

So, I'm going to start off with kind of the buzzkill a little bit. 好吧,我的开场可能有点让人扫兴
Forty-two million people were displaced by natural disasters in 2010. 四千两百万人 在2010年因灾成为无家可归的人。
displaced:v.取代;替代;置换;迫使(某人)离开家园;转移;(displace的过去式和过去分词) disasters:n.灾难(disaster的复数);
Now, there was nothing particularly special about 2010, because, on average, 31 and a half million people are displaced by natural disasters every single year. 不过,2010年可没有什么太大不了的 因为,平均来说,每年因为各种自然灾害 而流离失所的人数达到了三千一百五十万之多。
Now, usually when people hear statistics or stats like that, you start thinking about places like Haiti or other kind of exotic or maybe even impoverished areas, but it happens right here in the United States every single year. 通常,人们听到这方面的统计数据的时候, 都会想到海地或者是其他国家 或者是贫困地区,但事实上 类似的事情在美国每一年都在发生着。
statistics:n.统计数字;统计资料;统计学;(statistic的复数) stats:n.统计数据;统计学; Haiti:n.海地; exotic:adj.异国的;外来的;异国情调的; impoverished:adj.穷困的;用尽了的,无创造性的;v.使贫困(impoverish的过去分词); United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式)
Last year alone, 99 federally declared disasters were on file with FEMA, from Joplin, Missouri , and Tuscaloosa, Alabama , to the Central Texas wildfires that just happened recently . 仅去年一年,就有99起官方证实的灾害 被联邦应急管理局(FEMA)记录在案, 发生地点从密苏里州的乔普林、阿拉巴马州的塔斯卡卢萨、 到最近刚发生在德克萨斯州中部的森林大火。
federally:adv.联邦地;联邦政府地;同盟地; Missouri:n.密苏里(美国州名); Alabama:n.阿拉巴马州(美国州名); wildfires:n.野火(wildfire复数);大火灾;鬼火;古时攻打敌船所用的燃料剂; recently:adv.最近;新近;
Now, how does the most powerful country in the world handle these displaced people? 那么,世界上最强大的国家 是怎么安排这些无家可归的人呢?
They cram them onto cots, put all your personal belongings in a plastic garbage bag, stick it underneath , and put you on the floor of an entire sports arena , or a gymnasium . 他们把灾民塞在简易床上,所有私人物品都被塞进 一个塑料垃圾袋,然后扔在床下面, 然后大家都挤在一个体育场里, 或者体育馆里。
cram:v.把…塞进; n.填塞; personal:adj.个人的;身体的;亲自的;n.人事消息栏;人称代名词; belongings:n.[经]财产,所有物;亲戚; garbage:n.垃圾;废物; underneath:prep.在…的下面;在…的支配下;n.下面;底部;adj.下面的;底层的; arena:n.舞台;竞技场; gymnasium:n.体育馆;健身房;
So obviously there's a massive housing gap , and this really upset me, because academia tells you after a major disaster, there's typically about an 18-month time frame to -- we kinda recover, start the recovery process , 所以临时住房短缺问题很明显, 这让我很失望,因为学术界认为 在一次大灾难过后,一般需要 经过18个月的时间, 才会开始重建的进程,
massive:adj.大量的;巨大的,厚重的;魁伟的; gap:n.差距;间隙;缺口;间隔;v.使豁裂;豁开; upset:adj.沮丧; v.打乱; n.苦恼; (意外的)混乱; academia:n.学术界;学术生涯; typically:adv.代表性地;作为特色地; time frame:n.期间时限; recovery:n.恢复,复原;痊愈;重获; process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的;
but what most people don't realize is that on average it takes 45 to 60 days or more for the infamous FEMA trailers to even begin to show up. 但是大部分人都没意识到 一般要经过45到60天甚至更多时间 那些声名狼藉的的联邦应急管理局的拖车才会开始出现。
infamous:adj.声名狼藉的;无耻的;邪恶的;不名誉的; trailers:n.[车辆]拖车(trailer的复数形式); v.用拖车载运(trailer的第三人称单数形式);
Before that time, people are left to their own devices . 在那之前,人们只能靠自己。
So I became obsessed with trying to figure out a way to actually fill this gap. 所以我开始很专注于找到一个方法来 填补这个空缺。
