

What is history? 什么是历史?
It is something written by the winners. 是胜利者写的东西。
There is a stereotype that history should be focused on the rulers, like Lenin or Trotsky . 有一种刻板印象, 历史应该专注于统治者, 像列宁或托洛斯基。
stereotype:vt.使用铅版;套用老套,使一成不变;n.陈腔滥调,老套;铅版; Trotsky:n.托洛茨基(前苏联托洛茨基集团领袖,后被开除出党);
As a result , people in many countries, like mine, Russia, look at history as something that was predetermined or determined by the leaders, and common people could not influence it in any way. 因此,许多国家的人, 像是我国俄罗斯, 视历史为预先确定 或由领导人所决定, 普通人无法以任何方式影响历史。
As a result:结果; predetermined:adj.业已决定的;先已决定的;v.已决定的(predetermine的过去式和过去分词); influence:n.影响;势力;感化;有影响的人或事;v.影响;改变;
Many Russians today do not believe that Russia could ever have been or ever will be a truly democratic nation, and this is due to the way history has been framed to the citizens of Russia. 许多俄罗斯人至今都不相信 俄罗斯曾经是,或未来 可以是个真正民主的国家, 这正是历史 呈现给俄罗斯公民的形象,
democratic:adj.民主的;民主政治的;大众的; framed:v.给…做框;给…镶边;制订;拟订;(frame的过去分词和过去式)
And this is not true. 并不是真的。
To prove it, I spent two years of my life trying to go 100 years back, to the year 1917, the year of the Russian Revolution . 为了证明这一点, 我花两年时间试图回到一百年前, 到 1917 年, 即俄国革命那年。
I asked myself, what if the internet and Facebook existed 100 years ago? 我问自己,如果一百年前 有互联网和脸书会怎样?
what if:如果…怎么办?
So last year, we built a social network for dead people, 所以我们在去年建了 给逝者用的社交网路,
My team and I created our software, digitized and uploaded all possible real diaries and letters written by more than 3,000 people 100 years ago. 我和团队建了软体, 把找得到的真实日记和信件 全都数位化和上传, 那些是由三千多人 于一百年前撰写的。
digitized:adj.数字化的;v.使数字化(digitize的过去分词); uploaded:vt.上传;
So any user of our website or application can follow a news feed for each day of 1917 and read what people like Stravinsky or Trotsky, 因此,任何我们网站或应用程式的用户 都能关注 1917 年里 每一天的新闻, 阅读史特拉汶斯基或托洛斯基、
Lenin or Pavlova and others thought and felt. 列宁或帕夫洛娃等人的想法和感受。
We watch all those personalities being ordinary people like you and me, not demigods , and we see that history consists of their mistakes, fears, weaknesses, not only their " genius ideas." 这些人全都是像你我这样的普通人, 而不是半神的人, 我们看到的历史中 有他们的错误、恐惧和弱点, 而不仅仅是他们的「天才想法」。
personalities:n.性格;个性;人格;气质;名人;(personality的复数) demigods:n.受崇拜的人,英雄人物;半神半人;小神; consists:v.由…构成;由…组成(consist的三单形式); genius:n.天才;天资;才能,本领;
Our project was a shock for many Russians, who used to think that our country has always been an autocratic empire and the ideas of freedom and democracy could never have prevailed , just because democracy was not our destiny . 我们的专案震惊许多俄罗斯人, 过去他们认为 我国一直是个专制的帝国, 自由和民主的思想永远不会占上风, 只因为我们注定不民主。
autocratic:adj.专制的;独裁的,专横的; democracy:n.民主,民主主义;民主政治; prevailed:v.普遍存在;盛行;流行;被接受;战胜;压倒;(prevail的过去分词和过去式) destiny:n.命运,定数,天命;
But if we take a broader look, it's not that black and white . 但如果我们把目光放宽放远, 它并不那么泾渭分明。
black and white:adj.印刷的;黑白混合的;用笔写的;
Yes, 1917 led to 70 years of communist dictatorship . 跟随着 1917 年的确是 70 年的 共产主义独裁统治。
communist:n.共产党员;共产主义者;adj.共产主义的; dictatorship:n.专政;独裁权;独裁者职位;
But with this project, we see that Russia could have had a different history and a democratic future, as any other country could or still can. 但是通过这个专案,我们看到 俄罗斯能有不同的历史 和民主的未来,
you learn that Russia was the first country in the world to abolish the death penalty , or one of the first ones to grant women voting rights. 你会了解到俄罗斯是世界上 第一个废除死刑的国家, 也是最早授予 女性投票权的国家之一。
abolish:vt.废除,废止;取消,革除; death penalty:死刑; grant:v.授予;允许;承认;同意;n.拨款;[法]授予物;
Knowing history and understanding how ordinary people influenced history can help us create a better future, because history is just a rehearsal of what's happening right now. 了解历史并了解普通人 如何影响历史, 可以幫助我们创造更美好的未来, 因为历史只是对现在 正在发生的事情的预演。
influenced:v.影响;对…起作用;支配;左右;(influence的过去分词和过去式) rehearsal:n.排演;预演;练习;训练;叙述;
We do need new ways of telling history, and this year, for example, and that is an online documentary series that gives you an impression of that year, 1968, a year marked by global social change that, in many ways, created the world as we know it now. 我们确实需要新的方式来讲述历史, 例如,今年我们开始新的线上专案, 它是个线上纪录片系列, 提供您 1968 那一年的印象, 那是全球社会变革的一年, 在许多方面塑造了我们现今的世界。
series:n.系列,连续;[电]串联;级数;丛书; impression:n.印象;影响;效果;感想; global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的;
But we are making that history alive by imagining what if all the main characters could use mobile phones ... 我们让那段历史活跃起来, 通过如果所有的主角 都能使用手机的想像,
just like that? 就那样。
And we see that a lot of individuals were facing the same challenges and were fighting for the same values, no matter if they lived in the US or in USSR or in France or in China or in Czechoslovakia . 我们看到很多人 面临同样的挑战, 无论他们是住在美国、苏联、 法国、中国还是捷克斯洛伐克。
individuals:n.[经]个人;[生物]个体(individual的复数); Czechoslovakia:n.(前)捷克斯洛伐克;
By exposing history in such a democratic way, through social media , we show that people in power are not the only ones making choices. 以这种民主的方式揭露历史, 通过社交媒体, 我们展现当权者 不是唯一掌握选择权的人。
exposing:v.暴露;显露;揭露;揭穿;使面临;(expose的现在分词) media:n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉;
That gives any user a possibility of reclaiming history. 这使任何用户都能纠正历史。
Ordinary people matter. 普通人很重要。
They have an impact . 他们有影响力。
Ideas matter. 想法很重要。
Journalists , scientists, philosophers matter. 记者、科学家、哲学家很重要。
Journalists:n.新闻记者(journalist的复数); philosophers:n.哲学家(philosopher的复数);
We shape society. 我们塑造社会。
We all make history. 我们都创造了历史。
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)