

I think you'll find our... 我相信您会品尝到我们的
Napa Chardonnay to have hints of vanilla and caramel with a velvety smooth finish. 那帕霞多丽葡萄酒有淡淡的香草和焦糖味 入口十分爽滑
Chardonnay:n.夏敦埃酒(一种类似夏布利酒的无甜味白葡萄酒); hints:n.暗示,提示(hint的复数形式);v.暗示,示意(hint的单三形式); caramel:n.焦糖;饴糖;焦糖糖果; velvety:adj.天鹅绒般柔软的;醇和的,可口的;
Are you all right? 你还好吗
Some days are better than others. 有时欢喜有时忧
Thanks for asking. 您有心了
It's very good. 这酒非常好
Yeah, 2004 was a great year for this wine. 是的 2004年对这酒来说是个好年份
Not so much for me. 对我来说就不怎么样了
Enjoy. 用餐愉快
So, did I talk you into that souffl? 您决定点蛋奶酥了吗
Uh, yeah, two. 是的 两份
Good call. 您真明智
You won't want to share. 您不会舍得分着吃的
Oh, God. 老天
Happy birthday to you 祝您生日快乐
Happy birthday to you 祝您生日快乐
Happy birthday, dear... 祝您生日快乐 亲爱的
Ethel 埃塞尔
Happy birthday to you. 祝您生日快乐
And many more. 祝您年年有今日
More butter and salt. 再加些黄油和盐
They only need to live long enough to pay the check. 客人只需要活到把单买了就行了
Beat those egg whites gently ... 打蛋白要温柔些
as if they were a small, annoying child. 就当它们是讨人厌的小孩子
Paul, you're on fire again. 保罗 你又着火了
Um, Christy, you got a second? 克丽丝蒂 你有时间吗
I can't talk now, Gabriel. 我现在没空 加布里埃尔
I'm working. 我在工作
Yeah, I know, but, uh, here's the thing. 我知道 但事实是
I-I'm getting a lot of complaints . 我收到很多投诉
Really? 是吗
About what? 投诉什么
Well, apparently , one of my waitresses is having a nervous breakdown . 很显然 有一位女服务员 精神崩溃了
apparently:adv.显然地;似乎,表面上; waitresses:n.女服务员;女侍者;v.做女服务生; nervous breakdown:n.神经衰弱;
Is it Jennifer? 是珍妮弗吗
No. 不是
Is it Carol ? 是卡罗尔吗
It's you! 是你
Gabriel, what does this taste like to you? 加布里埃尔 你觉得这个是什么的味道
Uh, mushrooms? 蘑菇吗
The correct answer was "Ass." 正确的答案应该是 狗屁不如
Listen, uh, maybe you should take the rest of the night off. 听我说 不如你现在就下班吧
I can't afford to do that. 我不能这样做
I have children to feed. 我还要喂饱我家孩子呢
Not a problem. Grab a couple steaks, head home and feed 'em. 没问题 拿几块牛排 回家喂他们吧
You don't understand. 你不明白
The guy at table four said something horrible to me when I was telling him about the salmon . 我给四号桌的客人介绍三文鱼的时候 他对我讲了些难听的话
horrible:可怕的,极讨厌的, salmon:n.鲑鱼;大马哈鱼;鲑肉色;鲑鱼肉;橙红色,粉橙色;adj.浅澄色的;
What's wrong with the salmon? 三文鱼有什么问题
Nothing, the salmon's great. 没什么 三文鱼非常好
The guy insulted me. 那家伙侮辱了我
Oh, that's fine. 那就没事了
What did he say? 他说了什么
He said I was... 他说我是个