

I'm going to talk to you today about my work on suspended animation . 我今天跟大家谈谈我对于假死的研究工作。
suspended animation:n.假死;不省人事;蛰伏状态;
Now, usually when I mention suspended animation, people will flash me the Vulcan sign and laugh. 通常当我提到“假死状态”, 人们会报以叹息和笑声。
flash:n.闪光; v.闪光; adj.庞大的; Vulcan:n.伏尔甘(火和锻冶的神);
But now, I'm not talking about gorking people out to fly to Mars or even Pandora, as much fun as that may be. 但是现在,我不是要把人 送到火星甚至潘多拉星球, 不管那有多好玩。
I'm talking about the concept of using suspended animation to help people out in trauma . 我要谈的是 利用假死 帮助创伤患者治疗。
So what do I mean when I say "suspended animation"? 那么,当我说到“假死” 我是什么意思呢?
It is the process by which animals de-animate, appear dead and then can wake up again without being harmed. 这是一个过程, 在此过程中动物不动了, 看上去死了, 然后却可以醒来,并且没有受到伤害。
OK, so here is the sort of big idea: 好了,这里就要说说我的想法。
If you look out at nature, you find that as you tend to see suspended animation, you tend to see immortality . 大家如果留意自然界, 会把 假死状态 看作是长生不死。
And so, what I'm going to tell you about is a way to tell a person who's in trauma -- find a way to de-animate them a bit so they're a little more immortal when they have that heart attack . 所以,这里我想说 是用某种方法让创伤患者 失去活力 这样他们就多少有一点可以长生不老 当他们的心脏病发作。
heart attack:n.[医]心肌梗塞
An example of an organism or two that happens to be quite immortal would be plant seeds or bacterial spores . 有一两种生物体 是有这种不朽的情况的 比如植物种子 或细菌孢子。
organism:n.生物;有机体;有机组织;(尤指)微生物; bacterial:adj.[微]细菌的; spores:n.[生物]孢子(spore的复数);v.形成芽孢(spore的三单形式);
These creatures are some of the most immortal life forms on our planet, and they tend to spend most of their time in suspended animation. 这些生物 是我们这个星球上最不朽的生命形式, 它们一生大部分时间 都处于假死状态。
Bacterial spores are thought now by scientists to exist as individual cells that are alive, but in suspended animation for as long as 250 million years. 现在科学家认为细菌孢子 是活着的 单个细胞,但是在假死状态, 它们可以处于这种状态长达2.50亿年。
individual:n.个人;有个性的人;adj.单独的;个别的; as long as:conj.只要;长达;如果;既然;
To suggest that this all, sort of, about little, tiny creatures, 这是有关一种很微小的动物的,
I want to bring it close to home . 我希望把实验对象拿到离家很近的地方。
close to home:触及痛处;
In the immortal germ line of human beings -- that is, the eggs that sit in the ovaries -- they actually sit there in a state of suspended animation for up to 50 years in the life of each woman. 对于人类来说 这种不朽的种子 就像是卵巢里的卵子, 它们实际上是处于假死或休眠状态 而且可以在每个妇女的一生中在它们身体里存在长达50年。
germ:n.[植]胚芽,萌芽;细菌;vi.萌芽; ovaries:n.[解剖]卵巢,[植]子房(ovary复数形式);
So then there's also my favorite example of suspended animation. 关于假死,我还有一个 最喜欢的例子。
This is Sea-Monkeys. 就是一种叫“海猴”的虾。
Those of you with children, you know about them. 在座的各位如果有孩子, 你知道这东西。
You go to the pet store or the toy store, and you can buy these things. 你在宠物商店或玩具店, 可以买到这种东西。
