

So a few weeks ago, a friend of mine gave this toy car to his 8-year-old son. 几个星期前,我的一个朋友 送了一辆玩具车 给他8岁的儿子
But instead of going into a store and buying one, like we do normally , he went to this website and he downloaded a file, and then he printed it on this printer. 这样的礼物我们通常都是去商场买 但他没有,而是从这个网站 下载了一个文件 然后把这个玩具车 用这台打印机给打印了出来
So this idea that you can manufacture objects digitally using these machines is something that The Economist magazine defined as the Third Industrial Revolution . 像这样 用电子设备创作东西 的理念 《经济学人》杂志称其为 第三次工业革命
manufacture:v.(用机器)大量生产; n.大量制造; digitally:adv.数位; defined:adj.有定义的,确定的; v.使明确; Industrial Revolution:n.工业革命;
Actually, I argue that there is another revolution going on, and it's the one that has to do with open-source hardware and the maker's movement, because the printer that my friend used to print the toy is actually open-source. 但我认为现在我们还经历着另一场革命 一场涉及 开源硬件和创客的运动 因为我的朋友使用的这台打印机 实际上就是开源的
open-source:adj.(计算机)开放源代码; hardware:n.计算机硬件;五金器具;
So you go to the same website, you can download all the files that you need in order to make that printer: the construction files, the hardware, the software, all the instruction is there. 任何人去这一网站都可以下载 制作这台打印机所需要的各种文件: 施工文件、 硬件、 软件 各种帮助都可以在网上找到
And also this is part of a large community where there are thousands of people around the world that are actually making these kinds of printers, and there's a lot of innovation happening because it's all open-source. 这是一个很大的在线社区 世界各地成千上万的人 都聚集在这里 制作像这样的打印机 创新时刻都在发生 因为一切都是开源的
community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体; innovation:n.创新,革新;新方法;
You don't need anybody's permission to create something great. 你不需要征求任何人的同意,就可以制作很棒的东西
And that space is like the personal computer in 1976, like the Apples with the other companies are fighting, and we will see in a few years, there will be the Apple of this kind of market come out. 这种市场的问世 就像1976年个人电脑问世一样 苹果公司和其他电脑公司互相竞争 几年后我们也会看到 这种市场中的苹果公司出现
personal computer:n.个人电脑;个人计算机;
Well, there's also another interesting thing. 同样有趣的是
I said the electronics are open-source, because at the heart of this printer there is something I'm really attached to: these Arduino boards, the motherboard that sort of powers this printer, is a project 就像我说的,所有的电子组件都是开源的 这台机器的关键组件 是我个人最为关心的 Arduino主板 这台打印机的核心部分 这是我的一个项目
electronics:n.电子学;电子工业; attached:adj.依恋;v.重视;把…固定;(attach的过去分词和过去式) motherboard:n.底板;母板;
I've been working on for the past seven years. 已经开展七年了
It's an open-source project. 是一个开源项目
I worked with these friends of mine that I have here. 我和这些朋友一起合作
So the five of us, two Americans, two Italians and a Spaniard , we — (Laughter) 一共五个人,两个美国人,两个意大利人 一个西班牙人(也指一种植物)
Italians:n.意大利人(Italian的复数形式); Spaniard:n.西班牙人;
You know, it's a worldwide project. (Laughter) 这确实,是一个全球项目
So we came together in this design institute called the Interaction Design Institute 我们都在(意大利)伊夫雷亚 互动设计研究所工作
institute:v.开始(调查);制定;创立;提起(诉讼);n.学会,协会;学院; Interaction:n.[计]交互,相互作用;相互交流;干扰;
Ivrea, which was teaching interaction design, this idea that you can take design from the simple shape of an object and you can move it forward to design the way you interact with things. 这个研究所 研究的是如何 设计出 形状简单 但能够与人互动的设备
Well, when you design an object that's supposed to interact with a human being, if you make a foam model of a mobile phone , it doesn't make any sense. 这种设备 能够与人互动 如果仅仅制作一个手机的泡沫模型,这没什么意义
supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式) foam:n.泡沫;水沫;灭火泡沫;v.起泡沫;吐白沫;起着泡沫流动; mobile phone:移动电话
You have to have something that actually interacts with people. 我们制作出来的东西 要与人互动才有意义
So, we worked on Arduino and a lot of other projects there to create platforms that would be simple for our students to use, so that our students could just build things that worked, but they don't have five years to become an electronics engineer. We have one month. 因此,我们开发了Arduino 以及其他一些项目 这就给我们的学生建立了简易的平台 方便他们使用 让他们有机会制作一些实用的东西 不过他们没有五年的时间成为电子工程师,我们只有一个月时间
platforms:n.平台; v.把…放在台上;
So how do I make something that even a kid can use? 那么,如何制作一个孩子都能用的东西呢?
