

I was six when I had the first chance to learn what patience means. 我六岁那年第一次知道了“耐心”这个词的意思
My grandmother gave me a magic box as a birthday present, which neither of us knew would become a gift for life. 我外祖母给了我一个神奇的盒子作为我的生日礼物 我们那时都不知道这个礼物会成为我重要的一部分
I became obsessed with magic, and at 20, I became an amateur dove magician. 我疯狂爱上了魔术 20岁时,我变成了一个业余的鸽子魔术师
obsessed:v.使痴迷;使迷恋;使着迷;(obsess的过去式和过去分词) amateur:n.爱好者;业余爱好者;外行;adj.业余的;外行的; dove:n.鸽子;鸽派人士;v.潜水(dive的过去式);
This act of magic requires that I train my doves to sit and wait inside my clothing. 这种魔术需要对鸽子进行训练 训练他们耐心等在我的衣服角落
As a young magician, I was always in a rush to make them appear, but my teacher told me the secret to the success of this magical act is to make my doves appear only after they've waited patiently in my tuxedo . 作为一个年轻魔术师,我总是迫不及待得让它们现身 但是我的老师告诉我 这个魔术成功的秘密 就在于让我的鸽子“耐心”等待后 华丽现身于我的礼服
patiently:adv.耐心地;有毅力地; tuxedo:n.男士无尾半正式晚礼服;无尾礼服;
It has to be a mindful kind of patience, the kind that took me some years to master. 这是一种有意识的耐心 这种意识需要长年累月的培养
When life took me to Shanghai seven years ago, the mindful patience I learned became almost impossible to practice. 当我七年前回到上海 我几乎无法保持这种有意识的耐心
In China, where everyone and everything is in a hurry, you need to outperform over 1.3 billion other people to build a better life. 在中国, 每个人总是急急忙忙的 你需要胜过其他13亿人 才可能拥有更好的生活
You hack the system, bend the rules , circumvent the boundaries . 你需要破解这个系统,熟知它的准则 并且打破它的边界
hack:n.砍; v.砍; adj.出租的; bend the rules:通融; circumvent:vt.包围;陷害;绕行; boundaries:n.边界;分界线;(boundary的复数)
It is the same when it comes to food ... 这个道理对于食物也同样适用
except that when it comes to food, impatience can have dire consequences . 但是当我们谈论食物时 不耐心的人往往导致最糟糕的结果
impatience:n.急躁;无耐心; dire:adj.可怕的;悲惨的;极端的; consequences:n.后果,结果;影响(consequence的复数);
In the haste to grow more, sell more, 4,000 years of agriculture in a country of rich natural resources is spoiled by the overuse of chemicals and pesticides . 当人们匆忙地种植,抛售 这个拥有四千年农耕历史和丰富自然资源的国家 正在一点一点被农药和杀虫剂吞噬
haste:n.匆忙;仓促;急速;v.匆忙;催促; resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数); spoiled:v.破坏;搞坏;毁掉;溺爱;宠坏;善待;(spoil的过去分词和过去式) overuse:n.过度使用;vt.把…使用过度; chemicals:n.化学制品;化学品;(chemical的复数) pesticides:n.[农药]农药;[农药]杀虫剂(pesticide的复数);
In 2016, the Chinese government revealed half a million food safety violations in just nine months. 2016年,仅仅短短九个月内 中国政府就批报了超过五十万个食品安全违规违法行为
revealed:v.揭示;显示;露出;(reveal的过去分词和过去式) violations:n.违反,妨碍;违规或不雅行为(violation的复数形式);
Alarmingly , one in every four diabetics in the world now comes from China. 更值得我们敲响警钟的是,每四个糖尿病患者 就有一个来自中国
Alarmingly:adv.惊人地;让人担忧地; diabetics:n.糖尿病,糖尿病患者;
The stories around food are scary and somewhat overwhelming , and I told myself it's time to bring a mindful patience into the impatience. 这些关于食物的故事 让我们感到恐惧和担忧 我告诉自己,我们需要教会大家怎么变得耐心
somewhat:n.几分;某物;adv.有点;多少;几分;稍微; overwhelming:adj.势不可挡的; v.压倒; (overwhelm的现在分词)
When I say mindful patience, 而这种耐心
I don't mean the ability to wait. 不仅仅只是学会等待
I mean knowing how to act while waiting. 更是学会一种有意义的有目标的等待
And so, while I wait for the day when a sustainable food system becomes a reality in China, 所以我等着这一天 等待一种可持续的食物供给模式在中国成为现实
I launched one of China's first online farmers market to bring local, organically grown produce to families. 我创办了中国第一家农产品销售网站 把当地的生产的,有机的农产品带给家庭