You just open the bag, and you just dump them into the plastic aquarium , and in about a week or so, you'll have little shrimps swimming around. 回到家只需打开袋子,把它们倒到 塑料水族箱里, 过大约一个星期左右,就会看到有小虾游动。
dump:v.倾倒;抛售;抛弃;转存;n.垃圾场;转储;转存;废物堆; aquarium:n.水族馆;养鱼池;玻璃缸; shrimps:n.基围虾;小虾米(shrimp的复数形式);
Well, I wasn't so interested in the swimming. 我并不是对游泳特别感兴趣。
I was interested in what was going on in the bag , the bag on the toy store shelf where those shrimp sat in suspended animation indefinitely . 我感兴趣的是在袋子里发生了什么, 这样的袋子会在玩具商店货架上 里面的虾 会在那里一直处于假死状态。
in the bag:十拿九稳的;稳操胜券的; indefinitely:adv.不确定地,无限期地;模糊地,不明确地;
So these ideas of suspended animation are not just about cells and weird , little organisms . 所以,这些关于假死的想法 不只是关于销售和古怪的小生物。
weird:adj.奇怪的;奇异的;离奇的;n.命运;宿命;命运女神; organisms:n.[生物]生物体(organism的复数);[生物]有机体;
Occasionally , human beings are briefly de-animated, and the stories of people who are briefly de-animated that interest me the most are those having to do with the cold. 有时,人也会 短暂地失去活性, 最让我感兴趣的 人短暂失去活性的例子 是那些与寒冷有关的实例。
Occasionally:adv.偶尔;有时候;偶然; briefly:adv.简要地;简短地;暂时地;
Ten years ago, there was a skier in Norway that was trapped in an icy waterfall , and she was there for two hours before they extracted her. 10年前,在挪威有一个滑雪者 被困在冰冷的瀑布中。 她在那里两个小时后才被救出来。
skier:n.滑雪的人; trapped:adj.受困的;受限制的;v.使落入险境;使陷入困境;(trap的过去分词和过去式) waterfall:n.瀑布;瀑布似的东西; extracted:adj.萃取的;引出的;v.提取(extract的过去式及过去分词);
She was extremely cold, and she had no heartbeat -- for all intents and purposes she was dead, frozen. 她身上非常冷, 已经没有心跳。 在所有的意义上,她已经是死了,冻死了。
extremely:adv.非常,极其;极端地; heartbeat:n.心跳;情感; intents:n.意图;目的;意向(intent的复数);
Seven hours later, still without a heartbeat, they brought her back to life, and she went on to be the head radiologist in the hospital that treated her. 7个小时后, 仍然没有心跳, 人们救活了她,她后来成了 救治她的那家医院的 放射科的主任。
radiologist:n.放射线研究者; treated:v.以…态度对待;把…看作;(treat的过去分词和过去式)
A couple of years later -- so I get really excited about these things -- about a couple of years later, there was a 13-month-old, she was from Canada. 两三年后—— 我对这种事情特别感兴趣—— 大约一两年后, 加拿大有一个13个月大的小孩。
Her father had gone out in the wintertime; he was working night shift , and she followed him outside in nothing but a diaper . 当时是冬天,她爸爸出去上夜班, 结果她跟着到了外面,什么也没穿,只是裹着纸尿裤。
shift:n.移动;变化;手段;轮班;v.移动;转变;转换; diaper:n.尿布;v.给孩子换尿布;
And they found her hours later, frozen, lifeless , and they brought her back to life. 几个小时后人们发现了她 已经冻死了。 可人们让她起死回生了。
There was a 65-year-old woman in Duluth, Minnesota last year that was found frozen and without a pulse in her front yard one morning in the winter, and they brought her back to life. 还有一名65岁女性 去年在明尼苏达州德卢斯 人们发现她在自己家的院子里 冻死了,没有了脉搏, 可人们也救活了她。
Minnesota:n.明尼苏达州(美国中北部洲); pulse:n.脉冲;脉搏;脉率;强劲的音乐节拍;v.搏动;跳动;震动;洋溢着;
The next day, she was doing so well, they wanted to run tests on her. 第二天,她身体恢复得很好,医生想给她做个检查。
She got cranky and just went home. 可她根本不听医生的,自个儿跑回家了。
(Laughter) (笑声.)
