

I love the Internet. 我爱网络
It's true. 这是真的
Think about everything it has brought us. 想想它给我们带来的一切
Think about all the services we use, all the connectivity , all the entertainment, all the business, all the commerce . 想想它给我们提供的服务 所有的互联性 娱乐性 商业性,贸易性
connectivity:n.[数]连通性; commerce:n.商业;(尤指国际间的)贸易;商务;
And it's happening during our lifetimes. 这些都发生在我们的生活中
I'm pretty sure that one day we'll be writing history books hundreds of years from now. This time our generation will be remembered as the generation that got online, the generation that built something really and truly global . 我非常肯定将来的某一天 当我们书写从现在开始的 数百年历史的时候 我们现在这段时期将被誉为 网络的一代 真正的、完全的 全球化的一代
But yes, it's also true that the Internet has problems, very serious problems, problems with security and problems with privacy . 但是,当然 也不可否认互联网仍然有许多问题,而且是非常严重的问题 安全问题 隐私问题
I've spent my career fighting these problems. 我至今的职业生涯 都在和这些问题斗争
So let me show you something. 我给大家展示一下
This here is Brain. 这 是个Brain
This is a floppy disk 这是个软盘
floppy disk:n.软盘;软磁盘;
- five and a quarter-inch floppy disk infected by Brain.A. -5.25英寸的软盘 被Brain A 病毒所感染
infected:adj.带菌的; v.传染; (infect的过去分词和过去式)
It's the first virus we ever found for PC computers. 这是我们至今发现的最早的 个人电脑病毒
And we actually know where Brain came from. 我们现在知道 它出自何处
We know because it says so inside the code. 因为它的代码 告诉了我们
Let's take a look. 我们来看一下
All right.
That's the boot sector of an infected floppy. 这就是这个被感染软盘的引导区
And if we take a closer look inside, we'll see that right there, it says, "Welcome to the dungeon ." 如果我们仔细观察它的内部 我们会在那里发现, 它说:“欢迎来到地牢”
And then it continues, saying, 1986, Basit and Amjad. 然后它继续提到 1986,Basit 和 Amjad
And Basit and Amjad are first names, Basit和Amjad是名字
Pakistani first names. 巴基斯坦人的名字
In fact, there's a phone number and an address in Pakistan. 事实上,那儿还有个巴基斯坦的电话和地址
(Laughter) (笑声)
Now, 1986. 1986年
Now it's 2011. 现在是2011年
That's 25 years ago. 那已经是25年前的事情了
The PC virus problem is 25 years old now. 个人电脑病毒现在已经25岁了
So half a year ago, 因此一年半之前
I decided to go to Pakistan myself. 我决定自己去趟巴基斯坦
So let's see, here's a couple of photos I took while I was in Pakistan. 我们看一下,这有一些我在巴基斯坦时照的照片
This is from the city of Lahore, which is around 300 km south from Abbottabad where Bin Laden was caught. 这是拉合尔城的照片 它位于本·拉登被击毙的 阿伯塔巴德以南大约300公里
Laden:adj.负载的; vt.装载(等于lade); vi.装载(等于lade); v.装载(lade的过去分词);
Here's a typical street view. 这是个当地典型的街景
And here's the street or road leading to this building, which is 730 Nizam block at Allama Iqbal Town. 这个是通往Allama Iqbal城 730尼扎姆街区 的建筑物的街道
And I knocked on the door. 我敲了敲门
(Laughter) (笑声)
You want to guess who opened the door? 你想知道谁开的门吗?
