

In the past several days, I heard people talking about China. 在过去几天,我听到一些人在谈论中国
And also I talked to friends about China and Chinese Internet. 我也和朋友谈到过中国和中国的互联网
Something is very challenging to me. 我遇到了一些很具有挑战性的问题
I want to make my friends understand: 我想让我的朋友理解
China is complicated . 中国很复杂
So I always want to tell the story, like, one hand it is that, the other hand is that. 所以, 我一直想讲这样一个故事 它从这面看是这样的, 从另一个方面看却是那样的
You can't just tell one side's story. 你不能只讲故事的一面
I'll give an example. China is a BRIC country. 举个例子来说, 中国是一个金砖国家
BRIC country means Brazil , Russia, India and China. BRIC代表着巴西 俄罗斯 印度 和中国
This emerging economy really is helping the revival of the world economy. 中国作为一个新兴经济体确实在为世界经济的复苏做着贡献
emerging:adj.新兴的;v.出现,浮现,露出;暴露;(emerge的现在分词) economy:n.经济;节约;理财; revival:n.复兴;复活;苏醒;恢复精神;再生效;
But at the same time , on the other hand , 但是与此同时,在另一方面
at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时; on the other hand:另一方面;
China is a SICK country, the terminology coined by Facebook IPO papers -- file. 中国也是一个“有病”的国家 这一词源于一篇关于Facebook的IPO的文章
He said the SICK country means Syria , Iran, China and North Korea. 文章里提到的SICK国家代表着叙利亚 伊朗 中国和朝鲜
The four countries have no access to Facebook. 在这些国家人们是不能登入Facebook的
So basically , China is a SICK BRIC country. 所以,基本上,中国是一个有病的金砖国家
(Laughter) (笑声)
Another project was built up to watch China and Chinese Internet. 这里有另一个计划 来观察中国和中国的网络
And now, today I want to tell you my personal observation in the past several years, from that wall. 现在,我想告诉大家我个人 这几年在那堵“墙”内所观察的结果
personal:adj.个人的;身体的;亲自的;n.人事消息栏;人称代名词; observation:n.观察;观测;监视;(尤指据所见、所闻、所读而作的)评论;
So, if you are a fan of the Game of Thrones , you definitely know how important a big wall is for an old kingdom. 如果你是一个“权利的游戏”的爱好者 你一定知道一堵墙对一个王国有多么的重要
Thrones:n.座天使(圣经故事中天使名); definitely:adv.清楚地,当然;明确地,肯定地;
It prevents weird things from the north. 它会把所有奇怪的东西统统拦在北方
Same was true for China. 中国也是这样
In the north, there was a great wall, Chang Cheng. 在中国的北方,有长城
It protected China from invaders for 2,000 years. 它保护中国不受侵袭长达2000多年
But China also has a great firewall . 但是中国同样也有一个火墙
That's the biggest digital boundary in the whole world. 它是当今世界上最大的数字屏障
digital:adj.数字的;手指的;n.数字;键; boundary:n.边界;范围;分界线;
It's not only to defend the Chinese regime from overseas , from the universal values, but also to prevent 它不仅保护着中国政府不受海外 普世价值的侵扰, 它也阻止
regime:n.政权,政体;社会制度;管理体制; overseas:adv.在海外,海外;adj.海外的,国外的; universal:adj.普遍的;全体的;全世界的;共同的;
China's own citizens to access the global free Internet, and even separate themselves into blocks, not united . 中国的网民接入国际互联网 甚至将网民们分散,而不是将其联合
global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; united:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式)
So, basically the "Internet" has two Internets . 所以,其实现在有两个互联网
One is the Internet, the other is the Chinanet. 一个是真正的互联网,而另一个是中国的互联网
But if you think the Chinanet is something like a deadland, wasteland , I think it's wrong. 但是如果你将中国的互联网想象成 类似于死亡地带或是荒芜地带的话, 那你就大错特错了
