

As the sun rises over Delphi in 500 BCE, 公元前 500 年, 太阳升起照耀德尔菲,
Aristonike hurries to the temple of Apollo . 亚莉丝托妮姬赶往阿波罗的神庙,
Like all Greeks, she's known the legend of Delphi since childhood . 和所有希腊人一样, 她从小就知道德尔菲的传说。
Two eagles released by Zeus from opposite ends of the Earth met on the slopes of Mount Parnassus, identifying Delphi as the center of the world. 宙斯曾在世界的两端释放两只苍鹰, 牠们在帕纳塞斯山的山坡上交会, 确立位在该处的德尔菲为世界中心。
Apollo:n.阿波罗(太阳神);美男子; legend:n.传奇;说明;图例;刻印文字; childhood:n.童年;幼年;孩童时期 released:v.释放;使免除;已发布;(release的过去分词和过去式) slopes:n.倾斜,斜坡;[数]斜率;山坡翱(slope的复数形式); Mount:n.山;坐骑;山峰;衬纸板;v.登上;爬上;攀登;准备; identifying:n.识别,标识;标识关系;v.识别;(identify的现在分词)
Marking this spot was a mysterious stone guarded by a legendary serpent called the pytho. 交会处有块神秘石头,由传说中一只名为「皮托」的蛇看守。
But when Apollo killed the pytho, he made Delphi his home— establishing the city as the best place in the world to seek guidance directly from the God of Prophecy . 但是当阿波罗杀了皮托之后, 他将德尔菲当成自己的家, 将这座城市确立为世界上 直接向预言之神寻求指点的首选之地。
mysterious:adj.神秘的;不可思议的;难解的; legendary:adj.传说的,传奇的;n.传说集;圣徒传; serpent:n.蛇(尤指大蛇或毒蛇);狡猾的人; establishing:v.建立;创立;设立;使稳固;(establish的现在分词) seek:v.寻求;寻找;谋求; directly:adv.直接地;立即;马上;正好地;坦率地;conj.一…就; Prophecy:n.预言;预言书;预言能力;
Well, almost directly. 嗯,「算是」直接吧。
At any given time, a single oracle known as the Pythia communicates Apollo’s will. 在任何时候,独一无二的神谕祭司「皮媞亚」 会传达阿波罗的旨意。
Reserved only for women, this is the most important job in the city— and one that Aristonike will soon have to take on as the current Pythia-in-training. 这职位只能由女性来担任, 是这城市中最重要的职位── 亚莉丝托妮姬是见习中的皮媞亚, 很快就会担任这个职位。
oracle:n.神谕;预言;神谕处;圣人; Reserved:adj.内向的; v.预订,预约; (reserve的过去分词和过去式)
Despite serving in the Temple of Apollo for many years, 尽管在阿波罗神庙服务多年,
Aristonike is still uncertain that she’s wise enough to fulfill this role. 亚莉丝托妮姬仍然不确定 她是否有足够的智慧胜任这份职责。
But these doubts will have to wait. 但她必须暂时放下这些疑虑。
Today she’ll be shadowed by officials from the city’s governing council . 今天,城市市政会的官员们 会对她进行视察。
Despite:prep.尽管,不管;n.轻视;憎恨;侮辱; uncertain:adj.无常的;含糊的;靠不住的;迟疑不决的; fulfill:v.执行,贯彻;完成,实现;兑现;达到;起到; council:n.(市、郡等的)政务委员会;市政(或地方管理)服务机构;
If her performance meets their standards , this is the day she’ll become the new Oracle of Delphi. 如果她的表现符合标准, 这天她就会成为德尔菲的新神谕祭司。
In the heart of the temenos, or sacred enclosure , 在「特米诺斯」,神圣境地的中心,
Aristonike greets the current Oracle and the city officials. 亚莉丝托妮姬迎接 现任的女祭司与市府官员,
The group joins the procession to the Castilian Spring, where the Pythia performs a purification ceremony to prepare for a day of prophecy. 一行人列队前往卡丝特莉亚圣泉, 在那里,皮媞亚会举行净化仪式, 为接下来一整天的预言做准备。