Basit and Amjad; they are still there. 就是Basit和Amjad, 他们还在那住着
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
So here standing up is Basit. 站着的就是Basit
Sitting down is his brother Amjad. 坐着的是他的兄弟Amjad
These are the guys who wrote the first PC virus. 这就是编写了第一个个人电脑病毒的两个家伙
Now of course, we had a very interesting discussion. 在当下,我们有一个很有趣的讨论
I asked them why. 我问他们为什么
I asked them how they feel about what they started. 我问他们开始的时候是怎么想的
And I got some sort of satisfaction from learning that both Basit and Amjad had had their computers infected dozens of times by completely unrelated other viruses over these years. 同时我也得到了一些满足 从获悉他们两个 的电脑这些年来也感染了很多次 完全不相关的 其他病毒
satisfaction:n.满意,满足;赔偿;乐事;赎罪; unrelated:adj.无关的,不相干的;
So there is some sort of justice in the world after all. 因此说这个世界上毕竟还是 有几分正义存在的
Now, the viruses that we used to see in the 1980s and 1990s obviously are not a problem any more. 如今,上世纪80-90年代之间 出现的病毒 对我们已经明显不是个问题了
So let me just show you a couple of examples of what they used to look like. 我给大家几个例子 展示它们以前的样子
What I'm running here is a system that enables me to run age-old programs on a modern computer. 我这里打开的是 一个让我可以在现代电脑上 运行老程序的系统
enables:v.使得; (enable的第三人称单数) age-old:adj.古老的;由来已久的;
So let me just mount some drives. Go over there. 让我来攻击几个驱动器,来到这一步
What we have here is a list of old viruses. 我们现在看到的是一个老病毒的清单
So let me just run some viruses on my computer. 让我在我的电脑上运行几个病毒
For example, let's go with the Centipede virus first. 比如说 让我先运行一个蜈蚣病毒
And you can see at the top of the screen, there's a centipede scrolling across your computer when you get infected by this one. 你可以看见在屏幕的上方 有一个类似蜈蚣的滚轴在穿过你的屏幕 当你的电脑被感染的时候
You know that you're infected, because it actually shows up. 你就知道你的电脑被感染了 因为它就出现了
Here's another one. This is the virus called Crash invented in Russia in 1992. 这是另一个 这是一个叫做崩溃的病毒 1992年一个俄罗斯人发明的
Let me show you one which actually makes some sound. 让我给大家展示一个出声音的病毒
(Siren noise) (警报噪声)
And the last example, guess what the Walker virus does. 最后一个例子 猜猜Walker病毒什么样
Yes, there's a guy walking across your screen once you get infected. 对,就是有一个家伙走过你的屏幕 当你的电脑被它感染的时候
So it used to be fairly easy to know that you're infected by a virus, when the viruses were written by hobbyists and teenagers. 因此它很容易被发现 你的电脑被病毒感染的时候 当病毒只是被爱好者以及青少年 编写的时候
fairly:adv.相当地;公平地;简直; hobbyists:n.(业余)爱好者;(hobbyist的复数)
Today, they are no longer being written by hobbyists and teenagers. 现在,病毒的编写者已经不再是 爱好者和青少年了
Today, viruses are a global problem. 如今,病毒已经是个全球问题
What we have here in the background is an example of our systems that we run in our labs , where we track virus infections worldwide . 我们现在这里的背景情况是 我们在实验室运行了一个系统作为一个案例 我们用它追踪世界范围内的病毒感染情况
labs:n.实验室;实验大楼;(lab的复数) track:n.小道;足迹;车辙;轨道;v.追踪;跟踪; infections:n.传染病;口腔病害(infection复数形式); worldwide:adj.全世界的;adv.在世界各地;
So we can actually see in real time that we've just blocked viruses in Sweden and Taiwan and Russia and elsewhere . 因此我们可以进行实时关注 我们已经阻止了在瑞典、台湾 俄罗斯和其他任何地方的病毒
real time:adj.实时的;接到指示立即执行的; elsewhere:adv.在别处;到别处;
In fact, if I just connect back to our lab systems through the Web, we can see in real time just some kind of idea of how many viruses, how many new examples of malware we find every single day. 事实上,如果我通过网络和我们实验室系统 进行连接 我们就可以实时看到 每一天会发现多少的病毒 多少的恶意软件的新案例
Here's the latest virus we've found in a file called Server.exe. 这是我们发现的最新的病毒 在一个叫做Server.exe的文件内
And we found it right over here three seconds ago -- the previous one, six seconds ago. 我们三秒前发现它在那 之前一个,六秒之前
And if we just scroll around, it's just massive . 如果我们滚动一下 会发现有很多
We find tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands. 我们发现数万个,甚至数百万个
And that's the last 20 minutes of malware every single day. 那些是最近20分钟的恶意软件 每一天都这样
So where are all these coming from then? 那么所有这些都是从哪里来的呢?
