

It was a Saturday afternoon in May, and I suddenly realized that the next day was Mother's Day, and I hadn't gotten anything for my mom, so I started thinking about what should I get my mom for Mother's Day? 五月的某个周六下午, 我突然意识到 明天就是母亲节了, 而我目前还没有给我妈准备礼物, 因此我开始考虑 应当送她什么母亲节礼物呢?
I thought, why don't I make her an interactive Mother's Day card using the Scratch software that I'd been developing with my research group at the MIT Media Lab? 我想,为什么我不给她做一个 互动型的母亲节贺卡呢 恰好可以借助Scratch软件-这是我和 我的研究团队在麻省理工学院媒体实验室开发的软件。
interactive:adj.合作的;相互影响的;互相配合的;交互式的;n.交互式视频设备; Scratch:n.擦伤; adj.打草稿用的; v.抓; Media:n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉;
We developed it so that people could easily create their own interactive stories and games and animations , and then share their creations with one another. 我们的研发成果使得人们能够很容易制作 他们自己的互动故事、游戏和动画, 并将他们的杰作与他人分享。
animations:n.[电影]动画片(animation的复数); creations:n.创作;创造物(creation的复数形式);
So I thought, this would be an opportunity to use Scratch to make an interactive card for my mom. 因此我想,这正是个好机会使用Scratch软件来 为我母亲做一个互动贺卡。
Before making my own Mother's Day card, 在制作母亲节贺卡之前,
I thought I would take a look at the Scratch website. 我觉得应该先看看 Scratch网站。
take a look at:看一看;检查;
So over the last several years, kids around the world ages 8 and up, have shared their projects, and I thought, I wonder if , of those three million projects, whether anyone else has thought to put up Mother's Day cards. 在过去的几年中,全世界的孩子们 一般8岁以上,分享了他们的作品, 我想,我很好奇,这300万作品中, 是否有专为母亲节而制作的贺卡呢。
I wonder if:我不知道是否…?;
So in the search box I typed in "Mother's Day," 因此我在搜索框中输入 “母亲节”,
and I was surprised and delighted to see a list of dozens and dozens of Mother's Day cards that showed up on the Scratch website, many of them just in the past 24 hours by procrastinators just like myself. 我惊讶而欣慰地发现搜索列表中 有几十个母亲节贺卡 呈现在Scratch网页上, 其中有很多就在此前24小时内完成的, 大概作者都是像我一样的拖延着。
delighted:adj.高兴的; v.使高兴; (delight的过去分词和过去式) procrastinators:n.拖延者,拖拉者;因循者;
So I started taking a look at them. (Music) 然后我开始看这些贺卡。(音乐声)
I saw one of them that featured a kitten and her mom and wishing her mom a happy Mother's Day. 我看见其中一个的主角是一只小猫 和她的妈妈,小猫祝妈妈节日快乐。
And the creator very considerately offered a replay for her mom. 制作者还很体贴地给她妈妈 设计了重复播放的按钮。
Another one was an interactive project where, when you moved the mouse over the letters of "Happy Mom Day," 另外一个互动卡中, 当你把鼠标挪到“母亲节快乐”的字母上时,
it reveals a special happy Mother's Day slogan . 就会显示出一句母亲节祝福语。
reveals:v.揭示;显示;透露;展示;(reveal的第三人称单数) slogan:n.口号;标语;
(Music) In this one, the creator told a narrative about how she had Googled to find out when Mother's Day was happening. (音乐声)这一个贺卡中,制作者讲述了 她用Google查出 母亲节时间的经过。
