat , 尽管做出了这样的申明
I knew that someone would buy the naming rights. 我还是相信有人会买下冠名权
Now if you'd have asked me that a year ago, 如果一年以前你问我
I wouldn't have been able to tell you that with any certainty . 我可不会像现在这么理直气壮
But in the new project that I'm working on, my new film, we examine the world of marketing, advertising . 但是,在我正在筹备的新项目,也就是我新的影片中 我们要对营销界,广告界一探究竟
And as I said earlier, 正如我之前所说的
as I said:正如我所说的
I put myself in some pretty horrible situations over the years, but nothing could prepare me, nothing could ready me, for anything as difficult or as dangerous as going into the rooms with these guys. 这几年里,我总让自己陷入可怕的处境之中 但与此相比,最让我受到磨练 最让我尝尽苦头 也是最为危险的经历 莫过于与这些人共处一室了
(Laughter) (笑声)
You see, I had this idea for a movie. 你们看,我有这样一个电影创意
(Video) Morgan Spurlock: What I want to do is make a film all about product placement , marketing and advertising, where the entire film is funded by product placement , marketing and advertising. (视频)摩根·斯普尔洛克:我想拍摄这样一部影片 讲述广告植入,市场营销,和广告宣传 而影片的赞助 就来自广告植入,市场营销,和广告宣传
product placement:n.植入式广告; funded:adj.提供资金的;v.提供资金;积存;提供资金偿付的本息;(fund的过去式);
So the movie, will be called "The Greatest Movie Ever Sold." 这部电影的名称将定为“史上最卖座电影”
So what happens in "The Greatest Movie Ever Sold," “史上最卖座电影”
is that everything from top to bottom , from start to finish, is branded from beginning to end -- from the above-the-title sponsor that you'll see in the movie, which is brand X. 从上到下,从头到尾 都布满了品牌 -- 从放在影片名称前的赞助商 是品牌X。
from top to bottom:从上到下;彻底的; branded:adj.名牌商标的; v.铭刻; (brand的过去式和过去分词); from beginning to end:自始至终;
Now this brand, the Qualcomm Stadium , the Staples Center ... 这个品牌,Qualcomm Stadium 史泰普中心...
Stadium:n.[体]露天大型体育场;[病]病期;[生]生长期;龄期; Staples:n.主要产物,主要原料(staple的复数);v.分类,选择(staple的第三人称单数);
these people will be married to the film in perpetuity -- forever. 这些人的生活与这部电影恒久地结合在了一起--永远
And so the film explores this whole idea -- (Michael Kassan: It's redundant .) 这部电影探索的是这样一个观念 -- 迈克尔·坎森:这有些重复)
explores:v.探索; (explore的第三人称单数) redundant:adj.多余的,过剩的;被解雇的,失业的;冗长的,累赘的;
It's what? (MK: It's redundant.) In perpetuity, forever? 有些什么?(迈克尔·坎森:这有些重复)恒久,永远?
I'm a redundant person. (MK: I'm just saying.) 我说话常常意思重复(迈克尔·坎森:我就是随口说说)
That was more for emphasis . 这是为了强调
It was, "In perpetuity. Forever." 它是“恒久。永远。”
But not only are we going to have the brand X title sponsor, but we're going to make sure we sell out every category we can in the film. 但我们不仅会标出某某品牌赞助商 还要在影片中将该品牌的每一系列产品都推销出去
So maybe we sell a shoe and it becomes the greatest shoe you ever wore ... 这样,我们卖出一双鞋,这双鞋就成为史上最合脚的鞋...
the greatest car you ever drove from "The Greatest Movie Ever Sold," “史上最卖座电影”中的车是史上最好开的车
the greatest drink you've ever had, courtesy of "The Greatest Movie Ever Sold." 史上最好喝的饮料,进而使影片成为“史上最卖座电影”
Xavier Kochhar: So the idea is, beyond just showing that brands are a part of your life, but actually get them to finance the film? (MS: Get them to finance the film.) 泽维尔·柯查尔:那么就是说, 不仅仅只是展示品牌是人们生活的一部分 而是让这些品牌赞助这部电影?(斯普尔洛克:让这些品牌赞助这部电影)
brands:n.品牌;烙印(brand的复数);v.加商标于;铭刻于(brand的第三人称单数); finance:n.财政,财政学;金融;v.负担经费,供给…经费;
MS: And actually we show the whole process of how does it work. 斯普尔洛克:实际上,我们会展现营销的全过程
The goal of this whole film is transparency . 这部影片的拍摄目的在于透明度
You're going to see the whole thing take place in this movie. 在影片中,你将见证品牌营销的全过程
take place:发生;举行;
So that's the whole concept, the whole film, start to finish. 这就是整部电影的理念 从头至尾,贯穿影片
And I would love for CEG to help make it happen. 希望CEG能够助我一臂之力
Robert Friedman: You know it's funny, because when I first hear it, it is the ultimate respect for an audience. 罗伯特. 弗里德曼:有意思的是 最初听到这样想法时 我认为这是在对观众 表示最崇高的敬意
Guy: I don't know how receptive people are going to be to it though. 但我不知道 人们能不能接受
XK: Do you have a perspective -- 泽维尔·柯查尔:对此你有没有一个预期 --
I don't want to use "angle" because that has a negative connotation -- but do you know how this is going to play out? (MS: No idea.) 我不想用“立场”这个词,因为它带有消极色彩-- 你觉得这部影片产生来什么样的结果?(斯普尔洛克:不知道)
negative:adj.[数]负的;消极的;否定的;阴性的;n.否定;负数;[摄]底片;v.否定;拒绝; connotation:n.内涵;含蓄;暗示,隐含意义;储蓄的东西(词,语等);
David Cohn: How much money does it take to do this? 大卫. 柯恩:拍摄这部影片需要多少钱?
