

Server: May I help you, sir? 暂时没有中文字幕!
Customer: Uh, let's see. 暂时没有中文字幕!
Server: We have pan seared registry error sprinkled with the finest corrupted data, binary brioche , RAM sandwiches, 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
seared:v.烧灼;灼伤;烤焦;轻煎;(sear的过去分词和过去式) registry:n.注册;登记处;挂号处;船舶的国籍; sprinkled:v.撒:洒:用…点缀:(sprinkle的过去分词和过去式) corrupted:v.使腐化;使堕落;破坏;损坏;(corrupt的过去分词和过去式) binary:adj.[数]二进制的;二元的,二态的; brioche:n.奶油蛋卷;奶油糕点; RAM:v.相撞;挤进;n.公羊;
Conficker fitters , and a scripting salad with or without polymorphic dressing, and a grilled coding kabob . 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
fitters:n.装配工;adj.胜任的;适当的; scripting:n.脚本语言; v.把…改编成剧本; polymorphic:adj.[生物]多态的; grilled:adj.装有栅格的; v.烧烤; (grill的过去分词和过去式) coding:n.译码;v.把…编码;(code的现在分词) kabob:n.烤肉串;
Customer: I'd like a RAM sandwich and a glass of your finest Code 39. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
Server: Would you like any desserts , sir? 暂时没有中文字幕!
Our special is tracking cookie. 暂时没有中文字幕!
Customer: I'd like a batch of some zombie tracking cookies, thank you. 暂时没有中文字幕!
batch:n.一批;一炉;一次所制之量;v.分批处理; zombie:n.行尸走肉;蛇神;木讷呆板的人;
Server: Coming right up , sir. 暂时没有中文字幕!
Coming right up:马上来;马上就来;
Your food will be served shortly. 暂时没有中文字幕!
(Applause) 暂时没有中文字幕!
Maya Penn: I've been drawing ever since I could hold a crayon, and I've been making animated flip books since I was three years old. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
animated:adj.栩栩如生的; v.使具活力; (animate的过去分词和过去式) flip:n.浏览;空翻;轻抛;捻掷;v.迅速翻动;按(开关);按(按钮);开(或关)(机器等);
At that age, I also learned about what an animator was. 暂时没有中文字幕!
There was a program on TV about jobs most kids don't know about. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
When I understood that an animator makes the cartoons I saw on TV, 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
I immediately said, "That's what I want to be." 暂时没有中文字幕!
I don't know if I said it mentally or out loud, but that was a greatly defining moment in my life. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
mentally:adv.精神上,智力上;心理上; greatly:adv.很,大大地;非常; defining:v.解释(词语)的含义;给(词语)下定义;阐明;界定;(define的现在分词)
Animation and art has always been my first love. 暂时没有中文字幕!
It was my love for technology that sparked the idea for " Malicious Dishes." 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; sparked:v.点燃,发动(spark的过去式,过去分词);鼓舞; Malicious:adj.恶意的;恶毒的;蓄意的;怀恨的;
There was a virus on my computer, and I was trying to get rid of it, and all of a sudden , I just thought, what if viruses have their own little world inside the computer? 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
all of a sudden:突然地,出乎意料地; what if:如果…怎么办?
Maybe a restaurant where they meet up and do virusy things? 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
And thus, "Malicious Dishes" was born. 暂时没有中文字幕!
At four years old, my dad showed me how to take apart a computer and put it back together again. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
take apart:拆开;剖析;粗暴对待;
That started my love for technology. 暂时没有中文字幕!
I built my first website myself in HTML, and I'm learning JavaScript and Python . 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
I'm also working on an animated series called "The Pollinators ." 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
series:n.系列,连续;[电]串联;级数;丛书; Pollinators:n.[植][农学]传粉者(pollinator的复数);
It's about bees and other pollinators in our environment and why they're so important. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
If plants aren't pollinated by the pollinators, then all creatures , including ourselves, that depend on these plants, would starve. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
pollinated:vt.对...授粉; creatures:n.生物;动物;(具有某种特征的)人(creature的复数)
So I decided to take these cool creatures and make a superhero team. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
(Applause) 暂时没有中文字幕!
(Foot stomp) 暂时没有中文字幕!
(Music) 暂时没有中文字幕!
(Roar) 暂时没有中文字幕!
Pollinator: Deforestsaurus! I should have known! 暂时没有中文字幕!
I need to call on the rest of the Pollinators! 暂时没有中文字幕!
(Music) 暂时没有中文字幕!
Thank you. (Applause) 暂时没有中文字幕!
All of my animations start with ideas, but what are ideas? 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
Ideas can spark a movement. 暂时没有中文字幕!
Ideas are opportunities and innovation . 暂时没有中文字幕!
Ideas truly are what make the world go round. 暂时没有中文字幕!
If it wasn't for ideas, we wouldn't be where we are now with technology, medicine, art, culture, and how we even live our lives. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
At eight years old, I took my ideas and started my own business called Maya's Ideas, and my nonprofit , Maya's Ideas for the Planet. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
(Laughter) 暂时没有中文字幕!