narrative:n.叙述;故事;讲述;adj.叙事的,叙述的;叙事体的; Googled:vt.在谷歌上搜索;(google的过去式和过去分词)
(Typing) And then once she found out when Mother's Day was happening, she delivered a special Mother's Day greeting of how much she loved her mom. (打字声)然后当她得知母亲节的时间后, 就发出了一份特别的母亲节问候, 告诉母亲自己有多爱她。
So I really enjoyed looking at these projects and interacting with these projects. 我很喜欢看这些作品 并且和这些作品互动。
In fact, I liked it so much that, instead of making my own project, 事实上,比起我自己制作,我更喜欢看这些作品,
I sent my mom links to about a dozen of these projects. (Laughter) 所以我最后把几个作品的链接发给了我母亲。(笑声)
And actually, she reacted exactly the way that I hoped that she would. 事实上,她的反应就如我所希望的那样。
reacted:v.起反应; (react的过去分词和过去式)
She wrote back to me and she said, "I'm so proud to have a son that created the software that allowed these kids to make Mother's Day cards for their mothers." 她给我回信说, “我很骄傲,我的儿子能做出这样的软件, 让孩子们能够为自己母亲制作母亲节贺卡。”
So my mom was happy, and that made me happy, but actually I was even happier for another reason. 我母亲很高兴,这也让我很高兴, 但事实上,还有另一个原因让我更高兴。
I was happy because these kids were using Scratch just in the way that we had hoped that they would. 我很高兴,因为这些孩子将Scratch 按照我们所希望的方式来使用了。
in the way:妨碍;挡道;
As they created their interactive Mother's Day cards, you could see that they were really becoming fluent with new technologies . 当他们制作母亲节互动卡时, 你会发现,他们真的 能熟练运用新的技术。
fluent:adj.流畅的,流利的;液态的;畅流的; technologies:n.技术;科技(technology的复数);
What do I mean by fluent? 什么是熟练呢?
I mean that they were able to start expressing themselves and to start expressing their ideas. 我是指他们能够开始表达自己 并且表达他们的思想。
When you become fluent with language, it means you can write an entry in your journal or tell a joke to someone or write a letter to a friend. 当你能熟练运用语言时, 这意味着你能够写日记, 能够给别人讲笑话或是给朋友写信。
And it's similar with new technologies. 这就类似于新的技术。
By writing, be creating these interactive Mother's Day cards, these kids were showing that they were really fluent with new technologies. 通过书写,也就是制作这些母亲节互动卡, 这些孩子们展示出他们对于驾驭 新技术的纯熟。
Now maybe you won't be so surprised by this, because a lot of times people feel that young people today can do all sorts of things with technology . 现在你可能不会为此觉得惊讶, 因为很多人都觉得 现在的年轻人能够用现代科技做任何事情。
I mean, all of us have heard young people referred to as " digital natives ." 我是指,我们都听说过年轻人被称作“数字原住民”。
referred:v.提到;引用;认为;指示;涉及;(refer的过去式和过去分词) digital:adj.数字的;手指的;n.数字;键; natives:土著;本地的;本地人;[生物]土著的;土生动植物;
But actually I'm sort of skeptical about this term. 但事实上,我有些怀疑这个词。
I'm not so sure we should be thinking of young people as digital natives. 我不确定我们是否应该称呼年轻人为“数字原住民”。
When you really look at it, how is it that young people spend most of their time using new technologies? 仔细思考一下,年轻人们是如何 花大多数时间来使用新技术的呢?