MS: 1.5 million. (DC: Okay.) 一百五十万 (大卫·柯恩:好)
John Kamen: I think that you're going to have a hard time meeting with them, but I think it's certainly worth pursuing a couple big, really obvious brands. 约翰·卡门:我认为想要与这些品牌打交道会非常困难 但是,寻求这些大品牌的支持 肯定值得一试
pursuing:v.追求;致力于;贯彻;跟踪;追赶;(pursue的现在分词) obvious:adj.明显的;显著的;平淡无奇的;
XK: Who knows, maybe by the time your film comes out, we look like a bunch of blithering idiots . 泽维尔·柯查尔:谁知道啊,你的电影拍出来之后 我们可能成了一群胡吹海侃的白痴
a bunch of:一群;一束;一堆; blithering:adj.胡扯的;唠叨不已的; idiots:n.蠢人;笨蛋;白痴;(idiot的复数)
MS: What do you think the response is going to be? 斯普尔洛克:你觉得他们会做出什么回答?
Stuart Ruderfer: The responses mostly will be "no." 斯图尔特. 鲁德尔弗:他们大部分会拒绝
Stuart:斯图亚特王室的; responses:n.回答,答复;反应;响应;(response的复数)
MS: But is it a tough sell because of the film or a tough sell because of me? 斯普尔洛克:他们拒绝的原因是电影本身 还是因为我本人?
JK: Both. 约翰·卡门:都有
MS: ... Meaning not so optimistic . 斯普尔洛克:情况不容乐观啊
So, sir, can you help me? I need help. 先生们,你们能帮我吗?我需要帮助。
MK: I can help. 迈克尔·坎森:我可以帮你
MS: Okay. (MK: Good.) 斯普尔洛克:太好了。(迈克尔·坎森:很好。)
Awesome . 太棒了
MK: We've gotta figure out which brands. 迈克尔·坎森:我们必须锁定品牌
MS: Yeah. (MK: That's the challenge.) 斯普尔洛克:没错。(迈克尔·坎森:这很困难。)
When you look at the people you deal with .. 你将要与之打交道的那些人......
MK: We've got some places we can go. (MS: Okay.) 迈克尔·坎森:我们有一些人脉。(斯普尔洛克: 好的。)
Turn the camera off. 把摄像机关掉
MS: I thought "turn the camera off" 斯普尔洛克:我以为,“把摄像机关掉”
meant let's have an off-the-record conversation. 意思是进行私下讨论
Turns out it really means "We want nothing to do with your movie." 结果,它的意思是 “我们不想和你的电影扯上任何关系。”
MS: And just like that, one by one , all of these companies suddenly disappeared . 斯普尔洛克:就这样,这些公司 一个接着一个,统统消失了
one by one:一个接一个; disappeared:adj.消失的;消失了的;v.消失,失踪;(disappear的过去式和过去分词)
None of them wanted anything to do with this movie. 没有一个人愿意为这部电影出力
I was amazed. 我非常吃惊
They wanted absolutely nothing to do with this project. 他们对这个项目居然没有任何兴趣
And I was blown away , because I thought the whole concept, the idea of advertising, was to get your product out in front of as many people as possible, to get as many people to see it as possible. 我大吃一惊,我以为,打广告的理念与实质 就是把你的产品摆在尽可能多人的面前 让尽可能多的人见识到你的产品
blown away:轻轻吹走(歌曲名);零点爆破(电影名);
Especially in today's world, this intersection of new media and old media and the fractured media landscape , isn't the idea to get that new buzz-worthy delivery vehicle that's going to get that message to the masses . 尤其在现今世界 新老媒介纵横交错 在支离破碎的媒体天下 难道不应该 采用这样一种新式的传送方式 把信息传递给广大民众吗。
intersection:n.交叉;十字路口;交集;交叉点; fractured:v.(使)断裂,折断,破裂;(使)分裂;(fracture的过去式和过去分词) landscape:n.景观;乡村风景画;(文件的)横向打印格式;v.对…做景观美化;美化…的环境; delivery:n.[贸易]交付;分娩;递送; vehicle:n.[车辆]车辆;工具;交通工具;运载工具;传播媒介;媒介物; masses:n.民众;大量(mass的复数);包块;v.集中;聚集(mass的三单形式);
No, that's what I thought. 不,这只是我个人的想法
But the problem was, you see, my idea had one fatal flaw , and that flaw was this. 问题在于,你们看 我的想法有一个致命的错误 这个错误在这里。
fatal:adj.致命的;灾难性的;毁灭性的;导致失败的; flaw:n.瑕疵,缺点; v.使生裂缝,使有裂纹; vi.生裂缝;
Actually no, that was not the flaw whatsoever . 实际上不,这可一点错都没有
That wouldn't have been a problem at all. 这不是问题所在
This would have been fine. 这是可以接受的
But what this image represents was the problem. 但是,这幅图代表了其中的问题
See, when you do a Google image search for transparency, this is --- 你瞧,如果你在谷歌图片中搜索“transparency(透明化)” 这就是 --
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
This is one of the first images that comes up. 这就是排在搜索结果前列的图片之一