This actually became my creative obsession . 这项创造性的事业使我十分痴迷。
creative:adj.创造性的; obsession:n.痴迷;困扰;[内科][心理]强迫观念;
I put aside all my freelance work after hours and started just focusing particularly on this problem. 几个小时后,我就把我所有的手头兼职工作抛到一边 开始全身心投入到这项工作中。
So I started sketching . 画草图是第一项工作。
Two days after Katrina, I started sketching and sketching and trying to brainstorm up ideas or solutions for this, and as things started to congeal or ideas started to form, 卡特里娜飓风过后两天,我开始一遍遍的画草图 尽己所能想方设法的来找到一个可行的方案, 当我的构思最终成形后,
brainstorm:n.集思广益;头脑风暴;灵机一动;v.集体讨论;集思广益以寻找; congeal:vi.凝结;凝固;vt.使…凝结;使…冻结;
I started sketching digitally on the computer, but it was an obsession, so I couldn't just stop there. 我开始用电脑上进行设计, 当然这终究还是图纸,所以我不能就此停下。
I started experimenting, making models, talking to experts in the field, taking their feedback , and refining , and I kept on refining and refining for nights and weekends for over five years. 之后我开始做实验,做一些模型, 展示给这个领域的专家们,倾听他们的反馈, 并进行改进,我一遍一遍的改进 这个过程持续了五年多。
feedback:n.反馈;反馈意见;回授;[电子]反馈; refining:v.精炼;提纯;去除杂质;改进;(refine的现在分词)
Now, my obsession ended up driving me to create full-size prototypes in my own backyard — (Laughter) — and actually spending my own personal savings on everything from tooling to patents and a variety of other costs, 最终,这个使我着迷的计划有了一个结果 那就是在我家后院的全尺寸原型产品(笑声) 它们花光了我所有的积蓄 包括购买工具到付专利使用费 以及其他各种各样的费用,
full-size:adj.全尺寸的;动物完全长大的;全身的;与原物一样大小的; prototypes:n.原型;技术原型;雏型; backyard:n.后院;后庭; savings:n.节省物;节省;节约;储蓄金;存款;(saving的复数) patents:n.[专利]专利(patent的复数形式);专利权; variety:n.多样;种类;杂耍;变化,多样化;
but in the end I ended up with this modular housing system that can react to any situation or disaster. 不过最后我还是成功做出了这个模块化房屋系统 它可以应付各种情况和灾难。
modular:adj.模块化的;模数的;有标准组件的; react:v.起反应;回应;(对食物等)有不良反应,过敏;起化学反应;
It can be put up in any environment, from an asphalt parking lot to pastures or fields, because it doesn't require any special setup or specialty tools. 它可以被安放在任何环境中, 从沥青停车场到牧场或农田, 因为它不需要任何特殊的基础建设 或是特殊的工具。
asphalt:n.沥青;柏油;v.以沥青铺;adj.用柏油铺成的; parking lot:n.停车场; pastures:n.牧场;牧草地;工作条件;v.放牧;(pasture的第三人称单数和复数) specialty:n.专业,专长;特产;特性;招牌菜;adj.特色的;专门的;独立的;
Now, at the foundation and kind of the core of this whole system is the Exo Housing Unit, which is just the individual shelter module . 这套系统的基础和核心 是外挂式房屋模块, 那是一种独立的避难所模块。
foundation:n.基础;地基;基金会;根据;创立; core:n.核心;要点;果心;[计]磁心;vt.挖...的核; individual:n.个人;有个性的人;adj.单独的;个别的; module:n.模块;组件;单元;
And though it's light, light enough that you can actually lift it by hand and move it around, and it actually sleeps four people. 它非常轻,轻到你用手就可以 轻易的举起来并且来回挪动, 这屋子能睡4个人。
And you can arrange these things as kind of more for encampments and more of a city grid type layout , or you can circle the wagons , essentially , and form these circular pods out of them, which give you this semi-private communal area 你可以随意摆放它们 例如像露营一样,或按照城市街区来规划摆放, 或者你可以先把一些售货手推车围成一个圈, 然后把这些房屋围到外面形成帐子, 这样一个半私密性的公共区域