Well today, it's the organized criminal gangs writing these viruses because they make money with their viruses. 如今,它们都是有组织的犯罪团伙 编写病毒程序 因为他们通过病毒获利
organized:adj.有组织的; v.组织; (organize的过去分词和过去式) gangs:n.帮派(gang的复数);v.成帮结伙;合伙行动(gang的三单形式);
It's gangs like -- let's go to GangstaBucks.com. 它是个团伙-- 就像GangstaBucks.com网站一样
This is a website operating in Moscow where these guys are buying infected computers. 这是一个在莫斯科运行的网站 他们这些家伙购买被感染的电脑
So if you are a virus writer and you're capable of infecting Windows computers, but you don't know what to do with them, you can sell those infected computers -- somebody else's computers -- to these guys. 因此如果你是一个病毒编写者 并且你有感染Windows系统电脑的能力 但是你不知道怎么处理它们 你可以卖掉这些被感染的电脑-- 其他人的电脑--卖给那些家伙
capable:adj.能干的,能胜任的;有才华的; infecting:v.传染;使携带病菌;使感染;(infect的现在分词)
And they'll actually pay you money for those computers. 他们会付给你钱买
So how do these guys then monetize those infected computers? 那么这些家伙如何靠这些染上病毒的电脑 赚钱的呢?
Well there's multiple different ways, such as banking trojans , which will steal money from your online banking accounts when you do online banking, or keyloggers. 有许多不同的方法 比如银行木马,它可以从你的在线银行帐号中盗取你的钱 当你在线交易的时候 或者键盘记录
multiple:adj.数量多的;多种多样的;n.倍数; trojans:n.特洛伊木马,木马程式;
Keyloggers silently sit on your computer, hidden from view, and they record everything you type. 键盘记录潜伏在你的计算机中,在视图中隐藏自己 同时它可以记录你键入的所有信息
So you're sitting on your computer and you're doing Google searches. 因此当你坐在电脑旁同时在谷歌上进行搜索时
Every single Google search you type is saved and sent to the criminals. 每一次你键入的搜索词 都会被保存并且发送到犯罪分子那里
Every single email you write is saved and sent to the criminals. 每一封你写的邮件也会遭受同样的经历
Same thing with every single password and so on. 同样的遭遇还会发生在密码及其他资料上
But the thing that they're actually looking for most are sessions where you go online and do online purchases in any online store. 但是他们事实上最想获取的是 你的上网记录 以及在网店进行在线交易的过程
sessions:n.会议;会期(session的复数); purchases:v.[贸易]购买; n.所购物;
Because when you do purchases in online stores, you will be typing in your name, the delivery address, your credit card number and the credit card security codes. 因为当你进行网上交易的时候 你会输入你的姓名,邮寄地址 你的信用卡卡号以及安全码
delivery:n.[贸易]交付;分娩;递送; credit card:n.[经]信用卡;
And here's an example of a file we found from a server a couple of weeks ago. 这里有一个案例 是我们数星期前在一个服务器上获得的
That's the credit card number, that's the expiration date , that's the security code, and that's the name of the owner of the card. 那是信用卡卡号 这是截至日期,这是安全码 这是持卡人姓名
expiration date:n.截止日期;(物品、食品等的)有效期;
Once you gain access to other people's credit card information, you can just go online and buy whatever you want with this information. 一旦你获取侵入他人信用卡的信息 你就可以在线购买任何你想买的东西 用所盗取的信息
And that, obviously, is a problem. 当然,很明显,这是一个问题
We now have a whole underground marketplace and business ecosystem built around online crime. 我们现在存在着一整套的地下市场 以及商业模式生态系统 围绕着网上犯罪所设立的
marketplace:n.市场;集市; ecosystem:n.生态系统;
One example of how these guys actually are capable of monetizing their operations. 有一个例子是说这些家伙 如何运作这个系统赚钱
We go and have a look at the pages of INTERPOL and search for wanted persons. 我们打开看一下国际刑警组织的页面 然后搜索想找的人