But we also use a very simple metaphor , the cat and the mouse game, to describe in the past 15 years the continuing fight between Chinese censorship , government censorship , the cat, and the Chinese Internet users. That means us, the mouse. 我们可以用猫鼠游戏这样简单的词汇来比喻 中国在这过去的15年里 作为“猫”的角色的中国政府的审查制度 和作为“老鼠”角色的中国网民 之间的斗争
metaphor:n.暗喻,隐喻;比喻说法; describe:v.描述;形容;把…称为;画出…图形; censorship:n.审查制度;审查机构;
But sometimes this kind of a metaphor is too simple. 但是有些时候这样的比喻又过于简单了
So today I want to upgrade it to 2.0 version. 所以今天我要把它升级为一个2.0的版本
In China, we have 500 million Internet users. 在中国,有大约5亿的网民
That's the biggest population of Netizens , Internet users, in the whole world. 这个数字在全世界的网民数量当中也是最大的
So even though China's is a totally censored Internet, but still, Chinese Internet society is really booming . 所以即使中国的网络时刻处于被审查当中 但是中国的网络社会却是蕴含着生机
censored:adj.设限,被检查过的;v.审查;删掉(censor的过去分词); booming:adj.兴旺的,繁荣的;大受欢迎的;v.兴旺(boom的现在分词);发出隆隆声;
How to make it? It's simple. 怎么做到的这一点呢?其实很简单
You have Google , we have Baidu. 你们有谷歌 我们就有百度
You have Twitter, we have Weibo . 你们有推特 我们就有微博
You have Facebook, we have Renren. 你们有脸谱 我们就有人人
You have YouTube, we have Youku and Tudou. 你们有youtube 我们就有优酷和土豆
The Chinese government blocked every single international Web 2.0 service, and we Chinese copycat every one. 中国政府会屏蔽所有 国际2.0版本网络服务 而我们中国人就复制一切
(Laughter) (笑声)
So, that's the kind of the thing I call smart censorship. 所以,这是一种在我看来很聪明的审查制度
That's not only to censor you. 它不只是审查你这么简单
Sometimes this Chinese national Internet policy is very simple: 有时候中国对国际网络的政策很简单
Block and clone . 屏蔽加复制
clone:v.克隆; n.克隆动物(或植物);
On the one hand , he wants to satisfy people's need of a social network, which is very important; people really love social networking. 另一方面,政府也会考虑到满足民众对于使用社交网络的强烈要求 这一点很重要 因为人们对社交网络有着相当的热情
On the one hand:一方面; satisfy:vt.满足(要求,需要等):使满意:使确信:
But on the other hand, they want to keep the server in Beijing so they can access the data any time they want. 但是另一方面,政府又想把服务器放在北京 这样他们就能随时监测到这些网络数据
That's also the reason Google was pulled out from China, because they can't accept the fact that Chinese government wants to keep the server. 而这也恰恰是谷歌被逐出中国大陆的原因 因为谷歌无法接受 服务器被中国政府监控的事实
Sometimes the Arab dictators didn't understand these two hands. 有的时候阿拉伯的独裁者们不理解这两个方面
For example, Mubarak, he shut down the Internet. 比如,穆巴拉克,他关闭了所有的网络服务
He wanted to prevent the Netizens [from criticizing] him. 因为他想要阻止民众在网上对他的指责
But once Netizens can't go online, they go in the street. 但是一旦网民无法上网的话 他们就会走上街头
And now the result is very simple. 而现在 结果很简单
We all know Mubarak is technically dead. 我们都知道穆巴拉克因此而丧了命
But also, Ben Ali, Tunisian president, didn't follow the second rule. 突尼斯总统 本 阿里 没有遵循第二条原则
That means keep the server in your hands. 即把服务器掌握在自己的手中
He allowed Facebook, a U.S.-based service, to continue to stay on inside of Tunisia . 他允许facebook这样一个服务器在美国的网络服务商 继续留在突尼斯
So he can't prevent it, his own citizens to post critical videos against his corruption . 所以他没法阻止网民把有关他腐败的视频 上传到网上
critical:adj.鉴定的;[核]临界的;批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的;决定性的;评论的; corruption:n.贪污,腐败;堕落;
The same thing happend . He was the first to topple during the Arab Spring. 所以相同的事情发生了 他成了在阿拉伯之春运动中 第一个倒台的总统
happend:v.发生(happen的过去式,过去分词); topple:v.倾倒;倒塌;推翻;颠覆;使倒塌;