performance:n.性能;表现;业绩;表演; standards:n.标准,水平,规格(standard的复数) enclosure:n.附件;围墙;围场; procession:n.行列; v.排队前进; performs:v.执行;表演;演出;履行(perform的第三人称单数) purification:n.净化;提纯;涤罪; ceremony:n.典礼,仪式;礼节,礼仪;客套,虚礼;
To establish whether Apollo is willing to be consulted , 为了要确认阿波罗是否愿意回答问题,
Aristonike brings water from the spring to the temple priests , who sprinkle it on a goat. 亚莉丝托妮姬将泉水 拿给神庙的祭司们, 他们便将泉水洒在一只山羊上。
If the goat shudders , it will be a prophecy day. 如果山羊因此而发抖, 今天就是可行预言之日。
If not, travelers from as far away as modern day Sicily, Egypt, and Afghanistan will have to wait an entire month to consult the Oracle again. 如果没有,远从现今的西西里岛、 埃及和阿富汗前来的旅行者们 必须再等一整个月才能向女祭司请教。
consulted:v.咨询;请教;商议;查阅;查询;参看(consult的过去分词和过去式) priests:n.司祭,神父;教士,祭司,僧侣;(priest的复数) sprinkle:v.撒;洒;把…撒(或洒)在…上;用…点缀;下小雨;n.小雨; shudders:n.发抖;战栗;震动;vi.发抖;战栗; Afghanistan:n.阿富汗(国家名称,位于亚洲);
Fortunately , Apollo is in a communicative mood . 幸好,阿波罗很乐意进行交流。
Delphians are first in line, most seeking advice about business or marriage. 德尔菲市民排在队伍最前面, 他们大多寻求商業或婚姻上的建议。
Following the locals are other Greeks and then non-Greeks, including ambassadors from great cities who plan to ask about whether to go to war, or where they should found new colonies. 接着当地人之后,便是其他希腊人, 再来是非希腊人, 包含来自大城市的大使, 他们前来打算询问是否该开战, 或他们要到哪里找新的殖民地。
Fortunately:adv.幸运地; communicative:adj.交际的;爱说话的,健谈的;无隐讳交谈的; mood:n.情绪,语气;心境;气氛; seeking:v.寻找;寻求;谋求;争取;(向人)请求(seek的现在分词) ambassadors:n.大使(ambassador的复数形式);
Most supplicants bring two options for the Pythia to choose between, alongside the obligatory sacrificial cake. 前来祈求的人们会向皮媞亚 提出两个选项来让她选择, 此外,献上作为祭品的糕点是必要的。
Aristonike reports back to the Pythia, pointing out important figures and sharing some of their concerns— all while the city counselor takes notes on her performance. 亚莉丝托妮姬向皮媞亚回禀, 指出几位重要人物, 并分享一些他们的忧虑── 市政顾问同时也在一旁记录她的表现。
supplicants:n.恳求者,哀求者,祈求者;(supplicant的复数) options:n.选择; v.得到或获准进行选择; (option的三单形式) obligatory:adj.义务的;必须的;义不容辞的; sacrificial:adj.牺牲的;献祭的; counselor:n.顾问;法律顾问;参事(等于counsellor);
Then the Pythia disappears into her oracular chamber known as the adyton. 接着,皮媞亚会隐身进入 被称作「阿底顿」的神谕室。
Inside, she’ll channel the inspiration of Apollo, uttering ambiguous prophecies the questioners must interpret . 在里面,她会感应阿波罗的启示, 吐露出含糊的预言, 而询问者必须自行解读。
The adyton is the one place in the temple Aristonike isn’t allowed to go. 在这座神庙里,「阿底顿」是 亚莉丝托妮姬不许进入的地方。
disappears:v.消失;不见;消亡;失踪;丢失;(disappear的第三人称单数) oracular:adj.神谕的;谜似的;玄妙深奥的; chamber:n.(身体或器官内的)室,膛; adj.室内的; vt.把…关在室内; uttering:v.发出;作声;使用伪币(utter的ing形式);n.故意提供或传递伪造文件罪; ambiguous:adj.模糊不清的;引起歧义的; prophecies:n.预言(prophecy的复数); questioners:n.发问者;质问者; interpret:v.诠释;说明;口译;把…理解为;
So while consultations continue, the Oracle-in-training sets off to collect wood for the temple’s eternal flame. 所以,当谘询持续进行时, 见习的女祭司到外头 为庙里的长明圣火收集木材。