have a look at:看一看,看一眼; INTERPOL:n.国际刑警组织;
We find guys like Bjorn Sundin, originally from Sweden, and his partner in crime, also listed on the INTERPOL wanted pages, 我们找到了比约恩·松丁这个人,来自瑞典 与他的伙伴进行了犯罪 同样在国际刑警组页面上列出了
Mr. Shaileshkumar Jain, a U.S. citizen. Shaileshkumar Jain 一名美国公民
These guys were running an operation called I.M.U., a cybercrime operation through which they netted millions. 这些家伙在运作着一个叫做I.M.U.的组织 是一个网络犯罪系统,净赚到数百万
They are both right now on the run . 他们现在还都在运作着
on the run:在逃;奔波;跑着;
Nobody knows where they are. 没人知道他们在哪里
U.S. officials, just a couple of weeks ago, froze a Swiss bank account belonging to Mr. Jain, and that bank account had 14.9 million U.S. dollars on it. 美国官方,就在数星期前 冻结了一个瑞士银行账户 是属于Jain的 账户中有1490万美元
bank account:n.银行账户;
So the amount of money online crime generates is significant . 因此说网上犯罪的金额是 非常大的
generates:[计]生成;发生; significant:adj.重大的;有效的;有意义的;值得注意的;意味深长的;n.象征;有意义的事物;
And that means that the online criminals can actually afford to invest into their attacks. 这就意味着网上犯罪 是可以负担的起他们进行攻击的支出
afford:v.给予,提供;买得起; invest:v.投资;(把资金)投入;投入(时间、精力等);授予;
We know that online criminals are hiring programmers, hiring testing people, testing their code, having back-end systems with SQL databases. 我们知道网上犯罪 要雇佣程序员,测试人员 测试他们的代码 拥有带SQL数据库的后端系统
And they can afford to watch how we work -- like how security people work -- and try to work their way around any security precautions we can build. 同时他们可以监视我们如何工作-- 比如安保人员工作状况-- 并且尝试解决我们在他们周围 所部属的各种防范措施
They also use the global nature of Internet to their advantage . 他们还利用互联网的全球性质 使他们自己有利
I mean, the Internet is international. 我的意思是,互联网是个国际性的
That's why we call it the Internet. 这也是我们为什么称它为国际互联网
And if you just go and take a look at what's happening in the online world, here's a video built by Clarified Networks, which illustrates how one single malware family is able to move around the world. 如果你只是去看看 在网络世界发生了什么 这里有一个 Clarified Networks 制作的视频 说明了一个单一的恶意软件家族是如何在世界各地转移的
take a look at:看一看;检查; Clarified:adj.提纯的,去除杂质的;v.阐明;澄清;净化;(clarify的过去分词和过去式) illustrates:v.阐明;举例说明(illustrate的三单形式);给…加插图; move around:v.走来走去;绕着…来回转;
This operation, believed to be originally from Estonia, moves around from one country to another as soon as the website is tried to shut down. 这个操作系统,被认为是来自爱沙尼亚 会从一个国家转移到另一个国家 只要网站一被关闭
as soon as:一…就;
So you just can't shut these guys down. 但你不可能阻止住这些家伙
They will switch from one country to another, from one jurisdiction to another -- moving around the world, using the fact that we don't have the capability to globally police operations like this. 他们会从一个国家转到另一个国家 从一种管辖权转移到另一个 在全球转移 利用一个现实,也就是说我们不可能有全球警察 像他们那样运作
jurisdiction:n.司法权,审判权,管辖权;权限,权力; capability:n.才能,能力;性能,容量;
So the Internet is as if someone would have given free plane tickets to all the online criminals of the world. 所以说,互联网就像 某人获得了免费机票 可以在世界各地进行网上犯罪
Now, criminals who weren't capable of reaching us before can reach us. 之前,罪犯是不可能追踪到我们的 现在却可以了
So how do you actually go around finding online criminals? 因此 你如何找到网络犯罪分子?