And actually, with Arduino, we have kids like Sylvia that you see here, that actually make projects with Arduino. 实际上,在Arduino的帮助下 像你看到的这个孩子Sylvia 就能做出自己的东西
I have 11-year-old kids stop me and show me stuff they built for Arduino that's really scary to see the capabilities that kids have when you give them the tools. 才11岁的孩子 就能用Arduino做东西 我感觉,一旦给了这些孩子工具 他们表现出来的能力真的让人有些害怕
So let's look at what happens when you make a tool that anybody can just pick up and build something quickly, so one of the examples that I like to sort of kick off this discussion is this example of this cat feeder . 让我们看看一些实例 有了这样一个工具 任何人都可以 在它的帮助下很快制作想要的东西 先看第一个例子 这是一个给猫咪喂食的容器
The gentleman who made this project had two cats. 这个设计的主人有两只猫
One was sick and the other one was healthy, so he had to make sure they ate the proper food. 其中有一只生病了 所以他必须让它们 分开吃东西
So he made this thing that recognizes the cat from a chip mounted inside on the collar of the cat, and opens the door and the cat can eat the food. 于是他设计了这个装置 通过猫咪项圈内安装的芯片 识别猫咪身份 然后开门让猫咪吃东西
recognizes:v.认识;认出;辨别出;承认;意识到;(recognize的第三人称单数) chip:v.削,凿;削成碎片;剥落;碎裂;n.[电子]芯片;筹码;碎片;(食物的)小片;薄片; mounted:adj.骑马的; v.准备; (mount的过去分词和过去式) collar:n.衣领;领子;箍;(动物,尤指狗的)颈圈;v.抓住;捉住;揪住;逮住;
This is made by recycling an old CD player that you can get from an old computer, some cardboard , tape, couple of sensors , a few blinking LEDs , and then suddenly you have a tool. You build something that you cannot find on the market . 这个装置使用了一张用过的CD播放器 从一台旧电脑拆下来的 还有一些纸板、胶带、几个传感器和闪烁的LED显示屏 就制作好了这样一个工具 一个市场上买不到的东西
recycling:n.(资源,垃圾的)回收利用;v.回收;再循环利用(recycle的现在分词); cardboard:n.[纸]硬纸板;纸板箱;卡纸板;adj.不真实的;硬纸板制的; sensors:n.[自]传感器,感应器;感测器(sensor的复数); blinking:adv.讨厌,可恶;v.眨眼睛;闪烁;(blink的现在分词) LEDs:v.领导;通向;指引(lead的过去分词); on the market:上市;出售的;
And I like this phrase: " Scratch your own itch ." 有句话说的好:“挠自己的痒”
Scratch:n.擦伤; adj.打草稿用的; v.抓; itch:v.(使)发痒;渴望;热望;n.痒;渴望;热望;
If you have an idea, you just go and you make it. 如果有自己的想法,就得动手去实现
This is the equivalent of sketching on paper done with electronics. 这就像在纸上画画一样 只不过是用电子装置完成的
equivalent:adj.等价的,相等的;同意义的;n.等价物,相等物; sketching:v.画素描;画速写;概述;简述;(sketch的现在分词)
So one of the features that I think is important about our work is that our hardware, on top of being made with love in Italy — as you can see from the back of the circuit — (Laughter) 这个项目 很重要的一个特点 在于硬件 当然首先是意大利倾情制造的 从电路的背面 可以看到
as you can see:正如你所看到的;你是知道的; circuit:n.环行路线;电路;线路;巡回赛;v.巡回;周游;
is that it's open, so we publish all the design files for the circuit online, so you can download it and you can actually use it to make something, or to modify , to learn. 更重要的是它是开源的 我们把所有的设计文件 都发布在网上 任何人都可以下载 在指引下进行制作 或者改装,学习
publish:v.出版;发表;公布; modify:vt.修改,修饰;更改;vi.修改;
You know, when I was learning about programming, 我当初学习编程的时候