So, these are miracles , right? 对,这些是奇迹,没错。
These are truly miraculous things that happen. 这是确实发生过的真正的奇迹般的事情。
Doctors have a saying that, in fact, "You're not dead until you're warm and dead." 医生有一种说法 “如果你不是身体暖暖和和的死了,就没有真死。”
And it's true. It's true. 确实如此。真的。
In the New England Journal of Medicine, there was a study published that showed that with appropriate rewarming , people who had suffered without a heartbeat for three hours could be brought back to life without any neurologic problems. 在《新英格兰医学杂志》上, 发表的一项研究显示, 只要适当复温, 那些3个小时没有心跳的患者, 可以活过来,而且没有任何神经系统的问题。
Journal:n.杂志;日记;日志;(用于报纸名)…报; appropriate:adj.适当的;恰当的;v.占用,拨出; rewarming:复温; neurologic:adj.神经病学的;
That's over 50 percent. 这个比例在百分之五十以上。
So what I was trying to do is think of a way that we could study suspended animation to think about a way to reproduce , maybe, what happened to the skier. 因此,我试图做的就是想办法 来研究 假死 是找到一种方法 也许可以重复, 那位滑雪者的经历。
Well, I have to tell you something very odd , and that is that being exposed to low oxygen does not always kill. 嗯,我还必须告诉大家一件很奇怪的事, 是有关暴露于低氧环境 却并不一定让人死亡的事。
odd:adj.古怪的;奇数的;n.奇数; exposed:adj.无遮蔽的; v.暴露; (expose的过去分词和过去式)
So, in this room, there's 20 percent oxygen or so, and if we reduce the oxygen concentration , we will all be dead. 在这个礼堂里,空气中有百分之二十左右的氧气。 如果我们降低氧浓度, 我们大家都将死亡。
And, in fact, the animals we were working with in the lab -- these little garden worms , nematodes -- they were also dead when we exposed them to low oxygen. 而且,事实上,我们在实验室中做实验的动物, 那些小花园虫,线虫, 当它们被暴露在低氧环境中,也会死亡。
worms:n.蠕虫;寄生虫;幼虫;v.蠕动,曲折行进;(worm的第三人称单数和复数) nematodes:n.[无脊椎]线虫;线虫类(nematode的复数);
And here's the thing that should freak you out. 但下面这件事会让大家感觉匪夷所思。
And that is that, when we lower the oxygen concentration further by 100 times, to 10 parts per million, they were not dead, they were in suspended animation, and we could bring them back to life without any harm. 那就是,当我们进一步降低氧浓度 100倍,达到每百万单位中只有10个氧单位, 它们就不会死, 而是进入假死状态, 而且我们可以使它们重新活过来,没有任何伤害。
And this precise oxygen concentration, 10 parts per million, that caused suspended animation, is conserved . 这一特定的氧浓度, 百万分之10, 可以造成假死状态, 这个比例是恒定的。
precise:adj.准确的;确切的;精确的;明确的; conserved:adj.保守的;v.保存;保全(conserve的过去式);
We can see it in a variety of different organisms. 在许多不同的生物身上都能看到这种情况。
One of the creatures we see it in is a fish. 其中的一种生物 就是鱼。
And we can turn its heartbeat on and off by going in and out of suspended animation like you would a light switch. 我们可以通过让鱼进入和脱离假死状态 对其心脏进行“开”“关”操作。
So this was pretty shocking to me, that we could do this. 我们居然可以做到这一点, 这让我感到非常震惊。
And so I was wondering, when we were trying to reproduce the work with the skier, that we noticed that, of course, she had no oxygen consumption , and so maybe she was in a similar state of suspended animation. 所以,我想知道,当我们试图 重现救活那位滑雪者的经历的时候, 我们注意到 她没有消耗氧气, 所以也许她是处于一种类似假死状态。
But, of course, she was also extremely cold. 但是,当然,她体温也十分低。
So we wondered what would happen if we took our suspended animals and exposed them to the cold. 因此,我们不知道 如果把假死的动物暴露于寒冷之下会发生什么。
And so, what we found out was that, if you take animals that are animated like you and I, and you make them cold -- that is, these were the garden worms -- now they're dead. 因此,我们发现 如果你将活蹦乱跳的动物 比如你和我, 给他们降温——比如,这些蚯蚓—— 这样它们都死了。
animated:adj.栩栩如生的; v.使具活力; (animate的过去分词和过去式)
But if you have them in suspended animation, and move them into the cold, they're all alive. 但是,如果你使它们进入假死状态, 然后再把它们冷冻,它们就还会活着。
And there's the very important thing there: 这里就是最重要的事:
If you want to survive the cold, you ought to be suspended. Right? 如果你想渡过严寒, 你应该暂停生命。对吧?
It's a really good thing. 这简直太好了。
And so, we were thinking about that, about this relationship between these things, and thinking about whether or not that's what happened to the skier. 因此,我们考虑 这些事情之间的这种关系, 并思考那位滑雪者是否就是发生这些事情。
whether or not:是否…;
And so we wondered: Might there be some agent that is in us, something that we make ourselves, that we might be able to regulate our own metabolic flexibility in such a way as to be able to survive when we got extremely cold, and might otherwise pass away ? 因此,我们想知道:是否我们体内有些 机制,就是我们自身的某种机制 使我们也许能够调整自己的新陈代谢活性 这样一来,就能够经受 极度的寒冷,而如果没有这种技能,就可能会死去。
agent:n.代理人,代理商;药剂;特工;v由…作中介;由…代理;adj.代理的; regulate:v.调节;控制; metabolic:adj.变化的;新陈代谢的; flexibility:n.灵活性;弹性;适应性; pass away:去世;停止;度过时间;
I thought it might be interesting to sort of hunt for such things. 我想研究一下这些机制到底是什么应该很有意思。
You know? 对不对?