You often see them in situations like this, or like this, and there's no doubt that young people are very comfortable and familiar browsing and chatting and texting and gaming. 你总是看见他们这样, 或是这样, 毫无疑问,年轻人 很喜欢而且能够熟练地 浏览网页、聊天、发信息和玩游戏。
familiar:adj.熟悉的;常见的;亲近的;n.常客;密友; browsing:v.随便看看;浏览;翻阅;浏览信息;(browse的现在分词)
But that doesn't really make you fluent. 但是仅此并不能令你熟练。
So young people today have lots of experience and lots of familiarity with interacting with new technologies, but a lot less so of creating with new technologies and expressing themselves with new technologies. 而今天的年轻人有很多经验和 和很高的熟练度来与新技术互动, 但少有人用新技术来制作东西 或用新技术来表达自己。
It's almost as if they can read but not write with new technologies. 这就像他们能够用新技术阅读 但是确不会用它书写。
And I'm really interested in seeing, how can we help young people become fluent so they can write with new technologies? 我很关心,如何帮助年轻人熟练运用技术 使他们能够用新技术书写。
And that really means that they need to be able to write their own computer programs, or code. 这意味着他们应当能够 自己进行计算机编码。
So, increasingly , people are starting to recognize the importance of learning to code. 所以,人们越来越多地意识到 学习编程的重要性。
increasingly:adv.越来越多地;渐增地; recognize:v.认识;认出;辨别出;承认;意识到;
You know, in recent years, there have been hundreds of new organizations and websites that are helping young people learn to code. 你知道,最近几年, 出现了几百个新组织或网站 来教人们学习编程。
You look online, you'll see places like Codecademy and events like CoderDojo and sites like Girls Who Code, or Black Girls Code. 你看看网上,你会看见“编码学院”(Codecademy) 或“编码道场”(CoderDojo)这样的地方 和“会编码的女孩”(Girls Who Code) 或者“黑女孩编码”(Black Girls Code)这类网站。
It seems that everybody is getting into the act. 好像每个人都行动起来了。
You know, just at the beginning of this year, at the turn of the new year, 你知道,就在今年初, 在新旧年交际之时,
at the beginning of:在…的开始;
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg made a New Year's resolution that he was going to learn to code in 2012. 纽约市长迈克尔·布隆伯格 做了一个新年决定,即他将要 在2012年学习编码。
Mayor:n.市长;镇长; resolution:n.解决;分辨;解析;决议;
A few months later, the country of Estonia decided that all of its first graders should learn to code. 几个月后,爱沙尼亚决定 该国所有一年级生必须学习编码。
And that triggered a debate in the U.K. 这在英国引起了一场有关
triggered:v.发动;引起;触发;开动;起动;(trigger的过去分词和过去式) debate:n.辩论;争论;考虑;v.辩论;争论;考虑;
about whether all the children there should learn to code. 是否所有孩子都应该学习编码的讨论。
Now, for some of you, when you hear about this, it might seem sort of strange about everybody learning to code. 现在,对你们中的一些人来说,听到这个, 会觉得让每个人都学习编码会很奇怪。
When many people think of coding , they think of it as something that only a very narrow sub-community of people are going to be doing, and they think of coding looking like this. 很多人想到编码时,会觉得 这是一个很小圈子的人 会做的事情, 他们会这么觉得。
coding:n.译码;v.把…编码;(code的现在分词) narrow:adj.狭窄的; v.使窄小; n.峡谷; (场所,物品等的)狭窄部分;
And in fact, if this is what coding is like, it will only be a narrow sub-community of people with special mathematical skills and technological background that can code. 而事实上,如果编码的确如此, 那么它应该是只有很小范围内 有着特殊数学技能和技术背景的人 才能做的事情。
mathematical:adj.数学的,数学上的;精确的; technological:adj.技术[工程](上)的;因工艺技术高度发展而引起的;
But coding doesn't have to be like this. 但编码不一定如此。
Let me show you about what it's like to code in Scratch. 我来给你展示一下在Scratch上编码是什么样的。
So in Scratch, to code, you just snap blocks together. 在Scratch上编码,你只需把方块拼到一起。
