

It is a dream of mankind to fly like a bird. 像鸟儿一样飞翔 是人类的一个梦想。
Birds are very agile . 鸟儿敏捷灵活。
They fly, not with rotating components , so they fly only by flapping their wings. 它们不需借助旋转构件即可飞翔, 只要拍拍翅膀它们就能飞起来。
rotating:v.(使)旋转,转动;(工作)由…轮值;(rotate的现在分词) components:n.部件;组件;成份(component复数); flapping:n.拍动;摇摆运动;adj.摇摆运动的;挥动的;v.拍打,轻拍(flap的现在分词);
So we looked at the birds, and we tried to make a model that is powerful ultralight , and it must have excellent aerodynamic qualities that would fly by its own and only by flapping its wings. 所以我们仰望鸟儿, 并尝试去建一个模型 这个模型必须超轻, 并且具备卓越的空气动力性能 从而拥有通过扇动翅膀 来真正飞翔的能力。
ultralight:adj.超轻型的;n.超轻型飞机; aerodynamic:adj.空气动力学的,[航]航空动力学的;
So what would be better [than] to use the Herring Gull , in its freedom, circling and swooping over the sea, and [to] use this as a role model ? 那么以什么鸟形建模好呢? 银鸥,这种鸟可以自由地 在海面上空盘旋和俯冲, 我们选择以此建模。
Herring Gull:n.银鸥(产于北大西洋,体大,翼端为黑色); swooping:v.向下猛冲,俯冲;突然袭击;突然行动;(swoop的现在分词) role model:n.榜样;崇拜对象;
So we bring a team together. 所以我们组建起一个团队。
There are generalists and also specialists in the field of aerodynamics in the field of building gliders . 他们中有兼通各领域的多面手 有空气动力学专家 也有滑翔机制造专家。
generalists:n.多面手;(generalists是generalist的复数); in the field of:在…方面,在…领域; aerodynamics:n.[流]气体力学;[航]航空动力学; gliders:n.[航]滑翔机(glider的复数);滑行者;
And the task was to build an ultralight indoor flying model that is able to fly over your heads. 我们的任务是 建一个超轻的可在室内飞行的模型 可以飞过你们的头顶。
So be careful later on. 所以一会儿要小心咯。
And this was one issue : to build it that lightweight that no one would be hurt if it fell down. 但这曾是一个问题: 怎么把它造得非常轻 轻到如果它掉下来 不会伤到人。
issue:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;发行; lightweight:n.轻量级选手;无足轻重的人;adj.重量轻的;平均重量以下的;
So why do we do all this? 为什么我们要这么做?
We are a company in the field of automation , and we'd like to do very lightweight structures because that's energy efficient . 我们是一家从事自动化控制的公司, 打算采用非常轻型的结构 因为这样更节能。
automation:n.自动化;自动操作; structures:n.结构; v.建造(structure的第三人称单数形式); efficient:adj.有效率的;有能力的;生效的;
And we'd like to learn more about pneumatics and air flow phenomena . 而我们也想对 气体力学和气流现象了解更多。
pneumatics:n.[流]气体力学;充气轮胎(pneumatic的复数形式); phenomena:n.现象(phenomenon的复数);
So I now would like you to [put] your seat belts on and put your hats [on]. 现在希望诸位 系紧你们的安全带 带好头盔。
So maybe we'll try it once to fly a SmartBird. 我们来尝试一次 放飞智能鸟吧。
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (鼓掌)
(Applause) (鼓掌)
(Applause) (鼓掌)
So we can now look at the SmartBird. 现在我们可以 一睹智能鸟了。
So here is one without a skin. 这里是一个没有外壳的。
We have a wingspan of about two meters. 它的翼展约为两米。
The length is one meter and six, and the weight, it is only 450 grams. 体长为一米六。 而体重 只有450克。
And it is all out of carbon fiber . 它整体都是碳纤维材料做的。
carbon:n.[化学]碳;碳棒;复写纸;adj.碳的;碳处理的; fiber:n.纤维;光纤(等于fibre);
In the middle we have a motor, and we also have a gear in it. 在中间有一个马达, 和齿轮结构。
gear:n.齿轮; v.适合;
And we use the gear to transfer the circulation of the motor. 我们利用齿轮 来转换马达的运动。
transfer:n.转移;调任;调离;[体]转会球员;v.调任;调走;转学;转移; circulation:n.流通,传播;循环;发行量;
So within the motor, we have three Hall sensors , so we know exactly where the wing is. 马达上有三个霍尔传感器, 那么我们就知道 翅膀的具体位置。
And if we now beat up and down ... 如果让这翅膀上下拍打的话
we have the possibility to fly like a bird. 那我们就有可能 让它像鸟儿一样飞起来了。
So if you go down, you have the large area of propulsion . 当俯冲的时候,它的推进面积足够大。
And if you go up, the wings are not that large, and it is easier to get up. 同时上行的时候, 翅膀也不是非常大, 所以它比较容易爬升。
So, the next thing we did, or the challenges we did was to coordinate this movement. 所以下一个事情, 或者说下一个挑战我们面对的 是如何协调这种运动。
coordinate:n.坐标; v.协调; adj.同等的;
We have to turn it, go up and go down. 我们必须使它飞上飞下。
We have a split wing. 我们采用了分裂式翼。
With a split wing we get the lift at the upper wing, and we get the propulsion at the lower wing. 通过分裂式的翅膀设计 使它通过上层翼得到升力, 下层翼得到推进力。
Also, we see how we measure the aerodynamic efficiency . 同时,我们也知道 如何测算出它的空气动力效能。
We had knowledge about the electromechanical efficiency and then we can calculate the aerodynamic efficiency. 我们必须掌握 电机效率 然后就能计算出 空气动力效能。
So therefore, it rises up from passive torsion to active torsion, from 30 percent up to 80 percent. 所以, 从被动扭曲力转化为主动扭曲力,它的效能从 30%提高到 80%。
passive:adj.被动的,消极的;被动语态的;n.被动语态; torsion:n.扭转,扭曲;转矩,[力]扭力;
Next thing we have to do, we have to control and regulate the whole structure. 下一件我们要做的, 就是要控制和调整 整个结构。
Only if you control and regulate it, you will get that aerodynamic efficiency. 只有控制和调整好它 才能得到预期的空气动力效能。
So the overall consumption of energy is about 25 watts at takeoff and 16 to 18 watts in flight. 所以整体能量消耗 大概是起飞25瓦 飞行是16到18瓦特。
overall:v.全部; n.外套; adj.全面的; consumption:n.消费;消耗;肺痨; watts:n.瓦特(功率单位); takeoff:起飞;开始;起跳;起跳的,起飞的;
Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (鼓掌)
Bruno Giussani: Markus, I think that we should fly it once more. 布鲁诺·朱桑尼:马库斯,不如我们再放飞一次怎么样。
Markus Fischer: Yeah, sure. 马库斯·菲舍尔:当然。
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Gasps) (惊叹)
(Cheers) (欢呼)
(Applause) (鼓掌)