I learned by looking at other people's code, or looking at other people's circuits in magazines. 就是通过看其他人的代码学习的 或看其他人发表在杂志上的电路图
And this is a good way to learn, by looking at other people's work. 通过看其他人的作品来学习 这是一种很好的学习方式
So the different elements of the project are all open, so the hardware is released with a Creative Commons license . 这个项目的各个组件都是开源的 比如硬件 就是在“知识共享许可协议”下公开发布的
elements:n.要素;基本部分;少量;一群;(element的复数) released:v.释放;使免除;已发布;(release的过去分词和过去式) Creative:adj.创造性的; license:v.许可;批准;
So, you know, I like this idea that hardware becomes like a piece of culture that you share and you build upon, like it was a song or a poem with Creative Commons. 我喜欢这种理念 把硬件作为文化的一部分供大家分享和使用 就像歌曲或诗歌一样 只不过拥有“知识共享”认证
Or, the software is GPL, so it's open-source as well. 另外,软件通过“通用公共许可”发布,也是开源的
The documentation and the hands-on teaching methodology is also open-source and released as the Creative Commons. 各种文件和动手教学资源 都是开源的,遵循“知识共享许可协议”
documentation:n.文件,证明文件,史实,文件编制; hands-on:adj.亲身实践的,亲自动手的; methodology:n.方法学,方法论;
Just the name is protected so that we can make sure that we can tell people what is Arduino and what isn't. 这个协议只对项目的名称起保护作用 便于我们能告诉大家 Arduino到底是什么
Now, Arduino itself is made of a lot of different open-source components that maybe individually are hard to use for a 12-year-old kid, so Arduino wraps everything together into a mashup of open-source technologies where we try to give them the best user experience to get something done quickly. 目前,Arduino包含 很多不同的开源组件 这些组件拆开来对于一个12岁的孩子使用起来太难了 所以Arduino 将这些组件组合成在一起 呈现出一个整体的开源工具 让用户们很快就能做好一个东西 给他们最好的用户体验
components:n.部件;组件;成份(component复数); individually:adv.个别地,单独地; wraps:n.外衣; v.包裹; mashup:n.混搭程式;混搭网站;混合; technologies:n.技术;科技(technology的复数);
So you have situations like this, where some people in Chile decided to make their own boards instead of buying them, to organize a workshop and to save money. Or there are companies that make their own variations of Arduino that fit in a certain market, and there's probably, maybe like a 150 of them or something at the moment. 让我们看看一些例子 在智利,一些用户 决定自己制作电路板,而不去商店买 建立自己的工作间 或者为了省钱 也有一些公司对Arduino 做出一些修改 以迎合某个市场的需要 像这样的改装 目前大概有150个
organize:v.组织;安排;处理;分配;管理; workshop:n.车间;研讨会;讲习班;工场;v.学习; variations:n.变奏曲,变更;[生物]变种(variation的复数形式);
This one is made by a company called Adafruit, which is run by this woman called Limor Fried, also known as Ladyada, who is one of the heroes of the open-source hardware movement and the maker movement. 比如这个 由一家名叫Adafruit的公司制造 公司老板是一位名叫Limor Fried的女人 人们也称她Ladyada 她是开源硬件活动和创客活动的 领军人物之一
So, this idea that you have a new, sort of turbo-charged DIY community that believes in open-source, in collaboration , collaborates online, collaborates in different spaces. 这是一种新兴的理念 在一个活跃的DIY社区里 人们提倡开源 与合作 不同地区的人聚集在一起在网上共事
