

I'm McKenna Pope . I'm 14 years old, and when I was 13, I convinced one of the largest toy companies, toymakers, in the world, Hasbro, to change the way that they marketed one of their most best-selling products. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
Pope:n.教皇,罗马教皇;权威,大师; convinced:adj.坚信; v.使确信; (convince的过去分词和过去式) best-selling:adj.最畅销的;畅销作品的;n.畅销品;
So allow me to tell you about it. 暂时没有中文字幕!
So I have a brother, Gavin. 暂时没有中文字幕!
When this whole shebang happened, he was four. 暂时没有中文字幕!
He loved to cook. 暂时没有中文字幕!
He was always getting ingredients out of the fridge and mixing them into these, needless to say, uneatable concoctions , or making invisible macaroni and cheese. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
ingredients:n.成分;(尤指烹饪)原料;(成功的)要素;(ingredient的复数) mixing:n.混合;混频;录音;v.混合,掺和,融合;调配;配制;相容;(mix的现在分词) needless:adj.不必要的,不需要的;多余的,无用的; uneatable:adj.不能吃的;不适合食用的; concoctions:n.混合物,调合物,调配品;(concoction的复数) invisible:adj.看不见的;n.看不见的人或物; macaroni:n.通心粉;通心面条;纨绔子弟;
He wanted to be a chef really badly. 暂时没有中文字幕!
And so what better gift for a kid who wanted to be a chef than an Easy-Bake Oven . Right? 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
I mean, we all had those when we were little. 暂时没有中文字幕!
And he wanted one so badly. 暂时没有中文字幕!
But then he started to realize something. 暂时没有中文字幕!
In the commercials , and on the boxes for the Easy-Bake Ovens , 暂时没有中文字幕!
commercials:n.商业广告;宣传;商业股票;(commercial的复数) Ovens:n.烤箱(oven的复数形式);
Hasbro marketed them specifically to girls. 暂时没有中文字幕!
And the way that they did this was they would only feature girls on the boxes or in the commercials, and there would be flowery prints all over the ovens and it would be in bright pink and purple , very gender-specific colors to females, right? 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
flowery:adj.花的;华丽的;绚丽的;多花的; purple:n.紫色;紫袍;v.变紫;使成紫色;adj.紫色的;华丽的文辞; gender-specific:adj.只对男性的;只限于男性的;对男性歧视的;
So it kind of was sending a message that only girls are supposed to cook; boys aren't. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
And this discouraged my brother a lot. 暂时没有中文字幕!
discouraged:adj.泄气的; v.阻拦; (discourage的过去分词和过去式)
He thought that he wasn't supposed to want to be a chef, because that was something that girls did. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
Girls cooked; boys didn't, or so was the message that Hasbro was sending. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
And this got me thinking, 暂时没有中文字幕!
God, I wish there was a way that I could change this, that could I have my voice heard by Hasbro so I could ask them and tell them what they were doing wrong and ask them to change it. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
And that got me thinking about a website that I had learned about a few months prior called Change.org. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
prior:adj.先前的; n.(小隐修院)院长; v.居先;
Change.org is an online petition-sharing platform where you can create a petition and share it across all of these social media networks, through Facebook, through Twitter, through YouTube, through Reddit, through Tumblr, through whatever you can think of. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
platform:n.平台; v.把…放在台上[放在高处; petition:n.请愿;请愿书;祈求;[法]诉状;vi.请愿;请求;vt.请愿;请求;恳求; media:n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉;
And so I created a petition along with the YouTube video that I added to the petition basically asking Hasbro to change the way that they marketed it, in featuring boys in the commercials, on the boxes, and most of all creating them in less gender-specific colors. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
So this petition started to take off -- humongously fast, you have no idea. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
I was getting interviewed by all these national news outlets and press outlets, and it was amazing. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
interviewed:v.对(某人)进行面试(或面谈); (媒体)采访(interview的过去分词和过去式) outlets:n.出路;销售点;排水口;批发商点(outlet的复数形式);
In three weeks, maybe three and a half, 暂时没有中文字幕!
I had 46,000 signatures on this petition. 暂时没有中文字幕!
(Applause) 暂时没有中文字幕!
Thank you. 暂时没有中文字幕!
So, needless to say, it was crazy. 暂时没有中文字幕!
Eventually , Hasbro themselves invited me to their headquarters so they could go and unveil their new Easy-Bake Oven product to me in black, silver and blue. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
Eventually:adv.最后,终于; headquarters:n.总部;指挥部;司令部; unveil:n.揭幕;计划公布;v.为…揭幕;(首次)展示,介绍; silver:n.银; v.给…镀(或包)银; adj.银色的;
It was literally one of the best moments of my life. 暂时没有中文字幕!
It was like "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory." 暂时没有中文字幕!
That thing was amazing. 暂时没有中文字幕!
What I didn't realize at the time, however, was that I had become an activist , 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
I could change something, that even as a kid, or maybe even especially as a kid, my voice mattered, and your voice matters too. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
I want to let you know it's not going to be easy, and it wasn't easy for me, because I faced a lot of obstacles . 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
People online, and sometimes even in real life, were disrespectful to me and my family, and talked about how the whole thing was a waste of time, and it really discouraged me. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
And actually, I have some examples, because what's better revenge than displaying their idiocy ? 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
revenge:n.报复;复仇;v.报复;替…报仇;洗雪; displaying:v.陈列;展出;展示;显露(display的现在分词) idiocy:n.白痴;白痴的行为;
So, let's see. 暂时没有中文字幕!
From user name Liquidsore29 -- interesting user names we have here— 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
"Disgusting liberal moms making their sons gay." 暂时没有中文字幕!
liberal:adj.宽宏大度的; n.理解且尊重他人意见的人;
Liquidsore29, really? Really? Okay. 暂时没有中文字幕!
How about from Whiteboy77AGS: "People always need something to (female dog) about." 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
From Jeffrey Gutierrez: 暂时没有中文字幕!
"OMG, shut up. You just want money and attention." 暂时没有中文字幕!
So it was comments like these that really discouraged me from wanting to make change in the future because I thought, people don't care, people think it's a waste of time, and people are going to be disrespectful to me and my family. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
It hurt me, and it made me think, what's the point of making change in the future? 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
But then I started to realize something. 暂时没有中文字幕!
Haters gonna hate. 暂时没有中文字幕!
Come on, say it with me. One, two, three: 暂时没有中文字幕!
Haters gonna hate. 暂时没有中文字幕!
So let your haters hate, you know what, and make your change, because I know you can. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
I look out into this crowd, and I see 400 people who came out because they wanted to know how they could make a change, and I know that you can, and all of you watching at home can too 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
because you have so much that you can do and that you believe in, and you can trade it across all these social media, through Facebook, through Twitter, through YouTube, through Reddit, through Tumblr, through whatever else you can think of. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
And you can make that change. 暂时没有中文字幕!
You can take what you believe in and turn it into a cause and change it. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
And that spark that you've been hearing about all day today, you can use that spark that you have within you and turn it into a fire. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
Thank you. 暂时没有中文字幕!
(Applause) 暂时没有中文字幕!