

Welcome to Thailand . 欢迎来到泰国。
Now, when I was a young man -- 40 years ago, the country was very, very poor with lots and lots and lots of people living in poverty . 四十年前,我还是个年轻小伙子的时候, 这个国家非常,非常穷。 无数人过着贫困的生活。
We decided to do something about it, but we didn't begin with a welfare program or a poverty reduction program. 我们决心改变这一切, 但我们没有实施任何福利政策, 或者扶贫计划。
welfare:n.福祉;(政府给予的)福利; reduction:n.减少;缩小;降低;减价;折扣;缩图;
But we began with a family-planning program, following a very successful maternal child health activity, sets of activities. 我们开始推行计划生育政策, 采取了一套非常成功的 母子保健措施, 多项措施。
So basically , no one would accept family planning if their children didn't survive. 总的来说,如果孩子出生后不能存活, 自然不会有人接受计划生育。
basically:adv.主要地,基本上; family planning:n.计划生育;家庭计划;
So the first step: get to the children, get to the mothers, and then follow up with family planning. 所以,第一步就要保证孩子和母亲的生活, 然后实行计划生育。
Not just child mortality alone, you need also family planning. 光控制婴儿的死亡率是不够的,你还需要计划生育。
Now let me take you back as to why we needed to do it. 我带大家回顾一下 当初我们为什么要采取这个政策。
In my country, that was the case in 1974. 1974年,在我的国家里
Seven children per family -- tremendous growth at 3.3 percent. 平均每个家庭有七个孩子。 人口增长率高达3.3%.
There was just no future. 根本没有未来可言。
We needed to reduce the population growth rate. 我们必须降低人口增长率。
So we said, "Let's do it." 于是我们决定:“马上行动。”
The women said, "We agree. We'll use pills , but we need a doctor to prescribe the pills ," 而妇女们说:“我们同意。我们可以使用避孕药, 但是需要医生开药。”
pills:n.药丸; v.起球; (pill的第三人称单数和复数) prescribe:v.给…开(药);让…采用(疗法);开(处方);命令;
and we had very, very few doctors. 不巧的是我国当时没几个医生。
We didn't take no as an answer; we took no as a question. 我们并没有气馁; 而是试图解决这个问题。
We went to the nurses and the midwives , who were also women, and did a fantastic job at explaining how to use the pill. 我们向护士们和助产士们求助,她们都是女性, 她们出色地解说了 避孕药的使用方法。
midwives:n.助产士; v.促成; fantastic:奇异的,空想的
That was wonderful, but it covered only 20 percent of the country. 这非常好, 但是这也只能帮助全国20% 的地区。
What do we do for the other 80 percent -- leave them alone and say, "Well, they're not medical personnel ." 剩下的80%怎么办呢 -- 撒手不管,说:“没办法,我们没有足够的医务人员”?
No, we decided to do a bit more. 不,我们决定做出更多努力。
So we went to the ordinary people that you saw. 于是我们向普通老百姓求助,就是你们看到的这些人。
Actually, below that yellow sign -- 实际上,在那个黄色牌子后面 --
I wish they hadn't wiped that, because there was " Coca-Cola " there. 但愿他们还没把它撤下来, 因为牌子后面放的是可口可乐。
We were so much bigger than Coca-Cola in those days. 我们当时的名气比可口可乐大多了。
And no difference, the people they chose were the people we chose. 普通老百姓一样可以胜任, 他们帮助的人群正是我们的目标人群。