I should mention briefly here that physiology textbooks that you can read about will tell you that this is a kind of heretical thing to suggest. 我要在此简要说一下, 大家要是阅读生理教科书, 会发现书中告诉你,这种说法属于某种邪教。
physiology:n.生理学;生理机能; heretical:adj.异端的;异教的;
We have, from the time we are slapped on the butt until we take our last dying breath -- that's when we're newborn to when we're dead -- we cannot reduce our metabolic rate below what's called a standard , or basal metabolic rate. 我们从一出娘胎 直到临终时刻—— 这就是当我们死亡时,就会获得新生—— 我们不能降低自己的代谢率 将其降到所谓的标准水平之下, 或称“基础代谢率”。
slapped:v.(用手掌)打,拍,掴;随意扔放;(slap的过去分词和过去式) butt:n.屁股;烟头;笑柄;靶垛;粗大的一端;v.以头抵撞;碰撞; newborn:adj.新生的;再生的;n.婴儿; standard:n.标准;水准;旗;度量衡标准;adj.标准的;合规格的;公认为优秀的; basal:adj.基部的;基础的;
But I knew that there were examples of creatures, also mammals , that do reduce their metabolic rate such as ground squirrels and bears, they reduce their metabolic rate in the wintertime when they hibernate . 但我知道就有这样 生物的例子,包括哺乳动物, 可以减少其代谢率 如地松鼠和熊。 它们可以在冬眠的时候 降低代谢率。
mammals:n.哺乳动物;(mammal的复数) squirrels:n.松鼠;v.代理经营;把…分解成;(squirrel的第三人称单数和复数) wintertime:n.冬季; hibernate:vi.过冬;(动物)冬眠;(人等)避寒;
So I wondered: Might we be able to find some agent or trigger that might induce such a state in us? 所以,我在想:我们能否找到这样的机制,或许可以触发 我们的身体进入这样的状态?
trigger:n.触发器; v.触发; induce:v.导致;引起;诱使;劝说;
And so, we went looking for such things. 因此,我们去寻找这些东西。
And this was a period of time when we failed tremendously . 可是在这一段时间,我们经历了很多失败。
Ken Robinson is here. He talked about the glories of failure. 肯?罗宾逊在这里。他谈到了失败的辉煌。
Well, we had a lot of them. 是的,我们遭遇了很多失败。
We tried many different chemicals and agents , and we failed over and over again . 我们尝试过许多不同的化学品, 经历过一次又一次失败。
chemicals:n.化学制品;化学品;(chemical的复数) agents:n.代理人,经纪人;原动力;(agent的复数) over and over again:adv.一再地;反复不断地;
So, one time, I was at home watching television on the couch while my wife was putting our child to bed, and I was watching a television show. 有一次,我在家里 看电视, 我的妻子正哄孩子睡觉, 我是在看一个电视节目。
It was a television show -- it was a NOVA show on PBS -- about caves in New Mexico. 这个节目 是PBS的NOVA节目 关于新墨西哥的一个洞穴。
And this particular cave was Lechuguilla, and this cave is incredibly toxic to humans. 这个洞穴叫做Lechuguilla, 这个洞穴对人类具有致命的毒性。
incredibly:adv.难以置信地;非常地; toxic:adj.有毒的;中毒的;
The researchers had to suit up just to enter it. 研究人员要想进洞必须穿上特殊防护服。
It's filled with this toxic gas, hydrogen sulfide . 洞里充满了硫化氢 这种有毒气体。
hydrogen:n.氢;氢气; sulfide:n.[化学]硫化物;
Now, hydrogen sulfide is curiously present in us. 奇怪的是,我们身体里就有硫化氢。
We make it ourselves. 我们自己会制造它。
The highest concentration is in our brains. 浓度最高的地方是我们的大脑。
Yet, it was used as a chemical warfare agent in World War I. 不过,在第一次世界大战期间 它曾被用作化学战剂。
chemical warfare:n.化学战;
It's an extraordinarily toxic thing. 这种东西毒性特大。
In fact, in chemical accidents, hydrogen sulfide is known to -- if you breathe too much of it, you collapse to the ground, you appear dead, but if you were brought out into room air, you can be reanimated without harm, if they do that quickly. 事实上,在化学事故中, 硫化氢是很出名的—— 如果你吸入太多,会瞬间倒地, 看上去就像是死了, 但是如果马上把你带到正常的空气中,你仍可以醒来,而且毫发无损, 前提是救援要快。
collapse:vi.倒塌;瓦解;暴跌;vt.使倒塌,使崩溃;使萎陷;折叠;n.倒塌;失败;衰竭; reanimated:vt.鼓舞;使复活;使恢复生气;
So, I thought, "Wow, I have to get some of this." 所以,我想,哇,我要来点这东西。
(Laughter) (笑声.)