And I make eco-friendly clothing and accessories . 暂时没有中文字幕!
eco-friendly:adj.对生态环境友好的,不妨害生态环境的;不损坏生态环境的; accessories:n.附件(accessory的复数形式);辅助程序;
I'm 13 now, and although I started my business in 2008, my artistic journey started way before then. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
artistic:adj.艺术的;风雅的;有美感的; journey:n.旅行;行程;vi.旅行;
I was greatly influenced by art, and I wanted to incorporate it in everything I did, even my business. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
influenced:v.影响;对…起作用;支配;左右;(influence的过去分词和过去式) incorporate:vt.包含,吸收; vi.合并; adj.合并的;
I would find different fabrics around the house, and say, "This could be a scarf or a hat," and I had all these ideas for designs. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
I noticed when I wore my creations , people would stop me and say, "Wow, that's really cute. Where can I get one?" 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
And I thought, I can start my own business. 暂时没有中文字幕!
Now I didn't have any business plans at only eight years old. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
I only knew I wanted to make pretty creations that were safe for the environment and I wanted to give back. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
My mom taught me how to sew , and on my back porch , I would sit and make little headbands out of ribbon , and I would write down the names and the price of each item . 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
sew:v.缝;缝制;缝补;做针线活; porch:n.门廊;走廊; headbands:n.发带(headband的复数); ribbon:n.丝带; v.用丝带装饰; item:n.条款,项目;一则;一件商品(或物品);adj.又,同上;
I started making more items like hats, scarves and bags. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
items:n.项目;一件商品(或物品);一则,一条(新闻)(item的复数) scarves:围巾,领带(scarf的复数)
Soon, my items began selling all over the world, and I had customers in Denmark, Italy, Australia, 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
Canada and more. 暂时没有中文字幕!
Now, I had a lot to learn about my business, like branding and marketing, staying engaged with my customers, and seeing what sold the most and the least. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
branding:n.品牌化,品牌术;v.在…上加商标;使显得独一无二(brand的现在分词); engaged:adj.已订婚的; v.吸引住; (engage的过去分词和过去式)
Soon, my business really started to take off. 暂时没有中文字幕!
Then one day, Forbes magazine contacted me when I was 10 years old. 暂时没有中文字幕!
Forbes:n.福布斯(美国著名财经杂志);福布斯(美国出版及媒体集团);福布斯(姓氏); contacted:v.联系,联络(如用电话或信件)(contact的过去分词和过去式)
(Laughter) 暂时没有中文字幕!
They wanted to feature me and my company in their article. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
Now a lot of people ask me, why is your business eco-friendly? 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
I've had a passion for protecting the environment and its creatures since I was little. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
My parents taught me at an early age about giving back and being a good steward to the environment. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
I heard about how the dyes in some clothing or the process of even making the items was harmful to the people and the planet, so I started doing my own research, 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
dyes:n.[染料]染料,染色(dye复数形式);v.给…染色;被着色(dye的第三人称单数); process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的;
and I discovered that even after dyeing has being completed, there is a waste issue that gives a negative impact on the environment. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
dyeing:v.给…染色;染;n.染料;染液(dye的现在分词) issue:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;发行; negative:adj.[数]负的;消极的;否定的;阴性的;n.否定;负数;[摄]底片;v.否定;拒绝; impact:n.影响;效果;碰撞;冲击力;v.挤入,压紧;撞击;对…产生影响;
For example, the grinding of materials, or the dumping of dried powder materials. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
grinding:adj.没完没了的; v.磨碎; (grind的现在分词) dumping:n.倾倒,倾卸;v.丢弃,扔掉;抛弃;抛售;(dump的现在分词) powder:n.粉末;细面;扑面粉;美容粉;v.傅粉;抹粉;
These actions can pollute the air, making it toxic to anyone or anything that inhales it. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
toxic:adj.有毒的;中毒的; inhales:vt.吸入;猛吃猛喝;vi.吸气;
So when I started my business, 暂时没有中文字幕!
I knew two things: 暂时没有中文字幕!
All of my items had to be eco-friendly, and 10 to 20 percent of the profits I made went to local and global charities and environmental organizations . 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
profits:n.利润; v.获益; (profit的第三人称单数和复数) global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; charities:n.慈善机构;宽大(charity的复数); organizations:n.组织,构造,有机体(organization的复数);组织机构;
(Applause) 暂时没有中文字幕!
I feel I'm part of the new wave of entrepreneurs that not only seeks to have a successful business, but also a sustainable future. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
entrepreneurs:n.企业家;(entrepreneur的复数) seeks:v.寻求;寻找;探索;搜索; sustainable:adj.可以忍受的;足可支撑的;养得起的;可持续的;
I feel that I can meet the needs of my customers without compromising the ability of future generations to live in a greener tomorrow. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
compromising:adj.有失体面的; v.妥协; (compromise的现在分词)
We live in a big, diverse and beautiful world, and that makes me even more passionate to save it. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
diverse:adj.不同的;多种多样的;变化多的; passionate:adj.热情的;热烈的,激昂的;易怒的;
But it's never enough to just to get it through your heads about the things that are happening in our world. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
It takes to get it through your hearts, because when you get it through your heart, that is when movements are sparked. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
That is when opportunities and innovation are created, and that is why ideas come to life. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
Thank you, and peace and blessings . 暂时没有中文字幕!
(Applause) 暂时没有中文字幕!
Thank you. (Applause) 暂时没有中文字幕!
Pat Mitchell: So, you heard Maya talk about the amazing parents who are behind this incredible woman. Where are they? 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
Pat:v.合适; n.拍打; adj.过于简易的; v.(喜爱地)轻拍; incredible:adj.难以置信的,惊人的;
Please, Mr. and Mrs. Penn. Would you just -- Ah! 暂时没有中文字幕!
(Applause) 暂时没有中文字幕!