They were well-known in the community , they knew that customers were always right, and they were terrific , and they practiced their family planning themselves. 他们和他们的圈子里的人很熟, 他们知道顾客就是上帝, 他们不但帮了大忙,自己也在进行节育措施。
well-known:adj.著名的;众所周知的;清楚明白的; community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体; terrific:adj.极好的;极其的,非常的;可怕的;
So they could supply pills and condoms throughout the country, in every village of the country. 他们可以在全国各个村庄 提供避孕药和安全套。
condoms:n.避孕套,安全套;(condom的复数) throughout:adv.自始至终,到处;全部;prep.贯穿,遍及;
So there we are. We went to the people who were seen as the cause of the problem to be the solution . 就这样,我们找这些老百姓帮忙。 他们实际上是在帮助自己 解决问题。
Wherever there were people -- and you can see boats with the women, selling things -- here's the floating market selling bananas and crabs and also contraceptives -- wherever you find people, you'll find contraceptives in Thailand. 只要是有人的地方 -- 你们看到这些划船的妇女 -- 在卖东西 -- 这里是一个水上市场 卖香蕉和螃蟹 还有节育用品 -- 在泰国,只要是有人的地方, 你就能找到节育用品。
crabs:n.蟹类;吊钳;脾气坏的人(crab的复数);v.捕蟹;抱怨;侧航(crab的三单形式); contraceptives:n.[药]避孕药(contraceptive的复数形式);避孕用品;
And then we decided, why not get to religion because in the Philippines , the Catholic Church was pretty strong, and Thai people were Buddhist . 接着,我们决定找宗教人士帮忙, 在菲律宾, 天主教堂的影响力非常大, 而泰国人信仰佛教。
Philippines:n.菲律宾; Catholic:adj.天主教的;宽宏大量的;n.天主教徒;罗马天主教; Buddhist:n.佛教徒;adj.佛教的;
We went to them and they said, "Look, could you help us?" 我们去找他们,他们说:”能请你们帮忙吗?“
I'm there -- the one in blue, not the yellow -- holding a bowl of holy water for the monk to sprinkle holy water on pills and condoms for the sanctity of the family. 我当时在场,穿蓝色衣服的就是我,不是黄衣服那个, 我手里捧着一碗圣水 让那个和尚把圣水 浇在避孕药和安全套上 来保佑家庭的圣洁。
holy water:n.圣水; monk:n.僧侣,修道士;和尚; sprinkle:v.撒;洒;把…撒(或洒)在…上;用…点缀;下小雨;n.小雨; sanctity:n.圣洁;尊严;神圣不可侵犯性;
And this picture was sent throughout the country. 这张照片传遍了全国。
So some of the monks in the villages were doing the same thing themselves. 一些和尚在各自的村子里也在做同样的工作
And the women were saying, "No wonder we have no side-effects . 妇女们说:”难怪我们没感到任何副作用。
It's been blessed ." 原来是佛祖保佑啊。”
blessed:adj.神圣的; v.求上帝降福于; (bless的过去分词和过去式)
That was their perception . 她们是这么想的。
And then we went to teachers. 我们去找教师们。
You need everybody to be involved in trying to provide whatever it is that make humanity a better place. 你需要所有人的参与, 各尽一份力 让世界更人性化。
involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词) humanity:n.人类;人道;仁慈;人文学科;
So we went to the teachers. 于是我们去找教师们。
Over a quarter of a million were taught about family planning with a new alphabet -- A, B for birth, C for condom, 超过二十五万人在学校学习与计划生育有关的新字母表 A,B是birth(生育),C是condom(安全套),
I for IUD, V for vasectomy . I是 IUD (子宫内用具), V是 vasectomy(输精管结扎术).