So I like the way you roll, Sergey Brin. No. 我喜欢你的作风,谢尔盖·布林(谷歌创始人之一)
(Laughter) (笑声)
This is was the problem: transparency -- free from pretense or deceit; easily detected or seen through; readily understood; characterized by visibility or accessibility of information, especially concerning business practices -- that last line being probably the biggest problem. 这就是问题所在:透明化 -- 决不弄虚作假 透明公开 简单易懂 具有信息可见、易于获取的特性 与商业运作息息相关-- 最后一项可能是最大的问题
pretense:n.借口;虚假;炫耀;自吹(等于pretence); detected:v.发现;查明;侦察出;(detect的过去分词和过去式) readily:adv.容易地;乐意地;无困难地; characterized:adj.以…为特点的; visibility:n.可见性;能见度;能见距离 accessibility:n.易接近;可亲;可以得到; concerning:prep.关于;涉及;v.影响,牵涉(某人);与…有关;涉及;(concern的现在分词)
You see, we hear a lot about transparency these days. 你们看,最近我们经常听到透明化这个词
Our politicians say it, our president says it, even our CEO's say it. 我们的政治家们,我们的总统 甚至首席执行官们都在使用这个词
But suddenly when it comes down to becoming a reality, something suddenly changes. 然而,轮到付诸实践的时候 情况陡然发生了变化
But why? Well, transparency is scary -- 为什么?透明化是洪水猛兽 --
(Roar) (熊吼)
like that odd still screaming bear. 就像这只被定格但还在吼叫的熊
(Laughter) (众人笑)
It's unpredictable -- 它令人捉摸不透--
(Music) (音乐)
(Laughter) (笑声)
like this odd country road. 正如这条奇怪的乡间小路
And it's also very risky. 看起来凶险异常
(Laughter) (笑声)
What else is risky? 那么还有什么是凶险的?
Eating an entire bowl of Cool Whip . 吃掉整整一大碗Cool Whip冰淇淋
Whip:n.鞭子; v.鞭打;
(Laughter) (笑声)
That's very risky. 相当凶险
Now when I started talking to companies and telling them that we wanted to tell this story, and they said, "No, we want you to tell a story. 当我开始与公司进行对话 告诉他们我们想要讲述这样一个故事 他们说:“哦,我们当然想让你们讲故事啦
We want you to tell a story, but we just want to tell our story." 我们希望你们讲故事, 我们只是希望你们讲我们的故事。”
See, when I was a kid and my father would catch me in some sort of a lie -- and there he is giving me the look he often gave me -- he would say, "Son, there's three sides to every story. 当我还是个孩子 我的父亲有时候会发现我在扯谎-- 他在用他一贯的方式盯着我看-- 他会说:“儿子,每一个故事都有三个面。
There's your story, there's my story, and there's the real story." 这里有你的故事, 有我的故事, 还有真实的故事。”
Now you see, with this film, we wanted to tell the real story. 你们看,我们希望通过这部电影来讲述真实的故事
But with only one company, one agency willing to help me -- and that's only because I knew John Bond and Richard Kirshenbaum for years -- 而只有一家公司愿意帮助我-- 因为我与约翰·邦德和理查德·科尔申波姆有多年的交情--
I realized that I would have to go on my own, 我意识到,求人不如求己
I'd have to cut out the middleman and go to the companies myself with all of my team. 我必须跳过中间环节 带着我的团队直接与那些公司交涉
So what you suddenly started to realize -- or what I started to realize -- that when you started having conversations with these companies, the idea of understanding your brand is a universal problem. 你突然间开始意识到-- 或当我开始意识到-- 你开始与这些公司对话时 对你自身品牌的理解是一个普遍问题
(Video) MS: I have friends who make great big, giant Hollywood films, and I have friends who make little independent films like I make. (视频)斯普尔洛克:我有两位朋友是拍摄好莱坞大电影的 我还认识像我一样制作小成本独立电影的朋友
giant:n.巨人;伟人;巨兽;adj.巨大的;特大的 independent:adj.独立的; n.无党派议员(或候选人等);
And the friends of mine who make big, giant Hollywood movies say the reason their films are so successful is because of the brand partners that they have. 而我那些拍摄好莱坞电影的朋友 告诉我,他们的电影之所以成功 得益于他们的品牌赞助商
And then my friends who make small independent films say, "Well, how are we supposed to compete with these big, giant Hollywood movies?" 而我那些制作小成本独立电影的朋友说: “我们怎么样才能完成 这些好莱坞大电影的制作呢?”
supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式) compete:v.竞争;对抗;参加比赛(或竞赛);
And the movie is called "The Greatest Movie Ever Sold." 而这样一部电影就叫做 “史上最卖座电影”
So how specifically will we see Ban in the film? 那么在影片中我们将如何看待Ban这个品牌呢?
specifically:adv.特别地;明确地; Ban:v.下令禁止;查禁;n.禁令;
Any time I'm ready to go, any time I open up my medicine cabinet , you will see Ban deodorant . 每当我准备出门,每当我打开橱柜 你们都会看到Ban香体液
cabinet:n.内阁;储藏柜;陈列柜;adj.内阁的;小房间用的;玲珑的;细木工做的; deodorant:adj.除臭的;防臭的;n.除臭剂;
While anytime I do an interview with someone, 每当我与某人进行会谈
I can say, "Are you fresh enough for this interview? 我会说:“今天会谈,你足够清新了吗?
Are you ready? You look a little nervous. 你准备好了吗?你看起来有点紧张。
I want to help you calm down. 我来帮你放松一下。
So maybe you should put some one before the interview." 或许你可以在会谈之前使用一些。”
So we'll offer one of these fabulous scents . 我们就把这些怡人的香体液摆出来
fabulous:adj.难以置信的;传说的,寓言中的;极好的; scents:n.气味;踪迹(scent的复数);v.嗅到;使充满…气味;察觉(scent的三单形式);
Whether it's a " Floral Fusion " or a " Paradise Winds," 不管是“四溢花香”或是“天堂风韵”
Floral:adj.花的;植物的,植物群的;花似的; Fusion:n.融合;熔化;熔接;融合物;[物]核聚变; Paradise:n.天堂;至福境地;
they'll have their chance. 总有一款适合您
We will have them geared for both male or female -- solid, roll-on , or stick, whatever it may be. 我们会同时面向男士女士们推出这些产品-- 固体型,走珠型,或膏状,各种香体液一应俱全
geared:adj.齿轮传动的,变速螺旋桨; v.用齿轮连接; female:adj.女性的;雌性的;柔弱的,柔和的;n.女人;[动]雌性动物; roll-on:adj.滚搽式容器装的(除臭剂);滚抹的;
That's the two-cent tour. 这就是大致情况
So now I can answer any of your questions and give you the five-cent tour. 现在我会回答你们的任何问题 好让你们进一步了解情况
Karen Frank : We are a smaller brand. 凯伦·弗兰克:我们是一个知名度较小的品牌
Much like you talked about being a smaller movie, we're very much a challenger brand. 就像你说到的小成本电影一样 我们是一个刚起步的品牌
So we don't have the budgets that other brands have. 我们不像其它大品牌那样财大气粗
So doing things like this -- you know, remind people about Ban -- is kind of why were interested in it. 而进行这样的宣传--你知道 能够引起人们对Ban的关注-- 这是吸引我们的地方
MS: What are the words that you would use to describe Ban? 斯普尔洛克:你们会用哪些词来形容Ban这个品牌?
Ban is blank. Ban非常怎么样
KF: That's a great question. 凯伦·弗兰克:问得好
(Laughter) (众人笑)
Woman: Superior technology . 女人:尖端科技
Superior:n.上级;上司;adj.(在品质上)更好的;占优势的;更胜一筹的; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语;
MS: Technology's not the way you want to describe something somebody's putting in their armpit . 斯普尔洛克:科技不是最好的描述方式 香体液是人们擦于腋下的产品
Man: We talk about bold , fresh. 男人:我们谈到了大胆,清新
I think "fresh" is a great word that really spins this category into the positive , versus "fights odor and wetness ." 我想“清新”是这一系列产品的积极写照 与“抑制体味,干爽舒适”相对应
spins:n.[物]旋转; v.[物]旋转(spin的三单形式); positive:adj.积极的;[数]正的,[医][化学]阳性的;确定的;n.正数;[摄]正片; versus:prep.对;与...相对;对抗; wetness:n.湿润;下雨;
It keeps you fresh. 它让你感觉清新
How do we keep you fresher longer -- better freshness , more freshness , three times fresher. 你如何让身体持久清新--更加清新 三倍清新
Things like that that are more of that positive benefit. 这些都能产生积极效果
MS: And that's a multi-million dollar corporation. 那可是个身家几百万的企业集团啊
What about me? What about a regular guy? 那我呢?一个普通人怎么想?
I need to go talk to the man on the street, the people who are like me, the regular Joes. 我有必要问问大街上的人们 他们像我一样,是路人甲乙丙丁
They need to tell me about my brand. 他们需要告诉他们自己的品牌
(Video) MS: How would you guys describe your brand? (视频)斯普尔洛克:你们会怎样描述你们的品牌?
Man: Um, my brand? 男人:我的品牌?
I don't know. 我不知道
I like really nice clothes. 我喜欢非常好的服装
Woman: 80's revival meets skater-punk, unless it's laundry day. 八十年代复古风 结合滑板朋克风格 除非今天是洗衣日
revival:n.复兴;复活;苏醒;恢复精神;再生效; laundry:n.洗衣店,洗衣房;要洗的衣服;洗熨;洗好的衣服;
MS: All right, what is brand Gerry? 斯普尔洛克:好,格里 ,什么是品牌?