But those two very smart international censorship policies didn't prevent Chinese social media [from] becoming a really public sphere , a pathway of public opinion and the nightmare of Chinese officials. 但是这两个很聪明的审查制度并没有阻止 中国的社交媒体变成一个表达民意的公共平台 最终成为政府官员噩梦之地的脚步
policies:n.政策;方针;原则;为人之道;保险单(policy的复数) media:n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉; sphere:n.球;领域;球体;球形;v.使成球形;包围;把…放在球内;使处于天体之间; pathway:n.路,道;途径,路径; public opinion:n.舆论;民意; nightmare:n.恶梦;梦魇般的经历;adj.可怕的;噩梦似的;
Because we have 300 million microbloggers in China. 因为我们有3亿的微博用户
It's the entire population of the United States. 相当于美国的整个美国的人口
So when these 300 million people, microbloggers, even they block the tweet in our censored platform . 所以当这3亿微博用户汇集起来 即使他们的微博内容要受到审查
platform:n.平台; v.把…放在台上[放在高处;
But itself -- the Chinanet -- but itself can create very powerful energy, which has never happened in the Chinese history. 但是仅仅是这些中国网民 就可以创造出一股很强的力量 而这是在中国历史上从未有过的现象
2011, in July, two [unclear] trains crashed, in Wenzhou, a southern city. 在2011年的7月份 两辆中国高铁列车 在中国南方的一个城市——温州相撞
Right after the train crash, authorities literally wanted to cover up the train, bury the train. 在这次相撞事故发生后 当局想要就此埋掉列车残骸 借此掩盖真相
authorities:n.权力;威权;职权;批准;(authority的复数) literally:adv.按字面:字面上:确实地: bury:v.埋葬;隐藏;
So it angered the Chinese Netizens. 这件事引起了中国网民的高度关注
The first five days after the train crash, there were 10 million criticisms of the posting on social media, which never happened in Chinese history. 就在事故发生后的五天里 社交网站上就有大约1000万条的微博批评政府的做法 这是在中国历史上从未发生过的事
And later this year, the rail minister was sacked and sentenced to jail for 10 years. 就在今年 中国的铁道部长 遭到了撤职并且被判入狱10年
minister:n.部长;大臣;牧师;vi.执行牧师职务;辅助或伺候某人; sacked:v.解雇;炒鱿鱼;破坏;擒杀(四分卫);(sack的过去分词和过去式) jail:n.监狱;监牢;拘留所;v.监禁;下狱;
And also, recently , very funny debate between the Beijing Environment Ministry and the American Embassy in Beijing because the Ministry blamed the American Embassy for intervening in 最近 , 一个很有趣的争执发生在 北京环保局和 美国驻中国大使馆之间 起因是北京环保局指责 美国大使馆借助发布北京空气质量指数的方式
recently:adv.最近;新近; debate:n.辩论;争论;考虑;v.辩论;争论;考虑; Ministry:n.(政府的)部门; Embassy:n.大使馆;大使馆全体人员; intervening:adj.介于中间的;v.介入(intervene的ing形式);
Chinese internal politics by disclosing the air quality data of Beijing. 来插手 中国的内部事务
internal:n.内脏;本质;adj.内部的;里面的;体内的;(机构)内部的; politics:n.政治;钩心斗角;政治观点;v.(贬)从事政治活动;(politic的第三人称单数) disclosing:公开; air quality:n.空气质量;
So, the up is the Embassy data, the PM 2.5. 美国大使馆发布的关于PM2.5的指数是
He showed 148, they showed it's dangerous for the sensitive group. 148,这个数字刺激了民众敏感的神经
So a suggestion, it's not good to go outside. 它表明北京的空气质量并不适合出行
But that is the Ministry's data. He shows 50. 但是北京环保局的数据是50
He says it's good. It's good to go outside. 这个指数表明北京的空气质量是适宜出行的
But 99 percent of Chinese microbloggers stand firmly on the Embassy's side. 但是有99%的中国微博用户这次 都坚定地站到了美国大使馆这一边
I live in Beijing. Every day, I just watch the American Embassy's data to decide whether I should open my window. 我也生活在北京 每天我就是 根据美国大使馆的数据来决定今天我是否要打开自己家的窗户
Why is Chinese social networking, even within the censorship, so booming? Part of the reason is Chinese languages. 为什么中国的社交网络即使在严格的监管下 仍然拥有强大的力量呢?部分原因是汉语自身的特点造成的