How do you actually track them down. 你是如何追踪到他们的
Let me give you an example. 我来举个例子
What we have here is one exploit file. 我这里有一个有漏洞的文件
Here, I'm looking at the Hex dump of an image file, which contains an exploit. 这里,我们看一个十六进制的图像文件 它包含了一个漏洞
And that basically means, if you're trying to view this image file on your Windows computer, it actually takes over your computer and runs code. 这意味着,如果你试着在你的Windows计算机上打开这个图像文件 它将会接管你的计算机并且运行代码
Now, if you'll take a look at this image file -- well there's the image header , and there the actual code of the attack starts. 现在,如果你看一下这个图像文件-- 这是图像的开始的部分 这是真正开始进行攻击的代码
And that code has been encrypted , so let's decrypt it. 这些代码已经被加密了 让我们把它们解密
encrypted:v.把…加密(或编码);(encrypt的过去式和过去分词) decrypt:vt.译电文;解密码;解释;
It has been encrypted with XOR function 97. 它用的是XOR函数97进行的加密
You just have to believe me, it is, it is. 你只能相信我 真是这样的
And we can go here and actually start decrypting it. 然后我们就来到这里 然后开始解密
Well the yellow part of the code is now decrypted . 密码的黄色部分现在已经被解密了
And I know, it doesn't really look much different from the original. 我知道,它们现在看起来和一开始差不多
But just keep staring at it. 但是请继续看下去
You'll actually see that down here you can see a Web address: unionseek.com/d/ioo.exe 你会看到下半部分 有一个网址: unionseek.com/d/ioo.exe
And when you view this image on your computer it actually is going to download and run that program. 当你在电脑上看这个图像的时候 它将下载且运行这个程序
And that's a backdoor which will take over your computer. 这是个后门程序,它将接管你的电脑
backdoor:adj.秘密的;n.后门; take over:接管;继承;接收;接任;接替;
But even more interestingly , if we continue decrypting, we'll find this mysterious string which says O600KO78RUS. 但是更有趣的是 如果我们继续解密 我们将发现一串奇怪的 叫做O600KO78RUS的代码
interestingly:adv.有趣地; mysterious:adj.神秘的;不可思议的;难解的; string:n.字符串; v.悬挂; adj.由弦乐器组成的;
That code is there underneath the encryption as some sort of a signature . 这个代码在加密文件的底部 就像署名一样
underneath:prep.在…的下面;在…的支配下;n.下面;底部;adj.下面的;底层的; encryption:n.加密;加密术; signature:n.署名;签名;信号;
It's not used for anything. 它没有什么实际作用
And I was looking at that, trying to figure out what it means. 当我看到它的时候,我试图找到它的作用
So obviously I Googled for it. 于是我自然的用GOOGLE去搜索了一下
I got zero hits; wasn't there. 我什么也没发现
So I spoke with the guys at the lab. 然后我就跟实验室的其他人说了这个事情
And we have a couple of Russian guys in our labs, and one of them mentioned, well, it ends in rus like Russia. 我们实验室有几个俄罗斯的人 他们其中一个提到 恩,结尾字母RUS可能代表俄罗斯
And 78 is the city code for the city of St. Petersburg. 数字78则代表城市代码 也就是 圣彼得堡
For example, you can find it from some phone numbers and car license plates and stuff like that. 举个例子,你可以从有些电话号码中发现类似的代码 或者是在车牌之类的东西上
license:v.许可;批准; stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本:
So I went looking for contacts in St. Petersburg. 于是我就去找它圣彼得堡的关系
And through a long road, we eventually found this one particular website. 经过长时间的努力 我们最终发现了一个特别的网站
Here's this Russian guy who's been operating online for a number of years who runs his own website, and he runs a blog under the popular Live Journal . 这个网站就是这个俄罗斯人运作的,他已经运作这个私人网站 很多年了 他在这个流行的 Journal网站下还有一个博客
blog:n.博客;部落格;网络日志; Journal:n.杂志;日记;日志;(用于报纸名)…报;
And on this blog, he blogs about his life, about his life in St. Petersburg -- he's in his early 20s -- about his cat, about his girlfriend. 在博客里,他记录他的生活 他在圣彼得堡的生活情况-- 他20出头-- 有关他的猫的情况 他的女友
And he drives a very nice car. 而且他还有一辆很好的车
In fact, this guy drives a Mercedes-Benz S600 实际上,这家伙开的是 一辆奔驰S600
V12 with a six-liter engine with more than 400 horsepower . 12缸 6升发动机 400多马力
Now that's a nice car for a 20-something year-old kid in St. Petersburg. 对于一个在圣彼得堡20岁出头的孩子来说,这已经是一辆非常好的车了
How do I know about this car? 我是如何了解到这辆车的?