Gerry: Unique . (MS: Unique .) 格里:与众不同 (斯普尔洛克:与众不同)
Man: I guess what kind of genre , style I am would be like dark glamor . 男人:我认为是我所特有的风格 应该是“暗色迷情”
genre:n.类型;种类;体裁;样式;流派;风俗画;adj.风俗画的;以日常情景为主题的; glamor:n.魅力;魔法;迷人的美;vt.迷惑;使有魅力;
I like a lot of black colors, a lot of grays and stuff like that. 我喜欢黑色 灰色之类的事物
But usually I have an accessory , like sunglasses, or I like crystal and stuff like that too. 我通常会戴一个配件 比如太阳眼镜 我还喜欢水晶配件
accessory:n.配件;附件;[法]从犯;adj.副的;同谋的;附属的; crystal:n.水晶; adj.晶莹的;
Woman: If Dan were a brand, he might be a classic convertible 女人:如果丹是一个品牌 那他可能会是一款经典的敞篷车
classic:n.名著;优秀的典范;adj.最优秀的;第一流的;有代表性的;典型的; convertible:adj.可改变的;同意义的;可交换的;n.有活动折篷的汽车;
Mercedes Benz. 就像梅塞德斯. 奔驰
Man 2: The brand that I am is, I would call it, casual fly. 男人2:我的品牌 我会叫它“不拘一格”
Woman 2: Part hippie , part yogi , part Brooklyn girl -- I don't know. 女人2:有点嬉皮,有点瑜伽 有点布鲁克林女孩的味道--我不知道
hippie:n.嬉皮士;嬉皮模样的年青人;adj.嬉皮的; yogi:n.瑜珈修行者;瑜珈信徒;沉思或神秘的人;
Man 3: I'm the pet guy. 男人3:我喜欢养宠物
I sell pet toys all over the country, all over the world. 我的宠物玩具销往全国,甚至全世界
So I guess that's my brand. 我想这就是我的品牌
In my warped little industry, that's my brand. 在这个扭曲的小行业里,这就是我的品牌
Man 4: My brand is FedEx because I deliver the goods . 男人4:我的品牌是“联邦快递”,我是送货的
FedEx:n.联邦快递(等于theFederalExpress); deliver the goods:交货;不负众望;达到要求;
Man 5: Failed writer-alcoholic brand. 男人5:“落破酗酒作家”牌
Is that something? 这算吗?
Lawyer: I'm a lawyer brand. 律师:我的品牌是律师
Tom: I'm Tom. 汤姆:我是“汤姆牌”
MS: Well we can't all be brand Tom, but I do often find myself at the intersection of dark glamor and casual fly. 斯普尔洛克:可我们不能都成为“汤姆牌”,但我经常发现自己 是“暗色迷情”和“不拘一格”的结合体
(Laughter) (笑声)
And what I realized is I needed an expert. 我意识到,我需要的是一位专家
I needed somebody who could get inside my head, somebody who could really help me understand what they call your "brand personality ." 我系一位能够读懂我内心所想、 一位能够真正帮助我 了解何为“品牌个性”的人
And so I found a company called Olson Zaltman in Pittsburg . 于是我在匹兹堡找到了一家名为Olson Zaltman的公司
They've helped companies like Nestle , Febreze, Hallmark discover than brand personality. 他们帮助过雀巢,宝洁公司的Febreze,贺曼(Hallmark)等品牌 发现他们的品牌个性
Nestle:vi.舒适地坐定;偎依;半隐半现地处于;vt.抱;安置; Hallmark:n.特点;品质证明;vt.给…盖上品质证明印记;使具有…标志;
If they could do it for them, surely they could do it for me. 如果他们能够帮助那些品牌,那么他们肯定能够帮助我
(Video) Abigail: You brought your pictures, right? (视频)艾比加尔:你把图片都带来了对吗?
MS: I did. The very first picture is a picture of my family. 斯普尔洛克:我带了。第一张图片 是我的全家福
A: So tell me a little bit how it relates to your thoughts and feelings about who you are. 艾比加尔:请告诉我这张照片跟你对自己感想有什么联系
MS: These are the people who shape the way I look at the world. 斯普尔洛克:这些人帮助我形成了对世界的看法
A: Tell me about this world. 艾比加尔:这是个什么样的世界
MS: This world? I think your world is the world you live in -- like people who are around you, your friends, your family, the way you live your life, the job you do. 斯普尔洛克:这个世界?我认为你的世界就是你生活的世界-- 你身边的所有人,你的朋友,家人 你的生活方式,你的工作
All those things stemmed and started from one place, and for me they stemmed and started with my family in West Virginia . 这一切都有一个生根发芽发芽的地方 而对于我这个地方就是我在西弗吉尼亚州的家
stemmed:adj.去掉茎或梗的; v.起源于(stem的过去分词形式); Virginia:adj.弗吉尼亚州的;
A: What's the next one you want to talk about? 艾比加尔:下一张图呢?