And then we had a snakes and ladders game, where you throw dice . 我们后来还有一套智力棋游戏,置色子来玩的。
snakes and ladders:n.蛇梯棋(棋子顺梯子图案前进,顺着蛇图案后退); dice:n.骰子;色子;掷骰游戏;掷骰赌博;v.将(肉、菜等)切成小方块;将…切成丁;
If you land on anything pro-family planning, you move ahead. 如果你的棋落在支持节育的格子里,那你就可以继续向前走。
Like, "Mother takes the pill every night. 比如说,“妈妈每晚服避孕药。
Very good, mother. Move ahead. 非常好,妈妈。往前走。
Uncle buys a condom. Very good, uncle. Move ahead. 叔叔买了一个安全套。非常好,叔叔。往前走。
Uncle gets drunk, doesn't use condom. Come back, start again." 叔叔喝醉了,没有用安全套。退回去,从头来。”
(Laughter) (大笑)
Again, education, class entertainment. 这叫寓教于乐。
And the kids were doing it in school too. 孩子们在学校里也有这些活动。
We had relay races with condoms, we had children's condom-blowing championship . 我们有安全套接力赛, 还有少儿吹安全套冠军杯。
relay:n.接力赛; v.转发(信息、消息等); championship:n.锦标赛;冠军称号;冠军的地位;
And before long , the condom was know as the girl's best friend. 不久前, 安全套荣幸地成为女孩子们最亲密的朋友。
before long:不久以后;
In Thailand, for poor people, diamonds don't make it -- so the condom is the girl's best friend. 在泰国,对于穷人来说,钻石太遥不可及了。 所以安全套取而代之,成为女孩们最好的朋友。
We introduced our first microcredit program in 1975, and the women who organized it said, "We only want to lend to women who practice family planning. 1975年,我们开始推行首个小额贷款政策。 做筹划工作的妇女们说: “我们只贷款给 那些进行节育的妇女。
microcredit:n.微型贷款;微额信贷; organized:adj.有组织的; v.组织; (organize的过去分词和过去式)
If you're pregnant , take care of your pregnancy . 如果你怀孕了,那你就得自己想办法了。
pregnant:adj.怀孕的;富有意义的; pregnancy:n.怀孕;丰富,多产;意义深长;
If you're not pregnant, you can take a loan out from us." 如果你没怀孕,那就可以向我们贷款。”
And that was run by them. 这就是由她们组织的。
And after 35/36 years, it's still going on. 35年,36年之后, 这个项目还在进行。
It's a part of the Village Development Bank; it's not a real bank, but it's a fund -- microcredit. 现在已经成为农村发展银行的一个部门了。 这不是一个真的银行,而是一个基金会 -- 提供小额贷款。
And we didn't need a big organization to run it -- it was run by the villagers themselves. 我们不需要一个大型组织来管理这个项目。 它是由村民自主管理的。
And you probably hardly see a Thai man there, it's always women, women, women, women. 在这里,你可能很难看到泰国男人。 到处都是女人,女人,女人,女人。
And then we thought we'd help America, because America's been helping everyone, whether they want help or not. 后来,我们觉得应该帮助一下美国, 因为美国不管人家需不需要帮助, 总是乐于助人。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And this is on the Fourth of July . 这是7月4日美国国庆日。
Fourth of July:n.美国独立纪念日(纪念美国于1776年7月4日独立);
We decided to provide vasectomy to all men, but in particular , American men to the front of the queue , right up to the Ambassador's residence during his [unclear]. 我们决定向所有男性提供输精管结扎手术。 而先到场的美籍男性可以享受特殊待遇, 直接在美国大使的官邸 进行手术。
in particular:尤其,特别; queue:n.行列;(存储的数据)队列;v.(人、车等)排队等候;(使)排队;列队等待; residence:n.住宅,住处;居住;
And the hotel gave us the ballroom for it -- very appropriate room. 宾馆把舞厅借给我们做场地。 这是一个相当正经的房间。
ballroom:n.舞厅;跳舞场; appropriate:adj.适当的;恰当的;v.占用,拨出;
(Laughter) (大笑)
And since it was near lunch time, they said, "All right, we'll give you some lunch. 快到午饭时间, 他们说:“好了,我们会准备午餐。
Of course, it must be American cola. 当然,肯定要有美国可乐。
You get two brands , Coke and Pepsi . 有两种选择,可口可乐和百事可乐。
brands:n.品牌;烙印(brand的复数);v.加商标于;铭刻于(brand的第三人称单数); Pepsi:n.[食品]百事可乐(一种饮料的商标名称);
And then the food is either hamburger or hotdog." 可供选择的食物有汉堡包和热狗。”
And I thought a hotdog will be more symbolic . 我觉得还是热狗更具象征意义。
(Laughter) (哄堂大笑)
And here is this, then, young man called Willy Bohm who worked for the USAID. 这一位小伙子叫威利.波姆, 他为美国国际开发总署工作。
Obviously, he's had his vasectomy because his hotdog is half eaten, and he was very happy. 很明显,他刚做完结扎手术, 看他手里拿着吃得只剩一半的热狗,还乐呵呵的。
It made a lot of news in America, and it angered some people also. 这在美国制造了很多新闻,还惹怒了一些人。
I said, "Don't worry. Come over and I'll do the whole lot of you." 我说:“没关系。你们也过来吧,我们会满足所有人的需要。”
(Laughter) (笑声)
And what happened? 结果如何?