You know, Twitter and Twitter clones have a kind of a limitation of 140 characters. 大家知道,推特和它的克隆版本都有 140字的字数限制
clones:n.无性繁殖系个体; v.复制(clone的单三形式); limitation:n.限制;局限;限度;控制;
But in English it's 20 words or a sentence with a short link. 但是如果是英语的话,它仅仅是20个单词或者是短短的一行
Maybe in Germany, in German language, it may be just "Aha!" 或许对于德语来说,它仅仅是简单的“Aha
(Laughter) (笑声)
But in Chinese language, it's really about 140 characters, means a paragraph, a story. 但是对于汉语来说,那就是真正的140字 那代表着一段话,一个故事
You can almost have all the journalistic elements there. 你可以将所有的新闻要素都包括在这140字里
journalistic:adj.新闻业的,新闻工作者的; elements:n.要素;基本部分;少量;一群;(element的复数)
For example, this is Hamlet , of Shakespeare . 比如,这是莎士比亚笔下哈姆雷特里的一段话
Hamlet:n.小村庄; Shakespeare:n.莎士比亚(英国剧作家);
It's the same content . One, you can see exactly one Chinese tweet is equal to 3.5 English tweets . 同样的内容 但是你可以看到 一条用汉语发出的微博相当于3.5条用英语发出的微博内容
content:n.内容,目录;满足;容量;adj.满意的;vt.使满足; tweets:n.啾啾声,小鸟叫声(tweet的复数形式);v.鸣叫(tweet的三单形式);
Chinese is always cheating, right? 中国人永远在造假,是吧?
So because of this, the Chinese really regard this microblogging as a media, not only a headline to media. 也正是因为这个原因 中国的网民是把微博当作 真正的新闻媒介 而不仅仅是新闻的标题
And also, the clone, Sina company is the guy who cloned Twitter. 中国的推特克隆者 也就是新浪公司 完全复制了推特的模式
It even has its own name, with Weibo. 它甚至有自己的名字——微博
'"Weibo" is the Chinese translation for "microblog." 微博是”microblog 的中文译名
It has its own innovation . 它也有自己的创新之处
At the commenting area, [it makes] the Chinese Weibo more like Facebook, rather than the original Twitter. 在发表评论的板块, 它更像是脸谱 而不是推特
So these innovations and clones, as the Weibo and microblogging, when it came to China in 2009, it immediately became a media platform itself. 所以正是因为有了这样的独创性和模仿,当中国的微博和博客 在2009年首次出现时 立刻成为了一个媒介
It became the media platform of 300 million readers. 它成为了中国3亿微博用户的平台
It became the media. 它具有了媒体的作用
Anything not mentioned in Weibo, it does not appear to exist for the Chinese public. 微博上几乎涵盖了 中国社会里的各种话题
But also, Chinese social media is really changing Chinese mindsets and Chinese life. 同时,中国的社交媒体 正在悄然改变所有中国人的心态和生活
For example, they give the voiceless people a channel to make your voice heard. 比如,它给以前无法发出自己声音的人 提供了一个发表自己意见的平台
We had a petition system. It's a remedy outside the judicial system, because the Chinese central government wants to keep amiss , the emperor is good. The old local officials are thugs . 中国曾经有一个上访制度 它是对中国的司法制度的一个补充 因为中国的中央政权想要克服这种缺陷 中央当权者是好的 但是地方政府却都是恶霸
petition:n.请愿;请愿书;祈求;[法]诉状;vi.请愿;请求;vt.请愿;请求;恳求; remedy:vt.补救;治疗;纠正;n.补救;治疗;赔偿; judicial:adj.公正的,明断的;法庭的;审判上的; central government:n.中央政府; amiss:adj.有毛病的,有缺陷的;出差错的;adv.错误地; thugs:暴徒;
So that's why the petitioner , the victims, the peasants, want to take the train to Beijing to petition to the central government, they want the emperor to settle the problem. 这也是为什么那些乡下的受害者,请愿者 想要搭乘火车去北京向中央政府反映的原因 他们想要中央的当权者来解决这些问题
petitioner:n.请愿人;诉愿人;(英)离婚案原告; settle:v.定居;结算;停留;确定;n.高背长椅(老式木家具,有扶手,座下多带柜);
But when more and more people go to Beijing, they also cause the risk of a revolution . 但是当越来越多的人去北京上访的时候 他们也增加了发生革命事件的风险