MS: The next one: This was the best day ever. 斯普尔洛克:下一张:这是我最开心的一天
A: How does this relate to your thoughts and feelings about who you are? 艾比加尔:这与你对自己的看法有什么联系呢?
MS: It's like who do I want to be. 斯普尔洛克:这与我想要成为什么样的人有关
I like things that are different. 我喜欢新奇的事物
I like things that are weird . I like weird things. 我喜欢奇怪的事物
A: Tell me about the "why" phase -- what does that do for us? 艾比加尔:告诉我“为什么”--这对我们有什么帮助?
What is the machete ? What pupa stage are you in now? 那把弯刀代表什么?你现在出于哪个孕育阶段?
machete:n.弯刀;大砍刀;马谢特琴; pupa:n.[昆]蛹;
Why is it important to reboot ? What does the red represent? 重整旗鼓为什么那么重要?红色代表什么?
Tell me a little bit about that part. 请解释一下这个部分
... A little more about you that is not who you are. 说一下哪些不符合你的风格
What are some other metamorphoses that you've had? 你经过哪些蜕变?
... Doesn't have to be fear. What kind of roller coaster are you on? 不一定是恐惧。你所坐的是什么样的过山车?
roller coaster:过山车;
MS: EEEEEE! (A: Thank you.) No, thank you. 斯普尔洛克:呀......! (艾比加尔:谢谢。)不,我谢谢你
A: Thanks for you patience . (MS: Great job.) 艾比加尔:感谢你的耐心合作。(斯普尔洛克:你干得很好。)
A: Yeah. (MS: Thanks a lot.) All right. 艾比加尔:是吗。(斯普尔洛克:非常感谢。)好的
MS: Yeah, I don't know what's going to come of this. 唉,我不知道最后的结果如何
There was a whole lot of crazy going on in there. 这其中有太多复杂繁琐的事情了
Lindsay Zaltman: The first thing saw was this idea that you had two distinct , but complementary , sides to your brand personality -- the Morgan Spurlock brand is a mindful/play brand. 林赛·左特曼:这个想法的第一印象 你的品牌个性中有两个迥然不同 却相辅相成的两面-- 摩根·斯普尔洛克品牌是一个既有思想又玩世不恭的品牌
distinct:adj.明显的;独特的;清楚的;有区别的; complementary:adj.补足的,补充的;
Those are juxtaposed very nicely together. 这两种很好地结合在一起
juxtaposed:v.并列(juxtapose的过去式); nicely:adv.细致地;有吸引力;令人满意;令人愉快;adj.强健的;
And I think there's almost a paradox with those. 这两者几乎形成一个矛盾体
And I think some companies will just focus on one of their strengths or the other instead of focusing on both. 我认为一些公司 往往只偏重其优势的其中一项 而不会两者兼顾
Most companies tend to -- and it's human nature -- to avoid things that they're not sure of, avoid fear, those elements , and you really embrace those, and you actually turn them into positives for you, and it's a neat thing to see. 大多数公司偏向于--这也是人之常情-- 回避他们把握不准的事情 回避恐惧等等 而你却正好相反 你实际上把这些都转变成了积极因素,这是很好的
human nature:n.人性; elements:n.要素;基本部分;少量;一群;(element的复数) embrace:n.拥抱,怀抱;v.拥抱;乐意采纳(思想、建议等);信奉;包括; positives:n.实在的事物;阳极板(positive的复数); neat:adj.整洁的;整齐的;有序的;有条理的;
What other brands are like that? 那么类似的品牌有哪些呢?
The first on here is the classic, Apple. 第一个就是最经典的,苹果公司
And you can see here too, Target, Wii, 另外还有Target,Wii
Mini from the Mini Coopers , and JetBlue . Mini Coopers中的Mini,还有JetBlue
Coopers:n.制桶工人;箍桶匠;(cooper的复数) JetBlue:n.美国捷蓝航空公司;
Now there's playful brands and mindful brands, those things that have come and gone, but a playful, mindful brand is a pretty powerful thing. 有些品牌是“玩世不恭”的,有些品牌是有思想深度的 而这些品牌都不长久 但一个既有思想深度,又有些玩世不恭的品牌,是非常有力量的
playful:adj.开玩笑的;幽默的;爱嬉戏的; mindful:adj.留心的;记住的;警觉的;
MS: A playful, mindful brand. What is your brand? 斯普尔洛克:一个玩世不恭,又有思想的品牌。那么你的品牌呢?
If someone asked you to describe your brand identity , your brand personality, what would you be? 如果有人让你描述自己的品牌定位,你的品牌个性 你会如何描述?
Are you an up attribute ? Are you something that gets the blood flowing? 你是否高调?你会让人心潮澎湃吗?
Or are you more of a down attribute? 或者是低调品牌?