In all this thing, from seven children to 1.5 children, population growth rate of 3.3 to 0.5. 在所有努力之下, 每个家庭平均7个孩子减少到1.5个。 人口增长率从3.3%降到0.5%。
You could call it the Coca-Cola approach if you like -- it was exactly the same thing. 你可以把它称为可口可乐策略。 因为我们用的是同样的策略。
I'm not sure whether Coca-Cola followed us, or we followed Coca-Cola, but we're good friends. 我不确定是可口可乐学我们,还是我们学他们, 反正我们是铁哥们儿。
And so that's the case of everyone joining in. 这是所有人一同出力的结果。
We didn't have a strong government. We didn't have lots of doctors. 当时的政府软弱无力,而我们又没有足够的医生。
But it's everybody's job who can change attitude and behavior. 但是,只有所有人行动起来, 才能改变人们的态度和行为。
Then AIDS came along and hit Thailand, and we had to stop doing a lot of good things to fight AIDS. 随后,艾滋病席卷了泰国。 我们不得不停下手中忙碌的事业 来抗击艾滋病。
But unfortunately , the government was in denial , denial , denial. 不幸的是,政府一再否决我们的行动。
unfortunately:adv.不幸地; denial:n.否认;否定;剥夺(应有的权利);拒不承认(令人不快、痛苦的事);
So our work wasn't affected. 我们的工作没有取得成效。
So I thought, "Well, if you can't go to the government, go to the military ." 于是,我想:“既然不能向政府求助,那就去找军方。”
So I went to the military and asked to borrow 300 radio stations. 我就去了军队, 向他们借300个广播电台。
They have more than the government, and they've got more guns than the government. 他们拥有的电台比政府的多, 他们的枪也比政府的多。
So I asked them, could they help us in our fight against HIV . 我问他们是否能帮我们 抗击艾滋病。
And after I gave them statistics , they said, "Yes. Okay. You can use all the radio stations, television stations." 我把数据资料给他们看。 他们说:“好的。你可以用我们所有的电台和电视台。”
And that's when we went onto the airwaves . 就这样,我们可以在空中做宣传了。
And then we got a new prime minister soon after that. 在此之后,我们有了新一任总理。
prime minister:n.首相;总理;
And he said, "Mechai, could you come and join?" 他说:“Mechai,你愿意加入我们吗?”
He asked me in because he liked my wife a lot. 他邀请我加入是因为他很欣赏我夫人。
So I said, "Okay." 我说:“好的。”
He became the chairman of the National AIDS Committee and increased the budget fifty-fold. 他成了国家艾滋病协会主席 并把预算提高到之前的五倍。
Committee:n.委员会; budget:n.预算,预算费;v.安排,预定;把…编入预算;adj.廉价的;
Every ministry , even judges, had to be involved in AIDS education -- everyone -- and we said the public, institutions , religious institutions , schools -- everyone was involved. 每个部门的部长,甚至法官们,都必须接受艾滋病教育。 所有人。包括老百姓,各个机构, 宗教组织,学校 -- 所有人都参与了。
ministry:n.(政府的)部门; institutions:n.机构;慈善机构;风俗习惯,制度;(institution的复数) religious:adj.宗教的;虔诚的;严谨的;修道的;n.修道士;尼姑;
And here, every media person had to be trained for HIV. 每个媒体工作者 也必须接受艾滋病相关的培训。
And we gave every station half a minute extra for advertising to earn more money. 作为回报,我们让每个电台或电视台 加播半分钟的广告来赚更多钱。
extra:adj.额外的:n.额外的事物:adv.额外:另外: advertising:n.做广告;广告业;广告活动;v.做广告;(advertise的现在分词)
So they were happy with that. 他们对此很满意。
And then AIDS education in all schools, starting from university. 所有学校都开展艾滋病教育, 首先从大学校园开始。
And these are high school kids teaching high school kids. 这些高中生正在教其他高中生。
And the best teachers were the girls, not the boys, and they were terrific. 在教课方面,女生比男生强多了。 她们非常能干。
And these girls who go around teaching about safe sex and HIV were known as Mother Theresa. 这些到各个校园宣传安全性知识和艾滋病预防的姑娘们 被亲切地称为“特蕾莎修女”。
