

Good night, sweetheart . 晚安,小乖乖
'Night, Mom. 晚安,妈咪
Sleep tight , kiddo . 好好睡,小家伙
Sleep tight:睡个好觉;安眠; kiddo:老兄;老姐;孩子
Simulation terminated . 模拟程式结束…
Simulation:n.仿真;模拟;模仿;假装; terminated:v.(使)停止,结束,终止;到达终点站;(terminate的过去式和过去分词)
Simulation terminated. 模拟程式结束…
Simulation terminated. Simulation terminated. 模拟程式结束…
Simulation terminated. 模拟程式结束…
All right. Mr. Bile , is it? 鼻涕先生,对吧?
My friends call me Phlegm . 我的朋友都叫我痰痰
Mr. Bile, can you tell me what you did wrong? 鼻涕先生,你做错了什么?
I fell down? 我跌倒了?
No, no, before that. 不是啦,在那之前
Can anyone tell me Mr. Bile's big mistake? 有人知道他到底 犯了什么大错吗?
Anyone? 有人知道吗?
Let's take a look at the tape. Here we go. 让我们看看录影带,来吧
take a look at:看一看;检查;
Right there. See? The door. You left it wide open. 就在…那儿 那扇门,你没关好
And leaving the door open is the worst mistake any employee can make because... 没把门关好是天大的错误 为什么?
It could let in a draft ? 冷风会吹进来?
draft:n.草案; v.起草; adj.供役使的;
It could let in a child. 小孩子会闯进来
Mr. Waternoose. 荷特路老板
There's nothing more toxic or deadly than a human child. 人类小孩是世上 最毒最致命的东西
toxic:adj.有毒的;中毒的; deadly:adj.致命的;非常的;死一般的;adv.非常;如死一般地;
A single touch could kill you. 摸一下就会死人
Leave a door open and a child could walk right into this factory, right into the monster world. 门没关好,小孩就能走进来 闯进怪兽世界
I won't go in a kid's room. You can't make me. 我才不进去,死都不去
You're going in there because we need this. 你一定要去,我们需要这个
Our city is counting on you to collect those children's screams. 我们要靠你们 收集小孩的尖叫声
Without scream we have no power. 没有尖叫声就没有电力
Yes, it's dangerous work. 这工作很危险
And that's why I need you to be at your best. 所以你们一定要全力以赴
I need scarers who are confident , tenacious , tough. 吓人怪兽一定要 有自信、有耐力
scarers:n.吓人的人;吓人的事物; confident:adj.自信的;确信的; tenacious:adj.顽强的;坚韧的;固执的;紧握的;黏着力强的;
Intimidating . 神勇飙悍、凶猛可怕
I need scarers like... Like James P. Sullivan. 最高竿的怪兽就是…
I need scarers like... Like James P. Sullivan. 詹姆士苏利文
Hey, good morning, Monstropolis. It's five after 6:00 a.m. 早安,怪兽之都
in the big Monster City. 现在是怪兽城市 清晨六点零五分
The temperature's a balmy 65 degrees which is good for you reptiles . 气温是华氏六十五度 这对爬虫类是好消息
balmy:adj.芳香的;温和的;止痛的; reptiles:n.爬行动物(reptile的复数);[脊椎]爬行类;爬虫类;
And it looks like it's gonna be a perfect day to lie in bed, sleep in, or simply work off that flab that's hanging over the bed! 这种天气最适合赖床 或是锻练垂在床边的赘肉
Get up, Sulley! 毛怪,起床罗
I don't believe I ordered a wake-up call , Mikey. 大眼仔,我可没要求叫床服务
wake-up call:叫醒电话;叫醒服务;警钟;唤醒服务;
Less talk, more pain, marshmallow boy! 废话少说,棉花糖小子
Feel the burn. You call yourself a monster? 快用力,你这算什么怪兽?
Scary feet, scary feet. The kid's awake! 快快跑…小孩子醒了
Scary feet, scary feet, scary feet. Kid's asleep! 快快跑…小孩睡着了
Twins! In a bunk bed! 双胞胎,上下铺
I thought I had you there. 我差点就把你考倒
OK, Sulley, here we go. You ready? Follow it. It's over here. 毛怪,准备好,盯着它
Over there. Don't let the kid touch you. Don't let him touch you! 在这边,这边… 别让小孩碰到你
I don't know but it's been said I love scarin' kids in bed 大家都知道,吓小孩最好玩
Fight that plaque . Scary monsters don't have plaque . 牙齿一定要美白 怪兽不能有蛀牙
One-eighteen. Do you have 119? Do I see 120? 118下,119下 加油,你还行吗,再来一下
I don't believe it. 棒呆了
I'm not breaking a sweat. 我连一滴汗都没流
Not you. Look! The new commercial's on. 我不是说你啦,播广告了