Now, it's post-9/11 America, and when you go into the research institute , and you say, "Hi. 对了,这是911事件后的美国了, 你要是进入研究所, 和人说:“嗨,
I'd like to buy some concentrated , compressed gas cylinders of a lethal gas because I have these ideas, see, about wanting to suspend people. 我想买一些浓缩的, 压缩气瓶存储的 致命气体 因为我想试试,能否 让人进入假死状态。
concentrated:adj.决心要做的; v.集中(注意力); (concentrate的过去式和过去分词) compressed:adj.(空气或气体)压缩的; v.(被)压紧; (compress的过去式和过去分词) cylinders:n.汽缸;圆筒(cylinder的复数);[数]圆柱体; lethal:adj.致命的,致死的;n.致死因子;
It's really going to be OK." 这可有得瞧了。”
So that's kind of a tough day, but I said, "There really is some basis for thinking why you might want to do this." 所以这事儿很难办, 但我觉得,这事儿 真的是有一定根据的,我就想试一试。
As I said , this agent is in us, and, in fact, here's a curious thing, it binds to the very place inside of your cells where oxygen binds, and where you burn it, and that you do this burning to live. 正如我所说,我们体内有这样的机制, 而且实际上,奇怪的是, 它就在我们的细胞内 在氧气发生结合,并在你体内燃烧当中, 我们是通过燃烧氧气而生活的。
As I said:正如我所说的 binds:v.约束;捆绑;系;装订;n.窘境;(binds是bind的第三人称单数)
And so we thought, like in a game of musical chairs , might we be able to give a person some hydrogen sulfide, and might it be able to occupy that place like in a game of musical chairs where oxygen might bind? 所以我们就想,就像做抢椅子游戏那样, 也许我们能够给一个人 吸一些硫化氢, 也许这些硫化氢能够像抢椅子游戏那样 占据氧气的位置,
musical chairs:n.[游]抢椅子游戏;形容人们在混乱的局势下频繁更换工作的情况; occupy:v.占据,占领;居住;使忙碌;
And because you can't bind the oxygen, maybe you wouldn't consume it, and then maybe it would reduce your demand for oxygen. 由于你无法不能与氧气结合反应, 也许就不需要消耗氧气了, 这样就可能会减少你对氧的需求。
I mean, who knows? 我是说,这事儿谁也拿不准。
So -- (Laughter) 所以 ——(众笑)
So, there's the bit about the dopamine and being a little bit, what do you call it, delusional , and you might suggest that was it. 因此,这可能和多巴胺有关(大脑中产生满足和快乐的一种化学物质。) 虽然只有一点,但也有点属于妄想了吧 你可能说就是因为多巴胺的效应。
dopamine:n.[生化]多巴胺(一种治脑神经病的药物); delusional:adj.妄想的;
And so, we wanted to find out might we be able to use hydrogen sulfide in the presence of cold, and we wanted to see whether we could reproduce this skier in a mammal. 因此,我们希望找出 也许我们可以利用 硫化氢加上严寒, 我们想看看我们能否 在哺乳动物身上复现滑雪者死去活来的经历。
in the presence of:在…面前;有某人在场;
Now, mammals are warm-blooded creatures, and when we get cold, we shake and we shiver , right? 哺乳动物是温血动物, 当我们感到冷的时候会发抖。
warm-blooded:adj.(动物)温血的;热血的;恒温的;热情的;易兴奋的; shiver:v.颤抖;哆嗦;n.颤抖;寒战;
We try to keep our core temperature at 37 degrees by actually burning more oxygen. 我们会尽量将体温保持在37度 办法就是通过燃烧更多的氧气。
So, it was interesting for us when we applied hydrogen sulfide to a mouse when it was also cold because what happened is the core temperature of the mouse got cold. 因此,让一个处于寒冷中的小鼠 呼吸硫化氢时, 我们发现了一个有趣的现象。 结果小鼠身体的核心温度 降低了。
It stopped moving. 它不动了。
It appeared dead. 它看起来死了。
Its oxygen consumption rate fell by tenfold . 它的耗氧率 下降了10倍。
And here's the really important point. 这里才是最重要的问题。
