

So, you know, over the past couple of days as I've been preparing for my speech, 在过去的几天里, 因为一直在准备今天的演讲
I've become more and more nervous about what I'm going to say and about being on the same stage as all these fascinating people. 我越发觉得紧张。 因为我要给你们讲讲我的想法,站在这个舞台上 这舞台上可站过多少杰出的人啊
Being on the same stage as Al Gore, who was the first person I ever voted for. 和戈尔同台演讲啊。他竞选总统时,我为他投出了我人生中的第一票
And -- 而且
(Laughter) (笑声)
and -- and so I was getting pretty nervous and, you know, 我越来越紧张了
I didn't know that Chris sits on the stage , and that's more nerve wracking . 我也没想到Chris会坐在台上 紧张情绪更是有增无减
on the stage:在舞台上;现阶段;当演员; nerve:n.神经;勇气;神经质;神经紧张;v.鼓足勇气;振作精神; wracking:v.毁坏;(使)破灭;(wrack的现在分词)
But then I started thinking about my family. 然而我开始想到我的家庭
I started thinking about my father and my grandfather and my great-grandfather , and I realized that I had all of these Teds going through my blood stream -- 我想到我的父亲和祖父 以及我的曾祖父 我发现 他们都叫Ted呢 我体内就流动着Ted之血-
(Laughter) (笑声)
- that I had to be -- consider this my element . 所以呢, 我必须考虑到这点优势。
So -- so, who am I? 那么我是谁?
So, Chris kind of mentioned I started a company with my husband. Chris提到我和我丈夫创立了一家公司
We have about 125 people internationally . 我们约有125名员工遍布世界各地
If you looked in the book, you saw this, which I really was appalled by. 如果你看看书上的介绍 你会看到这头像 我自己也被吓得不轻
appalled:adj.震惊; v.使大为震惊; (appal的过去分词和过去式)
(Laughter) (笑声)
And because I wanted to impress you all with slides, since I saw the great presentations yesterday with graphs, 我本想些幻灯片作为辅助道具 可是我昨天看到一些很棒的演讲都是带有图表的
impress:v.盖印;强征;传送;给予某人深刻印象; presentations:n.展示;自我介绍;业务陈述(presentation的复数形式);
I made a graph that moves, and I talk about the makeup of me. 于是我也做了个会动的图表 讲的是我的化妆
(Laughter) (笑声)
So, so besides this freakish thing, this is my science slide. So, this is math, and this is science, this is genetics . 除了这张搞怪的 这是我的科学幻灯片,这是数学 这张也是科学的,遗传学
besides:adv.此外;而且;prep.除…之外; freakish:adj.畸形的;奇特的;朝三暮四的;异想天开的; genetics:n.遗传学;
This is my grandmother, and this is where I get this mouth. 这是我的祖母,我这嘴巴就是从她那遗传来的
(Laughter) (笑声)
So, 那么
I'm a blogger , which, probably to a lot of you, means different things. 我是个写博客的人 也许你们对写博客的理解不尽相同
You may have heard about the Kryptonite lock sort of brouhaha , where a blogger talked about how you hack , or break into, a Kryptonite lock using a ballpoint pen, 你们也许听说过Kryptonite防盗锁事件 之前有人写博客引起过骚动,那个人谈论如何劈开防盗锁 或者怎么用圆珠笔开锁
Kryptonite:n.氪星石; brouhaha:n.(法)吵闹;骚动; hack:n.砍; v.砍; adj.出租的; ballpoint:n.圆珠笔;
and it spread all over. Kryptonite had to adjust the lock, and they had to address it to avoid too many customer concerns . 这事传得铺天盖地的,Kryptonite公司只好调整他们的防盗锁 还作了公开说明 免得消费者过于忧虑
adjust:v.调整;调节;适应;习惯; concerns:n.关注; v.使关心(concern的三单形式);
You may have heard about Rathergate, which was basically the result of bloggers realizing that the "th" 你们可能听说过拉瑟门事件 也就是因为 博客者们意识到
basically:adv.主要地,基本上; bloggers:n.写博客的人;博客使用者;
in 111 is not typesetted on a old typewriter, it's on Word. 111的后缀th 不是旧式打印机打出来的,而是用Word软件打出来的