launched:v.发射;发起;开展;开始;(launch的过去式和过去分词) organically:adv.有机地;有组织地;器官上地;
When we went live, 18 months ago, the food we could sell then was somewhat dismal . 18个月前,我们的网站开始运营 但是我们销售的产品非常有限
We had no fruit and hardly any meat to sell, as none that was sent to the lab passed our zero tolerance test towards pesticides, chemicals, antibiotics and hormones . 没有人能通过我们的网站销售水果和肉类 因为那些产品都达不到我们所指定的产品标准 这些标准涵盖了杀虫剂,化肥,抗生素和各种激素
hardly any:几乎没有; zero tolerance:n.零容忍政策(指对轻微过失都不予放过的严厉执法政策); antibiotics:n.抗菌素;抗生素(如青霉素);(antibiotic的复数) hormones:n.[生理]激素;荷尔蒙;性激素;荷尔蒙制剂(hormone的复数);
I told our very anxious employees that we would not give up until we've met every local farmer in China. 我告诉我们心焦的员工 我们永远不放弃寻找,直到见过每一个农民为止
Today, we supply 240 types of produce 今天,我们销售超过240种产品
After almost one year of searching, we finally found chemical-free bananas grown in the backyards of villagers on Hainan Island. 在我们努力寻找了一年以后 我们终于在海南岛一个村民的后院里 找到了纯天然无污染的香蕉
finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; backyards:n.后院;后庭;
And only two hours away from Shanghai, on an island that even Google Maps does not have coordinates for, we found a place where cows eat grass and roam free under the blue sky. 距离上海两个小时的地方 有一个连谷歌地图都没有标识的小岛上 我们找到了吃着天然牧草 生活得无忧无虑的奶牛
Google:谷歌;谷歌搜索引擎; coordinates:n.[数]坐标;相配之衣物;v.使协调;使调和(coordinate的第三人称单数形式); roam:vi.漫游,漫步;流浪;vt.在…漫步,漫游;在…流浪;n.漫步,漫游;流浪;
We also work hard on logistics . 我们也致力于发展物流网络
We deliver our customers' orders in as fast as three hours on electric vehicles , and we use biodegradable , reusable boxes to minimize our environmental footprint . 在最快三小时内我们就可以送货上门 并且用的还是纯电动的交通工具 我们使用的包装盒都是可降解可回收的材料 以此来降低我们的碳排放足迹
electric:n.供电;adj.电的;用电的;电动的;发电的; vehicles:n.车辆;飞行器;运行工具;(vehicles是vehicle的复数) biodegradable:adj.生物所能分解的,能进行生物降解的; minimize:v.使减少到最低限度;降低;贬低;使显得不重要; footprint:n.足迹;脚印;
I have no doubt that our offerings will continue to grow, but it will take time, and I know a lot more people are needed to shape the future of good food. 我坚信我们这个产业可以一直成长下去 虽然可能要花费很多时间 还要花费更多的人力物力
So last year, I founded China's first food tech accelerator and VC platform to help start-ups to shape the future of good food the way they want, be that through using edible insects as a more sustainable source of protein or using essential oils to keep food fresh for longer. 所以去年我成立了中国第一个食品科技加速交流论坛 来帮助新兴企业 用他们的方式改变中国的食物现状 无论是使用可食用的昆虫作为优质蛋白质来源 还是使用精油来保持食物新鲜
accelerator:n.油门;催化剂;[机]加速装置; platform:n.平台; v.把…放在台上[放在高处; start-ups:起动;新兴公司(start-up的名词复数); edible:adj.可食用的;n.食品;食物; protein:n.蛋白质; essential:n.要点;要素;实质;必需品;adj.完全必要的;必不可少的;极其重要的;本质的;
So, you may still ask: 那么你可能会问了
Why are you trying to build a sustainable food system by driving a patient movement in a country where it's almost a crime to take it slow? 你所做的关于可持续食物的发展 用的怎么是“耐心”的进行方式 特别是在中国这样一个慢慢做几乎是种罪过的国家
Because, for me, the real secret to success is patience -- a mindful kind of patience that requires knowing how to act while waiting, the kind of patience I learned with my grandmother's magic box. 因为对于我来说 成功的秘诀就在于耐心 这种有意识的耐心 教会我们如何在耐心等待的同时作出行动 我通过我外祖母的魔法盒子学会的这种耐心
After all, we do not inherit the earth from our ancestors. 毕竟,地球并不是我们继承的祖先遗产
We borrow it from our children. 而是从我们的后代借来的
Thank you. 谢谢大家
(Applause) (掌声)