I told you hydrogen sulfide is in us. 我刚才告诉大家说,我们体内都有硫化氢。
It's rapidly metabolized , and all you have to do after six hours of being in this state of de-animation is simply put the thing out in room air, and it warms up, and it's none the worse for wear. 它会迅速代谢, 处于这种假死状态 6小时后,只需 将其置于室内空气中, 让它暖和过来,它就会活过来,毫发无损。
Now, this was cosmic . 这一规律总是灵验。
Really. Because we had found a way to de-animate a mammal, and it didn't hurt it. 真的。因为我们已经找到了办法, 让哺乳动物进入假死状态。 并且不会伤害它。
Now, we'd found a way to reduce its oxygen consumption to rock-bottom levels, and it was fine. 现在,我们找到了一种方法,可以减少 动物的耗氧量 使其达到最低水平,同时不伤害它们。
Now, in this state of de-animation, it could not go out dancing, but it was not dead, and it was not harmed. 在这种假死状态下, 它不能蹦蹦跳跳了, 但它也没有死, 而且它并没有受伤。
So we started to think: Is this the agent that might have been present in the skier, and might have she had more of it than someone else, and might that have been able to reduce her demand for oxygen before she got so cold that she otherwise would have died, as we found out with our worm experiments? 因此,我们开始想:是不是这种东西 可能存在于那个滑雪者体内, 而且有可能她体内的比别人的更多 这可能使她减少了 对氧气的需求。 在她体温降得过低之前, 这一因素起了作用,不然她就死了。 ——我们前面说的蚯蚓实验就是把蚯蚓冻死了。
So, we wondered: 所以,我们想知道:
Can we do anything useful with this capacity to control metabolic flexibility? 对于这种 控制代谢活性的能力 能否好好运用呢?
And one of the things we wondered -- 此外,另一个我们想知道的事情——
I'm sure some of you out there are economists, and you know all about supply and demand . 我确信,在座的各位中有一些经济学家, 而且大家都知道供需关系。
supply and demand:n.供求关系;
And when supply is equal to demand, everything's fine, but when supply falls, in this case of oxygen, and demand stays high, you're dead. 当供给等于需求时, 一切都很好, 但是当供求降低—— 在这种情况下就是氧气含量降低—— 而需求继续保持旺盛,你就死了。
So, what I just told you is we can now reduce demand. 因此,我刚才想告诉大家的 是我们现在可以减少需求。
We ought to be able to lower supply to unprecedented low levels without killing the animal. 我们应该把供应 降低到前所未有的低水平,而不杀死动物。
And with money we got from DARPA, we could show just that. 我们用DARPA的资助, 我们可以证明这一点。
If you give mice hydrogen sulfide, you can lower their demand for oxygen, and you can put them into oxygen concentrations that are as low as 5,000 feet above the top of Mt. Everest , and they can sit there for hours, and there's no problem. 如果给老鼠吸入硫化氢, 就可以降低其对氧的需求, 可以把它们放到氧气浓度 相当于珠穆朗玛峰顶峰再高五千英尺以上的空气 它们可以呆在那里好几个小时,一点问题也没有。
concentrations:n.关注点;[土壤]浓聚物(concentration的复数); Everest:n.珠穆朗玛峰(世界最高峰);
Well this was really cool. 嗯,这真的是很酷。
We also found out that we could subject animals to otherwise lethal blood loss, and we could save them if we gave them hydrogen sulfide. 我们还发现,我们可以让动物 大量失血,达到致命的程度,可仍能拯救它们 前提是给它们吸入硫化氢。
So these proof of concept experiments led me to say "I should found a company, and we should take this out to a wider playing field ." 因此,这些实验所证明的事实 促使我想到,我要建立一家公司, 我们应该扩大它的使用范围。