So, bloggers exposed this, or they worked hard to expose this. 博客者们揭露这些事 或者说他们正努力揭露这些事
exposed:adj.无遮蔽的; v.暴露; (expose的过去分词和过去式)
You know, blogs are scary. This is what you see. 博客是挺可怕的,你们可能会这么认为
I see this, and I'm sure scared -- and I swear on stage -- shitless about blogs, because this is not something that's friendly. 我也这么认为 站在台上,我得说博客真的挺可怕的 因为有些博客并不友善
But there are blogs that are changing the way we read news and consume media , and, you know, these are great examples. These people are reaching thousands, if not millions, of readers, and that's incredibly important. 但也有其他一些博客 它们改变我们看待新闻媒体的方式 有些很好的例子。一些博客吸引数千名读者 即使没有数百万那么多 这点非常重要
consume:v.消耗;吃;毁灭;烧毁; media:n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉; incredibly:adv.难以置信地;非常地;
You know, we had, during the hurricane , you have MSNBC posting about the hurricane on their blog, updating it frequent ly . This was possible because of the easy nature of blogging tools. 在飓风发生的时候 人们可以在MSNBC上写博客 时常更新飓风的情况。这成为可能 要归功于简易的博客工具
You know, you have my friend, who has a blog on digital -- on PDRs, personal recorders. 我有一个朋友 他在PDRs上面有个博客 PDRS是个人数码记录的网站
digital:adj.数字的;手指的;n.数字;键; personal:adj.个人的;身体的;亲自的;n.人事消息栏;人称代名词;
He makes enough money, just by running ads, to support his family up in Oregon . 他仅仅靠打广告就赚了足够的钱 养活他在俄勒冈的家人
That's all he does now, and this is something that blogs has made possible. 他现在就做这个 而这一切是博客帮他实现的
And then you have something like this, which is Interplast. 或者有一些机构,比方一个叫Interplast
It's a wonderful organization of people and doctors who go to developing nations to offer plastic surgery to those who need it. 这是个很棒的组织 由医生们组成,他们去发展中国家 去给有需要的人做整形手术
organization:n.组织;机构;体制;团体; plastic surgery:n.整形外科;
So, children with cleft palates , they will get it, and they document their story. This is wonderful. 那些兔唇的孩子们得到治疗 这些故事也会记录下来。这棒极了。
cleft:adj.分裂的;劈开的;n.裂缝;龟裂;v.劈开;分开(cleave的过去式和过去分词); palates:n.味觉;上颚;趣味;
I am not that caring. 我没有那么热心公益
(Laughter) (笑声)
I talk about myself. That's what I am. I'm a blogger. 我谈论我自己。我是个写博客的人,这就是我。
I have always decided that I was going to be an expert on one thing, and I am an expert on this person, and so I write about it. 我一直想成为某方面的专家 而我最了解自己了 所以我就谈自己
And -- so the short story about my blog: it started in 2001. I was 23. 那么呢 简单地说,我是在2001年开始写博客的,那年我23岁
short story:短篇小说(指一万字以内的小说);
I wasn't happy with my job, because I was a designer, but I wasn't being really stimulated . 那时我对自己的工作不满意 因为我是个设计师 但我却没有什么灵感
I was an English major in college. I didn't have any use for it, but I missed writing. So, I started to write a blog and I started to create things like these little stories. 大学时我读英语专业,但是对我干的工作毫无用途 于是我想念写作了,便开始撰写博客 我起先只写一些小的故事
And this was an illustration about my camp experience when I was 11 years old, and how I went to a YMCA camp -- Christian camp -- and basically by the end, I had made my friends hate me so much that I hid in a bunk . They couldn't find me. 这个是讲我11岁时露营经历的图解故事 去的是基督教青年会的露营 结果,那次露营朋友们都很讨厌我 以致我难过得躲到床铺下, 他们找不到我
