

Move... please. 请让开
Matty. Matty. 马特 马特
Get out of my way! 让开
Get out of my way! 让开
Don't move. Help is coming, kid. 别动 救援就来了 孩子
That's my boy. 那是我儿子
Matty! Matty! - Dad. 马特 马特 -爸爸
Matty! Matty! Don't, don't move, okay? 马特 马特 别动 好吗
No, no, no! Just... Don't move. 不不不 别动
Somebody get us some help! 谁来救救我们
Dad, what happened? - Matty, it's gonna be all right. 爸爸 怎么回事 -马特 不会有事的
Just don't move. Don't move, okay? - What happened? 别动 你别动 -怎么回事
Take it easy . 悠着点
Take it easy:从容;不急;松懈;
Your boy... He pushed me out of the way. 你儿子 他把我推开了
He saved my life. 他救了我
Oh, Dad! 爸爸
Oh, it burns! 好烫
Oh, Jesus ! 天呐
Close your eyes, Matty. 闭上眼睛 马特
Dad! - Close your eyes. 爸爸 -闭上眼睛
Dad! Dad! - Close your eyes. 爸爸 爸爸 -闭上眼睛
Dad. Dad. Dad. 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸
I can't see. 我看不到了
I can't see. I can't see! 我看不到 我看不到了
I can't see! 我看不到了
I can't see! 我看不到了
I can't see! 我看不到了
Bless me, Father, for I have sinned . 保佑我 神父 我有罪
It's been, uh... 我已经
It's been too long since my last confession . 太久没来忏悔了
My dad, he used to come to this church back when I was a kid. 我还小的时候 我爸爸会带我来这个教堂
He was a fighter. Old school . Boxer. 他是个传统的拳击手
Old school:adj.古老的;古旧的;传统的;
Lost more than he won. 败绩多于胜绩
Had a 24-31 record before he, uh... 生前有24胜31负的记录
But he could take a punch . 但他非常抗打
punch:n.冲床; v.拳打; (用打孔器等)打孔;
Jesus, he could take a punch. - Language. 上帝呐 他真是抗打 -注意用语
Sorry, Father. 抱歉 神父
Yeah, guys he went up against used to say it was like hitting oak . 他以前的那些对手说打他就像打棵橡树
And nights when he was outmatched , my dad's strategy was to let 'em hit him till they broke their hands. 他不敌对手的时候 我爸爸的战略就是随他们打 直到对方打断手
outmatched:vt.胜过;优于;凌驾于; strategy:n.策略;行动计划;部署;战略;
He never got knocked out, my dad. 他从未被打晕过 我爸爸
Knocked down, sure. But he, uh, always got back up. 当然被打倒过 但他总能再站起来
He was always on his feet when he lost. 他输的时候也总是结结实实地站着
Every now and then , though, uh... 不过有时候
Every now and then:不时地;常常;
Every now and then, he'd get hit and... 有时候 他挨了一会打...
something inside of him would snap . 然后突然就爆发了
My grandmother, she was the real Catholic . 我奶奶 她是个虔诚的天主教徒
Fear of God ran deep. You'd have liked her. 对上帝十分敬畏 你会喜欢她的
She used to say, "Be careful of the Murdock boys. 她会说 小心默多克家的男人
They got the devil in 'em." 他们有心魔
And you'd see it sometimes... 有时候 是能看出来的
in the ring. 就在拳击场上
His eyes would go dead... 他的眼神突然变冷
he'd start walking forward real slow... 开始慢慢走上前去