proof:n.证据;证实;adj.能抵御;可防护; playing field:n.运动场;操场;
I founded a company called Ikaria with others' help. 我成立了一家名为伊卡利亚(Ikaria)的公司 当然也有其他人的帮助。
And this company, the first thing it did was make a liquid formulation of hydrogen sulfide an injectable form that we could put in and send it out to physician scientists all over the world who work on models of critical care medicine, and the results are incredibly positive . 而这家公司做的第一件事就是 制作出一种硫化氢的液剂 这是一种注射药剂,我们可以把它 发给世界各地的医生 他们在处理危重实验动物病例的时候, 会获得积极的效果,结果令人难以置信。
formulation:n.构想,规划;公式化;简洁陈述; injectable:n.血管注射剂;adj.可注射的; physician:n.[医]医师;内科医师; critical:adj.鉴定的;[核]临界的;批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的;决定性的;评论的; positive:adj.积极的;[数]正的,[医][化学]阳性的;确定的;n.正数;[摄]正片;
In one model of heart attack, animals given hydrogen sulfide showed a 70 percent reduction in heart damage compared to those who got the standard of care that you and I would receive if we were to have a heart attack here today. 在一例心脏病案例中, 实验动物注射了硫化氢 结果,与对照组相比 心脏受损比例减少了百分之七十。 而我们大家目前在医院能够获得的,都是对照组所获得的标准护理。
reduction:n.减少;缩小;降低;减价;折扣;缩图; compared:adj.比较的,对照的; v.相比; (compare的过去式和过去分词) have a heart:v.发慈悲;
Same is true for organ failure, when you have loss of function owing to poor perfusion of kidney , of liver , acute respiratory distress syndrome and damage suffered in cardiac-bypass surgery . 对于器官功能衰竭的结果也类似 比如肾、肝供给不足而造成的功能丧失, 以及急性呼吸窘迫综合征 和进行心脏搭桥手术而对新增造成的损害等,都可受益于此。
owing:adj.未付的:拖欠:未付:v.欠(债):归功于:起源于(owe的现在分词) perfusion:n.灌注;充满; kidney:n.[解剖]肾脏;腰子;个性; liver:n.肝;(动物供食用的)肝; acute:adj.严重的,[医]急性的;敏锐的;激烈的;尖声的; respiratory:adj.呼吸的; distress:n.危难,不幸;贫困;悲痛;v.使悲痛;使贫困; syndrome:n.[临床]综合征;综合症状;并发症状;校验子;并发位; surgery:n.外科;外科手术;手术室;诊疗室;
So, these are the thought leaders in trauma medicine all over the world saying this is true, so it seems that exposure to hydrogen sulfide decreases damage that you receive from being exposed to otherwise lethal-low oxygen. 因此,全世界创伤医疗的领头人物 都认为这确实是真的, 这样看来,吸入硫化氢 可以减少身体 暴露在致命低氧环境中受损的可能性。
exposure:n.暴露;显露;揭露;面临; decreases:减少(decrease的复数);
And I should say that the concentrations of hydrogen sulfide required to get this benefit are low, incredibly low. 而且我需要指出,要达到这种效果所需的 硫化氢的浓度 非常低,低得令人难以置信。
In fact, so low that physicians will not have to lower or dim the metabolism of people much at all to see the benefit I just mentioned, which is a wonderful thing, if you're thinking about adopting this. 事实上,其浓度如此之低,医生不会明显降低 人的新陈代谢率 就能看到我刚才所说的好处, 这是一个非常好的事情,如果我们考虑采用这种办法的话。
physicians:n.[内科]内科医生(physician的复数); dim:adj.暗淡的,昏暗的; v.使暗淡,使失去光泽; n.笨蛋,傻子; metabolism:n.[生理]新陈代谢; adopting:v.收养;领养;采用;表决采纳;(adopt的现在分词)
You don't want to be gorking people out just to save them, it's really confusing . 当然,我们不想为了救人 先把人弄得半死,这是很不好判断
confusing:adj.令人困惑; v.使糊涂; (confuse的现在分词)
(Laughter) (笑声.)