In this case, you take a move block, snap it into a stack, and the stacks of blocks control the behaviors of the different characters in your game or your story, in this case controlling the big fish. 在这个作品里,你拖动一个“移动”方块, 放入一个堆里, 这些堆控制你作品中 不同角色的动作。 这个堆是控制大鱼的。
After you've created your program, you can click on "share," 当你完成作品之后,可以点击“分享”,
and then share your project with other people, so that they can use the project and start working on the project as well. 你就可以跟他人分享成果了, 这样他们就可以使用你的作品 并对它进行加工了。
So, of course, making a fish game isn't the only thing you can do with Scratch. 当然,鱼的游戏并非是唯一 一个Scratch能做的东西。
Of the millions of projects on the Scratch website, there's everything from animated stories to school science projects to anime soap operas to virtual construction kits to recreations of classic video games to political opinion polls to trigonometry tutorials to interactive artwork, and, yes, interactive Mother's Day cards. Scratch网站上的几百万个作品中, 从动画故事 到校园科学作品 到动漫肥皂剧 到虚拟建设工具箱 到经典视频游戏改编 到政治民意调查 到三角学教程 再到互动性艺术作品,对 就像互动性母亲节贺卡。
animated:adj.栩栩如生的; v.使具活力; (animate的过去分词和过去式) anime:n.日本动漫;芳香树脂; operas:n.歌剧(opera的复数); virtual:adj.[计]虚拟的;实质上的,事实上的(但未在名义上或正式获承认); construction:n.建设;建筑物;解释;造句; kits:n.装备;小桶;锦囊(kit的复数); recreations:n.娱乐;消遣(recreation的复数形式);休闲活动; classic:n.名著;优秀的典范;adj.最优秀的;第一流的;有代表性的;典型的; polls:n.民意调查; v.对…进行民意测验,使投票(poll的单三形式); trigonometry:n.三角法; tutorials:n.教程;专题报告;学习指南(tutorial的复数);
So I think there's so many different ways that people can express themselves using this, to be able to take their ideas and share their ideas with the world. 所以我觉得有很多方法 能够让人们表达自己, 能令他们产生想法并与他人分享。
And it doesn't just stay on the screen. 而且这不仅仅停留于频幕。
You can also code to interact with the physical world around you. 你也可以用编码来与你周围的真实世界互动。
Here's an example from Hong Kong, where some kids made a game and then built their own physical interface device and had a light sensor , so the light sensor detects the hole in the board, so as they move the physical saw, the light sensor detects the hole and controls the virtual saw on the screen and saws down the tree. 这是一个来自香港的例子, 一些孩子做了个游戏 然后做了物理设备接口 连了一个光敏元件,这样光敏元件 会探测到木板上的洞, 在他们拉动实体锯子时 光敏元件就探测到洞 并控制频幕上的虚拟锯子 并将树锯倒。
interface:n.接口;人机界面;连接电路;v.连接; device:n.装置;策略;图案; sensor:n.传感器; detects:发现;
We're going to continue to look at new ways of bringing together the physical world and the virtual world and connecting to the world around us. 我们还会继续看到一些其他方法 能够将实体世界和虚拟世界连接起来 连接到我们周围的世界。
This is an example from a new version of Scratch that we'll be releasing in the next few months, and we're looking again to be able to push you in new directions. 这里有一个来自新版Scratch的例子 新版Scratch我们会在几个月后发布, 我们希望再次 将你们带到新的方向上去。
Here's an example. 这儿有个例子
It uses the webcam . 它使用了网络摄像头。
And as I move my hand, I can pop the balloons or I can move the bug . 我移动手时,可以打破气球 或者移动虫子。
So it's a little bit like Microsoft Kinect, where you interact with gestures in the world. 这有点像微软体感游戏, 你可以用动作来与频幕互动。
gestures:n.手势; v.做手势; (gesture的第三人称单数和复数)
But instead of just playing someone else's game, you get to create the games, and if you see someone else's game, you can just say "see inside," 但在这儿并不是让你玩别人的游戏, 而是你可以自己做一个游戏, 如果你看见一个人的游戏, 你可以点击“看里面”,
and you can look at the stacks of blocks that control it. 你就可以看见里面用于控制游戏的块堆。
So there's a new block that says how much video motion there is, and then, if there's so much video motion, it will then tell the balloon to pop. 会有一个新的块,说明有多少个视频动作, 然后,当动作数到达一定数目时, 它会控制气球爆开。
The same way that this uses the camera to get information into Scratch, you can also use the microphone . 它使用摄像头 来向Scratch传送信息, 同样的你也可以用麦克风来做。
