

∮To the head bone ? 颈骨连接到头骨
∮The head bone's connected to the horn bone ? 头骨连接到角骨
∮The horn bone's right above the wing bones ? 角骨就在翼骨上方
Ah! I scared you! 我吓到你了
No, you didn't. 才怪
Okay! Remember our field trip rules, everyone. 记得校外教学的规则
field trip:n.(常指学生进行的)野外考察;
Uh, no pushing, no biting, and no fire breathing! 不准推人、咬人、喷火
What did I just say? 真不听话
18、19… Eighteen, nineteen...
Okay, we're missing one. Who are we missing? 好,少一个,少了谁?
Oh. Mike Wazowski. 麦克华斯基啊
Thanks, Joe. Good luck finishing your crossword puzzle . 谢了,乔,祝你幸运填完字谜
crossword puzzle:纵横字谜游戏;
Sorry, Michael. I didn't see you. 抱歉,麦克,我没看到你
That's okay. When I was on the bus, I found a nickel ! 没关系,我在巴士上检到5分硬币
I wish I had pockets. 可惜我没口袋
Okay, everyone, partner up. Get your field trip buddy . 同学们,两人一组,找个搭挡
Jeremy! You and me? Okay, no biggie . 杰瑞米,我们一组?好,没关系
Hailey? No? Pairing up with Claire? 海莉?不要?跟克莱儿一组?
Great choice. She's a good egg. 好选择,她是颗好蛋
Russell. 鲁索?
Mike? Wazowski? 我是麦克?大眼仔?
We car-pool ? 我们同车的?
We're cousins. - Hey! 我们是亲戚
Okay. Good catching up. 好,谈话愉快
Well, Michael, it looks like it's you and me again. 麦克,看来又剩我和你了
Come on, Karen. We're falling behind. 快点,凯伦,我们落后了
Please don't call me Karen. 别直呼老师名字
Now, stay close together. 大家跟紧
We're entering a very dangerous area. 我们正进入很危险的区域
Welcome to the Scare Floor. 欢迎来到惊吓厂房
This is where we collect the Scream Energy to power our whole world. 这里收集尖叫能量供怪兽世界充电 有人能告诉我
And can anyone tell me whose job it is to go get that scream? 收集尖叫是谁的工作?
Scarers ! 惊吓专员
That's right! 答对了
Now, which one of you can give me the scariest roar ? 谁能示范最吓人的吼声?
Me, me, me! 选我…!
Oh! Sir! Right here! Little green guy, two o'clock! No, it's like this. 先生,这里,2点钟方向的小绿人 像这样
Hey, guys, watch this one. 照过来
Hey, I got a really good... 我很会吼的
Whoa. 哇塞
Well, hey there, kids. Are you on a tour with your school? 小朋友,你们跟学校来参观吗?
Yes. 没错
We're here to learn about Scream Energy and what it takes to be a Scarer. 我们来认识尖叫能源 及学习当个惊吓专员
Well, hey, you're in luck, because I just happen to be a Scarer. 你们很好运,我正好是惊吓专员
I learned everything I know from my school, 我在母校怪兽大学练就一身技能
Monsters University. Whoa.It's the best Scaring School there is. 那是第一名的惊吓学校
You wish! Fear Tech's the best. 想得美,恐惧科大才是第一
Okay. You guys watch us and tell me which school's the best. All right? 好,看着我们说,哪间学校最赞?
MU is. 怪兽大学
West coast coming only. 走啦,各位
West coast:n.美国西海岸(尤指加利福尼亚州);
Scarers coming only. 西岸上线,惊吓专员出动