turbo-charged:安装涡轮的增压器;安装了涡轮的的火车头或交通工具; collaboration:n.合作;勾结;通敌; collaborates:v.合作;(国家间的)协调;与敌合作;勾结;(collaborate的第三人称单数)
There is this magazine called Make that sort of gathered all these people and sort of put them together as a community, and you see a very technical project explained in a very simple language, beautifully typeset . 这是一本叫《Make》的杂志 让很多志趣相投的人 走到一起组成一个社区 在这里,复杂的项目 通过简单易懂的语言展示出来,板式也很漂亮
technical:adj.工艺的,科技的;技术上的;专门的; typeset:vt.排版;adj.已排字的;
Or you have websites, like this one, like Instructables, where people actually teach each other about anything. 也有一些网站,比如这个 名叫Instructables 人们在这里互相教学
So this one is about Arduino projects, the page you see on the screen, but effectively here you can learn how to make a cake and everything else. 我们现在看到的页面 正是关于Arduino项目的 其实在这个网站你可以学到各式各样的东西,比如做蛋糕
So let's look at some projects. 现在让我们看看其他例子
So this one is a quadcopter. 这是一个四轴飞行器
It's a small model helicopter. 一个小型的直升机模型
In a way, it's a toy, no? 差不多是个玩具吧
And so this one was military technology a few years ago, and now it's open-source, easy to use, you can buy it online. 几年前这还是军方掌握的技术 现在已经开源了 使用方便,网上都买的到
military:adj.军事的;军人的;适于战争的;n.军队;军人; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语;
DIY Drones is the community; they do this thing called ArduCopter. 这个网站叫DIY Drones,他们设计了一种叫ArduCopter的飞行器
But then somebody actually launched this start-up called 后来有人搞了一个叫Matternet的创业项目
launched:v.发射;发起;开展;开始;(launch的过去式和过去分词) start-up:n.启动;adj.起动阶段的;开始阶段的(异体字startup);
Matternet, where they figured out that you could use this to actually transport things from one village to another in Africa, and the fact that this was easy to find, open-source, easy to hack , enabled them to prototype their company really quickly. 他们发现 可以用这个飞行器 在非洲的村庄间运送物资 正是因为资料好找 都是开源的,且易上手 他们很快便成立了公司
transport:n.运输;输送;运送;运输机;v.输送;传播;使产生身临其境的感觉;(旧时)流放; hack:n.砍; v.砍; adj.出租的; enabled:v.使得;授予…权力;(enabled是enable的过去式) prototype:n.原型;雏形;最初形态;
Or, other projects. Matt Richardson: I'm getting a little sick of hearing about the same people on TV over and over and over again , so I decided to do something about it. 同样,看看这个项目 “老是听这些人出现在电视里讲话” “烦死我了,所以我决定采取点行动“
over and over again:adv.一再地;反复不断地;
This Arduino project, which I call the Enough Already, will mute the TV anytime any of these over-exposed personalities is mentioned. (Laughter) ”于是我做了这个Arduino项目” “我把它叫做“够了!” “它能在这些上镜频率过高的人出现的时候” “自动将电视静音”
mute:adj.沉默的;无声的;哑的;n.弱音器;哑巴;v.消音;减音;减弱;缓解; over-exposed:曝光过度的; personalities:n.性格;个性;人格;气质;名人;(personality的复数)
I'll show you how I made it. (Applause) “我来演示一下这是怎么做的”
MB: Check this out. 仔细听
MR: Our producers caught up with Kim Kardashian earlier today to find out what she was planning on wearing to her — “我们的制片人今天碰到Kim Kardashian(美国娱乐界名媛)” “了解到她将穿什么去参加——”
MB: Eh? (Laughter) 咦?