arrange:v.安排;排列;整理; encampments:n.营地;露营; grid:n.网格;格子,栅格;输电网; layout:n.布局;规划;设计;版面设计; wagons:货车;[车辆]手推车; essentially:adv.本质上;本来; circular:adj.圆形的; n.(同时送达很多人的)印刷信函(或通知、广告); pods:abbr.资料库系统规则(PrinciplesofDatabaseSystems); communal:adj.公共的;公社的;
for people to actually spill out into so they're not actually trapped inside these units. 会让住在里面的人们愿意出来走走 而不是一直呆在这些屋子里。
spill:v.溢出;涌出;蜂拥而出;n.跌落;洒出(量);泼出(量);溢出(量); trapped:adj.受困的;受限制的;v.使落入险境;使陷入困境;(trap的过去分词和过去式)
Now this fundamentally changes the way we respond to disasters, because gone are the horrid conditions inside a sports arena or a gymnasium, where people are crammed on these cots inside. 所以这项发明从根本上改变了 我们对灾难的反应, 因为之前那种很多人躺在小床上 挤在体育场或体育馆里简易床的场景 已经一去不复返了。
fundamentally:adv.从根本上;基础地;重要地 respond:vi.回答;作出反应;承担责任;n.应答;唱和; horrid:adj.可怕的;恐怖的;极讨厌的; crammed:adj.塞满的;挤满的;v.把…塞进;挤满;塞满;(cram的过去分词和过去式)
Now we have instant neighborhoods outside. 现在大家都成了新的邻居。
instant:n.瞬间; adj.立即的; conj.同"assoonas";
So the Exo is designed to be simply, basically like a coffee cup. They can actually stack together so we get extremely efficient transportation and storage out of them. 这个房屋系统被设计的很简洁,基本上 很像一个咖啡杯。它们可以摞在一起 所以我们可以非常高效的运输 和储存它们。
basically:adv.主要地,基本上; stack:n.堆栈;一摞;大量;许多;v.(使)放成整齐的一叠(或一摞,一堆); extremely:adv.非常,极其;极端地; efficient:adj.有效率的;有能力的;生效的; transportation:n.运输;运输系统;运输工具;流放;
In fact, 15 Exos can fit on a single semi truck by itself. 事实上,一个半挂卡车可以装15个这样的屋子。
This means the Exo can actually be transported and set up faster than any other housing option available today. 这就表明这种房屋比目前世界上其他任何住房系统 都能更快的运输和安装。
transported:v.(用交通工具)运输,运送,输送;(transport的过去分词和过去式) option:n.选择;可选择的东西;
But I'm obsessive , so I couldn't just stop there, so I actually started modifying the bunks where you could actually slide out the bunks and slide in desks or shelving , so the same unit can now be used for an office or storage location . 我对这个项目很着迷,所以我并不止步于此, 接着我就开始设计床铺,你可以从墙壁上 把床滑出来然后耨把桌子和柜子滑进去, 这种设计也可以被用为 办公室或者储藏室。
obsessive:adj.强迫性的;着迷的;分神的; modifying:修饰; bunks:n.铺位(bunk的复数);v.哄骗(bunk的单数第三人称); shelving:n.倾斜,架子;搁置;v.搁置(shelve的现在分词); location:n.地方;地点;位置;定位
The doors can actually swap out, so you can actually put on a rigid panel with a window unit in it for climate control, or a connector module that would allow you to actually connect multiple units together, which gives you 房屋的门是可以拆换的,所以你可以 换一个带窗户的门来调节气温, 或者装上连接模块,就可以让你 把多个房屋连接起来,这样生活空间
swap:n.交换;交换之物;vt.与...交换;以...作交换;vi.交换;交易; rigid:adj.严格的;僵硬的,死板的;坚硬的;精确的; panel:n.镶板;仪表盘;钣金;(衣服上的)镶条;v.镶板(用木或玻璃板等镶嵌或装饰); connector:n.连接器,连接头; multiple:adj.数量多的;多种多样的;n.倍数;
larger and kind of compartmentalized living spaces, so now this same kit of parts, this same unit can actually serve as a living room , bedroom or bathroom, or an office, a living space and secure storage. 就会变大而且可以分成不同区块, 因此同一个屋子, 可以被当做起居室,卧室或浴室, 或是办公室,居住空间和安全储藏室。
compartmentalized:v.区划,区分(compartmentalize的过去分词形式);把…分成各自独立的几部分; kit:v.装备;n.成套工具;配套元件;成套设备;全套衣服及装备; living room:n.客厅;起居室;
Sounds like a great idea, but how do you make it real? 这听起来很不错,但是要怎样才能让这些成为现实?
