

Five Months in Brazil . You're a hard man to find. 在巴西待了五个月 你可真难找
You even have the accent right. 连口音都学得这么像
I do say so. 我就是这么想的
The principal I represent has an offer for you. 我的上司想跟你谈一笔交易
principal:adj.主要的;资本的;n.首长;校长;资本;当事人; represent:v.代表;表现;描绘;回忆;再赠送;
He'd like three men killed. Each death must look like an accident. 他希望三个人死 并且都要看上去死于 意外
Your specialty . I believe 这点你很擅长
Seems that reports of your demise have been greatly exaggerated . 貌似有关你的 死亡报道被过分夸大了
demise:n.死亡,终止;转让;传位;vt.遗赠;禅让; greatly:adv.很,大大地;非常; exaggerated:adj.夸张的,言过其实的;v.夸张,夸大(exaggerate的过去分词和过去式)
My principal could make that known to certain interested parties, which means that, your new life here would end rather quickly, or you can do the job and go back to being Dead. 我上司可以把真相透露给感兴趣的人 也就是说你在这儿的新生活就要到头了 你也可以选择接受任务 继续装死
What's your pleasure, Senior Otto Santos? 你要怎么选呢 奥托.桑托斯
Senior:adj.大;级别(或地位)高的;成人的;高级水平的;n.上级;上司;较…年长的人; Otto:n.玫瑰油;
Let me make a call. 让我拨个电话
What are you doing? 你要做什么
Tell your principal, it never pays to fuck with the dead. 回去告诉你上司 永远别拿钱来找死人的麻烦
Get down. Get the fuck down on the ground! 趴下 都他妈给我趴在地上
Get the fuck down! Don't look at me! 都他妈给我趴下去 不准看我
Bishop . - Hello Mei. 毕夏普 -你好 梅
You're different. 你变了
Older - Um, Something more than that. 变老了 -额 没这么简单
I need time to find someone before they find me. 我得花点时间在被别人找到之前先找到他们
Then I'll be moving on. 然后我就走
Who else is here? 还有谁在
No one. 没人
Diving season's over. Come. 潜水季过了 来吧
Your home's waiting for you. 你的房间一直帮你留着
How was your trip? - It was OK. 旅途还顺利吗 -还行
It was a busy season. 今年人气挺旺
But don't worry, no one came near your home. 不过别担心 没人去过你家
Nothing's changed - Get some rest. 一切都没变 -好好休息吧
Hi. How can I help you? 你好 有什么可以帮你的
Great, you speak English. 太好了 你会说英文
Um, I'm running low on first aid . I'm staying on the Boat. 额 我急救药品不太够了 我睡在船上
first aid:adj.急救的;急救用的;
Sure. 好的
This is all I have. 我只有这些
Thanks. 谢谢
If I don't have what you need, 如果我这里没有你需要的
I can call our supply boat. 我可以叫供给船来
They can take you back to Phuket to get them. 他们能带你去普吉岛买
No, this is great. 不用 已经很好了
Thank you very much! 非常感谢
Anytime! 不客气
Get away from me! 离我远点儿
Bishop! 毕夏普
Bishop! 毕夏普
They're fighting. It's bad. 那边在打架 很严重
You want a piece of me? 你丫想找麻烦吗
Stay down. 别多事了
I've met her. She has a backbone . 我之前见过她 她很有骨气
Women like that get killed in these situations. 女人在这种情形下很容易出事
Domestic squabble , Mei. Not my business 梅 这不过是当地人的纠纷 与我无关
Domestic:n.佣人;家佣;家庭纠纷;家庭矛盾;adj.本国的;国内的;家用的;家庭的; squabble:v.争吵;(为琐事)发生口角;n.争吵;口角;
You helped me once. Help her! 你曾经帮过我 现在帮帮她吧
Or I will do it. 不然我出手
Take this! 拿着
Frank , get the fuck away from me! 弗兰克 你他妈离我远点