

[Baby cooing] [宝宝牙牙学语]
What if I was to tell you that a game of peekaboo could change the world? 如果我告诉你们 躲猫猫这个游戏可以改变世界呢?
Sounds impossible, right? 听起来很不可思议,对吧?
Well, I'm here today to prove it's not. 好吧,那我今天就来证明它的可能。
And this is my little friend, Ari. 这是我的小伙伴,阿里。
Hi. 嗨。[00:55]
What if:如果…怎么办? peekaboo:adj.显露部分的;n.躲躲猫(一种把脸一隐一现以逗小孩的游戏);
Oh, and this is my neighbor, Amarjot. 哦,还有,这是我的邻居, 阿玛尔约特。
He has to take Ari away now to get ready for our experiment. 他现在得把阿里带走 来准备我们的试验。
But don't worry, they'll be back. 但别担心,他们会回来的。
My talk today is about some powerful things you grownups can do. 我今天的演讲是关于你们这些大人 可以做的一些很厉害的事,
that shape us as children and the adults we become. 它们充盈了我们的童年, 并成就了我们的未来。
How do I know? 我是怎么知道的呢?
Because my parents and people around me did them early and often. 因为我父母和身边的人 从小就做这样做,也常常做。
I know not all kids are as lucky. 我知道不是所有的小孩子都如此幸运。[01:23]
Some of my friends, some kids at my school and many around the world. 我的一些朋友,我学校里的一些孩子, 还有很多世界各地的孩子。
And I would really like to help change that. 所以,我真的很想要改变这一现状。
Thanks to scientists, we now know just how important the first five years are for our health and development, especially our brains. 感谢科学家们, 我们现在知道,五岁前的成长 对我们的健康和发展是多么重要, 尤其是我们的大脑。
Ari started learning long before he was even born, from inside his mommy's tummy . 阿里早在出生前就已经开始学习了, 从他在妈妈的肚子里开始。
When Ari was born, he was tiny and he cried all the time. 当阿里出生时, 他很小,也一直在哭。
He was always hungry and he pooped a lot. 他总是肚子饿,也拉得很多。
especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分; tummy:肚子,胃 pooped:adj.疲惫不堪;筋疲力尽;v.拉屎;大便;使筋疲力尽;(poop的过去分词和过去式)
[Laughter] [笑声]
Now he laughs and giggles and makes funny noises. 他现在常常咯咯咯地笑, 还发出奇奇怪怪的声音。
But those are just the changes we hear and see. 但这些只是我们看到和听到的变化,
That's way more going on inside. 在他身体里面, 发生了更多的变化。
So, let's talk more about our brains. 那么,让我们来谈谈我们的大脑。
The blue bag is a rough size and weight of a healthy baby's brain at birth. 图中蓝色袋子的大小和重量 和一个健康宝宝出生时的大脑差不多,[02:16]
The red one is a baby's brain after the first year. 图中红色的是宝宝一岁后的大脑,
It almost doubles in volume . 它的体积长了近两倍。
And by my age, it's almost 90 percent the volume of an adult brain. 当到了我这么大时, 它几乎是成年人大脑体积的 90%。
Our brains develop faster in our early years than at any other time in our lives. 与人生其他阶段相比, 我们的大脑在幼年时期发育得更快,
It can create up to one million neural connections every second. 它每秒可以产生多达 100 万个神经连接,
But we need your help. 但我们需要你们的帮助。
Our healthy development depends on these top five things, 我们的健康发展取决于这五个方面。
One, connecting; two, talking; three, playing; four, a healthy home, five; community . 第一,建立联系;第二,说话; 第三,玩耍; 第四,一个健康的家庭; 第五,社区。
neural:adj.神经的;神经系统的;背的;神经中枢的; community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体;
All of this helps our brains and us reach our full potential . 这些帮助我们和我们的大脑 来充分发挥我们的潜力。
So what's something you can do that can really make a difference ? 那么,我们能做些什么 才能带来真正的改变呢?
Scientists call it serve and return. 科学家们称之为给予和回应。
That's just a grown-up way of saying connect, talk and play with us. 这就是成年人所谓的 与孩子互动、说话和玩耍。
potential:n.潜能;可能性;[电]电势;adj.潜在的;可能的;势的; make a difference:有影响,有关系;
And here's the really big news. 而现在才是重头戏。
Amarjot, Ari, you ready? 阿玛尔约特,阿里,准备好了吗?
(Audio) Amajat: Ready? (音频)阿玛尔约特:好了?
Molly Wright : Copycat games build imagination and empathy . 莫莉·莱特:模仿游戏可以建立 想象力和同理心
(Amarjot and Ari laughing) (阿玛尔约特和阿里在笑)
Naming games build vocabulary and attention. 命名游戏可以增强词汇量和专注力。
Amarjot: Daddy. Ari. Daddy. Ari. 阿:爸爸,阿里。爸爸,阿里。
MW: And games like peekabo -- yep, peekaboo -- actually build memory and trust. 莫:还有像是躲猫猫的游戏—— 对,躲猫猫—— 可以建立记忆和信任。[03:50]
Wright:n.制作者;工人; Copycat:n.无主见的人;盲目的模仿者; imagination:n.想象;想象力;创造力;想象的事物; empathy:n.神入;移情作用;执着;
Amarjot: Peekaboo! 阿玛尔约特:皮卡布!
