

Well, well, Boris the Animal has a visitor. 瞧啊 居然有人来看鲍里斯这个畜生
I guess one every 40 years is okay. 40年来 这是头一回
It's a cake. 就是个蛋糕
I decide what it is. 是什么我说了算
Looks like some kind of cake. 看来就是个蛋糕
She's clean. 她是干净的
Well, not clean, but you know... 当然不是那个意思 你懂的
Oh, God. 我的天哪
Boris the Animal, you've got a visitor. 畜生鲍里斯 有人看你来了
It's just Boris. 叫我鲍里斯
Your letters have been a soul-nourishing tonic . 你的来信 一直都是我的心灵鸡汤
And you are much more unconventionally handsome than your photos. 你可比照片要来得 骨骼奇特 英俊脱俗
This ain't a conjugal visit. 这不是配偶探访
So quit your conjugating . 快停止你们的交配行为吧
quit:v.离开;放弃;停止;使…解除;n.离开;[计]退出;adj.摆脱了…的;已经了结的; conjugating:vt.结合;使成对,使结合;vi.结合;结亲;性交;n.同源词;adj.共轭的;结合的;
When's the last time you conjugated anything? 你上次交配是什么时候的事了
I see you've brought me a treat , darling. 亲爱的 你给我带礼物来了
Would you mind cutting this up for us? 能帮忙切一下吗
It's a special day. 今天是个特殊的日子
I'm a romantic like that. 我就是这么浪漫
Oh, I wouldn't do that. 你最好别这样
Why's that? 为什么
It'll ruin your figure. 会毁了你的
You complete me. 这下我才完整了
The big one. 拿大的那把
Boris! You promised to take me with you! 鲍里斯 你答应带我一起走的
We had a deal! 我们说好了的
Obadiah Price. 俄巴底亚.普莱斯
Yes. I did make you a promise. 没错 我的确答应过你
Wait. I smell something. 等等 有点不对劲
You can't win, Boris. 你逃不了的 鲍里斯
Let's agree to disagree. 我可不这么认为
There's too many of us. 我们人多势众
Rather hot in here. Mind if I open a window? 这儿真热 开个天窗怎么样
Sorry, darling. We did love the cake. 对不住了 亲爱的 谢谢你的蛋糕
Let's rewrite history, shall we, K? K 我们来重写历史吧 怎么样
Good afternoon. 下午好
Please give your attention to my associate , Agent J. 大家请注意 我的同事特工J有话要说
associate:v.联合:联想:交往:adj.非正式的:副的:联合的:n.伙伴:同事: Agent:n.代理人,代理商;药剂;特工;v由…作中介;由…代理;adj.代理的;
He's going to demonstrate an electro-biomechanical neural-transmitting, zero-synapse repositioner. 他将给你们示范如何使用 电生理零突触原理的 神经传导复位器
We call it the neuralyzer. 我们称之为神经分析仪[记忆消除器]
Keep it simple, slick . - Thanks a lot. 速战速决 小子 -多谢提醒
slick:adj.光滑的; n.[机]平滑器; v.灵活地; v.使光滑;
Thank you, Agent K. 谢谢 特工K
Ladies and gentlemen, if you will look right here. 女士们先生们 请看这里
You know how you're on an airplane and a flight attendant asks you to turn your cellphone off? 大家知道 在飞机上 乘务员会提醒你把手机关掉 对吧
airplane:n.飞机; flight attendant:n.空中乘务员;机上乘务员; cellphone:n.蜂窝式便携无线电话;大哥大;
You're like, "I ain't turning my cellphone off. 你肯定会说 我才不关呢
That don't have nothing to do with no damn plane." 手机才不会影响这破飞机呢
have nothing to do with:与…无关; damn:v.谴责;该死;n.诅咒;adj.可恶的;
Well, this is what we get. That's what happens. 结果就这样了 后果很严重
It gets up there, bounces around on the satellites and... bang ! 飞机出轨 扰乱卫星 于是悲剧了
bang:n.猛敲; v.猛敲; v.正好;
So it's that just turn your damn phone off. 所以说还是乖乖地把手机关了
Now you're gonna drive off a cliff tonight because your GPS don't work. 晚上开车小心点 可能会冲下悬崖 没了卫星 全球定位系统就废了