

minions 小黄人
Minions 小黄人
Minions have been on this planet far longer than we have. 在人类诞生之前 小黄人就已经生活在这个星球上了
They go by many names. 他们有许多个名字
Dave, Carl, Paul, Mike. 戴夫 卡尔 保罗 迈克
Oh, that one is Norbert. 噢 那个是诺伯特
He's an idiot . 他是个小傻蛋
They're all different. But they all share the same goal. 他们各不相同 但他们却有着一个共同的目标
To serve the most despicable master they could find. 找到并侍奉这世上最卑鄙的主人
BOSS! 老大!
Boss. - Boss. 老大 - 老大
Making their master happy was the tribe's very reason for existence. 小黄人种族存在的意义 就是为了让他们的主人开心
But that's not to say that they didn't have other passions . 但这不代表他们没有其他的喜好
Hey, look. It's a banana. - Move over. 嘿 看 有香蕉 - 让开
Hey, I know. It's a banana. Ha-hah-ha. 嘿 我知道 这是根香蕉 哈哈哈
Yum yum. Huh? 好吃 好吃 呃?
Finding a Boss was easy. 找到一个主人很容易
But keeping a Boss... therein lies the rub . 但要留住主人... 却是一个问题
therein:adv.在其中;在那里; rub:n.擦;抹;搓;揉;v.擦;磨;搓;(使)相互磨擦;
Oop. - Aw. 啊 - 呃
Oh. - Oh. 噢 - 噢
I am... oaf . Aw. 我是... 啊
Nope, it wasn't easy for these guys. 这对他们来说并不容易
But they never gave up. 但他们从未放弃
With the emergence of the stone age came the rise of a new species . 石器时代的来临 诞生了许多新物种
emergence:n.出现,浮现;发生;露头; stone age:n.石器时代; species:n.[生物]物种;种类;
Man was very different from the dinosaur. 人类和恐龙很不相同
He was shorter, hairier and way, way smarter. 人类更矮 更多毛 而且更加聪明
The minions took an instant liking to Man and helped him as best they could. 小黄人立刻喜欢上了人类 并倾尽全力帮助他
instant:n.瞬间; adj.立即的; conj.同"assoonas";
Oh, no no... Here. A present. 噢 不不... 给你 一个礼物
This? - Yes yes yes. 这个? - 对 对 对
For hitting. Ut-ut. 打架用的 抽他
Poor man. So trusting, so fragile , so-so delicious. 可怜的人类 如此轻信 如此脆弱 如此美味
fragile:adj.脆的;易碎的; so-so:adj.一般的(地);不好也不坏的(地);马马虎虎;不怎么样;一般般;
Their quest for a boss put the minions front and center for some of the civilization most historic moments. 他们对老大的追求 让小黄人经历了 很多历史上著名的时刻
quest:n.追求;寻找;vi.追求;寻找;vt.探索; civilization:n.文明;文明社会;文明世界;(特定时期和地区的)社会文明; historic:adj.有历史意义的;历史上著名的;
Ancient Egypt held great promise. 古埃及文明本可发扬光大
Okay! 好了!
But it didn't last long . 但这并没能维持多久
last long:adj.持久;持续很久;持续很长时间;持续长时间;
Hmm. Oh. 嗯 噢
Here. Yup. 给 好
The dark ages were actually fun times. 欧洲中世纪其实挺好玩的
dark ages:n.黑暗时代(欧洲历史上从罗马帝国衰亡至公元10世纪的时期);
Their new master had a tendency to party all night and sleep all day. 他们的新主人有白天睡觉 晚上狂欢的癖好
Ahem. Yoo-hoo. 咳咳 哟呼
Happy Birthday 生日快乐
But eventually the party was over. 但结果派对还是结束了
Achoo . 阿嚏
They bounced from one evil master to another. 他们不停更换邪恶的主人
But they never seemed to find their perfect fit. 但从未找到一个合适的
One particular employer took their failure very very badly. 有一个主人对他们犯的错误十分愤怒
The Minions had no other choice but to keep moving. 小黄人不得不继续前行
Oh. Look. 噢 看
And then, when all hopes seem lost. 然后 当快要没有希望的时候
They found sanctuary . 他们找到了庇护所
The Minions were safe. 小黄人安全了
Years passed as the Minions forged their own civilization. 很多年过去了 小黄人们建立了自己的文明国度
They truly made a life for themselves. 他们有了自己的生活
But something just wasn't right. 但总感觉有什么不对