So they send them back in recent years. 所以这几年他们往往是被遣送回老家
And even some of them were put into black jails . 他们当中的有些人甚至会因此被送进大牢
But now we have Weibo, so I call it the Weibo petition. 但是现在我们有了微博这种工具 我把它称之为微博上访
People just use their cell phones to tweet. 人人只要用手机发出微博
So your sad stories, by some chance your story will be picked up by reporters, professors or celebrities . 你的心声就有机会 被一些记者、专家或者是名人选中
One of them is Yao Chen, she is the most popular microblogger in China, who has about 21 million followers. 有一个人的名字不得不提,她就是姚晨 她是目前中国最有人气的微博用户 她有将近2100万的粉丝
They're almost like a national TV station. 这就像一家国营电视台
If you -- so a sad story will be picked up by her. 你的微博是有机会被她选中而成为公众关注的焦点的
So this Weibo social media, even in the censorship, still gave the Chinese a real chance for 300 million people every day chatting together, talking together. 所以这种微博社交媒体即使是在审查制度下 也仍然给了3亿中国人 每天网上交流的机会
It's like a big TED, right? 它就像一个大的TED大会,对吧?
But also, it is like the first time a public sphere happened in China. 还有一点 微博似乎已经成为中国历史上 第一个公共舆论平台
Chinese people start to learn how to negotiate and talk to people. 中国人开始试着学习 如何与人沟通交流
But also, the cat, the censorship, is not sleeping. 但是另一方面,扮演者猫的角色的审查制度也并没有就此放手
It's so hard to post some sensitive words on the Chinese Weibo. 在中国的微博上 你是很难发布一些带有敏感词的内容的
For example, you can't post the name of the president, 比如,你不能把胡锦涛主席的名字发布在微博上
Hu Jintao, and also you can't post the city of Chongqing, the name, and until recently, you can't search the surname of top leaders. 你也不能在微博上提及“重庆”这个词 直到现在 你也不能在网上搜索到中国领导人的名字
So, the Chinese are very good at these puns and alternative wording and even memes . 所以,(在这样的环境下)中国网民还是很擅长使用 一些双关语和替代词汇来逃避审查的
puns:n.双关语(pun的复数); alternative:adj.供选择的;选择性的;交替的;n.二中择一;供替代的选择; memes:模因(meme的复数);
They even [use] names of -- you know, use the name of this world-changing battle between the grass-mud horse and the river crab . 他们甚至使用一些 嗯 一些这样的词汇 例如“草泥马”和“河蟹”
So, when some very political, exciting moments happened, you can see on Weibo, you see another very weird story happened. 所以,每当一些十分具有政治意味,引人关注的事件发生时 你可以在微博上找到这个事件对应的十分离奇的版本
Weird phrases and words, even if you have a PhD of Chinese language, you can't understand them. 对于这些奇奇怪怪的单词和短语 即使你拥有 汉语的博士学位 你也是没法完全理解它们的
But you can't even expand more, no, because 但是微博能做到的也仅仅是这些
Chinese Sina Weibo, when it was founded was exactly one month after the official blocking of Twitter.com. 因为当中国的微博开始出现的时候 正是推特在中国被正式屏蔽的时候
That means from the very beginning, 这意味着从一开始
Weibo has already convinced the Chinese government, we will not become the stage for any kind of a threat to the regime. 微博的创建者就已经说服了中国政府 它不会成为 对当权者任何形式的威胁
convinced:adj.坚信; v.使确信; (convince的过去分词和过去式)
For example, anything you want to post, like " get together " or "meet up" or "walk," 比如, 任何你想发布的诸如 ”一起行动“ ”聚会“ ”游行“这样的敏感词
get together:聚会
it is automatically recorded and data mined and reported to a poll for further political analyzing . 都会被微博的系统自动识别并被屏蔽掉 并且微博系统会将此类信息上报 做进一步的政治审查
automatically:adv.自动地;机械地;无意识地;adj.不经思索的; poll:n.投票; v.获得(票数); adj.当事人一方作成的; analyzing:adj.分析的;v.分析(analyze的现在分词);
