

Ready? - Okay. 准备好了吗 -好
Dad. 爸爸
One batch ... 一炉饼干
two batch. 两炉饼干
Penny and dime . 你给我一角 我给你一分
Here he comes! 他来了
Welcome home. The one that got away! -欢迎回家 -逃走的家伙
Screw you, Punisher , piece of shit! 去你的 惩罚者 该死的
Screw:v.旋,拧;压榨;强迫;n.螺旋;螺丝钉;吝啬鬼; Punisher:n.惩罚者;处罚者;
You're safe back in Mexico, my friend. 你在墨西哥很安全
Punisher comes to Juarez, we'll kill his ass. 惩罚者要是来华雷斯 我们就干掉他
The last survivor of the cartel deserves a reward. 帮派最后幸存者得好好庆祝
Flight 1513 to Dublin , Ireland, boarding at Gate 31. 1513号航班飞往爱尔兰都柏林 31号登机口
Again, that's Flight 1513 to Dublin at Gate 31. 1513号航班飞往爱尔兰都柏林
Hey, it's Mickey. Yeah, anyone else make it? 我是米奇 有其他人活下来吗
Oh, shit, I'm the only one left? 该死 只有我一个人吗
No, I'm good. I'm good. Yeah, about to board. 不 我没事 我没事 马上登机了
Tell Dublin to get ready for a big party. I'm on my way. 让都柏林那边准备好派对 我马上来
Please don't-- - 求求你不要...
You won. You... you killed everyone. 你赢了 你...你杀了所有人
The bikers , the cartels , the Kitchen Irish... they're all gone. 机车手 贩毒团伙 爱尔兰帮...都没了
bikers:n.骑摩托车的人;骑自行车的人;(biker的复数) cartels:n.卡特尔;联合企业(cartel的复数);
Yeah. Yeah, almost. - I get it. 是啊 几乎没了 -我知道
An eye for an eye and all that. 以牙还牙什么的
I got a family of my own. - I don't. 我自己也有家庭 -我没有
For God's sake, man, killing me is not gonna bring yours back. 上帝啊 杀了我 你的家人也不会复生
What does it change if I'm dead? - Nothing. 我的死能改变什么 -没什么
Oh, God. 天啊
Jeez. 天啊
Can you believe that? - Get a room, you dirty bastards ! 难以置信 -去开房吧 下流胚子
Flight 1513 to Dublin, Ireland, is now boarding. 1513号航班飞往爱尔兰都柏林正在登机
Are you the new guy? - Yeah. Uh, Donny Chavez . 你是那个新来的吗 -嗯 唐尼.查维斯
All right, let's see how you do. Come on. 好吧 看看你有什么能耐 走吧
That's the gimp . 那是跛子
Don't worry about him. He ain't all there. 不用担心他 他不是一直在这儿的
That's the shit. - Yeah, yeah. 就是这边 -没错
Yo! Castiglione! 卡斯蒂廖内
Hey, dumbass ... lunch time. 笨蛋...该吃午饭了
Retard loves that hammer . - Yeah. 弱智就喜欢大锤 -没错
Retard:vt.延迟;阻止;妨碍;使减速;vi.减慢;受到阻滞;n.延迟;阻止; hammer:n.锤子; v.锤打;
The rice is ready! 米饭准备好了
Hey, sleepyhead . 瞌睡虫
This goddamn guy. 这个该死的家伙
He's crazy, Lance . What are you gonna do? 他疯了 兰斯 你能怎么办
Hey, what's the story with you, man? 你到底有什么故事 伙计
Here early, here late. 来得早 走得晚
You know if they don't ask you to work extra , they don't pay you for it, right? 你要知道 如果他们没要你加班 那也不会给你多付钱的
Right? - But you knew that, right? 对吧 -但是你是知道的吧
You got a tongue in your head? 你会说话吗
I don't know what your deal is, man. 我不知道你怎么回事 伙计
I'm guessing, uh, " Elevator don't go up to the penthouse " Type thing. 我猜 你应该是那种 电梯怎么上不了顶楼 的人
Elevator:n.电梯;升降机;升降舵;起卸机; penthouse:n.阁楼;顶层公寓,屋顶房间;
Hey, whatever, right? 管他呢
But this shit you do, that's hurting us. 但是你现在的行为损害到了我们
Because of you, we're getting less overtime . 就因为你 我们的加班时长变短了
Kick his ass, Lance. Maybe he'd understand that. 揍他一顿 兰斯 也许他就动你了
Wise up, window licker . 放聪明点 乡巴佬