Here's an example of a project using the microphone. 这里有一个使用麦克风的例子。
So I'm going to let all of you control this game using your voices. 所以我会让你们用你们的声音 来控制这个游戏。
(Crickets chirping) (Shouts) (Chomping) (蟋蟀叫)(大叫)(咀嚼声)
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
As kids are creating projects like this, they're learning to code, but even more importantly, they're coding to learn. 当孩子们制做这类游戏时, 他们就在学习编码, 但更重要的是,他们也在通过编码来学习。
Because as they learn to code, it enables them to learn many other things, opens up many new opportunities for learning. 因为对编码的学习, 使他们也能同时学到很多其它东西, 并获得学习 知识的机会。
enables:v.使得; (enable的第三人称单数)
Again, it's useful to make an analogy to reading and writing. 同样的,可以用阅读和写作来比喻一下。
When you learn to read and write, it opens up opportunities for you to learn so many other things. 当你学习阅读和写作时,就有更多 机会来学习很多 东西。
When you learn to read, you can then read to learn. 当你学习阅读时,你就可以通过阅读来学习。
And it's the same thing with coding. 这与编码是一样的。
If you learn to code, you can code to learn. 你学习编码时,也就可以通过编码来学习。
Now some of the things you can learn are sort of obvious . 你可以学到的事物,有些很明显。
You learn more about how computers work. 你会学到计算机的运行方式。
But that's just where it starts. 但这才是个开始。
When you learn to code, it opens up for you to learn many other things. 学习编码时,你会得到机会学到 更多东西。
Let me show you an example. 让我来举几个例子。
Here's another project, and I saw this when I was visiting one of the computer clubhouses . 这里有另外一个作品, 我是在参加一个计算机俱乐部时 看见的。
These are after-school learning centers that we helped start that help young people from low-income communities learn to express themselves creatively with new technologies. 这些是我们帮助建立的课后学习中心, 可以帮助低收入家庭的年轻人 学习使用技术来表达自己。
after-school:放学后 communities:n.社区;社会;团体;共有(community的复数) creatively:adv.创造性地;有创造力地;
And when I went to one of the clubhouses a couple years ago, 几年前,当我去一个俱乐部时,
I saw a 13-year-old boy who was using our Scratch software to create a game somewhat like this one, and he was very happy with his game and proud of his game, but also he wanted to do more. 我看见一个13岁的男生在使用Scratch软件 制作一个像这样的游戏, 他对这游戏很满意并且感到骄傲, 但他还想做更多。
He wanted to keep score. 他想计分。
So this was a game where the big fish eats the little fish, but he wanted to keep score, so that each time the big fish eats the little fish, the score would go up and it would keep track , and he didn't know how to do that. 这是一个大鱼吃小鱼的游戏, 但是他想计分,这样每次 大鱼吃掉小鱼时, 分数会上升,就能够记录游戏动向, 但是他不知道该怎么做。
So I showed him. 于是我就做给他看。
In Scratch, you can create something called a variable . 在Scratch中,你可以制作变量。
I'll call it score. 我给它取名为分数。
And that creates some new blocks for you, and also creates a little scoreboard that keeps track of the score, so each time I click on "change score," it increments the score. 这样会出现一些新的块, 并出现一个能够计分的计分板, 每次我点击“改变分数”时,分数就会增加。
scoreboard:n.记分板,记分牌; increments:n.[数]增量(incremment的复数);增加数;
So I showed this to the clubhouse member -- let's call him Victor -- and Victor, when he saw that this block would let him increment the score, he knew exactly what to do. 我向这位俱乐部成员展示—— 我们叫他维克多吧——展示给维克多看, 当他看见这个块可以增加分数时, 他就知道该怎么办了。
He took the block and he put it into the program exactly where the big fish eats the little fish. 他拖动这个块 放入游戏中 也就是大鱼吃小鱼游戏中。
So then, each time the big fish eats the little fish, he will increment the score, and the score will go up by one. 这样,每次大鱼吃小鱼时, 他就增加分数,这样分数就增加1.