So, I want to say that we're in human trials. 我要说的是,我们在进行人体试验。
Now, and so -- 现在,——
(Applause) (掌声。 )
Thank you. The Phase 1 safety studies are over, and we're doing fine, we're now moved on. 谢谢。第一阶段的安全性研究已经结束, 而且我们做得很好,我们现在要继续下一步。
We have to get to Phase 2 and Phase 3. It's going to take us a few years. 我们必须进行第二阶段和第三阶段的试验。这要花费数年的时间。
This has all moved very quickly, and the mouse experiments of hibernating mice happened in 2005; the first human studies were done in 2008, and we should know in a couple of years whether it works or not. 这些都进行得非常快, 冬眠小鼠实验 是在2005年做的, 第一次人类研究是在2008年, 几年内,我们就能知道 这个办法究竟是否可行。
And this all happened really quickly because of a lot of help from a lot of people. 而这一切都发生得非常快 因为我们得到了许多的很多帮助。
I want to mention that, first of all , my wife, without whom this talk and my work would not be possible, so thank you very much. 首先,我想提一下 我的妻子,没有她,我的这个演讲以及这些工作都是不可能的, 非常感谢。
first of all:adv.首先;
Also, the brilliant scientists who work at my lab and also others on staff, the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle , Washington -- wonderful place to work. 此外,感谢在我的实验室工作的杰出的科学家们 以及华盛顿州西雅图的弗雷德哈钦森癌症研究中心的 其他工作人员, 感谢这么好的工作场所。
Cancer:n.癌症;恶性肿瘤; Seattle:n.西雅图(美国一港市);
And also the wonderful scientists and businesspeople at Ikaria. 还要感谢 Ikaria公司的科学家和商界精英。
One thing those people did out there was take this technology of hydrogen sulfide, which is this start-up company that's burning venture capital very quickly, and they fused it with another company that sells another toxic gas that's more toxic than hydrogen sulfide, 这家公司的人们 将这一硫化氢的技术, ——这一技术耗资甚巨,因此这个初创公司的风险投资用得很快—— 他们将其与另一家公司的技术融合 那家公司销售另一种有毒气体 比硫化氢的毒性还大得多,
technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; start-up:n.启动;adj.起动阶段的;开始阶段的(异体字startup); venture capital:风险投资; fused:adj.装有熔断器的;v.(使)融合,熔断(fuse的过去分词和过去式)
and they give it to newborn babies who would otherwise die from a failure to be able to oxygenate their tissues properly. 他们用它治疗某些新生婴儿,这些婴儿本来 无法让器官正常吸收氧气,有夭折的危险。
oxygenate:vt.氧化,充氧;以氧处理;使…与氧化合; tissues:n.纸巾,手巾纸;(人、动植物细胞的)组织;(tissue的复数)
And this gas that is delivered in over a thousand critical care hospitals worldwide , now is approved , on label , and saves thousands of babies a year from certain death. 这种气体,现在在 全世界1000多家危重病医院都有使用, 已经获得批准, 每年能拯救数千名婴儿 免于死亡。
worldwide:adj.全世界的;adv.在世界各地; approved:adj.被正式接受的,被正式认可的; v.赞成; (approve的过去分词和过去式) label:n.标签;标记;谓;唱片公司;v.贴标签于;用标签标明;
(Applause) (掌声。 )
So it's really incredible for me to be a part of this. 因此,这真是令人难以置信 我竟然也能参与到这样的工作中。
And I want to say that I think we're on the path of understanding metabolic flexibility in a fundamental way, and that in the not too distant future, an EMT might give an injection of hydrogen sulfide, or some related compound , to a person suffering severe injuries , and that person might de-animate a bit, they might become a little more immortal. 我想说,我认为我们正在 逐步从根本上了解 代谢的灵活性, 而且在不太遥远的将来, 内科急救专家可能会 给遭受严重伤害的病人注射硫化氢 或一些相关的化合物, 这样的病人可能会降低活性, 但却能因此而保留生命。
fundamental:n.基础; adj.十分重大的; distant:adj.遥远的;远处的;久远的; injection:n.注射;大量资金的投入;(液体的)注入; compound:v.合成; adj.混合; n.大院; severe:adj.极为恶劣的;十分严重的;严厉的;苛刻的; injuries:n.伤害,损伤;挫伤;(injury的复数)
Their metabolism will fall as though you were dimming a switch on a lamp at home. 他们的新陈代谢将下降 就像你把家里的灯拧暗一些。
dimming:n.调光;变暗;v.变暗(dim的现在分词); switch on:n.接通; lamp:n.灯;台灯;(理疗用的)发热灯;
And then, they will have the time, that will buy them the time, to be transported to the hospital to get the care they need. 这样,他们就会赢得时间, 可以被送到医院 在那里获得所需的照顾。
And then, after they get that care -- like the mouse, like the skier, like the 65-year-old woman -- they'll wake up. 然后,在得到相应的医疗之后, 像像实验中的老鼠,或是那个像滑雪, 或是像那位65岁的妇女那样, 他们会醒来。
A miracle? 奇迹?
We hope not, or maybe we just hope to make miracles a little more common. 我们希望不是奇迹,也许我们只是希望 让这样的奇迹变得更普通。
Thank you very much. 非常感谢。
(Applause) (掌声。 )