Are you something that's a little more calm, reserved , conservative ? 你的品牌是否较为沉稳,矜持,保守?
reserved:adj.内向的; v.预订,预约; (reserve的过去分词和过去式) conservative:adj.保守的;n.保守派,守旧者;
Up attributes are things like being playful, being fresh like the Fresh Prince, contemporary , adventurous , edgy or daring like Errol Flynn, nimble or agile , profane , domineering , magical or mystical like Gandalf. 高调品牌一般较为玩世不恭 就像Fresh Prince那样新奇 时尚,冒险 像埃罗尔·弗林那样前卫,大胆 敏捷,灵活,世俗,霸气 像甘道夫那样神奇又神秘
attributes:v.把…归因于; n.属性; (attribute的第三人称单数和复数) contemporary:n.同时代的人;同时期的东西;adj.当代的;同时代的;属于同一时期的; adventurous:adj.爱冒险的;大胆的;充满危险的; edgy:adj.急躁的;尖利的;刀口锐利的; nimble:adj.敏捷的;聪明的;敏感的; agile:adj.敏捷的;机敏的;活泼的; profane:adj.亵渎的;世俗的;异教的;vt.亵渎;玷污; domineering:adj.跋扈的;专横的;盛气凌人的;v.实行暴政;高耸;流行(domineer的ing形式); mystical:adj.神秘的;神秘主义的;
Or are you more of a down attribute? 或者你的品牌较为低调?
Are you mindful, sophisticated like 007? 你像007那样深思熟虑,世故老道?
Are you established , traditional , nurturing , protective , empathetic like the Oprah ? 你是否名声显赫,传统,孜孜不倦,保守 像奥普拉那样煽情?
established:adj.已确立的;著名的;v.建立;创立;设立;(establish的过去分词和过去式) traditional:传统的,惯例的, nurturing:v.养育;培养;扶持;支持;助长;(nurture的现在分词) protective:adj.防护的;关切保护的;保护贸易的; empathetic:adj.移情作用的;同感的(等于empathic); Oprah:n.奥普拉(美国电视节目主持人);
Are you reliable , stable , familiar , safe, secure, sacred, contemplative or wise like the Dalai Lama or Yoda? 你是否值得信赖,稳重,熟悉 安全,可靠,神圣 充满思想与智慧 就像达赖喇嘛或尤达大师(星战人物)那样?
reliable:adj.可信赖的;可依靠的;真实可信的;可靠的; stable:n.马厩;牛棚;adj.稳定的;牢固的;坚定的;vi.被关在马厩;赶入马房; familiar:adj.熟悉的;常见的;亲近的;n.常客;密友; contemplative:adj.沉思的;冥想的;默想的; Dalai Lama:n.达赖喇嘛(西藏佛教领袖,从前为西藏统治者);
Over the course of this film, we had 500-plus companies who were up and down companies saying, "no," they didn't want any part of this project. 从这部影片中 我们发现了超过五百家 高调或低调品牌的公司 他们说:“不”,他们不愿意与这部影片扯上任何关系
They wanted nothing to do with this film, mainly because they would have no control, they would have no control over the final product. 他们不愿意与影片扯上关系,主要是因为他们没有控制权 他们无法控制最终成品
But we did get 17 brand partners who were willing to relinquish that control, who wanted to be in business with someone as mindful and as playful as myself, and who ultimately empowered us to tell stories that normally we wouldn't be able to tell -- stories that an advertiser would normally never get behind . 但我们最终还是得到了17家合作公司 他们愿意交出控制权 他们愿意和像我这样 既有思想又玩世不恭的人合作 他们把讲述故事的权力完全交给了我们 讲述那些鲜为人知的故事-- 那些广告商从未深入发掘的故事
relinquish:vt.放弃;放手;让渡; empowered:v.授权;给(某人)…的权力;(empower的过去分词和过去式) normally:adv.正常地;通常地,一般地; advertiser:n.广告客户;刊登广告的人; get behind:支持;落后;识破;
They enabled us to tell the story about neuromarketing, as we got into telling the story in this film about how now they're using MRI's to target the desire centers of your brain for both commercials as well as movie marketing. 他们让我们讲述关于神经营销学的故事 我们在电影中 介绍他们如何先通过核磁共振成像技术 找到你大脑中控制欲求的区域 再来做广告,拍摄营销式电影
enabled:v.使得;授予…权力;(enabled是enable的过去式) commercials:n.商业广告;宣传;商业股票;(commercial的复数) as well as:也;和…一样;不但…而且;
We went to San Paulo where they have banned outdoor advertising. 我们去到禁止户外广告圣保罗
banned:v.明令禁止;取缔;禁止(某人)做某事;(ban的过去分词和过去式) outdoor:adj.户外的;露天的;
In the entire city for the past five years, there's no billboards , there's no posters , there's no fliers , nothing. 这个城市在过去整整五年里 没有设任何广告牌,张贴任何海报,没有发过任何宣传单,什么都没有
billboards:n.(大幅)广告牌;v.宣传;(billboard的第三人称单数和复数) posters:n.海报;巨幅装饰画;发布消息的人;(poster的复数) fliers:n.飞行员;飞机乘客;小广告;(flier的复数)
(Applause) (掌声)
And we went to school districts where now companies are making their way into cash-strapped schools all across America. 我们去到学校区 在这里,各个公司试图把广告打入 全美所有财政紧张的学校
What's incredible for me is the projects that I've gotten the most feedback out of, or I've had the most success in, are ones where I've interacted with things directly . 让我意想不到的是,让我得到最多反馈 或者让我取得最大收获的 竟然是我亲自去处理的那些事情
incredible:adj.难以置信的,惊人的; feedback:n.反馈;反馈意见;回授;[电子]反馈; interacted:v.交流;沟通;合作;相互影响;(interact的过去分词和过去式) directly:adv.直接地;立即;马上;正好地;坦率地;conj.一…就;
And that's what these brands did. 这些品牌就是怎么做的
they cut out the middleman, they cut out their agencies and said, maybe these agencies don't have my best interest in mind. 他们跳过中间人,跳过中介 认为,这些中介 可能并没有把我的利益放在首位
I'm going to deal directly with the artist. 我将直接与艺术家交涉
I'm going to work with him to create something different, something that's going to get people thinking, that's going to challenge the way we look at the world. 我将和他一起创造出一部不同凡响的影片 让人们从中有所领悟 这将颠覆我们对世界的看法
And how has that been for them? Has it been successful? 这对人们产生了什么影响?这么做成功了吗?
