

We survey CEOs, police officers, truck drivers, cooks, engineers. 我们采访了CEO,警官, 卡车司机,厨师,工程师。
If people are working, we've surveyed them. 只要是在工作的人,我们就采访他们。
And what we know, in terms of their happiness: workers all want the same things. 就我们知道的快乐而言: 工作者想要的东西一样。
[The Way We Work] 【我们的工作方式】
There's three billion working people in the world. 全世界有30亿劳动人口。
And about 40 percent of them would say they're happy at work. 大约40%的人说他们 在工作时感到快乐。
That means about 1.8 billion, or almost two billion people, are not happy at work. 这意味着有18亿人或大约20亿人, 在工作中并不快乐。
What does that do, both to those people and the organizations that they work in? 这个现象 对那些人和他们工作的 组织有什么影响呢?
Well, let's talk about money. 让我们来谈谈金钱。
Organizations that have a lot of happy employees have three times the revenue growth, compared to organizations where that's not true. 拥有快乐员工的组织的 营收增速是员工不快乐的 组织的三倍。
revenue:n.收益;营业额;税务署; compared:adj.比较的,对照的; v.相比; (compare的过去式和过去分词)
They outperform the stock market by a factor of three. 它们在股票市场上的表现也高出三倍。
outperform:vt.胜过;做得比…好; stock market:股票市场;证券市场;股票交易; factor:n.因素;要素;[物]因数;代理人;v.做代理商;v.把…作为因素计入;
And if you look at employee turnover , it's half that of organizations that have a lot of unhappy employees. 如果你看员工流动率, 员工快乐的公司是不快乐公司的一半。
The miracle thing is, you don't have to spend more money to make this happen. 神奇的是, 你不需要花很多钱就能做到这一点。
It's not about ping-pong tables and massages and pet walking. 它跟是否有乒乓球桌、 按摩服务和能遛宠物无关。
massages:n.按摩; v.按摩; (massage的第三人称单数和复数)
It's not about the perks . 这不是福利问题。
perks:n.特权; v.打扮;
It's all about how they're treated by their leaders and by the people that they work with. 这事关他们如何被他们的领导 和他们的同事对待。
So I'd like to share a few ideas that create happy employees. 所以我想要分享几个 创造快乐雇员的主意。
Idea number one: in organizations where employees are happy, what you find is two things are present: trust and respect. 主意一: 在员工感到快乐的组织中, 你会发现两件事情: 信任和尊重。
Leaders often say, "We trust our employees. 领导者常说, “我们相信我们的员工。
We empower our employees." 我们赋予员工权力。”
And then when an employee needs a laptop -- and this is a true example -- 15 people have to approve that laptop. 而当员工需要台笔记本电脑时—— 这是个真实的例子—— 必须有15个人批准才行。
laptop:n.便携式电脑;笔记本电脑; approve:v.批准;赞成;同意;核准;
So for the employee, all the words are right, but 15 levels of approval for a $1,500 laptop? 所以对员工而言,说的话都挺好听的, 但一台1500美元的电脑 需要15级的审批?
You've actually spent more money than the laptop, on the approval. 你其实在审批这台 电脑上花了更多的钱。
And the employee feels maybe they're really not trusted. 员工会感到也许他们不是真的被信任。
So what can an organization do to have a high level of trust? 那么,一个组织如何才能 高度信任他们的员工呢?
