

Kids, breakfast! 孩子们 吃早饭了
Kids? 孩子们
Phil, would you get them? 菲尔 把他们叫下来好吗
Yeah. Just a sec. 好 等一下
Kids! 孩子们
That is - Okay. 这真是 -算了
Kids? Get down here! 孩子们 快下来
Why are you guys yelling at us when we're way upstairs? 我们远在楼上 你们喊也没用
Just text me. - All right. That's not gonna happen. 发个短信不就行了 -那是不可能的
And, wow! You're not wearing that outfit . 你不能穿这套衣服出门
What's wrong with it? 这衣服怎么了
Honey, do you have anything to say 亲爱的 对你女儿这条裙子
to your daughter about her skirt? - Sorry. 有什么意见吗 -不好意思
Oh, yeah. That looks really cute, sweetheart . - Thanks. 挺可爱的嘛 宝贝 -谢了
No. It's way too short. 不行 这裙子太短了
People know you're a girl. 大家知道你是女生
You don't need to prove it to them. 没必要穿这么少给他们看
Luke got his head stuck in the banister again. 卢克又把头卡在栏杆里了
I got it. Where's the baby oil? 我去吧 婴儿油在哪儿
It's on our bedside tab- I don't know. Find it. 在我们床头的 我不知道 你自己找
Come on! 拜托
I was out of control growing up. 我在成长期间简直无法无天
There, you know? I said it. 你看 我坦白了
I-I just don't want my kids... 我只是不想让我的孩子
to make the same bad mistakes I made. 重蹈我的覆辙
I-If Haley never wakes up on a beach in Florida, half-naked , 只要海莉没有半裸着在佛罗里达沙滩上醒来
I've done my job. 我就算完成我的任务了
Our job. - Right. 我俩的任务 -对
I've done our job. 我就算完成了我俩的任务
Vamos, Manny! Kick it! Kick it! 加油 曼尼 踢球啊 踢啊
Don't let him- Kick it! 别让他 踢啊
Manny, go! A la derecha! A la derecha! 曼尼 加油 往右跑 往右
No! No, no. 不 不 不要啊
He tripped him, Jay. Where's the penalty ? 他下绊子 杰 怎么没人吹犯规
tripped:v.绊;绊倒;将…绊倒;使跌倒;脚步轻快地走;(trip的过去分词和过去式) penalty:n.罚款,罚金;处罚;
Gloria, they're 0 and 6. 歌洛莉亚 他们已经落后了6个球
Let's take it down a notch . 你小点声叫喊
We're very different. 我们是不同世界的人
Jay's from the city. 杰来自城市
He has a big business . 他的生意做得很大
big business:n.(统称)大企业;大生意;
I come from a small village. 我来自一个小山村
Very poor but very, very beautiful. 穷困潦倒 但风景怡人
It's the number one village in all Colombia for all the- 我们村拥有全哥伦比亚最多的
What's the word? 那个词怎么说来着
Murders. 凶杀案
Yes. The murders. 没错 凶杀案
Manny, stop him! 曼尼 拦住他
Stop him! You can do it! 拦住他 你可以的
Damn it, Manny! 你真烂 曼尼
Come on, coach. You gotta take that kid out. 教练 该让那孩子下场了
You wanna take him out? How about I take you out? 你想让他下场吗 不如我让你 下场 如何
Honey, honey. - Why don't you worry about your son? 亲爱的 -你还是操心你的儿子吧
He spent the first half with his hand in his pants! 他整个上半场光忙着抓裤裆了
I've wanted to tell her off for the last six weeks. 那话我6周来一直想对她说来着
I'm Josh. Ryan's dad. 我叫乔希 莱恩的爸爸
Hi, I'm Gloria Pritchett. Manny's mother. 我叫歌洛莉亚.普里契特 曼尼的妈妈