

Good morning everybody. 大家早上好
I'd like to talk about a couple of things today. 我今天想谈谈几件事情。
The first thing is water. 第一件事是水。
Now I see you've all been enjoying the water that's been provided for you here at the conference , over the past couple of days. 我可以看到大家都十分享受 由大会所提供的饮用水, 在过去的几天里。
provided:conj.假如; v.提供; (provide的过去分词和过去式) conference:n.会议;研讨会;商讨会;体育协会(或联合会)
And I'm sure you'll feel that it's from a safe source . 我确定你们都感觉那些水是出自一个安全的水源。
But what if it wasn't? 但是如果不是的呢?
what if:如果…怎么办?
What if it was from a source like this? 如果是出自这样的水源呢?
Then statistics would actually say that half of you would now be suffering with diarrhea . 数据会表明 你们其中的一半现在会 在拉肚子了。
statistics:n.统计数字;统计资料;统计学;(statistic的复数) diarrhea:n.腹泻,痢疾;
I talked a lot in the past about statistics, and the provision of safe drinking water for all. 我过去常常谈关于数据, 以及为所有的人提供安全的饮用水的问题。
provision:n.规定;条款;准备;[经]供应品;vt.供给…食物及必需品; drinking water:n.饮用水;
But they just don't seem to get through. 但是这似乎得不到重视。
And I think I've worked out why. 不过我觉得我搞清楚了这是为什么,
It's because, using current thinking, the scale of the problem just seems too huge to contemplate solving. 是因为,用当前的想法, 问题的程度 似乎大得我们难以想象可以解决。
scale:n.规模;比例;鳞;刻度;天平;数值范围;v.衡量;攀登;剥落;生水垢; contemplate:v.沉思;注视;思忖;预期;
So we just switch off. 所以我们干脆不想了。
Us, governments, and aid agencies . 我们,政府,和艾滋病机构,都放弃了。
Well, today, I'd like to show you that through thinking differently, the problem has been solved. 好吧,今天,我就要给你们看看 通过不同的思维方式, 把这个问题解决了。
By the way , since I've been speaking, another 13,000 people around the world are suffering now with diarrhea. 但是,顺便说一声,就在我演讲的同时。 世界上有13000人 正在遭受腹泻的痛苦。
By the way:顺便说一下;
And four children have just died. 而4个孩子刚刚死去了。
I invented Lifesaver bottle because I got angry. 我发明了这个救生瓶 因为我真的生气了。
I, like most of you, was sitting down, the day after Christmas in 2004, when I was watching the devastating news of the Asian tsunami as it rolled in, playing out on TV. 我,像你们其中的大多数人,在2004年的圣诞节后的一天在电视机前坐了下来, 看到了那条灾难性的新闻 - 电视里正在直播 亚洲海啸的登录。
devastating:adj.毁灭性的; v.毁灭; (devastate的现在分词) tsunami:n.海啸;
The days and weeks that followed, people fleeing to the hills, being forced to drink contaminated water, or face death. 在接下来的几天,几个星期里, 人们逃难到山上, 被迫去喝被污染的水, 不然就会(因缺水)被死亡威胁。
fleeing:v.迅速离开;逃避,逃跑;(flee的现在分词) contaminated:v.污染;玷污,毒害(人的思想或品德);(contaminate的过去分词和过去式)
That really stuck with me. 那场景让我久久不能忘怀。
Then, a few months later, 接下来,几个月后,
Hurricane Katrina slammed into the side of America. 卡特里娜飓风席卷了美国的海岸线。
Hurricane:n.飓风,暴风; slammed:v.(使…)砰地关上;使劲一推;猛烈抨击;(slam的过去分词和过去式)
'"Okay," I thought, "here's a First World country, let's see what they can do." “好吧,”我想,“这里个第一世界国家,让我们看看他们可以做些什么。”
First World:n.第一世界(指富有的工业国);
Day one: nothing. 第一天:什么都没有发生。
Day two: nothing. 第二天:什么都没有发生。
Do you know it took five days to get water to the Superdome ? 你们可知道他们花了整整5天时间才把水弄到新奥尔良体育馆(难民集中处)?
