

This is the story of 10 strangers, one night, and all the stupid, embarrassing , ridiculous things we do... 这是一个关于十个陌生人的故事 一个夜晚 我们所做的 愚蠢丢人的荒唐事
embarrassing:adj.令人尴尬的; v.使尴尬; (embarrass的现在分词) ridiculous:adj.可笑的;荒谬的;
...To find love. 只为寻找爱
Our story starts with my best friend, Tom. 我们的故事始于我最好的朋友 汤姆
He's just had his heart broken, and he is so not ready for this. 他刚刚被伤透了心 他还没有准备好面对这一切
I am so not ready for this. 我还没有准备好面对这一切
Oh, hey. Relax , man. Hey, you're gonna do great. 放轻松 兄弟 你会表现很好的
Look at you looking all fly in that brown corduroy jacket. 你穿这件棕色灯芯绒外套帅呆了
corduroy:n.[纺]灯芯绒,楞条花布; adj.灯芯绒做的;
Everybody in here wants to be wearing that jacket right now. 现在这里所有人都想穿着这件外套
I feel like I'm gonna throw up. 我觉得我快吐了
Come on, dude . You've been out of the game for what, a decade? 拜托 兄弟 你远离情场多久了 十年吗
Girls have changed, man. They will sleep with anything. 女生已经变了 她们什么都愿意睡
I get laid all the time, and I'm disgusting -- head to toe . 我总是能找到女人上床 我好恶心 从头到脚都恶心
disgusting:adj.令人不快的;令人厌恶的;v.使作呕;使厌恶;使反感;(disgust的现在分词) toe:n.脚趾;鞋头;v.用脚趾踩;用脚尖踢;
This is true. He is disgusting. 没错 他很恶心
'"Sex and the City" changed the game, my friend. - Yep. 《欲望都市》让世道变了 -没错
They're all Mirandas. 女生全变成米兰达了
No, Miranda was the workaholic . Samantha was the slutty one. 不 米兰达是工作狂 萨曼莎才是放荡那个
Miranda:[美国法律]米兰达原则; workaholic:n.专心工作的人; adj.醉心于工作的; slutty:淫荡的;
No, no. Dorothy was the workaholic one. 不 桃乐茜才是工作狂
Nope. There was no Dorothy, dude. 不 里面根本没桃乐茜
I'm sorry. There was a Miranda, Dorothy, Rachel, and Phoebe. 抱歉 应该是米兰达 桃乐茜 瑞秋和菲比
That's the cast of "Friends." - What are you talking about? 那是《老友记》的角色 -你说什么
You're just naming all the people from that show. 你只是在说那个电视里的人物
I'm just gonna get a cab. It's been - 我去叫计程车 已经...
Oh, no, you won't. No you won't. - Hey. Hey, relax. 不 别叫 -放轻松
You need to do this, Tommy, all right? Don't worry about it. 你需要这样做 汤米 别担心
We're gonna find you a nice, sweet girl. 我们会帮你找一个温柔的好女生
Yes, let's find you a nice, sweet, drunk girl. 没错 我们帮你找一个温柔喝醉的好女生
You know, the kind that breaks a heel . 鞋跟都扭断的那种
That's the kind of girl that you need. 你需要这样的女生
All right. 好吧
Hey, what about red dress? 红裙子那个如何
Nope. She could bench-press Tom. 不行 她可以把汤姆当杠铃举
I'm so sorry. 太对不起了
Mom was late, and the kids were total maniacs going down. 妈去晚了 孩子们完全发疯了
Awesome . 太棒了
I'm the oldest chick in here by a decade. 十年来我都是这里最老的女人
Ugh, I feel like Helen Mirren. 我觉得自己是海伦.米伦
So, tell me. Why did you want to meet up tonight? - Oh, yeah, yeah. 告诉我 今晚为什么约我 -是的
Okay, so I'm meeting a guy here tonight for the first time. 今晚我和一个男的在这里第一次见
Okay. - His name is Ron. 好的 -他叫罗恩
Nice. - And he is amazing. 不错 -他太棒了
But I did meet him online, so there is a 1% chance he could be a serial killer . 但我是在网上认识他的 有1%的可能他是杀人恶魔
serial killer:n.连环杀手;
Oh, I need a drink. 我需要喝一杯
I need like nine drinks. 要喝九杯
Oh, this is -- - Uh, excuse me? - Yes. 找她 -打扰下 -什么事
Um, I, uh, will have whatever the hell my sister's having. 给我来杯和我妹妹一样的
Mojito . 莫吉托鸡尾酒
I have something really important to tell you, but I don't want you to freak out, okay? 我有重要的事情要告诉你 但我不想你崩溃掉 好吗
Okay, here I go. 好吧 我说了