Because he blogged about the car. 因为他的微博提到过
blogged:n.[网]博客; v.[网]在博客上发布文章; (blog的过去式)
He actually had a car accident. 他还有过一次车祸
In downtown St. Petersburg, he actually crashed his car into another car. 在圣彼得堡的市区 他开车撞到了另一辆车
And he put blogged images about the car accident -- that's his Mercedes -- right here is the Lada Samara he crashed into. 他把车祸的情况放到了博客上-- 就是那辆奔驰-- 那就是他撞上的 拉达萨马拉
images:n.印象;声誉;形象;画像;雕像;(image的第三人称单数和复数) Samara:n.[植]翼果,[植]翅果;
And you can actually see that the license plate of the Samara ends in 78RUS. 你可以很清楚的看见被撞车的车牌 以78RUS结尾
license plate:牌照;
And if you actually take a look at the scene picture, you can see that the plate of the Mercedes is O600KO78RUS. 如果你看下现场的照片 你可以看见奔驰车的车牌 是O600KO78RUS
Now I'm not a lawyer, but if I would be, this is where I would say, "I rest my case." 我不是一个律师 但如果我是的话 看到这我想我会说:“我可以结案了”
(Laughter) (笑声)
So what happens when online criminals are caught? 那么,当网络罪犯被抓获以后又会怎么样呢?
Well in most cases it never gets this far. 大多数案例都不会获得如此详细的信息
The vast majority of the online crime cases, we don't even know which continent the attacks are coming from. 绝大多数网络罪犯的情况是 我们甚至不知道他们从哪个大洲发动的攻击
majority:n.大部分:大多数:多数票:成年人: continent:n.大陆,洲,陆地;adj.自制的,克制的;
And even if we are able to find online criminals, quite often there is no outcome . 即使我们有能力去找到这些网络罪犯 大多数情况都不了了之
The local police don't act, or if they do, there's not enough evidence , or for some reason we can't take them down. 地方警察不会有所行动,即使他们实施抓捕,也没有充足的证据 或者因为一些原因无法抓到罪犯
I wish it would be easier; unfortunately it isn't. 我希望事情能简单一些 不幸的是,并非如此
But things are also changing at a very rapid pace. 但事情总是在改变 并且速度非常可观
You've all heard about things like Stuxnet. 大家应该都已经听说过Stuxnet震网病毒 的事情了
So if you look at what Stuxnet did is that it infected these. 如果你看看Stuxnet震网病毒 的作为 它感染了这些
That's a Siemens S7-400 PLC, programmable logic [controller]. 那是一台西门子S7-400 PLC 可编程逻辑控制器
Siemens:n.[电]西门子(财富500强公司之一,总部所在地德国,主要经营电子电气); programmable:adj.[计]可编程的;可设计的; logic:n.逻辑;逻辑学;逻辑性;adj.逻辑的;
And this is what runs our infrastructure . 它用于我们的基础设施中
This is what runs everything around us. 它用于周遭的一切东西中
PLC's, these small boxes which have no display , no keyboard, which are programmed, are put in place, and they do their job. 它是这些小盒子,没有显示器 没有键盘 程式化的,被放到需要的地方后便自动工作
For example, the elevators in this building most likely are controlled by one of these. 举个例子,这栋建筑的电梯 很有可能就是被这套装置所控制
And when Stuxnet infects one of these, that's a massive revolution on the kinds of risks we have to worry about. 因此当Stuxnet震网病毒 侵入到它们之中 就会造成我们不得不担心的 各种风险的重大变革
infects:vt.感染,传染; revolution:n.革命;旋转;运行;循环;
Because everything around us is being run by these. 因为我们周边的一切都被这种病毒所接管
I mean, we have critical infrastructure. 我的意思是,我们有一些关键性的设施
You go to any factory, any power plant , any chemical plant, any food processing plant, you look around -- everything is being run by computers. 你去看任何一个工厂,电站 化学设备,食品制造设备 你看看周遭-- 一切都是依靠电脑运行的