People were shooting each other on the streets, for TV sets and water. 人们为了电视和水在街上 用枪火拼。
That's when I decided I had to do something. 那时,我就决定我要做些什么了。
Now I spent a lot of time in my garage , over the next weeks and months. 在接下来的几个星期和几个月里,我在我的车库里花费了不少时间。
And also in my kitchen, much to the dismay of my wife. 也在我的厨房里花了不少时间,使我的妻子看了摇头。
However, after a few failed prototypes , 然而,就在几个失败的试验模型后,
I finally came up with this, the Lifesaver bottle. 我终于做出了这个,救生瓶。
Okay, now for the science bit. 好了,现在来讲点科学背景。
Before Lifesaver, the best hand filters were only capable of filtering down to about 200 nanometers . 在救生瓶发明前,最佳的手动过滤器只能 过滤200纳米左右的物体。
filters:n.过滤器; v.过滤; (filter的第三人称单数和复数) capable:adj.能干的,能胜任的;有才华的; filtering:v.[化工]过滤,滤除(filter的ing形式); nanometers:n.[计量]毫微米(即十亿分之一米);
The smallest bacteria is about 200 nanometers. 最小的细菌就有大约200纳米。
So a 200-nanometer bacteria is going to get through a 200-nanometer hole. 所以一个200纳米的细菌 可以穿过这个200纳米的网孔。
The smallest virus, on the other hand , is about 25 nanometers. 另外来说,最小的病毒, 大概有25纳米。
on the other hand:另一方面;
So that's definitely going to get through those 200 nanometer holes. 所以那绝对会穿过那个200纳米的网孔。
Lifesaver pores are 15 nanometers. 救生瓶的网孔只有15纳米。
So nothing is getting through. 所以没东西可以通过。
Okay, I'm going to give you a bit of a demonstration . 好了,我将要给你们一个示范。
Would you like to see that? 你们想看吗?
I spent all the time setting this up. So I guess I should. 我花了好些时间把这个设置好,所以我想我应该做个示范。
We're in the fine city of Oxford. 我们在美好的牛津市里。
So -- someone's done that up. 哦,有人已经把这放好了。
Fine city of Oxford, so what I've done is I've gone and got some water from the River Cherwell, and the River Thames, that flow through here. And this is the water. 美好的牛津,我所做的是,我从彻韦尔河里 弄了点水, 里面还有泰晤士里 流过来的水。这就是我弄来的水了。
But I got to thinking, you know, if we were in the middle of a flood zone in Bangladesh, the water wouldn't look like this. 但是我就想了,你们知道的, 如果我们在洪水区里 在孟加拉国里,那水可不像这样。
So I've gone and got some stuff to add into it. 所以我弄了这些东西来,把他们加进去。
And this is from my pond . 这是从我池塘里弄来的。
(Sniffs) (Coughs) Have a smell of that, mister cameraman . (嗅一下)(咳嗽)闻闻这个,摄影师。
Okay. (Laughs) Right. 好了,(笑)可以了。
We're just going to pour that in there. 我们就把这些倒入这个里面。
pour:v.倒; n.流出; (已熔金属的)一次浇注量;
Audience: Ugh! 听众:恶!