illustration:n.插图;图解;示例;图示; bunk:n.铺位;床铺;座床;v.睡在铺上;逃跑;
They sent a search party , and I overheard people saying they wish I had killed myself, jumped off Bible Peak . 虽然他们组成搜救队,但我却不小心听到有人说 他们希望我自杀算了 从Bible峰那跳下去什么的
search party:n.搜索队; overheard:v.无意中听到;偷听;(overhear的过去分词) Bible:n.有权威的书; Peak:n.高峰; v.达到高峰; adj.最高度的;
So -- you can laugh, this is OK. 你们可以笑的,没有关系
This is who makes -- this is me. 这就是我
This is what happened to me. 这就是我的经历
And when I started my blog it was really this one goal, 当我开始写博客的时候,我有一个目标
I wanted -- I realized, I said, you know, 我自知
I am not going to be famous to the world, but I could be famous to people on the Internet. 绝不会闻名于世 但是, 我可以试着闻名于网络
And I set a goal. I said, I'm going to win an award, because I had never won an award in my entire life. 我就定了个目标。我说,我要赢个奖 因为我一生中没得过一个奖
And I said, I'm going to win this award -- the South by Southwest Weblog award. 我要赢这个奖 西南网络博客大奖的南方奖
And I won it. I reached all of these people, and I had tens of thousands of people reading about my life everyday. 果然我赢了。我接触到读者们 每天有成千上万的人读我写的日常生活
And then I wrote a post about a banjo . 一次我写了篇关于班卓琴的东西
I wrote a post about wanting to buy a banjo -- a 300 dollar banjo, which is a lot of money. 我写了这么一篇博客 谈了我想买个班卓琴 300美金呢,挺贵的
And I don't play instruments , 我不会弹乐器
I don't know anything about music. 我音乐也不了解
I like music, and I like banjos , and I think I probably heard Steve Martin playing. 但我喜欢音乐,我喜欢班卓琴 我也许听过 Steve Martin 弹奏
and I said, I could do that. And I said -- 我觉得我也能弹
I said to my husband, I said, "Ben, can I buy a banjo?" And he's like, "No." 我就和我丈夫说,“Ben,我可以买个班卓琴吗?”他来句:“不行。”
And my husband -- this is my husband, who is very hot -- he won an award for being hot -- 那么 这个就是我的丈夫,非常帅 他帅得可以去领奖
(Laughter) (笑声)
- he to -- he told me, "You cannot buy a banjo, this is -- you're just like your dad, who buys -- who collects instruments." 他和我说 “你不能买班卓琴 你就像你爸爸一样,只收藏乐器。”
And I wrote a post about how I was so mad at him, he was such a tyrant , he would not let me buy this banjo. 我便写了篇博客 谈他让我气极了 他是那么的专制,不让我买这个班卓琴
And for those people who know me understood my joke. 那些认识的人都知道我在开玩笑
This is Mena, this is how I make a joke at people. Mena就是这样,我就喜欢开人们的玩笑
Because the joke in this is that this person is not a tyrant: this person is so loving and so sweet that he lets me dress him up and post pictures of him to my blog. And -- 因为这个玩笑在于,其实这个男人并不专制 而是那么有爱心的,那么可爱的 他甚至允许我给他男扮女装 并让我在博客上放这些照片
(Laughter) (笑声)
- and if he knew I was showing this right now, 如果他知道我现在在展示这些照片
I put this in today, he would kill me. 他会杀了我的
But the thing was, I wrote this, and my friends read it, and they're like, oh, that Mena, she wrote a post about, you know, wanting a stupid thing and being stupid. 问题就在于,我写了这么一篇东西,我的朋友们读了 他们就想,那个Mena 犯傻了,写了傻里傻气的东西
But I got emails from people that said, "Oh my God, your husband is such an asshole . 但是,我收到人们的邮件对我说 “天啊,你的丈夫坏透了
How much money does he spend on beer in a year? 他每年喝啤酒花了多少钱?