Well, since the film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, let's take a look. 这部电影在圣丹斯电影节上首度上映,我们来看看
According to Burrelles the movie premiered in January, and since then -- and this isn't even the whole thing -- we've had 900 million media impressions for this film. 根据Burrelles 的数据,电影自一月份首度上映以来 -- 这还不是整部电影 -- 我们就得到了媒体对该电影的9亿次报道
According to:根据,据说; impressions:n.印象;观感;(impression的复数)
That's literally covering just like a two and a half-week period. 全部报道加起来时长为两周半
That's only online -- no print, no TV. 这还只是网络上的情况--不包括报纸杂志,或电视
The film hasn't even been distributed yet. 这部电影甚至还没有发行
It's not even online. It's not even streaming. 网络上没有 不能在线观看
It's not even been out into other foreign countries yet. 也没有在其它国家上映
So ultimately, this film has already started to gain a lot of momentum . 最后 这部电影已经收到了广泛的关注
And not bad for a project that, almost every ad agency we talked to advised their clients not to take part. 对于这样一部影片而已,这是个不错的成绩 我们当时找的广告公司都建议客户不要参与
advised:adj.考虑过的; v.劝告; (advise的过去分词和过去式) clients:n.委托人;当事人;客户机;(client的复数)
What I always believe is that, if you take chances, if you take risks, that in those risks will come opportunity. 我始终相信 如果你敢于尝试,敢于冒险 这些风险就会成为机遇
I believe that when you push people away from that, you're pushing them more towards failure. 我相信当你不让人们冒险 你就是在把他们推向失败
I believe that, when you train your employees to be risk averse , then you're preparing your whole company to be reward challenged. 我相信,当你教育你的员工不去冒险 那么你就是在将整个公司的利益 置于危险之中
averse:adj.反对的;不愿意的; reward:n.[劳经]报酬;报答;酬谢;v.[劳经]奖励;奖赏;
I feel like that what has to happen moving forward is we need to encourage people to take risks. 我认为想要取得进步 我们就必须鼓励人们敢于冒险
We need to encourage people to not be afraid of opportunities that may scare them. 我们必须鼓励人们 不要害怕看似危险的机遇
Ultimately, moving forward, 最终,勇往直前
I think we have to embrace fear. 我认为我们必须直面恐惧
We've got to put that bear in a cage. 必须把那只熊关进笼子里
(Laughter) (笑声)
Embrace fear. Embrace risk. 直面恐惧 直面风险
One big spoonful at a time, we have to embrace risk. 一口接一口,直面风险
And ultimately, we have to embrace transparency. 最终,我们必须拥抱透明化
Today, more than ever, a little honesty is going to go a long way. 现在,比以往任何时候 一点点诚信就能产生很强的生命力
And that being said, through honesty and transparency, my entire talk, "Embrace Transparency," 我说过:通过诚信与透明 我的整个演讲“拥抱透明化”
has been brought to you by my good friends at EMC, who for $7,100, bought the naming rights on Ebay. 由我在EMC的好友们 赞助播出 他们以7100美元 在Ebay网上买下了演讲冠名权
(Applause) (掌声)
EMC: Turning big data into big opportunity for organizations all over the world. EMC: 变庞大数据 为巨大机遇 造福全球企业
EMC presents "Embrace Transparency." EMC为您呈现“拥抱透明化”
Thank you very much, guys. 非常感谢各位
(Applause) (掌声)
June Cohen: So, Morgan, in the name of transparency, what exactly happened to that $7,100? 琼·柯翰:那么,摩根 为贯彻透明化的宗旨 那7100美元被弄到哪儿去啦?
in the name of:以…的名义;
MS: That is a fantastic question. 斯普尔洛克:这个问题问得太好了
I have in my pocket a check made out to the parent organization to the TED organization, the Sapling Foundation -- a check for $7,100 to be applied toward my attendance for next year's TED. 我口袋里有一张支票 是TED的母公司 种子基金会(Sapling Foundation) 开的一张7100美元支票 作为我明年TED的出场费
Sapling:n.树苗;年轻人; Foundation:n.基础;地基;基金会;根据;创立; applied:adj.应用的;实用的;v.应用;使用;申请,请求;(apply的过去分词和过去式) attendance:n.出席;到场;出席人数;
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)