MR: It should do a pretty good job of protecting our ears from having to hear about the details of Kim Kardashian's wedding. “这个效果不错” “让我们不必听到关于Kim Kardashian” “婚礼的细节”
MB: Okay. So, you know, again, what is interesting here is that Matt found this module that lets Arduino process 好。有趣的是 Matt找到了一个模块 可以让Arduino处理电视信号
module:n.模块;组件;单元; process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的;
TV signals, he found some code written by somebody else that generates infrared signals for the TV, put it together and then created this great project. 同时他还找到了别人写的一些代码 这些代码可以向电视传送红外信号 他把找到的这些东西组合在一起,做了这个有趣的东西
generates:[计]生成;发生; infrared:n.红外线;adj.红外线的;
It's also used, Arduino's used, in serious places like, you know, the Large Hadron Collider . 当然,Arduino也用在 一些正式的地方,比如大型强子对撞机
Hadron:n.[高能]强子(参与强相互作用的基本粒子); Collider:n.对撞机;碰撞机;
There's some Arduino balls collecting data and sort of measuring some parameters . 这里有Arduino的部件 在进行一些数据收集 以及参数测量的工作
Or it's used for — 还可以用在这里
(Music) (音乐)
So this is a musical interface built by a student from Italy, and he's now turning this into a product. Because it was a student project becoming a product. 这是一个音乐互动媒体 一个意大利学生制作的 目前他正准备将它商业化 这是一个例子 学生的项目转变为了产品
Or it can be used to make an assistive device . 另外一个例子。这是一个辅助装置
assistive:辅助的; device:n.装置;策略;图案;
This is a glove that understands the sign language and transforms the gestures you make into sounds and writes the words that you're signing on a display 这个手套能够识别手语 能将人作出的手势 转化成声音 还可以把字显示在自带的屏幕上
sign language:n.手势语; transforms:v.[数][电]变换; n.语法转化规则; gestures:n.手势; v.做手势; (gesture的第三人称单数和复数) display:n.显示;炫耀;vt.显示;表现;陈列;vi.[动]作炫耀行为;adj.展览的;陈列用的;
And again, this is made of all different parts you can find on all the websites that sell Arduino-compatible parts, and you assemble it into a project. 同样,这也是靠不同部件组成的 这些部件和Arduino兼容 都能在网上买到 组合在一起便是成品
Or this is a project from the ITP part of NYU, where they met with this boy who has a severe disability , cannot play with the PS3, so they built this device that allows the kid to play baseball although he has limited movement capability . 这是一个纽约大学艺术学院互动媒体中心的项目 这个男孩由于身体有缺陷 不能玩PS3 于是项目组制作了该工具 让这孩子能够玩棒球 克服了他自身的 行动缺陷
severe:adj.极为恶劣的;十分严重的;严厉的;苛刻的; disability:n.残疾;无能;无资格;不利条件; limited:adj.有限的; n.高级快车; v.限制; (limit的过去分词和过去式) capability:n.才能,能力;性能,容量;
Or you can find it in arts projects. 另外,也有在艺术方面的应用
So this is the txtBomber. 这是一台叫txtBomber(“文字炸弹”)的机器
So you put a message into this device and then you roll it on the wall, and it basically has all these solenoids pressing the buttons on spray cans, so you just pull it over a wall and it just writes on the wall all the political messages. 将信息输进这台机器 然后将其滚过墙面 因为它带有电导管 能触发喷雾开关 所以只需要将它在墙上一拉过去 字就自动写在了墙上 这是一些政治宣言
basically:adv.主要地,基本上; solenoids:n.[电]螺线管(solenoid的复数); spray:n.喷雾; v.喷;
So, yeah. (Applause)
Then we have this plant here. 再看看这颗植物