And it's in fact working. 这样就成功了。
And he saw this, and he was so excited, he reached his hand out to me, and he said, "Thank you, thank you, thank you." 他看见后,十分兴奋, 他向我伸出手, 说:“谢谢你,谢谢你,谢谢你。”
And what went through my mind was, how often is it that teachers are thanked by their students for teaching them variables ? (Laughter) 那时我心想, 作为老师,因为教会学生变量而被感谢的 机会有多少?(笑声)
It doesn't happen in most classrooms, but that's because in most classrooms, when kids learn about variables, they don't know why they're learning it. 这在大多数课堂中都不常见, 但那是因为在大多数课堂中,当孩子们学习变量时, 他们不知道为什么要学这些。
It's nothing that, really, they can make use of . 真的,他们学的东西根本用不上。
make use of:使用,利用;
When you learn ideas like this in Scratch, you can learn it in a way that's really meaningful and motivating for you, that you can understand the reason for learning variables, and we see that kids learn it more deeply and learn it better. 当你在Scratch学到这样的思想时, 学习的方式是有意义而且激励人心的, 因为你会明白学习变量的意义, 我们发现这样孩子们会学得更深入 学的更好。
meaningful:adj.严肃的;重要的;重大的;意味深长的; motivating:v.激励;刺激;调动…的积极性(motivate的ing形式);
Victor had, I'm sure, been taught about variables in schools, but he really didn't -- he wasn't paying attention. 我确定维克多在学校学过变量, 但他并没有重视过。
Now he had a reason for learning variables. 现在他有了学习变量的理由。
So when you learn through coding, and coding to learn, you're learning it in a meaningful context , and that's the best way of learning things. 所以当你通过编码学习时,为了学习而编码时, 你是在有意义地学习,而这正是学习的最佳方法。
So as kids like Victor are creating projects like this, they're learning important concepts like variables, but that's just the start. 所以像维克多这样的孩子制作这类作品时, 他们也在学习变量这样的重要的思想, 但这仅是开始。
As Victor worked on this project and created the scripts , he was also learning about the process of design, how to start with the glimmer of an idea and turn it into a fully-fledged , functioning project like you see here. 当维克多为这个游戏制作脚本时, 他也在学习如何进行设计, 如何将一个小的想法 变成一个完整的能够运行的作品, 就像你看见的作品这样。
scripts:n.原稿,手稿(script的复数形式); process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的; glimmer:n.闪光;一线;一丝;微弱的迹象;v.隐约地闪烁;发出微弱的闪光; fully-fledged:adj.成熟的;羽毛丰满的;发育全的;
So he was learning many different core principles of design, about how to experiment with new ideas, how to take complex ideas and break them down into simpler parts, 因此他能够学习各种这句的原则, 以及如何尝试新的想法, 如何将复杂的想法简化分解成几个部分,
principles:n.原则;主义;本质;政策;(principle的复数) complex:adj.复杂的;合成的;n.复合体;综合设施;
how to collaborate with other people on your projects, about how to find and fix bugs when things go wrong, how to keep persistent and to persevere in the face of frustrations when things aren't working well. 如何与他人合作完成作品, 出错时如何发现并纠正错误, 如何坚持, 如何在失败时面对挫折。
collaborate:vi.合作;勾结,通敌; bugs:n.缺陷;虫子;窃听器;(bug的复数)v.窃听;使烦恼;(bug的第三人称单数) persistent:adj.固执的,坚持的;持久稳固的; persevere:vi.坚持;不屈不挠;固执己见(在辩论中); in the face of:面对; frustrations:n.沮丧;受阻;阻止;挫败;(frustration的复数)
Now those are important skills that aren't just relevant for coding. 这些都是重要的能力 而且不仅仅是编码所需的。
They're relevant for all sorts of different activities. 这些能力适用于所有的事情。
Now, who knows if Victor is going to grow up and become a programmer or a professional computer scientist? 说不定维克多长大后会成为 程序设计员或计算机科学家呢!
