

God, do I hate Paris. 天呐 我太讨厌巴黎了
Not to worry. Probably won't be around much longer. 别担心 地球也许马上就毁灭了
I've been waiting a long time for this. 这一刻我已经等了很久了
I guess what... What I'm trying to say is, 我想说的是...
Lisa, will you mar ...? - Bonjour . 莉莎 你愿意嫁... -你们好
mar:v.破坏;毁坏;损毁;损害;n.损伤; Bonjour:n.(法)你好;苹果电脑公司的服务器搜索协议商标名;
We're with Tower security. 我们是铁塔保安
We're terribly sorry, but you're not supposed to be here. 非常抱歉 但你们不应该来这里
Sorry. - Sorry. 抱歉 -抱歉
So? She say yes? 那么 她答应了吗
I haven't asked yet. - He hasn't asked yet. 我还没求婚 -他还没求婚
Well, that's a terrible shame, isn't it? 那真是太遗憾了 不是吗
Because, you see, that blinking light back there means there's been a breach in Portal 2. 因为你们看 那边闪烁的灯 说明二号传送门遭到入侵
blinking:adv.讨厌,可恶;v.眨眼睛;闪烁;(blink的现在分词) breach:n.违背;破坏;辜负;中断;v.违反;违背;在…上打开缺口; Portal:n.大门,入口;
Which means, in just a few minutes, the most vile creatures in the entire universe, the Hive , are gonna consume every last one of us from the inside out. 也就是说 几分钟后 全宇宙最邪恶的生物 蜂兽 将把我们所有人从里到外吃得一干二净
vile:adj.卑鄙的;邪恶的;低廉的;肮脏的; creatures:n.生物;动物;(具有某种特征的)人(creature的复数) Hive:vi.群居; n.蜂房,蜂巢; vt.入蜂箱; consume:v.消耗;吃;毁灭;烧毁;
I don't understand. 你们在说什么
All will be explained if you look right... 你们只要盯着这里看
here. 就懂了
The Tower was closed for repairs. 铁塔因修缮而关闭
Ask her on the way down. 下去的时候向她求婚
This way, please. 这边请
Thank you. 谢谢
Mind the gap . 小心缝隙
Right. Shall we? 好了 开始吧
Let's do this. 我们上
Hey, guys. 你们好啊
Who the hell are you? 你是谁
Ask her again down on the ground. 到地面后再向她求婚一次
There you are. - Yeah. 你回来了 -嗯
All right. Let's try this again, shall we? 好了 我们再试一次吧
So, what's the play here? 现在怎么办
We've been in this situation before. 我们以前经历过这种情况
We've never faced the Hive before. 我们从未对峙过蜂兽
They've never faced us. 他们也从未对峙过我们
Always remember, 记好了
The universe has a way of leading you to where you're supposed to be at the moment you're supposed to be there. 宇宙总有办法 在恰当的时机 将你引向应该去的地方
Yeah, well, sometimes, the universe gets it wrong. 是啊 有时候宇宙也会搞错
'"Let's have some action. 让我们动起来
I want some asses wiggling . 把屁股扭起来
asses:驴(ass的复数形式); wiggling:v.(使)扭动,摆动,起伏;(wiggle的现在分词)
I want some perfection ." 要有进步
Get my three-wood. 去拿我的三号木杆
Come on, let's go. - Okay, okay. 麻利点 -好好好
Careful. 小心点
Oh, my God! 天啊
Oh, my God. Baby. - What? 天啊 宝贝 -怎么了
That wasn't no animal, okay? 根本不是动物
It was a... It was a... 是...是...
I ain't never seen nothing like that before. 我从没见过这样的东西
It was, like, a creature. 像是一个生物
What? Harold, call the police. 什么 哈洛德 快报警
The who? - The police. Call the police! 报什么 -报警 快报警