This is called Botanicalls, because there's an Arduino ball with a Wi-Fi module in the plant, and it's measuring the well-being of the plant, and it's creating a Twitter account 这叫“植物人” 这里有一个Arduino组件,带有WI-FI功能 附于这颗植物上 测量它的生长情况 同时它连接着一个推特账号
Wi-Fi:abbr.无线保真技术(wirelessfidelity);无线上网技术; well-being:n.幸福;康乐;
where you can actually interact with the plant. (Laughter) 所以我们实际上可以和这颗植物互动
So, you know, this plant will start to say, "This is really hot," or there's a lot of, you know, "I need water right now." (Laughter) 比如,它会说 “天气真热” 或者“我现在想喝水”
So it just gives a personality to your plant. 这就让这颗植物变得很有个性
Or this is something that twitters when the baby inside the belly of a pregnant woman kicks. (Laughter) 另外,这个装置也连接着推特账号 孕妇穿着它,当宝宝踢动的时候 会自动推出信息
twitters:n.微博客,鸟叫声;vt.吱吱叫;嘁嘁喳喳地讲; belly:n.腹部;胃;食欲;v.涨满;鼓起; pregnant:adj.怀孕的;富有意义的;
Or this is a 14-year-old kid in 这个来自智利的14岁男孩
Chile who made a system that detects earthquakes and publishes on Twitter. 做了一个系统 可以检测地震并在推特上发布消息
He has 280,000 followers. 他的推特上有28万粉丝
He's 14 and he anticipated a governmental project by one year. (Applause) 他的年纪只有14岁 当地政府一年后才跟上他,发布了类似系统
anticipated:adj.预期的; v.预期; (anticipate的过去式和过去分词) governmental:adj.政府的;政治的;统治上的;
Or again, another project where, by analyzing the Twitter feed of a family, you can basically point where they are, like in the "Harry Potter" movie. 再看这个 该装置可以分析 一家人各自的推特状况 让你知道他们在干嘛,比如在看《哈利波特》
So you can find out everything about this project on the website. 关于此项目更多信息可以在此网站上查看
Or somebody made a chair that twitters when somebody farts . (Laughter) 还有人做了一个当人放屁时发推特消息的椅子
farts:v.放屁; n.放屁; (fart的第三人称单数和复数)
It's interesting how, in 2009, 非常有趣
Gizmodo basically defined, said that this project actually gives a meaning to Twitter, so it was — a lot changed in between. (Laughter) 2009年Gizmodo(著名科技网站) 评价这个东西让推特有了全新的意义 所以——当然到现在很多事情都变了
So very serious project. 现在我们来看一个严肃的项目
When the Fukushima disaster happened, a bunch of people in Japan, they realized that the information that the government was giving wasn't really open and really reliable , so they built this Geiger counter , plus Arduino, plus network interface. They made 100 日本福岛核事故发生时 日本的一些人认为政府 没有做到信息的完全公开 发布的信息也不可靠 于是他们设计了这个带有Arduino模块和网络连接的盖革计数器(一种用于探测电离辐射的粒子探测器) 做了100个这样的设备
disaster:n.灾难,灾祸;不幸; a bunch of:一群;一束;一堆; reliable:adj.可信赖的;可依靠的;真实可信的;可靠的; Geiger counter:n.盖格计数器(用以探测和测量放射);
of them and gave them to people around Japan, and essentially the data that they gathered gets published on this website called Cosm, another website they built, so you can actually get reliable real-time information from the field, and you can get unbiased information. 发放到日本各地的人手上 把这些人收集的信息汇集在 一个叫Cosm的网站上 这样人们就可以看到 来自实地的实时信息 并且信息更加可靠
essentially:adv.本质上;本来; real-time:adj.实时的;接到指示立即执行的; unbiased:adj.公正的;无偏见的;
Or this machine here, it's from the DIY bio movement, and it's one of the steps that you need in order to process DNA, and again, it's completely open-source from the ground up . 现在我们看到的这台机器 来自DIY生物科技运动 它能完成DNA分析处理所必需的一个步骤 这台仪器从头到尾都是开源的
from the ground up:从头开始;彻底;