You could take that money and buy your banjo. 你可以用他喝啤酒的钱买班卓琴
Why don't you open a separate account?" 你们为什么不分开银行账户?”
I've been with him since I was 17 years old. We -- we've never had a separate bank account . 我自17岁就和他在一起。我们从来也没有分开过银行账户
bank account:n.银行账户;
They said, "Separate your bank account -- spend your money, spend his money. That's it." 他们说,“设立独自的银行账户 你花你的钱,他花他的钱。这就行了。”
And then I got people saying, "Leave him." 还有人说,“和他离。”
And -- and I was like, OK, what, who are these people, and why are they reading this? 那么 我想,他们都是谁啊? 为什么他们要读我的博客?
And I realized: I don't want to reach these people. 我意识到,我并不想有读者
I don't want to write for this public audience. 我不想为公众写东西
And I started to kill my blog slowly. 我就慢慢地荒废自己的博客
I'm like, I don't want to write this anymore, and I slowly and slowly -- 我不想再写了 慢慢淡出
And I did tell personal stories from time to then. 尽管不时还会写些个人的经历
I wrote this one, and I put this up because of Einstein today. 我写了这篇,是因为Einstein
And I'm going to get choked up, because this is my first pet, and she passed away two years ago. 我的第一只宠物,我想我有点想哭了, 两年前她死了
choked:adj.堵塞的; v.使窒息; (choke的过去分词和过去式)
And I decided to break from, "I don't really write about my public life," 我就决定打破自己说过的话,“我不想再写自己的生活”
because I wanted to give her a little memorial . 因为我想悼念她
But anyways. 无论如何
It's these sort of personal stories. You know, you read the blogs about politics , or about media, and gossip and all these things. 这些就是我的个人经历。你们会读到关于政治的博客 或者关于媒体的,或者是一些八卦的话题等等
politics:n.政治;钩心斗角;政治观点;v.(贬)从事政治活动;(politic的第三人称单数) gossip:n.流言蜚语;闲聊;喜欢传播流言蜚语的人;v.传播流言蜚语;说三道四;
These are out there, but it's more of the personal that interests me, and this is -- you know, this is who -- who I am. 但是我还是对个人经历更感兴趣 这是因为 我就是这样的人
You know, you see Norman Rockwell. And you have art critics say, you know, Norman Rockwell is not art. 你们经常看到Norman Rockwell的作品,艺术评论家们会说 Norman Rockwell的作品并不是艺术
Norman Rockwell hangs in living rooms and bathrooms, and this is not something to be considered high art. 他的作品是挂在 起居室和浴室里面 这并不是什么高雅艺术
And I think this is, like, one of the most important things to us as, you know, humans. 但这些非高雅的东西对我们人类来说 却是最重要的东西
These things resonate to us, and, you know, if you think about blogs, you think of high art blogs, the history paintings about, you know, all biblical stories, and then you have this. 这些东西引起我们的共鸣 如果提到博客,你会想到那些高雅艺术的博客 那些历史名画,那些圣经故事 你会想到平常的东西
resonate:vt.共鸣;共振;vi.共鸣;共振; biblical:adj.圣经的;依据圣经的(等于biblical);
These are the blogs that interest me: the people that just tell stories. 这些平常的故事吸引我,这些人只是在讲他们的故事
And one story is about this baby, and his name is Odin. 这里有个故事 它是关于一个叫Odin的婴儿
And his father was a blogger. 他的爸爸是个博客者
And he was writing his blog one day, and his wife gave birth to her baby 25 -- at 25 weeks. 他每天都写博客 他的妻子在怀孕25周时 生下了他们的孩子
And he never expected this. 他从没想过会发生这样的事
One day it was normal; one day -- then the next day it was hell. 一天前还一切正常,第二天就像到了地狱那样
And this is a one-pound baby. 这就是那个一磅的婴儿
And so Odin was documented every single day. Odin生活每天都被记录下来
Pictures were taken every day, day one, day two. 这些照片是一天一天拍下来的,第一天,第二天
You know, you have day nine -- they're talking about his apnea , day 39 -- he gets pneumonia . 第九天,他呼吸暂停 第39天,他得了肺炎
apnea:n.[医]窒息,[临床]呼吸暂停; pneumonia:n.肺炎;
This -- his baby is so small, and I've never encountered such a, just -- a disturbing image, but just -- just so heartfelt . 这个婴儿是多么小 我从来没有见过那么 那么 让人心碎的照片,是那么的真切