Michael Pritchard: Okay. We've got some runoff from a sewage plant farm. 麦克普理查德:好,我们还从污水处理厂 的水流里弄了点水。
runoff:n.[水文]径流;决赛;流走的东西;adj.决胜的; sewage:n.污水;下水道;污物;
So I'm just going to put that in there. 我们把这也放进去。
(Laughter) (笑)
Put that in there. There we go. 放进去,好的。
(Laughter) (笑)
And some other bits and pieces , chuck that in there. 和这些乱七八糟的东西,一起丢进去。
bits and pieces:零星小玩意;零碎;零碎东西;星星点点; chuck:n.卡盘;夹头;辞退;(牛等的)颈肉;v.放弃;[机]用卡盘夹紧;(口语)抛出,逐出;
And I've got a gift here from a friend of mine's rabbit. 这是我朋友的兔子送给我的“礼物“。
So we're just going to put that in there as well. 我们把这个也给放进去。
(Laughter) (笑)
Okay. (Laughter) Now. 好了,(笑)现在。
The Lifesaver bottle works really simply. 救生瓶的使用十分简单。
You just scoop the water up. 你就把水舀起来。
Today I'm going to use a jug just to show you all. Let's get a bit of that poo in there. 今天,我会使用一个罐子 就为了给你们瞧瞧,让我们放点粪便进去,
That's not dirty enough. Let's just stir that up a little bit. 那还不够脏,让我们搅一下。
Okay, so I'm going to take this really filthy water, and put it in here. Do you want a drink yet? 好了,我就要把这极脏的水, 放进这里。你现在想喝这个水吗?
(Laughter) (笑)
Okay. There we go. 好了,这样。
Replace the top. 换掉顶部。
Give it a few pumps . Okay? 抽动几下,好吧?
pumps:n.[机]泵; v.用泵送;
That's all that's necessary. 这就可以了。
Now as soon as I pop the teat , sterile drinking water is going to come out. 现在一旦我打开这个瓶盖, 可饮用水就会从这里冒出来。我可得做得快。
as soon as:一…就; teat:n.奶头,奶嘴;乳头; sterile:adj.不育的;无菌的;贫瘠的;不毛的;枯燥乏味的;
I've got to be quick. Okay, ready? 好了,准备好了?
There we go. Mind the electrics . 这样。注意电器。
That is safe, sterile drinking water. 这是安全的,无菌的可饮用水。
(Applause) (掌声)
Cheers. 干杯。
(Applause) (掌声)
There you go Chris. 你来试试,克里斯。
(Applause) (掌声)
What's it taste of? 尝起来怎么样?
Chris Anderson: Delicious. 克里斯安德森:美味极了。
Michael Pritchard: Okay. 麦克普理查德:好了。
Let's see Chris's program throughout the rest of the show. Okay? 让我们看看克里斯接下来节目的表现怎么样。好嘛?(意味克里斯会拉肚子)
(Laughter) (笑)
Okay. Lifesaver bottle is used by thousands of people around the world. 好了。救生瓶正在被世界各地上千人所使用。
It'll last for 6,000 liters . 它可以净化6000升水。
And when it's expired , using failsafe technology , the system will shut off, protecting the user. 当它过期后,应用故障自动保全技术, 这个系统会自动关闭,从而保护了使用者。
expired:adj.过期的;v.失效,期满,去世(expire的过去分词和过去式) failsafe:n.破损安全;失效保护; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语;
Pop the cartridge out. Pop a new one in. 把净化盒取出,装进新的一个。
It's good for another 6,000 liters. 又可以处理6000升的水。
So let's look at the applications. 让我们看看它的使用的范围。
Traditionally , in a crisis , what do we do? 以往,在一个危机中,我们怎么做?
Traditionally:adv.传统上;习惯上;传说上; crisis:n.危机;危险期;决定性时刻;adj.危机的;用于处理危机的;
We ship water. 我们运输饮用水。
Then, after a few weeks, we set up camps. 然后,几个星期后,我们架设起难民营。
And people are forced to come into the camps to get their safe drinking water. 然后大众会被迫去难民营去取得饮用水。
What happens when 20,000 people congregate in a camp? 你们想想,当20000人挤在一个难民营里会发生些什么?