power plant:n.发电厂;发电站; chemical:n.化学制品,化学药品;adj.化学的; processing:v.加工;处理;审核;数据处理;v.列队行进;缓缓前进;(process的现在分词)
Everything is being run by computers. 一切都是依靠电脑运行的
Everything is reliant on these computers working. 一切都是依赖电脑才能工作
We have become very reliant on Internet, on basic things like electricity , obviously, on computers working. 我们已经变得非常依赖 网络 依赖基础资源例如电力,这是很明显的 依赖电脑工作
And this really is something which creates completely new problems for us. 这就是些 对我们来说全新的问题
We must have some way of continuing to work even if computers fail. 我们必须找到其他的途径 来继续工作 即使在电脑不能运行的情况下
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
So preparedness means that we can do stuff even when the things we take for granted aren't there. 应此,有备无患意味着即使我们认为理所当然 的事情发生了意料之外的改变,我们仍然可以 照常工作
preparedness:n.有准备;已准备;做好准备(尤指作战准备); take for granted:认为…理所当然;
It's actually very basic stuff -- thinking about continuity , thinking about backups , thinking about the things that actually matter. 这其实是基本常识-- 要考虑到持续性,后备方案 以及真正至关重要的问题
continuity:n.连续性;一连串;分镜头剧本; backups:n.[计]备份;
Now I told you -- 我把这些都告诉你们了--
(Laughter) (笑声)
I love the Internet. I do. 我真的很爱网络
Think about all the services we have online. 想想那些我们通过网络得到的服务
Think about if they are taken away from you, if one day you don't actually have them for some reason or another. 想想如果把它们从你身边拿走 如果有一天因为这样或那样的原因 你真的失去了它们
I see beauty in the future of the Internet, but I'm worried that we might not see that. 我看到了网络美好的未来 但是我同样担心 我们可能看不到它
I'm worried that we are running into problems because of online crime. 我担心我们正在因为网络犯罪的原因 陷入到问题之中
Online crime is the one thing that might take these things away from us. 网络犯罪是一个可能把 这些美好的事物从我们身边夺走的原因之一
(Laughter) (笑声)
I've spent my life defending the net. 我用尽我的一生 去保卫网络
And I do feel that if we don't fight online crime, we are running a risk of losing it all. 我真正的感觉到如果我们不对抗网络犯罪 我们将走向一条失去一切的不归之路
We have to do this globally, and we have to do it right now. 我们必须全球联手 且刻不容缓
What we need is more global, international law enforcement work to find online criminal gangs -- these organized gangs that are making millions out of their attacks. 我们需要的 是更加全球化,国际性法规强制性的 抓捕网络罪犯 这些有组织的 从攻击中创造百万利润的罪犯们
That's much more important than running anti-viruses or running firewalls . 这要比研发反病毒软件 研发防火墙要重要的多
What actually matters is actually finding the people behind these attacks. 真正重要的是 找到在这些攻击的幕后指使者
And even more importantly, we have to find the people who are about to become part of this online world of crime, but haven't yet done it. 更重要的是 我们必须要找出 将要成为网络犯罪世界 其中一部分 但是还没有那样做的人
are about to:眼看就要;即将;正要;行将;
We have to find the people with the skills, but without the opportunities and give them the opportunities to use their skills for good. 我们要发现有才之人 只是怀才不遇 并且给他们机会 让他们的才能为我们所用
Thank you very much. 非常感谢
(Applause) (掌声)