Or you have students in developing countries making replicas of scientific instruments that cost a lot of money to make. 另外,一些发展中国家地区的学生们 自己制作科学仪器 这些仪器很昂贵
replicas:n.复制品;仿制品;(replica的复数) scientific:adj.科学的,系统的; instruments:n.器械;仪器;器具;手段(instrument的复数)
Actually they just build them themselves for a lot less using Arduino and a few parts. 但他们自己组装则不用花那么钱 只需用到Arduino和另外一些部件
This is a pH probe . 这是一个pH值探针
Or you get kids, like these kids, they're from Spain. 再看看这些来自西班牙的孩子
They learned how to program and to make robots when they were probably, like, 11, and then they started to use Arduino to make these robots that play football. They became world champions by making an Arduino-based robot. 他们学会编程制作机器人 大概也就是11岁的样子 后来他们用Arduino让这些机器人踢足球 他们制作基于Arduino的机器人,在国际上赢得了大奖
And so when we had to make our own educational robot, we just went to them and said, you know, "You design it, because you know exactly what is needed to make a great robot that excites kids." 当时我们 需要教学用的机器人,于是就告诉他们 “你们来设计,因为你们很清楚” “什么样的机器人能让孩子们兴奋起来”
Not me. I'm an old guy. 我就不行了,我一个老头
What am I supposed to excite, huh? (Laughter) 怎么能让人兴奋?(笑声)
But as I — in terms of educational assets . (Laughter) 我指的是教育意义上的 (笑声)
There's also companies like Google that are using the technology to create interfaces between mobile phones, tablets and the real world. 也有一些公司,比如谷歌 他们用这项技术 在手机、掌上电脑 和现实世界之间建立起联系
Google:谷歌;谷歌搜索引擎; interfaces:n.分界面; v.把界面缝合; (interface的复数) tablets:n.药片;片剂;(固定于墙上作纪念的)牌,碑,匾;(tablet的第三人称单数和复数)
So the Accessory Development Kit from Google is open-source and based on Arduino, as opposed to the one from Apple which is closed-source, NDA, sign your life to Apple. Here you are. 这个开发套件来自谷歌 同样也是开源的 并且基于Arduino 而苹果公司的产品 则是非开源的,受保密协议保护 要跟苹果公司签合同
Accessory:n.配件;附件;[法]从犯;adj.副的;同谋的;附属的; Kit:v.装备;n.成套工具;配套元件;成套设备;全套衣服及装备; opposed:adj.强烈反对; v.反对(计划、政策等); (oppose的过去分词和过去式)
There's a giant maze , and Joey's sitting there, and the maze is moving when you tilt the tablet. 这是一个巨型迷宫 乔伊坐在那里,摇摆手中的平板电脑,迷宫也跟着摆动
giant:n.巨人;伟人;巨兽;adj.巨大的;特大的 maze:n.迷宫;迷惑;糊涂;vt.迷失;使混乱;使困惑; tilt:vi.倾斜;翘起;以言词或文字抨击;vt.使倾斜;使翘起;n.倾斜;
Also, I come from Italy, and the design is important in Italy, and yet very conservative . 我来自意大利,设计在意大利很重要 但同时也非常保守
So we worked with a design studio called Habits, in Milan, to make this mirror, which is completely open-source. 我们和米兰一家 叫做Habits的公司合作 制作了这个镜子,当然也是完全开源的
This doubles also as an iPod speaker. 这面镜子也是一个iPod音乐播放器的扬声器
So the idea is that the hardware, the software, the design of the object, the fabrication , everything about this project is open-source and you can make it yourself. 总结起来,这种开源理念 从设计到制作 所有都是开源的 大家可以自己动手制作
So we want other designers to pick this up and learn how to make great devices , to learn how to make interactive products by starting from something real. 我们希望其他创客也能这样 通过这种方式来学习 制作互动产品 制作一个实在的东西
devices:n.[机][计]设备;[机]装置;[电子]器件(device的复数); interactive:adj.合作的;相互影响的;互相配合的;交互式的;n.交互式视频设备;
But when you have this idea, you know, what happens to all these ideas? 但有了创造的想法后 接下来怎么做呢?