So the first idea I had, initially , was just to go the federal and state governments and go, "Here, take it, for free." 我最初的想法是 找到政府部门并且跟他们说, “这个送给你们,拿去吧 。”
But I was quickly told that, "Boy, our government doesn't really work like that." (Laughter) 但是我很快被告诉,“亲,我们的政府 根本不会这么做的。”(笑声)
Okay. Okay. So maybe I would start a nonprofit to kind of help consult and get this idea going along with the government, but then I was told, "Son, our government looks to private sector for things like this." 好吧,好吧。我或许应当创立一个非盈利的机构 来使这个想法能得到政府的支持 但之后我却被告知, “亲,我们的政府还指望 私营企业来做这样的事情呢。”
nonprofit:adj.非赢利的;不以赢利为目的的; consult:v.咨询;请教;商量;查阅;查询;参看; private sector:n.(国家经济的)私营部分;
Okay. So maybe I would take this whole idea and go to private corporations that would have this mutually shared benefit to it, but I was quickly told by some corporations 好吧。我也许应该把这个主意 交给那些能共同获利的私营企业 可接着我很快收到一些公司的答复
corporations:n.[贸易]公司,[经]企业(corporation的复数形式); mutually:adv.互相地;互助;
that my personal passion project was not a brand fit because they didn't want their logos stamped across the ghettos of Haiti. 他们认为来源于我自己倒腾出来的项目和品牌形象不符 他们不愿意让自己的品牌 沾上 海地贫民区的痕迹
passion:n.激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒; brand:v.铭刻于,铭记;打烙印于;印…商标于;n.商标,牌子;烙印; logos:n.理念; ghettos:n.犹太社区(ghetto复数);
Now, I wasn't just obsessed. I was outraged . (Laughter.) 那时,我就不止是着迷怎么简单了。我愤怒了。(笑声)
So I decided, kind of told myself, "Oh yeah? Watch this. I'll do it myself." (Laughter) 于是我对自己说, “ 是嘛?等着瞧吧,我自己来做。” (笑声)
Now, this quickly, my day job sent me to work out of our Milan office for a few months, so I was like, what will I do? So I actually scheduled sleep on my calendar , 很快,因为日常工作的缘故 我会有几个月不在米兰,有时候会迷惘 我要去做些啥啊?而实际上我忙着调整我的睡眠时间呢
and spent the 8-hour time difference on conference calls with material suppliers, manufacturers and potential customers. 把多出来的8个小时时差用在联系 那些供应商,制造商和潜在客源的电话会议上
conference:n.会议;研讨会;商讨会;体育协会(或联合会) manufacturers:n.生产者;制造者;生产商;(manufacturer的复数) potential:n.潜能;可能性;[电]电势;adj.潜在的;可能的;势的;
And we found through this whole process, we found this great little manufacturer in Virginia , and if his body language is any indication , that's the owner — (Laughter) — of what it's like 在这过程中,我们找到了 位于弗吉尼亚的这个伟大的小制造商, 如果说他的肢体语言是想说明什么的话 就是老板—(笑声)— 那他的样子就形象的再现了
Virginia:adj.弗吉尼亚州的; body language:n.身势语; indication:n.显示;表明;标示;象征;
for a manufacturer to work directly with a designer, you've got to see what happens here. (Laughter) 当制造商和设计师共事的时候,会是一副怎样的场景 正如你们现在所看到的这样。(笑声)