encountered:v.遭遇,遇到;偶然碰到;意外地遇见;(encounter的过去分词和过去式) disturbing:adj.引起烦恼的;令人不安的;v.打扰;干扰;搅乱;使不安;(disturb的现在分词) heartfelt:adj.衷心的;真诚的;真心真意的;
And, you know, you're reading this as this happens, so on day 55, everybody reads that he has -- he's having failures: breathing failures and heart failures, and it's slowing down, and you don't know what to expect. 人们阅读着确实在发生着的事 第55天,读者们发现 他呼吸有困难,心跳也有困难 心跳在放慢,情况无法预测
But then it gets better. You know, day 96 he goes home. 接着情况开始好转。第96天,他回家了
And you see this post. 你们可以看到这篇博客
That's not something that you're going to see in a paper or a magazine but this is something that this person feels, and people are excited about it. 这不是你会在报纸或杂志看得到的东西 这是写博客的这个人的所感受的东西 人们对此很兴奋
You know, 28 comments. That's not a huge amount of people reading, but 28 people matter. 有28条评论,并不是很多人在关注 但28个人毕竟在关注啊
And today he is a healthy baby, who, you know, if you read his blog -- it's Snowdeal.org, his father's blog -- he is taking pictures of him still, because he is still his son and he is, I think, at his age level right now because he had been such -- he had received such great treatment from the hospital. 现在他是个健康婴儿 如果你去看这个博客 这个婴儿的父亲的博客,Snowdeal.org 他还在给他照相,因为这个男孩是他的儿子,这是不变的事实 孩子在长大 而他之前在医院接受过那么多的治疗
So, blogs. 所以,博客
You know, so what? You've probably heard these thing before. 算什么呢?你们也许之前可能听过类似的故事
We talked about the WELL, and we talked about all these sort of things throughout our online history. 人们谈论WELL 在这个网络时代 人们谈很多类似的东西
But I think blogs are basically just an evolution , and that's where we are today. 但我觉得博客基本上算是一种发展 讲述我们怎么发展成现在这个样子
It's this record of who you are, your persona. 是你的个人记录
You have your Google search where you say, hey, what is Mena Trott? 你可以用google搜索了解谁是Mena Trott
And then you find these things and you're happy or unhappy. 你会找到一些信息,你喜欢或者并不喜欢
But then you also find people's blogs, and those are the records of people that are writing daily -- not necessarily about the same topic, but things that interest to them. 你也会找到人们的博客 博客是人们每天写的东西的记录 不一定是同一的话题,而是那些他们感兴趣的事
And we talk about the world flattens as being this panel , and I am very optimistic . 我们说世界因为越来越小了 我对此非常乐观
flattens:vt.击败,摧毁;使…平坦;vi.变平;变单调; panel:n.镶板;仪表盘;钣金;(衣服上的)镶条;v.镶板(用木或玻璃板等镶嵌或装饰); optimistic:adj.乐观的;乐观主义的;
Whenever I think about blogs I'm like, oh, we've got to reach all these people. 每次我谈到博客,我都想去联系更多的人
Millions and hundreds of millions and billions of people. 数百万数亿的人们
You know, we're getting into China, we want to be there, but you know, there's so many people that won't have the access to write a blog. 我们想和中国的人们联系 但还有很多人 他们没法写博客
But to see something like the 100 dollar computer is amazing, because it's a -- blogging software is simple. 就像100美元电脑计划很棒 因为它让写博客变得很简单
You know, we have a successful company because of timing, and because of perseverance , but it's simple stuff -- it's not rocket science . 我们的公司很成功是因为时机对了 是因为坚持不懈,道理很简单 并不是什么深奥的原因
perseverance:n.坚持不懈;不屈不挠;n.耐性;毅力; stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本: not rocket science:很简单的事;
And so, that's an amazing thing to consider. 这就值得我们思考
So, the life record of a blog is something that I find incredibly important. 所以呢 用博客记录生活点滴 对我来说是很重要的
And we started with a slide of my Teds, and I had to add this slide, because I knew, the minute I showed this, my mom -- my mom will see this deck somehow , because she does read my blog -- and she'll say, "Why wasn't there a picture of me?" You know? 刚才我显示过我家族中的那些Ted的幻灯片 我之所以加这一张是因为我知道 我展示这幅图时,我的妈妈总有一天会看到 因为她读我的博客 她会说,“为什么上面没有我?”