And then we went down one more step. 接下来,我们进一步采取措施。
These are primary school kids -- third, fourth grade -- going to every household in the village, every household in the whole of Thailand, giving AIDS information and a condom to every household, given by these young kids. 这些是小学生 -- 三四年级 -- 他们会挨家挨户走边整个村子, 走边整个泰国, 宣传艾滋病知识,把安全套 发放到每家每户。 让这些孩子来完成这些工作。
primary school:小学; household:n.家庭;一家人;同住一所(或一套)房子的人;adj.家庭的;家常的;王室的;
And no parents objected, because we were trying to save lives, and this was a lifesaver . 没有家长反对,因为这是在拯救生命, 是捍卫生命的行动。
And we said, "Everyone needs to be involved." 我们呼吁:“所有人都行动起来。”
So you have the companies also realizing that sick staff don't work, and dead customers don't buy. 各个公司都意识到 病了的员工不能工作;死了的顾客不能购买。
So they all trained. 他们都接受了培训。
And then we have this Captain Condom, with his Harvard MBA, going to schools and night spots. 这位“安全套船长” 凭着哈佛大学的MBA, 奔走于各个学校和夜店。
And they loved him. You need a symbol of something. 他很受欢迎。一个代言人是必要的。
In every country, every program, you need a symbol, and this is probably the best thing he's ever done with his MBA. 每个国家,每个政策,都需要一个形象代言人, 这份工作应该算是他靠MBA混来的最美的差事了。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And then we gave condoms out everywhere on the streets -- everywhere, everywhere. 我们在大街上到处发放安全套 -- 走到哪儿,发到哪儿。
In taxis, you get condoms. 连出租车上都有安全套。
And also, in traffic, the policemen give you condoms -- our " cops and rubbers " programs. 另外,你在开车的时候, 交警也会给你发安全套 -- 这是我们的“胶警”项目。
cops:n.警察;v.遭受;忍受;注意到;(cop的第三人称单数和复数) rubbers:n.绵羊选,[橡胶]橡胶;
(Laughter) (笑声)
So, can you imagine New York policemen giving out condoms? 大家能想像到纽约市交警给你发安全套吗?
Of course I can. And they'd enjoy it immensely; 我反正没问题。他们肯定会乐此不疲的。
I see them standing around right now, everywhere. 我能想像他们现在就站在街上,
Imagine if they had condoms, giving out to all sorts of people. 手上拿着安全套, 分发给形形色色的路人。
And then, new change, we had hair bands , clothing and the condom for your mobile phone during the rainy season. 新产品来了, 我们有(安全套做的)发带,服饰, 要是碰上雨季,我们给你的手机 也备上了安全套。
bands:n.乐队;法官; mobile phone:移动电话
(Laughter) (笑声)
And these were the condoms that we introduced. 这些是我们生产的安全套。
One says, "Weapon of mass protection." 这个上面写着:“大规模保护性武器”。
We found -- you know -- somebody here was searching for the weapon of mass destruction , but we have found the weapon of mass protection: the condom. 我们找到了, 某些人在搜寻大规模杀伤性武器, 但是我们找到了大规模保护性武器 -- 安全套。
weapon of mass destruction:n.大规模杀伤性武器(如核武器、化学武器和生物武器);
And then it says here, with the American flag, "Don't leave home without it." 这一个有星条旗图案的写着, “出门常备。”
But I have some to give out afterward . 我过后会把它们发给大家。
But let me warn you, these are Thai-sized, so be very careful. 但是,提醒你们一下,这些都是泰国人的尺寸, 所以要慎用啊。
(Laughter) (大笑)
And so you can see that condoms can do so many things. 你们看, 安全套实在是神通广大。
Look at this -- 大家看这里。
I gave this to Al Gore and to Bill Senior also. 我给了Al Gore和 Bill Senior一人一件。
Stop global warming; use condoms. 上面写着“阻止全球变暖;请使用安全套”。
And then this is the picture I mentioned to you -- the weapon of mass protection. 这一件我刚才跟大家提过 -- 大规模保护性武器。
And let the next Olympics save some lives. 让下一届奥运会拯救更多生命。
Why just run around ? 穿上它出去跑一圈吧!