It's probably not so likely, but regardless of what he does, he'll be able to make use of these design skills that he learned. 当然也有可能不是, 但不管他做什么工作, 他都能够运用这些学到的设计技能。
regardless:adj.不管的; v.不顾后果地;
Regardless of whether he grows up to be a marketing manager or a mechanic or a community organizer , that these ideas are useful for everybody. 不管他长大后成为市场营销经理 或是技工或是社区组织者, 这些思想对任何人来说都是由用的。
mechanic:n.技工,机修工;adj.手工的; community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体; organizer:n.组织者;承办单位;[生物]组织导体;
Again, it's useful to think about this analogy with language. 同样的,也可以用语言来比喻。
When you become fluent with reading and writing, it's not something that you're doing just to become a professional writer. 当你能够熟练地阅读和写作时, 并不是说你一定要 成为职业作家。
Very few people become professional writers. 很少有人成为职业作家。
But it's useful for everybody to learn how to read and write. 但学习阅读和写作却对每个人都有用。
Again, the same thing with coding. 同样,编码也如此。
Most people won't grow up to become professional computer scientists or programmers, but those skills of thinking creatively, reasoning systematically , working collaboratively -- skills you develop when you code in Scratch -- are things that people can use no matter what they're doing in their work lives. 大多数人长大后不会成为职业 计算机科学家或程序设计员, 但这些技能,如创造性思维, 系统地推理,合作—— 这些都是即在Scratch编码时学到的技能—— 是人们在做任何工作时都很有用的。
systematically:adv.有系统地;有组织地; collaboratively:adv.合作地;协作地; no matter what:不管什么…;
And it's not just about your work life. 而且它们也不仅仅适用于你的工作中。
Coding can also enable you to express your ideas and feelings in your personal life. 编码可以使你 在个人生活中表达思想和感情。
Let me end with just one more example. 让我再用一个作品来结束吧。
So this is an example that came from after I had sent the Mother's Day cards to my mom, she decided that she wanted to learn Scratch. 这个作品是 在我将母亲节贺卡发给我母亲后, 她决定学习Scratch。
So she made this project for my birthday and sent me a happy birthday Scratch card . 因此她为我的生日做了一张Scratch 生日贺卡发给我。
Scratch card:n.刮奖卡;刮刮卡;
Now this project is not going to win any prizes for design, and you can rest assured that my 83-year-old mom is not training to become a professional programmer or computer scientist. 尽管这个作品不可能得什么设计奖项, 而且你可以确定,我83岁的老母 并不是要成为职业程序设计员或计算机科学家。
rest assured:放心;确信无疑;
But working on this project enabled her to make a connection to someone that she cares about and enabled her to keep on learning new things and continuing to practice her creativity and developing new ways of expressing herself. 但是制作这个作品使她 能够将自己与关心的人联系起来 并使她不断学习新的东西 继续她的创造力 并找到新的表达自己的方法。
So as we take a look and we see that 所以就像我们看见的
Michael Bloomberg is learning to code, all of the children of Estonia learn to code, even my mom has learned to code, don't you think it's about time that you might be thinking about learning to code? 纽约市长迈克尔·布隆伯格在学习编码, 爱沙尼亚的所有孩子都在学习编码, 连我母亲都在学习编码, 难道你不觉得,你开始学习编码 只是个时间问题么?
If you're interested in giving it a try, 如果你有兴趣尝试,
I'd encourage you to go to the Scratch website. 我鼓励你去Scratch网站。
It's scratch.mit.edu, and give a try at coding. 网址是scratch.mit.edu, 试试编码吧。
Thanks very much. (Applause) 谢谢。(掌声)