deck:n.甲板;舱面;层面;一副(为52张);v.装饰;打扮;布置;用力击倒; somehow:adv.以某种方法;莫名其妙地;
This is my mom. So, I have all of the people that I know of. 我妈妈就是这样的人。这些都是我认识的人
But, you know, this is basically the extent of the family that I know in terms of my direct line. 这些也是基本上 我的家人 也就是我的直系亲属
And I showed a Norman Rockwell painting before, and this one I grew up with, looking at constantly . 我之前展示过Norman Rockwell的画 这幅是伴随我成长的 我总是盯着它看
I would spend hours looking at just the connections. 我会花几个小时看这其中的关系
Saying, "Oh, the little kid at the top has red hair; so does that first generation up there." 说,“哦,那个在顶部的小孩头发是红色的 画中第一代的亲人也有红头发。”
first generation:adj.出生在美国的;原件第一代;
And just these little things.You know, this is not -- science, but this was enough for me to be really so interested about how we have evolved and how we can trace our line. 就这些不痛不痒的东西 这不是什么科学,但我对此感兴趣 我很想知道我们是怎么进化的 我们如何追溯我们的亲缘
evolved:v.(使)逐渐形成;进化;进化形成;(evolve的过去分词和过去式) trace:追溯,追踪
And so, that has always influenced me. 这一直对我有深远的影响
You know, I have this record, this -- this 1910 census of another Grabowski --I mean, that's my maiden name , and there's a Theodore, because there's always a Theodore. 我有一个记录 1910年的人口普查 关于Grabowski的记录,这是我的婚前姓 还有关于Theodore的,经常有人叫Theodore
census:vt.实施统计调查;n.人口普查,人口调查; maiden name:n.(女子的)娘家姓;
This is all I have. I have a couple of facts about somebody. 这就是我仅有的信息 我有一些人的信息
I have their date of birth, and their age, and what they did in their household , if they spoke English. 他们的生日,年龄 他们在家里的角色,讲不讲英语
And that's it. That's all I know of these people. 就这么多。我只知道这么多
And it's pretty sad, because how -- I only go back five generations, and then it's it. I don't even know what happens on my mom's side, because she's from Cuba and I don't have that many things. 这挺让人伤心地 因为我只能追溯到前五代人 只有这么多了。我甚至不知道我妈妈那边的亲属关系 因为她是古巴人,我没法考究
And just doing this I spent time in the archives -- that's why -- another thing why my husband's a saint -- 我花了很多时间查档案 这也就是我说我的丈夫是个圣人的另外一个原因
archives:n.档案;档案馆;v.把…存档;(archive的第三人称单数和复数) saint:n.圣人;圣徒;道德崇高的人;adj.神圣的;v.成为圣徒;
I spent time in the Washington archives, just sitting there, looking for these things. Now it's online, but he sat through that. 我就在华盛顿那看档案 坐着翻看着那些档案。现在这些资料已经在网上 他陪着我一直坐在那
And so you have this record and, you know, this is my great-great-grandmother. 这样就有了这些资料 这是我的高曾祖母
This is the only picture I have. And to think of what we have the ability to do with our blogs; to think about the people that are on those 100 dollar computers 这是我拥有的唯一一张照片 想想我们能用博客做什么 想想那些使用 100美元电脑的人们
talking about who they are, sharing these personal stories, this is an amazing thing. 这些人谈谈自己什么人,分享他们的故事 这是多么使人惊奇的事情
Another photo that has greatly influenced me, or a series of photos, is this project that's done by an Argentinean man or his -- and his wife. 另一张对我有深远影响的照片 或者一系列照片 是由一个阿根廷人和他妻子所作的一个项目
greatly:adv.很,大大地;非常; series:n.系列,连续;[电]串联;级数;丛书;
And he's basically taking a picture of his family every day for the past, what is '76 -- 20, oh my God, I'm '77 -- 29 years? 29 years. 他基本上每天都给他的家人拍照 从76年起 拍了20,我的天啊,我是77年的 拍了29年?拍了29年
