

US Outpost Fab220 Antarctica (南极洲 美国220号研究站)
You'd better pray to the Lord When you see those flying saucers # 当你看到飞碟时,请向上帝祈祷 #
Lord:n.(英国)贵族,大人,大臣;v.使成贵族;作威作福; saucers:(放茶杯的)浅碟;茶托;茶碟(saucer的复数);
It may be the coming of the Judgment Day # 也许是审判日到了 #
Hey, Jerry, you might wanna check this one out. Palomarjust picked it up. 嘿,杰瑞,过来看一下 帕洛马山天文台刚发现了这个
Looks like some type of UFO, and it's heading this way. 看上去像某种 UFO,沿着这边行进
How many times do I have to tell you? 跟你说过多少次了?
UFOs don't exist and we're never gonna see... UFO 不存在,我们绝不会看到...
Wow, its energy signature is massive . - Holy Oheez-lts! What do we do?! 哇哦,它的能量特征非常明显 - 天呐!我们该怎么办?!
signature:n.署名;签名;信号; massive:adj.大量的;巨大的,厚重的;魁伟的;
No one told us what to do! 没人告诉过我们该怎么办!
I took this job because you never have to do anything! 正因为这差事很闲 我才找了这份工作!
Jerry, stop it. Let me calculate its impact point. 杰瑞,住嘴 我来计算下它的撞击点
Looks like... 似乎是...
... Modesto , Oalifornia. ...加州的莫德斯托
Supernova , this is Red Dwarf . We actually have one! 超新星,这是红矮星 我们确实发现了一个!
Supernova:n.超新星; Dwarf:v.变矮小;n.侏儒,矮子;adj.矮小的;
Oode Nimoy! I repeat, Oode Nimoy! 外星人警报!重复,外星人警报!
Monsters VS Aliens 片名 怪物大战外星人
What are you guys doing here? It's 5:00 in the morning. 大家伙在这干嘛?才凌晨5点
Hurry, turn on the TV! Turn it on now! 快点,打开电视!快啊!
...and some early morning fog, giving way to sunny skies. ...会有晨雾,白天晴天
Seventy-five degrees. 华氏75度
A perfect day to stop by the old folk art and craft show down at the fairgrounds , or a perfect day to marry Susan Murphy . 真是个好天气啊 可以去市场上遛遛古民间艺术展 或是和苏珊.墨菲结婚
craft:n.工艺;船;手艺;飞行器;v.(尤指用手工)精心制作; fairgrounds:n.游乐场;[贸易]集市场地(fairground的复数形式); Murphy:n.马铃薯,土豆;
I love you, baby. 我爱你,宝贝
I love you, too. 我也爱你
And good morning, Modesto! 早安啦,莫德斯托!
Ohannel 172. 172频道
You look gorgeous , sweetheart . 你太漂亮了,甜心
gorgeous:adj.华丽的,灿烂的;极好的; sweetheart:n.亲爱的;甜心;爱人;心上人
Thanks, Mom. 谢谢,妈妈
My little girl! 我的乖女儿!
Daddy! 爸爸!
Now, I want you to know that, even though I'm about to give you away... 你得明白,即使我把你嫁出去了...
...I will always be here to take care of you. ...我仍会一直关心你
Don't cry because then you'll make me cry, and that's just gonna be a mess . 别哭了,你弄得我也想哭了 那样就不好看了
I can't help it! 我忍不住!
Hello, everyone! Attention, attention! 各位好!注意,注意!
Wedding starts in 30 minutes! 婚礼将在30分钟后开始
My beautiful daughter-in-law ! - Hi, Mama Dietl. 我美丽的儿媳妇! - 嗨,迪特尔妈妈
It's like a fairy tale . The Weatherman and the Weatherman's Wife. 真像是童话故事,气象员和他的妻子
fairy tale:adj.童话的;童话式的; Weatherman:n.气象员;天气预报员;
Romantic . 好浪漫
I know. Just think, this time tomorrow, I'm gonna be in Paris! 是啊,想想,明天这时候 我就在巴黎了!
And someday, we won't just be honeymooning there. 而且总有一天 我们不止去那度蜜月
Derek will become an anchor or a foreign correspondent . 德里克会成为一个主播 或是一个驻外记者
And we'll travel all over the world. - Honey, my fingers are crossed. 然后我们会周游世界 - 宝贝,祝你美梦成真
One thumb is shorter than the other. Runs in the family. 一个大拇指长,一个大拇指短 是遗传的
Derek doesn't have that. 德里克不这样啊
It skips a generation. Your kids are gonna have it! 是隔代遗传 你的小孩也会这样!
Wow, you look beautiful. 哇哦,你好漂亮
So do you. I mean, handsome. 你也是,我是说,你很帅
I mean... Sorry. I'm just a little frazzled . 我的意思是...抱歉,我有点累
I just spent way too much time with our parents. 和父母呆太长时间了
Don't worry, OK? We'll be alone soon, just us. 别担心,好吗? 马上就能独处了,就我们俩
Eating cheese and baguettes by the Seine, feeding each other chocolate crepes . 在塞纳河畔品尝奶酪和面包 相互喂食巧克力薄饼
baguettes:n.法国长棍面包(baguette的复数); crepes:n.法式薄饼;绉丝(crepe的复数);
Is something wrong? - No, no! It's just that, well... 有问题吗? - 没,没有!只是,呃...
There's been a slight change of plans. 计划有变