run around:n.遁词;借口;
(Laughter) (大笑)
And then finally , in Thailand we're Buddhist, we don't have a God, so instead, we say, "In rubber we trust." 最后一件, 在泰国,我们信佛,不信上帝, 所以,我们的口号是:“我们信靠橡胶套”。
(Laughter) (笑声)
So you can see that we added everything to our endeavor to make life better for the people. 大家可以看到,为了让人们过上更美好的生活, 我们尽了一切努力。
We had condoms in all the refrigerators in the hotels and the schools, because alcohol impairs judgment . 所有宾馆和学校的冰箱里都保存着安全套, 因为人们容易酒后乱性。
alcohol:n.酒精;乙醇;含酒精饮料; impairs:损害;受损的; judgment:n.判断;裁判;判决书;辨别力;
And then what happened? 结果是什么呢?
After all this time, everybody joined in. 结果,所有人都参与了进来。
According to the U.N., new cases of HIV declined by 90 percent, and according to the World Bank, 7.7 million lives were s aved. 联合国的数据显示, 艾滋病的新增病例 降低了百分之九十。 世界银行的报告显示, 我们的行动拯救了770万人的生命。
According to:根据,据说; declined:v.减少;下降;衰弱;婉言拒绝;(decline的过去分词和过去式)
Otherwise there wouldn't be many Thais walking around today. 否则,今天就看不到这么多泰国人在街上晃悠了。
So it just showed you, you could do something about it. 这是在告诉大家,你们也能尽一份力。
90 percent of the funding came from Thailand. 百分之九十的资金都来自泰国国内。
There was political commitment , some financial commitment , and everybody joined in the fight. 有政治性的帮助,经济上的帮助, 每个人都各尽其责。
commitment:n.承诺;投入;保证;许诺; financial:adj.金融的;财政的,财务的;
So just don't leave it to the specialists and doctors and nurses. 这不仅仅是专家,医生和护士的责任。
We all need to help. 我们都要出力。
And then we decided to help people out of poverty, now that we got AIDS somewhat out of the way -- this time, not with government alone, but in cooperation with the business community. 接着,我们决定帮助人们脱离贫困, 我们成功阻止了艾滋病的蔓延, 这一次,政府不再唱独角戏, 企业与政府开始联袂合作。
somewhat:n.几分;某物;adv.有点;多少;几分;稍微; cooperation:n.合作;配合;
Because poor people are business people who lack business skills and access to credit. 穷人其实也可以是生意人, 只不过他们缺少技能和资金。
Those are the things to be provided by the business community. 这些都必须由企业界提供。
provided:conj.假如; v.提供; (provide的过去分词和过去式)
We're trying to turn them into barefoot entrepreneurs , little business people. 我们帮助他们白手起家, 做小本生意。
barefoot:adj.赤脚的;adv.赤着脚地; entrepreneurs:n.企业家;(entrepreneur的复数)
The only way out of poverty is through business enterprise. 致富的唯一出路是创业。
So, that was done. 我们成功了。
The money goes from the company into the village via tree-planting . 资金引入到农村, 村民靠种树赚钱。
via:prep.通过;经由;n.道路;[医]管道; tree-planting:n.植树造林;
It's not a free gift. 这可不是天上掉馅饼。
They plant the trees, and the money goes into their microcredit fund, which we call the Village Development Bank. 他们种树所得的钱要转成小额信贷基金, 这就是农村发展银行。
Everybody joins in, and they feel they own the bank, because they have brought the money in. 大家都参与, 他们感觉自己是银行的主人, 因为钱都是他们自己的。
And before you can borrow the money, you need to be trained. 贷款之前,你必须经过培训。
And we believe if you want to help the poor, those who are living in poverty, access to credit must be a human right . 我们相信,如果你想帮助 现在还过着穷日子的人们, 那么就应该向他们提供贷款。
human right:n.人权;
Access to credit must be a human right. 贷款必须成为一项基本人权。
Otherwise they'll never get out of poverty. 否则,他们永远无法从贫困中走出来。
And then before getting a loan, you must be trained. 不过拿到贷款之前,你必须经过培训。