There was a joke, originally , about my graph that I left out is that, you see all this math? I'm just happy I was able to add it up to 100, because that's my skill set. 这里本来有个笑点 你看到这里的数学运算吗?我很高兴我刚好算到100 因为我只能算到100
So this -- you have -- you have these people aging, and now this is them today, or last year, and that's a powerful thing to have, to be able to track this. 你看到这些人在变老 这就是他们今天的样子,或者去年的样子 能够做这样的跟踪是多么强大啊
I wish that I would have this of my family. 我希望我们家也能这么做
I know that one day my children will be wondering -- or my grandchildren, or my great-grandchildren , if I ever have children -- what I am going to -- who I was, and so I do something that's very narcissistic . 如果我有孩子 我知道有一天他们会好奇 或者我的曾孙,曾曾孙会好奇 他们的先辈是怎样的 我打算这么做 做点孤芳自赏的事情
great-grandchildren:n.曾孙女,曾孙; I am going to:我将要做什么事情 narcissistic:adj.自恋的;自我陶醉的;
I am a blogger -- that is an amazing thing for me, because it captures a moment in time every day. 我写博客嘛 这棒极了 因为写博客捕捉到我每天的某一瞬间
I take a picture of myself -- I've been doing this since last year -- of myself every single day. 自从去年起,我每天都给自己拍张照 我一直这么做
And, you know, it's the same picture; it's basically the same person. 这几乎是同样的照片 我看起来并没有什么变化
Only a couple of people read it. I don't write this for this audience, 只有很少人看这些照片。我也不是为了观众这么做
I'm showing it now, but I would go insane if this was really public. 我现在展示给大家看 但如果这有很多人关注的话,我会疯的
About four people probably read it, and they -- they tell me, you know, you haven't updated -- 大概有4个人关注 他们会有时和我说,你没有更新
I'm probably going to get people telling me I haven't updated -- but this is something that's amazing, because I can go back to a day -- 也许有的时候他们会告诉我 但最奇妙的在于我可以回到过去的一天
I can go back to April 2005, and say, what was I doing this day? I look at it, I know exactly. 我可以回到2005年的4月 看某天我在做什么。一看照片,我就记起来了
It's this visual cue that is so important to what we do. 这样的视觉提示让我们知道每天做了什么
visual:adj.视觉的,视力的;栩栩如生的; cue:n.暗示;提示;信号;(戏剧的)提示;v.给(某人)暗示(或提示);
And, you know, I put the bad pictures up too, because there are bad pictures. 我也放过一些很糟糕的照片 确实很糟
(Laughter) (笑声)
And I remember instantly: I am in Germany in this -- 我马上记得:当时在德国
I had to go for a one-day trip. 我必须完成一天的旅程,
I was sick, and I was in a hotel room and I wanted not to be there. And so you see these things. 当时我病在酒店房间 我并不想呆在那。你会看到
It's not just always smiling. Now I've kind of evolved it, so I have this look. 我并不是每天都开开心心的。现在我已经知道如何笑了
If you look at my driver's license 如果你看看我的驾照
I have the same look, and it's -- it's -- a pretty disturbing thing but it's something that is really important. 我就有个招牌笑容 就是这样 每天的经历都相当重要
And the last story 最后一个故事
I really want to tell is this story, because this is probably the one that means the most to me in all of what I'm doing. 我很想说这个故事 因为对于我正在做的事情而言 这也许对我意义最深远的故事
And I'll probably get choked up, because I tend to when I talk about this. 我可能会说到一半哽咽,因为每次我讲这个故事都会这样