Diseases spread. More resources are required. 疾病会传播,更多的资源会被需要(控制疾病)。
Diseases:n.[医]病(disease的复数);[医]疾病;[植保]病害;疾病种类; resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数);
The problem just becomes self-perpetuating . 这样问题就变成了自我持续的了。
But by thinking differently, and shipping these, people can stay put. 但是换一个角度去想问题, 把这些运过去, 群众可以按兵不动,
They can make their own sterile drinking water, and start to get on with rebuilding their homes and their lives. 他们可以制造他们自己的可饮用水, 然后开始重建他们的家园和生活。
get on with:v.在…获得成功,于…友好相处;继续干;
Now, it doesn't require a natural disaster for this to work. 这不需要一个自然灾害 让这来工作。
Using the old thinking, of national infrastructure , and pipe work, is too expensive. 用老眼光来看待问题,使用一个国家的基础设施, 以及管道系统,这(提供饮用水)太昂贵了。
When you run the numbers on a calculator , you run out of noughts . 你用计算器来算算看, 怎么算都不够。
calculator:n.计算器; run out of:用完; noughts:n.[数]零;没有;
So here is the "thinking different" bit. 所以,这里可以用不同的角度来看待问题。
Instead of shipping water, and using man-made processes to do it, let's use Mother Nature . She's got a fantastic system. 我们不要运输饮用水, 而要用人工的方法去制造饮用水, 让我们依靠起大自然母亲。她有一个神奇的系统,
man-made:adj.人造的;人工的;合成的; processes:n.过程; v.处理(process的第三人称单数形式); Mother Nature:n.大自然;自然界; fantastic:奇异的,空想的
She picks the water up from there, desalinates it, for free, transports it over there, and dumps it onto the mountains, rivers, and streams. 她把水从这里拿起来, 免费过滤,免费运输到另一个地方, 然后在那边的山上,河里和小溪里放下它(雨水)。
transports:n.运输工具; v.运送; dumps:n.废物,垃圾场(dump的复数);忧郁;v.倾倒(dump的单三形式);
And where do people live? Near water. 人类大多在那里居住?靠近水源的地方。
All we've go to do is make it sterile. How do we do that? 我们只要 把水杀菌,变成可引用水。
Well, we could use the Lifesaver bottle. 为此,我们可以使用救生瓶。
Or we could use one of these. 或者我们可以用这个东西。
The same technology, in a jerrycan. 它使用同样的技术,只是用在这种罐子上。
This will process 25,000 liters of water. 这可以处理25,000升水。
That's good enough for a family of four, for three years. 这可足够维持一个4口之家, 用上3年。
And how much does it cost? 那这需要多少钱?
About half a cent a day to run. 大概每天半美分。
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)
So, by thinking differently, and processing water at the point of use , mothers and children no longer have to walk four hours a day to collect their water. 所以,从不同的角度考虑问题, 在水源处处理水, 这样母亲和孩子们每天不必走上4小时 去采集他们的水。
processing:v.加工;处理;审核;数据处理;v.列队行进;缓缓前进;(process的现在分词) at the point of use:在使用点上;
They can get it from a source nearby . 他们可以在附近的水源地取得。
So with just eight billion dollars, we can hit the millennium goal's target of halving the number of people without access to safe drinking water. 这样可用仅仅80亿美元, 让我们达成这个千年的发展目标, 使没有安全引用水 的人口减半。
millennium:n.千年期,千禧年;一千年,千年纪念;太平盛世,黄金时代; halving:n.二等分;[数]对分;v.二等分;把…减半(halve的ing形式);
To put that into context , 比较起来,
The U.K. government spends about 12 billion pounds a year on foreign aid. 英国政府一年提供的国外艾滋病资助 达到120亿磅。
But why stop there? 但是为什么就此止步?
With 20 billion dollars, everyone can have access to safe drinking water. 我们可以用20亿磅,使每个人都能有安全的可饮用水。
So the three-and-a-half billion people that suffer every year, as a result , and the two million kids that die every year, will live. 这样每年3亿半 受苦受难的人民,以及, 每年死亡的两百万的儿童, 会继续生存下去。
as a result:结果;
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)