MW: Each time you talk to us, play with us, make us laugh, it not only builds and strengthens our relationships and mental health, it actually teaches us some of the most important life skills, from making friends to taking the test, to getting a job, to one day maybe even starting a family of our own. 莫莉:每一次你们和我们说话, 和我们玩,逗我们笑, 这不止建立和巩固 我们的关系和精神健康, 它也能教我们 一些最重要的人生技能, 从交朋友到参加考试, 到找工作, 到甚至在未来的某一天建立自己的家庭。
Interactions early and often matter. 幼年时期的互动往往很重要。
Take it from me, the seven-year-old up here talking about brain science. 相信我, 一个站在这里说着脑科学的七岁小孩。
(Laughter) (笑声)
OK, now let's see what happens when the connection is taken away. 好的,让我们现在来看看 当这个亲自联系不在时会发生什么,[04:30]
mental:adj.精神的;脑力的;疯的;n.精神病患者; Interactions:n.[计]交互,相互作用;相互交流;干扰;(interaction复数)
So now he's trying to get his dad's attention again. 他现在想再次引起他爸爸的注意。
He's reaching out like, “That was fun, why have you stopped?” 他伸出手像是在说: “刚刚很有趣啊,你为什么不玩了?”
(Ari cries) (阿里哭泣)
I know it's important for adults to use their devices sometimes, but kids are hardwired to seek out meaningful connections, not receiving them causes confusion and stress. 我明白有时对成年人而言 看看他们的屏幕很重要, 但是小孩子天生就会 要寻找有意义的互动, 如果收不到回应, 就会给他们带来困惑和压力。
OK, Amarjot, please re-engage . 好的,阿玛尔约特, 请重新回应阿里。
Amarjot: Ah, there's Ari. 阿:啊,阿里在这儿。
(Ari laughs) (阿里大笑)
MW: Now what if our whole childhood was like that last 30 seconds? 莫:所以如果我们整个童年 都是像刚才那三十秒一样度过的呢?[05:13]
devices:n.[机][计]设备;[机]装置;[电子]器件(device的复数); hardwired:adj.电路的; seek:v.寻求;寻找;谋求; meaningful:adj.严肃的;重要的;重大的;意味深长的; confusion:n.困惑;混淆;混同;困窘; re-engage:vt.重新接入;再次聘用; childhood:n.童年;幼年;孩童时期
How hard it would be for a child to feel calm. 那样对于一个小孩来说,
To feel safe. 感到平静,感到安全
To learn to trust anyone. 学会相信别人会有多么困难,
And the lifelong impact that would have. 而这会带来一生的影响。
That makes me feel sad. 这让我感到难过。
Ari only reacted the way he did and recovered so quickly because the connection between him and his dad is usually so strong. 阿里这样的反应 以及很快地恢复状态 是因为他和父亲之间的关系是很牢固的。
The positive relationships with the grown-ups in our lives gives kids the confidence we need to try new things, to explore and be a kid. 在我们的生命中 与大人之间的积极关系 可以带给小孩子们所需的自信, 去尝试新东西,去探索,做个小孩子。
impact:n.影响;效果;碰撞;冲击力;v.挤入,压紧;撞击;对…产生影响; reacted:v.起反应; (react的过去分词和过去式) positive:adj.积极的;[数]正的,[医][化学]阳性的;确定的;n.正数;[摄]正片; grown-ups:n.成人(grown-up的复数形式); confidence:n.信心;信任;秘密;adj.(美)诈骗的;骗得信任的; explore:v.探索:探测:探险:
So please, try to remember the most special period for our development is the first five years. 所以,拜托你们, 要记住,我们成长发展 阶段中的黄金时期是 从出生后的五年,
Starting from inside mommy's tummy. 从在妈妈肚子里开始。
What's something really impactful you can do? 你们能做什么 能真正带来影响的事情呢?
Serve and return. 给予和回应。
And when? 那什么时候呢?
Early and often. 尽早且尽可能多去做。
Please give it up for a Amarjot and Ari. 请为阿玛尔约特和阿里鼓掌。[06:26]
(Applause) (掌声)
Every moment together is an opportunity to connect, talk and play. 在一起的每一瞬间都是 建立联系、去交谈和玩耍的机会。
Imagine the difference we could make if everyone everywhere did this. 想象如果世界上的每个人都这么做, 我们将会带来什么不同。
To us, the children, it's so much more than just a game. 对于我们这些小孩, 这不仅仅是一场小游戏,
It's our future. 这是我们的未来。
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)
See? Peekaboo really can change the world. 看到吗?躲猫猫真的可以改变世界。
(Applause) (掌声)