So, this woman, her name was Emma, and she was a blogger on our service, TypePad. And she was a beta tester , so she was there right when we opened -- you know, there was 100 people -- and she wrote about her life dealing with cancer . 有这么一个女人 她的名字叫Emma,她是个博客者 她用了我们的服务,TypePad 我们开业的时候,她是那100个试用者之一 她试用我们的产品 她写了自己怎么对抗癌症
beta:n.贝它(希腊字母表的第二个字母); tester:检验器,试验员 cancer:n.癌症;恶性肿瘤;
And she was writing and writing and writing, and we all started reading it, because we had so few blogs on the service, we could keep track of everyone. 她写啊写啊 我们所有人都读她的博客,因为那时很少人用博客 我们可以读每个人的博客
keep track of:记录;与…保持联系;
And she was writing one day, and, you know, then she disappeared for a little bit. 她就这么写着 有一天起,她消失了一阵子
And her sister came on, and she said that that Emma had passed away. And all of our support staff who had talked to her were -- were really emotional , and it was a very hard day at the company. 后来她的妹妹在她博客上说 Emma离开了人世。我们所有支持她的人 我们都非常非常伤感 那天在公司非常难熬
And it was -- this was one of those instances where I realized how much blogging affects our relationship, and flattening this sort of world. 这是一个例子 它让我意识到 博客在多大程度上影响人与人的关系 博客如何联系这个世界
instances:n.相依物体,例子; v.举例说明(instance的第三人称单数形式); flattening:n.整平;扁率;压扁作用;v.压扁(flatten的ing形式);
That this woman is in England, and she lives -- she lived a life where she was talking about her -- what she was doing. 这个女人住在英国 她住在英国 却还可以谈论自己 谈她在做的事情
But the big thing that really influenced us was, her sister wrote to me, and she said, you know, and she wrote on this blog, that -- writing her blog during the last couple of months of her life 有件事给我们很大的影响 她妹妹写信给我说 她在博客上写 Emma是在生命的最后几个月写她的博客
was probably the best thing that had happened to her, and being able to talk to people, being able to share what was going on, and being able to write and receive comments. 这也许是她经历过最好的事情 因为可以和人们谈话,可以分享她的故事 可以写评论,看评论
And that was amazing. To be able to know that we had empowered that, and that blogging was something that she felt comfortable doing, and that the idea that blogging doesn't have to be scary, 这多么奇妙 我们让这成为可能 写博客让她很舒心 博客不一定是可怕的
that we don't always have to be attack of the blogs, that we can be people who are open, and wanting to help and talk to people. 我们不必总是攻击博客 我们可以是非常开明的 想去帮助别人,想和别人谈话
That was an amazing thing. 这是多么奇妙的事
And -- and so I printed out her -- or I sent a PDF of her blog to her family, and they passed it out at her memorial service, and even in her -- her obituary , they mentioned her blog because it was such a big part of her life. 我就打印了 或者说我给她家人发了份她博客的PDF文件 她们在纪念仪式上用到了 甚至在她的讣告里 也提到了她的博客,因为博客曾是她生命中重要的一部分
And that's a huge thing. 博客在她生命中是件大事
So, that's -- this is her legacy , and I think that my call to action to all of you is, you know, think about blogs, think about what they are, think about what you've thought of them, you know, and then actually do it, because it's something that is really going to change our lives. 这是她遗留的一笔财富 我也因此 想对你们说 想一想博客,想想它们是什么 想想你过去是怎么认为的 然后开始写博客吧 因为这真的会改变我们的生活
So, thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)