Even if you want to have some gathering, before you go there, the police are already waiting for you. 即使你想组织或参加一些公共聚会活动 在你去之前 警察就已经在那里等着你了
Why? Because they have the data. 为什么? 因为他们掌握着数据
They have everything in their hands. 他们掌握着一切的信息
So they can use the 1984 scenario data mining of the dissident . 他们能够用这1984个场景数据系统挖出那些持有不同政见的人
scenario:n.方案;情节;剧本; data mining:数据挖掘; dissident:n.持不同政见者,意见不同的人;adj.持不同政见的,意见不同的;
So the crackdown is very serious. 而对他们的打压是非常严重的
But I want you to notice a very funny thing during the process of the cat-and-mouse . 但是也请大家注意这样一件很有意思的事情 在这场猫与鼠的较量中
process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的; cat-and-mouse:adj.一捕一放之捉弄人的;折磨人的;
The cat is the censorship, but Chinese is not only one cat, but also has local cats. Central cat and local cats. 猫代表着审查制度 但是在中国不止有一只猫 我们会有本地猫 也就是有来自中央的猫和本地的猫的区别
(Laughter) (笑声)
You know, the server is in the local cats' hands, so even that -- when the Netizens criticize the local government , the local government has not any access to the data in Beijing. 你知道,服务器并不在“本地猫”的手里 所以即使网民责骂了当地政府 当地政府也是无法接触到这些数据的
criticize:v.批评;批判;挑剔;指责;评论;评价; local government:n.地方自治;地方政府(机构);
Without bribing the central cats, he can do nothing, only apologize. 如果当地政府不去贿赂中央政府的话 他们就什么都不能做,只能道歉
So these three years, in the past three years, social movements about microblogging really changed local government, became more and more transparent , because they can't access the data. 所以在过去的3年里 微博里的社会运动 真真正正地改变了地方政府 让他们变得越来越透明化 因为他们无法接触到这些网络数据
The server is in Beijing. 服务器在北京
The story about the train crash, maybe the question is not about why 10 million criticisms in five days, but why the Chinese central government allowed the five days of freedom of speech online. 而对于这次动车事故来说 也许问题并不在于为什么在短短的5天里就有1000万条责备的声音 在微博里被发出 而是在于为什么中央政府 允许了这5天的网络言论自由
It's never happened before. 而这是以前从没有发生过的
And so it's very simple, because even the top leaders were fed up with this guy, this independent kingdom. 其实原因很简单 因为即使是中国的高层领导 也被这个家伙,这个“独立的国王” 激怒了
fed up with:受够了;极厌恶;对…厌倦; independent:adj.独立的; n.无党派议员(或候选人等);
So they want an excuse -- public opinion is a very good excuse to punish him. 所以他们要找到一个借口 而公众的谴责恰恰是一个很好的惩罚他的借口
But also, the Bo Xilai case recently, very big news, he's a princeling . 最近的薄熙来事件也是一个大新闻 他是一个“太子党”派
But from February to April this year, 从今年的2月份到4月份
Weibo really became a marketplace of rumors . 微博成为了“谣言”的温床
marketplace:n.市场;集市; rumors:n.谣传,流言(rumor的复数);v.谣传(rumor的第三人称单数);
You can almost joke everything about these princelings , everything! It's almost like you're living in the United States. 你可以随意的拿这些“太子党”开玩笑 任何事情都行!这简直就像生活在美国一样
But if you dare to retweet or mention any fake coup about Beijing, you definitely will be arrested. 但是 如果你胆敢转发或提及任何涉及北京方面的政变的话 你是一定会被捕入狱的
retweet:vt.转发推特(在社交网站Twitter上转发他人的推特信息); fake:n.假货;骗子;假动作;v.捏造;假装…的样子;adj.伪造的; coup:n.政变; v.使…颠倒;
So this kind of freedom is a targeted and precise window. 所以这种自由是有目的的自由 它打开了一扇精准的窗户
So Chinese in China, censorship is normal. 所以对于生活在中国的中国人来说 审查制度便是家常便饭
Something you find is, freedom is weird. 你会发现这种“自由”常常让人难以捉摸
Something will happen behind it. 因为往往一些事情会发生在它的后面