While gathering branches from the sacred laurel trees, 当她从神圣的月桂树上采收树枝时,
Aristonike spies wealthy Greeks training for the upcoming Pythian Games. 亚莉丝托妮姬偷看有钱的希腊人 为即将到来的皮媞亚运动会进行训练。
Second in importance only to the Olympics, these games bring great riches and attention to Delphi. 这项活动的重要性 仅次于奥林匹亚运动会, 这些赛事为德尔菲吸引来 庞大的财富与关注。
consultations:n.磋商;咨询(consultation的复数); eternal:adj.永恒的;不朽的; laurel:n.桂冠,殊荣;月桂树;v.授予荣誉,使戴桂冠; upcoming:adj.即将来临的;
Typically , Aristonike would pause to admire the athletes , but today she’s more focused on impressing her observer . 亚莉丝托妮姬通常会 停下来欣赏这些运动员, 但今天她更专注于 给视察者留下好印象。
Taking the exact amount of branches necessary, she hurries back to the temple for her long awaited evaluation . 带走所需数量刚好的的树枝, 她赶回神庙听取期待已久的评估结果。
The counselor who shadowed her shares his notes with the other officials, and after a brief discussion, their leader nods. 视察她的市政顾问 向其他官员分享他的纪录, 在一阵短暂的讨论之后, 他们的领导者点点头。
Typically:adv.代表性地;作为特色地; athletes:n.运动员;身强体健的人(athlete的复数形式); impressing:n.印象,特徵;压印;v.引用;征用;盖印(impress的现在分词) observer:n.观察员;观察者;观察家;观测者; awaited:等候;等待; evaluation:n.评价;[审计]评估;估价;求值;
He endorses Aristonike as the new Oracle— and the Pythia offers Apollo’s blessing on their verdict . 他宣布亚莉丝托妮姬 成为新的神谕祭司, 而皮媞亚也对他们的决定 献上阿波罗的祝福。
Approaching Aristonike beside the sacred hearth , the Pythia finally unveils the secrets of her trade. 在神圣的炉火旁, 她找亚莉丝托妮姬谈话, 皮媞亚终于吐露她这行的秘密。
Passed directly from one Oracle to the next, no history book will ever record these details. 秘密从这一任的神谕祭司 直接传授给下一任, 没有史书能记载这些细节。
endorses:vt.背书;认可;签署;赞同;在背面签名; verdict:n.结论;裁定; Approaching:v.靠近,接近;接洽;建议;要求;(approach的现在分词) hearth:n.灶台;炉边;炉床;壁炉地面; finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; unveils:v.为…揭幕;(首次)展示,介绍,推出;将…公之于众;(unveil的第三人称单数)
But the Pythia’s insights will guide all of Aristonike’s future prophecies— shaping wars, politics , and relationships for years to come, and making Aristonike one of the most powerful women in the ancient world. 但是皮媞亚的洞见将会引导 亚莉丝托妮姬未来的所有预言── 引导未来几年的战争、 政局和外交关系, 使亚莉丝托妮姬成为古代世界里 其中一名最有影响力的女性。
As the Pythia concludes her final lesson, she points to two inscriptions on the temple walls: 当皮媞亚结束她最后一次的指导后, 她指着神庙墙上的两则铭文:
Left alone to ponder these ideas, 新任神谕祭司独自一人思索这些想法,
Aristonike feels the first touch of Apollo’s inspiration— the insight that keeping an open mind may be more important than finding a single answer. 亚莉丝托妮姬第一次感受到 阿波罗的启示── 这洞见即是,保持开放的心胸 或许比找到唯一的解答 来得更加重要。
insights:n.洞察力;眼力;深刻见解(insight的复数); politics:n.政治;钩心斗角;政治观点;v.(贬)从事政治活动;(politic的第三人称单数) concludes:v.结束; (conclude的第三人称单数) inscriptions:n.铭文;碑文;题字(inscription的复数); ponder:vt.仔细考虑;衡量;vi.考虑;沉思;