But G.S. Industries was fantastic . 不过G.S. 工业公司实在是太棒了
They actually built three prototypes for us by hand. 他们为我们做出了3个手工的模版
So now we have prototypes that can show that four people can actually sleep securely and much more comfortably than a tent could ever provide. 我们现在有了模版,能容纳四个人 还提升了睡觉的安全度和舒适度 这比帐篷可好多了
And they actually shipped them here to Texas for us. 他们还为我们把模版装运到了德克萨斯州
Now, a funny thing started happening. 接着,有趣的情形出现了
Other people started to believe in what we were doing, and actually offered us hangar space, donated hangar space to us. And then the Georgetown Airport Authority was bent over backwards to help us with anything we needed. 其他人开始认同我们的所作所为 给我们提供或捐赠机库以便工作 乔治敦机场官方还愿意帮忙 竭尽所能满足我们的任何需要。
hangar:n.飞机库;飞机棚; donated:v.捐赠,赠送;献(血);捐献(器官);(donate的过去分词和过去式) Georgetown:n.乔治城(圭亚那首都); Airport:n.机场;航空港; Authority:n.权威;权力;当局;
So now we had a hangar space to work in, and prototypes to demo with. 现在我们有了工作的地方 还有了制造的样本
So in one year, we've negotiated manufacturing agreements, been awarded one patent, filed our second patent, talked to multiple people, demoed this to FEMA and its consultants to rave reviews , 接下来的一年内,我们又和制造商商议了生产协议 申请到了我们的一个专利,接着又申请了第二个 和很多人交流,向联邦应急管理局和他们的顾问展示产品样本 联邦应急管理局的咨询师给了很高的评价
negotiated:adj.商谈的;v.谈判,协商(negotiate过去式和过去分词形式); manufacturing:n.制造业;工业;v.制造;生产(manufacture的现在分词); demoed:n.示威; (demo的过去分词) consultants:n.[经]顾问;咨询顾问;咨询公司;咨询人员(consultant的复数); rave:v.热烈谈论(或书写);奋笔疾书;咆哮;瞎扯;n.(英国)狂欢晚会; reviews:n.综述; v.回顾;
and then started talking to some other people who requested information, this little group called the United Nations . 之后又开始答复一些前来咨询的人 联合国的这群家伙
United Nations:n.联合国;
And on top of that, now we have a whole plethora of other individuals that have come up and started to talk to us from doing it for mining camps, mobile youth hostels , right down to the World Cup and the Olympics. 正是在名单的最上端 联系我们的人实在是太多了 从矿区营地到移动青年旅舍 甚至还有世界杯 和奥运会
plethora:n.过多;过剩;[医]多血症; individuals:n.[经]个人;[生物]个体(individual的复数); mobile:n.手机;汽车;移动电话;adj.活跃的;可动的; hostels:招待所;
So, in closing, on this whole thing here is hopefully very soon we will not have to respond to these painful phone calls that we get after disasters where we don't really have anything to sell or give you yet. 那么,在结束之前,我要说的是 所幸我们很快就将不用再像原来一样, 在灾难发生后,接到的令人痛心的电话 却只能告诉他们 我们现在还没有现成的东西帮助你。
Hopefully very soon we will be there, because we are destined , obsessed with making it real. 所幸我们很快就会达成目标 因为我们命中注定,而且 执着于把它变成实现
Thank you. (Applause) 谢谢大家。(掌声)