There's, like, thousands of ideas that I — 这样的想法成千上万
You know, it would take seven hours for me to do all the presentations . 我要全部讲完得花7个小时 不过
I will not take all the seven hours. Thank you. 我不会占用7个小时的,谢谢
But let's start from this example: 我们以这个例子来说吧
So, the group of people that started this company called Pebble , they prototyped a watch that communicates via Bluetooth with your phone, and you can display information on it. And they prototyped with an old LCD screen from a Nokia mobile phone and an Arduino. 有这么一群人 他们创立了Pebble公司 设计了一种可以通过蓝牙与手机相连的手表 可以在手表上设置显示内容 他们先制作了一个雏形 用了一个旧的诺基亚手机的LCD显示屏 当然还有Arduino
Pebble:n.卵石;水晶透镜;v.用卵石铺; prototyped:n.原型; (prototype的过去分词) via:prep.通过;经由;n.道路;[医]管道; Bluetooth:n.蓝牙技术(一种无线通信的标准);
And then, when they had a final project, they actually went to Kickstarter and they were asking for 100,000 dollars to make a few of them to sell. 到项目最后阶段 他们去众筹平台Kickstarter网上 希望筹集到10万美元 制作一些这样的手表来销售
They got 10 million dollars. 结果他们筹到了1千万美元
They got a completely fully funded start-up, and they don't have to, you know, get VCs involved or anything, just excite the people with their great project. 资金充足 他们得以起步 不必涉及到风险投资 只用全力做出让大家惊喜的产品
funded:adj.提供资金的;v.提供资金;积存;提供资金偿付的本息;(fund的过去式); involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词)
The last project I want to show you is this: 我想展示的最后一个设计
It's called ArduSat. It's currently on Kickstarter, so if you want to contribute , please do it. 叫做ArduSat,目前正在Kickstarter网上筹集资金 如果大家想赞助,欢迎大家前去
currently:adv.当前;一般地; contribute:v.贡献,出力;投稿;捐献;
It's a satellite that goes into space, which is probably the least open-source thing you can imagine, and it contains an Arduino connected to a bunch of sensors. So if you know how to use Arduino, you can actually upload your experiments into this satellite and run them. 这是一个人造卫星 你可能觉得这是最不可能开源的东西 这个人造卫星里嵌有Arduino 连接有几个传感器 实际上你可以将你的实验 上传到卫星上进行
So imagine, if you as a high school can have the satellite for a week and do satellite space experiments like that. 想象一下,如果一所中学 能用上这样一台仪器一个星期 就能做这样的太空实验了
So, as I said , there's lots of examples, and I'm going to stop here. And I just want to thank the Arduino community for being the best, and just every day making lots of projects. 正如我前面所说 例子太多了,我就此打住 我想感谢Arduino社区 你们是最优秀的 每天都有很棒的项目在进行
as I said:正如我所说的
Thank you. (Applause) 谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)
And thanks to the community. 感谢社区里的成员们
Chris Anderson: Massimo, you told me earlier today that you had no idea, of course, that it would take off like this. 主持人Chris Anderson:Massimo, 之前你说自己以前完全没想到 会发展到今天这个样子
MB: No. 演讲人Massimo:没想到
CA: I mean, how must you feel when you read this stuff and you see what you've unlocked? 主持人:当你看到这些东西 发现自己开启了这一切 你感觉怎样?
MB: Well, it's the work of a lot of people, so we as a community are enabling people to make great stuff, and I just feel overwhelmed . 演讲人:这是很多人努力的结果 我们这一群人让大家 能够做出很棒的东西,这一切让我太激动了
enabling:adj.授权的;v.使能够;授权给(enable的现在分词); overwhelmed:v.受打击,压倒;淹没;(overwhelm的过去分词和过去式)
It's just, it's difficult to describe this. 很难用言语描述这种感觉
Every morning, I wake up and I look at all the stuff that 每天早上醒来后看到
Google Alerts sends me, and it's just amazing. It's just going into every field that you can imagine. 那么多的谷歌提醒 太不可思议了 你能想象到的各个领域都有应用
Alerts:n.警报; v.通知(alert的第三人称单数);
CA: Thank you so much. (Applause) 主持人:非常感谢
(Applause) (掌声)