Because he was a very popular Leftist leader, so the central government wanted to purge him, and he was very cute, he convinced all the Chinese people, why he is so bad. 因为薄熙来是一个很有名的左派领导人 所以中央政府想要将他清除出党 中央政府很聪明,它成功说服了全体中国人 薄熙来是一个彻彻底底的坏人
Leftist:n.左派;急进派;左翼的人;左撇子;adj.左派的;左撇子的;急进派的; purge:v.净化;清洗;通便;n.净化;泻药;
So Weibo, the 300 million public sphere, became a very good, convenient tool for a political fight. 所以,微博,这个拥有3亿用户的公共平台 就变成了一个很方便的用于政治斗争的工具
But this technology is very new, but technically is very old. 这种技术很新颖 但是手段上却很陈旧
It was made famous by Chairman Mao, Mao Zedong, because he mobilized millions of Chinese people in the Cultural Revolution to destroy every local government. 早在毛泽东时期 这种手段就曾被应用过 因为他曾经发动了上百万的人民 在那场文化大革命当中摧毁了地方政府
mobilized:v.组织;动员;调动;调用;(mobilize的过去式和过去分词) Cultural:adj.与文化有关的;文化的;与艺术、文学、音乐等有关的;
It's very simple, because Chinese central government doesn't need to even lead the public opinion. 这很简单 因为中国的中央政府 甚至都不需要引领公众意见
They just give them a target window to not censor people. 它只需要给大众一个无需审查的窗口
Not censoring in China has become a political tool. 无审查现在已经成为了中国的一个政治工具
So that's the update about this game, cat-and-mouse. 这就是关于猫和老鼠的故事的整个剧情了
Social media changed Chinese mindset. 社交媒体改变了中国人的心态
More and more Chinese intend to embrace freedom of speech and human rights as their birthright , not some imported American privilege . 越来越多的人开始渴望言论自由和人权自由 他们把这些看作是自己生来的权利 而不是从美国进口的特权
intend:v.打算;计划;想要; embrace:n.拥抱,怀抱;v.拥抱;乐意采纳(思想、建议等);信奉;包括; birthright:n.与生俱来的权利;长子继承权; privilege:n.特权;优待;v.给与…特权;特免;
But also, it gave the Chinese a national public sphere for people to, it's like a training of their citizenship , preparing for future democracy . 而且,(微博的出现)也给了中国人一个公共平台 就像一列火车 载着全体中国人驶向民主
citizenship:n.[法]公民身份,公民资格;国籍;公民权; democracy:n.民主,民主主义;民主政治;
But it didn't change the Chinese political system, and also the Chinese central government utilized this centralized server structure to strengthen its power to counter the local government and the different factions . 但是它却没有改变中国的政治制度 而且中央政府正是利用了 集中化了的结构加强了自己的统治力量 来应对地方政府和反对势力
utilized:adj.被利用的;v.利用(utilize的过去分词); centralized:adj.集中的;中央集权的;v.集中(centralize的过去分词); structure:n.结构;构造;建筑物;vt.组织;构成;建造; factions:n.派系(faction的复数);内讧;
So, what's the future? 那么未来是怎样的呢?
After all, we are the mouse. 毕竟我们还是老鼠
Whatever the future is, we should fight against the mouse. 不管未来怎样,我们都应该和猫继续做斗争
There is not only in China, but also in the United States there are some very small, cute but bad cats. 不仅仅在中国 也在美国 都会有一些很小 很可爱但却很坏的猫
(Laughter) (笑声)
And also, like Facebook and Google, they claim they are friends of the mouse, but sometimes we see them dating the cats. 一些网络公司像Facebook和Google, 他们宣称自己是老鼠的朋友 但是我们有时也会发现他们正在和猫约会
So my conclusion is very simple. 所以我想说的其实很简单
We Chinese fight for our freedom, you just watch your bad cats. 当我们中国人为了自由而奋斗的时候 也请你们管好自己的“坏猫”
Don't let them hook [up] with the Chinese cats. 不要让它们与中国的这些“猫“相互勾结
Only in this, in the future, we will achieve the dreams of the mouse: that we can tweet anytime, anywhere, without fear. 只有这样,在不久的将来 我们会实现”老鼠“的梦想: 那就是我们可以随时 随地 没有任何约束地发微博
(Applause) (鼓掌)
Thank you. 谢谢大家!
(Applause) (鼓掌)