Here's what we call a "barefoot MBA," 这个项目叫做“白手MBA”,
teaching people how to do business so that, when they borrow money, they'll succeed with the business. 教授如何经商 这样,他们贷款以后才会成功赚钱。
These are some of the businesses: mushrooms, crabs, vegetables, trees, fruits, and this is very interesting -- Nike ice cream and Nike biscuits; this is a village sponsored by Nike. 这些是他们做的生意: 卖蘑菇,螃蟹,蔬菜, 树木,水果, 这个非常有意思 -- 耐克牌的冰淇淋和饼干。 这个村庄是由耐克公司赞助的。
sponsored:adj.(活动或比赛)为慈善筹款而举办的; v.赞助(活动、节目等); (sponsor的过去式和过去分词)
They said, "They should stop making shoes and clothes. 他们说:“他们应该停止生产鞋子和服装。
Make these better, because we can afford them." 这些更赚钱,因为我们买得起。“
And then we have silk, Thai silk. 我们还有丝绸,泰国丝绸。
Now we're making Scottish tartans, as you can see on the left, to sell to all people of Scottish ancestors. 正如左边这张图,我们现在还生产苏格兰格子呢绒, 然后卖给苏格兰后裔。
as you can see:正如你所看到的;你是知道的;
So anyone sitting in and watching TV, get in touch with me. 在场或者电视机前的有意者, 可以跟我联系。
in touch with:同…有联系,和…有接触;
And then this is our answer to Starbucks in Thailand -- "Coffee and Condoms." 这是泰国的星巴克里的标语 -- 咖啡与安全套 。
See, Starbucks you awake, we keep you awake and alive. 星巴克咖啡让你保持清醒,而我们既让你保持清醒又让你充满活力。
That's the difference. 这可太不一样了。
Can you imagine, at every Starbucks that you can also get condoms? 你能想像吗?你在每家星巴克 都可以买到安全套吗。
You can order your condoms with your with your cappuccino . 你还可以点一杯牛奶咖啡,顺便来几个安全套。
And then now, finally in education, we want to change the school as being underutilized into a place where it's a lifelong learning center for everyone. 最后,在教育方面, 我们想充分利用学校资源, 把它变成一个供人终生学习的场所
We call this our School-Based Integrated Rural Development. 这叫做校园农村综合发展项目。
Integrated:adj.综合的; v.整合; (integrate的过去式和过去分词) Rural:adj.农村的,乡下的;田园的,有乡村风味的;
And it's a center, a focal point for economic and social development. 对于经济社会发展而言, 这是一个中心任务。
focal point:n.集中点;活动中心; economic:adj.经济的,经济上的;经济学的;
Re-do the school, make it serve the community needs. 对学校进行改革, 让它为社区服务。
And here is a bamboo building -- all of them are bamboo. 这是一个竹制建筑, 所有建筑都是竹子做的。
This is a geodesic dome made of bamboo. 这是一个竹制网格穹顶。
geodesic dome:n.短程线穹顶;
And I'm sure Buckminster Fuller would be very, very proud to see a bamboo geodesic dome. 我想信Buckminster Fuller(美国著名建筑设计师) 要是看到这个竹制穹顶,肯定非常骄傲。
And we use vegetables around the school ground, so they raise their own vegetables. 我们把学校周围的土地用做菜地, 人们可以自己种菜。
And then, finally, I firmly believe, if we want the MDGs to work -- the Millennium Development Goals -- we need to add family planning to it. 最后,我深信, 如果我们希望实现MDG 也就是千年发展目标(Millennium Development Goals) -- 我们就需要把计划生育提上日程。
Of course, child mortality first and then family planning -- everyone needs family planning service -- it's underutilized. 当然,先解决婴儿死亡率问题,接着实行计划生育。 每个人都应该为计划生育尽一份力。 计划生育任重道远。
So we have now found the weapon of mass protection. 我们现在有了大规模保护性武器。
And we also ask the next Olympics to be involved in saving lives. 我们也请求下一届奥林匹克运动会 能够参与拯救生命的伟业中。
And then, finally, that is our network. 最后,这是我们的官方网站。
And these are our Thai tulips . 这些是泰国“郁金香”。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Thank you very much indeed. 非常感谢大家。
(Applause) (热烈掌声)