The first organization that comes to mind is Four Seasons. 首先想到的是四季酒店。
They have magnificent properties all around the world. 它们在世界各地都有宏伟的建筑。
And their employees are told, "Do whatever you think is right when servicing the customer." 他们的雇员被告知, “服务客户时,尽管去 做你认为正确的事情。”
To hand that trust to your employees to do whatever they think is right makes the employees feel great. 授权你的员工去做任何 他们觉得正确的事情 让他们感觉很棒。
And this is why they're known for delivering some of the best service in the world. 这就是为什么他们能够提供 世界顶级服务的原因。
Idea number two: fairness. 主意二:公平。
The thing that erodes trust in an organization faster than anything else is when employees feel that they're being treated unfairly . 当员工感到自己受到了 不公平的对待时, 对组织的信任就会受到最迅速的侵蚀。
erodes:vt.腐蚀,侵蚀;vi.侵蚀;受腐蚀; unfairly:adv.不公平地;不正当地;
Employees want to be treated the same, regardless of their rank or their tenure or their age or their experience or their job category , compared to anyone else. 员工想要一视同仁, 不管他们的级别,任期或年龄, 或经验或职业背景, 跟其他人比怎样。
regardless:adj.不管的; v.不顾后果地; tenure:n.任期;占有;vt.授予…终身职位; category:n.种类,分类;[数]范畴;
When I think about great organizations who get fairness right, the first organization that comes to mind is Salesforce. 当我想到那些 有公平待遇的伟大组织时, 我首先想到的是Salesforce。
They found that men and women working in the same job with the same level of proficiency were making different amounts of money. 他们发现男性和女性担任同样的工作, 技能熟练程度一致, 收入却大相径庭。
So immediately, they calculated the difference, and they invested three million dollars to try and balance things out. 于是很快,他们就计算了这种差异, 并且投资了300万美元实现同工同酬。
Idea number three is listening. 主意三:倾听。
So, to be a listener who connects with all types of people, we have to unlearn a few things. 要做各色人群的倾听者, 我们需要忘记一些事情。
We've all been taught about active listening and eye contact -- an intense stare and a compassionate look. 我们都被教过要 积极倾听,有眼神接触—— 要认真的凝视, 展现出理解的表情。
contact:n.接触,联系;v.使接触,联系; intense:adj.强烈的;紧张的;非常的;热情的; stare:v.凝视;盯着看;注视;n.凝视; compassionate:adj.慈悲的;富于同情心的;vt.同情;怜悯;
That's not listening. 这不是倾听。
Repeating what the person says -- that's not listening. 重复人们说过的话——这不是倾听。
Being humble and always hunting and searching for the best idea possible -- that's what listening is. 保持谦卑 并一直寻找最好的点子—— 这才是倾听该有的样子。
humble:adj.谦逊的; vt.使谦恭; for the best:出于好意;
And employees can feel whether you're doing that or not. 员工可以感到你有没有这样做。
They want to know, when they talk to you and share an idea, did you consider it when you made a decision? 他们想要知道,当他们 跟你交谈和分享想法时, 你在做决定时会不会考虑?
The one thing that everybody appreciates and wants when they're speaking is to know that what they say matters so much you might actually change your mind. 每个人在说话时最感激和最想要的是 知道他们想表达的信息足够重要, 可以让你改变主意。
Otherwise, what's the point of the conversation? 否则,谈话的意义何在?
We all know the things we need to change, the things that we need to do differently. 我们都知道需要做出改变, 要以不同的方式处理事情。
The way you behave , the way you treat others, the way you respond , the way you support, defines the work experience for everyone around you. 你的行为举止,你对待别人的方式, 你回应的方式,你支持的方式, 定义了你周围每个人的工作体验。
behave:v.表现;(机器等)运转;举止端正;(事物)起某种作用; respond:vi.回答;作出反应;承担责任;n.应答;唱和; defines:v.阐明;明确;界定;画出…的线条;描出…的外形(define的第三人称单数) work experience:n.工作经历;(学生)实习;
Changing to be a better person -- the world is littered with those failures. 做一个更好的人—— 世界充满了这些失败。
But changing because there's something you believe in, some purpose that you have, where you're willing to risk almost everything because it's so important to you -- that's the reason to change. 但改变是因为你相信, 你肩负目标, 为此你愿意冒任何风险, 因为这对你相当重要—— 这就是改变的理由。
If it's not, you should probably find a different place to work. 如果不是,你可能应该换个地方工作。